Charging Chair notes
2021/11/24 8:25
Group Photo
2021/11/24 13:49
OAM leadership notes
2021/12/02 6:55
S5-216511d1 LSout on Enhancement on Charging Identifier Uniqueness Mechanism.docx
2021/11/19 8:26
20 KB
2021/11/25 7:14
22,5 KB
2021/11/27 6:50
22,6 KB
S5-216234rev1 pCR TR 28.925 Add conclusion and recommendation for Issue#6.docx
2021/11/18 4:10
24,3 KB
S5-216234rev2 pCR TR 28.925 Add conclusion and recommendation for Issue#6.docx
2021/11/19 12:27
24,4 KB
S5-216125rev1 pCR 28.104 Replace alarm incident with alarm information.docx
2021/11/22 7:24
24,7 KB
S5-216260rev2 pCR 28.104 Add alarm related incident analysis use case.docx
2021/11/22 12:18
25 KB
S5-216401rev1 DP on YANG solution set for Inventory.docx
2021/11/22 16:37
26 KB
S5-216386rev1 pCR 28.819 Providing detailed information for testing an NF .docx
2021/11/18 11:52
26,1 KB
S5-216375rev1 New SID on new aspects of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/17 12:25
26,7 KB
S5-216386rev2 pCR 28.819 Providing detailed information for testing an NF .docx
2021/11/19 15:10
26,8 KB
S5-216376rev1 New WID on enhancement of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/17 12:25
26,9 KB
2021/11/25 2:39
26,9 KB
2021/11/25 2:39
27 KB
S5-216375rev2 New SID on new aspects of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/19 14:08
27 KB
S5-216139rev2 New work item charging enhancement for 5G CIoT.docx
2021/11/22 12:06
27,2 KB
S5-216378rev1 pCR - 28.819 Add initial recomendations.docx
2021/11/18 15:41
27,3 KB
S5-216378rev2 pCR - 28.819 Add initial recomendations.docx
2021/11/19 14:38
27,6 KB
S5-216375rev3 New SID on evaluation of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/23 4:02
27,7 KB
S5-216056rev1 pCR 28.557 Update names for management modes of NPN.docx
2021/11/19 2:13
28,2 KB
S5-216260rev1 pCR 28.104 Add alarm related incident analysis use case.docx
2021/11/17 7:19
28,2 KB
S5-216254rev1 pCR 28.819 Solution of test orchestration.doc
2021/11/23 9:55
28,4 KB
S5-216376rev2 New WID on enhancement of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/19 14:08
28,5 KB
S5-216359rev1 -FS_Smart_Energy_Management_WID-05.zip
2021/11/17 11:57
28,7 KB
S5-216376rev3 New SID on enhancement of autonomous network levels.docx
2021/11/23 4:02
28,7 KB
S5-216268 pCR 28.104 add inter-gNB beam selection optimization_Nokia.docx
2021/11/18 11:29
29 KB
S5-216274r1_pCR draft TS28.104 add MDA related data and usecase requirements.docx
2021/11/18 7:33
29,1 KB
S5-216359rev3 -FS_Smart_Energy_Management_WID-05.zip
2021/11/22 9:08
29,2 KB
S5-216181rev1 pCR 28.824 Concept definition for Exposed Management Service.docx
2021/11/17 10:16
29,3 KB
S5-216380rev1 pCR 28.819 Automated operational testing.docx
2021/11/18 11:52
29,7 KB
S5-216359rev4 -FS_Smart_Energy_Management_WID-05.zip
2021/11/22 16:26
29,8 KB
S5-216265rev1 pCR 28.104 add energy saving analysis.docx
2021/11/17 7:19
29,8 KB
S5-216181rev2 pCR 28.824 Concept definition for Exposed Management Service.docx
2021/11/18 11:33
29,9 KB
S5-216360rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Add attributes of the IntentReport.docx
2021/11/19 13:00
30 KB
S5-216275_pCR draft TS28.104 add slice coverage analysis_Nokia.docx
2021/11/18 12:03
30 KB
S5-216275rev2_pCR draft TS28.104 add slice coverage analysis.docx
2021/11/19 16:43
30 KB
S5-216060rev1 pCR 28.557 Update NPN management aspects.docx
2021/11/18 8:36
30,1 KB
S5-216582d1 pCR 28.824 Concept definition for Exposed Management Service.docx
2021/11/25 10:26
30,1 KB
S5-216627d1 pCR 28.825 Add analysis and comparison of potential solutions.docx
2021/11/25 1:59
30,4 KB
S5-216627d2 pCR 28.825 Add analysis and comparison of potential solutions.docx
2021/11/25 8:40
31,1 KB
S5-216139rev1 New work item charging enhancement for 5GS CIoT.docx
2021/11/18 14:04
31,2 KB
S5-216128rev1 pCR 28.104 Paging Optimization usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/18 18:41
31,9 KB
S5-216627d3 pCR 28.825 Add analysis and comparison of potential solutions.docx
2021/11/26 7:10
31,9 KB
S5-216371rev1 New Rel-18 SID measurment data for RAN intelligence.docx
2021/11/17 13:31
31,9 KB
S5-216167rev1 New SID Intent driven management for 5GC.docx
2021/11/19 8:06
31,9 KB
S5-216128rev2 pCR 28.104 Paging Optimization usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/19 19:04
32,2 KB
S5-216175rev1 pCR 28.104 Alignment of terminology.docx
2021/11/15 16:05
32,4 KB
S5-216065rev1 pCR 28.813 Update impact on normative work of Key Issue 4.docx
2021/11/16 2:58
32,5 KB
S5-216274rev2_pCR draft TS28.104 add MDA related data and usecase requirements.docx
2021/11/19 16:43
32,5 KB
S5-216064rev1 pCR 28.813 Update solution of Key Issue 6.docx
2021/11/16 3:23
32,7 KB
S5-216627d4 pCR 28.825 Add analysis and comparison of potential solutions.docx
2021/11/26 8:48
32,7 KB
S5-216175rev2 pCR 28.104 Alignment of terminology.docx
2021/11/17 11:51
32,7 KB
S5-216359rev2 -FS_Smart_Energy_Management_WID-05.docx
2021/11/18 11:03
32,8 KB
S5-216243rev2 New SID on Management for Cloud Native Virtualized Network - 副本.docx
2021/11/18 16:22
32,8 KB
S5-216064rev2 pCR 28.813 Update solution of Key Issue 6.docx
2021/11/19 7:24
32,9 KB
S5-216127rev1 pCR 28.104 Software Management usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/18 18:26
32,9 KB
2021/11/25 2:43
32,9 KB
S5-216049rev1 New Rel-18 Work Item on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/16 16:40
32,9 KB
2021/11/25 2:43
32,9 KB
S5-216056rev2 pCR 28.557 Update names for management modes of NPN.docx
2021/11/22 7:39
32,9 KB
S5-216627d5 pCR 28.825 Add analysis and comparison of potential solutions.docx
2021/11/27 7:10
33 KB
S5-216127rev2 pCR 28.104 Software Management usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/22 20:32
33,1 KB
S5-216371rev2 New Rel-18 SID measurment data for RAN intelligence.docx
2021/11/18 1:26
33,3 KB
S5-216049rev2 New Rel-18 Work Item on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/17 12:28
33,3 KB
S5-216306rev1 New R18 SID on conflict management.docx
2021/11/19 10:53
33,4 KB
S5-216048rev1 New Rel-18 Study on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/16 16:32
33,4 KB
S5-216049rev3 New Rel-18 Work Item on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/18 17:54
33,5 KB
S5-216306rev2 New R18 SID on conflict management.docx
2021/11/22 10:53
33,5 KB
S5-216127rev3 pCR 28.104 Software Management usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/23 8:14
33,6 KB
S5-216129rev1 pCR 28.104 HO Optimization usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/18 19:39
33,6 KB
S5-216129rev3 pCR 28.104 HO Optimization usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/23 7:54
33,7 KB
S5-216129rev2 pCR 28.104 HO Optimization usecase and requirements.docx
2021/11/22 20:38
33,7 KB
S5-216049rev4 New Rel-18 Work Item on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/23 10:43
33,7 KB
S5-216131rev1 New SID on Charging Aspects for Enhanced Support of Non-Public Networks.docx
2021/11/17 10:35
33,8 KB
S5-216359rev5 -FS_Smart_Energy_Management_WID-05.docx
2021/11/23 10:57
33,9 KB
S5-216175rev1 pCR 28.104 Alignment of terminology_Intel.docx
2021/11/16 20:43
34,1 KB
S5-216131rev2 New SID on Charging Aspects for Enhanced Support of Non-Public Networks.docx
2021/11/18 10:15
34,1 KB
S5-216131rev3 New SID on Charging Aspects for Enhanced Support of Non-Public Networks.docx
2021/11/23 7:44
34,2 KB
S5-216243rev3 New SID on Management for Cloud Native Virtualized Network.docx
2021/11/23 15:09
34,2 KB
S5-216579d2 New SID Study on Management of Cloud Native Virtualized Network Functions.docx
2021/11/26 13:33
34,4 KB
S5-216048rev2 New Rel-18 Study on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/17 12:28
34,5 KB
S5-216371rev3 New Rel-18 SID measurment data for RAN intelligence.docx
2021/11/20 21:53
34,6 KB
S5-216579d3 New SID Study on Management of Cloud Native Virtualized Network Functions.docx
2021/11/30 2:37
34,6 KB
S5-216048rev3 New Rel-18 Study on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/18 17:54
34,7 KB
S5-216306rev3 New R18 SID on conflict management.docx
2021/11/23 8:48
34,7 KB
S5-216048rev4 New Rel-18 Study on 5G energy efficiency enhancements.docx
2021/11/23 10:43
34,9 KB
S5-216243rev1 New SID on Management for Cloud Native Virtualized Network.docx
2021/11/15 12:54
35,3 KB
S5-216579d1 New SID Study on Management for Cloud Native Virtualized Network Functions.docx
2021/11/25 3:33
35,3 KB
S5-216615d1 Presentation sheet for approval of TR 28.811.doc
2021/11/25 10:31
35,5 KB
S5-216615d2 Presentation sheet for approval of TR 28.811.doc
2021/11/29 9:43
35,5 KB
S5-216168rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add N70 N71 stage 3.zip
2021/11/17 8:29
35,5 KB
S5-216421d1 Presentation sheet for approval of TR 28.817.doc
2021/11/23 2:08
36 KB
S5-216519d1 Presentation of TR 28.816 for approval.doc
2021/11/19 14:32
36,5 KB
S5-216362rev1_CR 28.552 Add PM on Handover failures per beam related to MRO for intra-system mobility.docx
2021/11/22 13:32
36,6 KB
S5-216120rev1 pCR 28.556 Change definition of policyStatus.doc
2021/11/19 3:16
36,6 KB
S5-216261rev1 pCR 28.312 update the intent definition.doc
2021/11/17 7:50
37,3 KB
S5-216146rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging in charging principle.docx
2021/11/17 9:38
37,4 KB
S5-216147rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging requirements.docx
2021/11/17 7:34
37,9 KB
S5-216231rev1 Rel-17 Input to draftCR S5-215550 TS 28.536 Add stage 3 SS definitions to assurance report for eCOSLA.docx
2021/11/22 3:56
38,2 KB
S5-216231rev2 Rel-17 Input to draftCR S5-215550 TS 28.536 Add stage 3 SS definitions to assurance report for eCOSLA.docx
2021/11/24 10:40
38,7 KB
S5-216269rev1 TS 28.531 Modification of network slice related requirements.docx
2021/11/18 15:03
39,3 KB
S5-216520d4 Presentation of TR 28.822 for information.doc
2021/11/24 6:56
39,5 KB
S5-216340rev1 Presentation of TR 28.815 for approval.doc
2021/11/22 14:43
39,5 KB
S5-216520d3 Presentation of TR 28.822 for information and approval.doc
2021/11/23 11:40
39,5 KB
S5-216269rev2 TS 28.531 Modification of network slice related requirements.docx
2021/11/18 14:50
39,6 KB
S5-216119rev1 pCR 28.556 Add notifications definition.doc
2021/11/22 8:41
39,9 KB
S5-216520d1 Presentation of TR 28.822 for Approval.doc
2021/11/22 3:48
40 KB
S5-216305rev1 Presentation of TR 32.846 for approval.doc
2021/11/22 13:36
40 KB
S5-216269rev3 TS 28.531 Modification of network slice related requirements.docx
2021/11/19 16:44
40 KB
S5-216269rev4 TS 28.531 Modification of network slice related requirements.docx
2021/11/23 1:56
40,1 KB
S5-216520d2 Presentation of TR 28.822 for information and approval.doc
2021/11/22 13:42
40,5 KB
S5-21XXXX Rel-17 CR 32.240 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging.docx
2021/11/17 9:48
40,8 KB
S5-216149rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.290 Addition of the Threshold based re-authorization triggers.docx
2021/11/22 13:11
41,1 KB
S5-216150rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.290 Addition of the Threshold based re-authorization triggers.docx
2021/11/22 13:11
41,4 KB
S5-216090rev1 Rel-17 Input to Draft CR 28.623 Update YANG for MNS Registry.docx
2021/11/23 11:30
41,5 KB
S5-216417d1 Reply on LS the QoE report handling at QoE pause.doc
2021/11/17 9:50
42 KB
S5-216413d1 Reply LS on on updating the readme.md file in 3GPP Forge.doc
2021/11/17 16:21
42 KB
S5-216498d3 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging.docx
2021/11/22 14:03
42 KB
S5-216368rev1 pCR 28.104 Add Obtaining MDA Output.docx
2021/11/17 8:56
42,4 KB
S5-216377rev2 pCR 28.104 Add MDA Request and Control .docx
2021/11/18 8:51
42,4 KB
S5-216377rev1 pCR 28.104 Add MDA Request and Control .docx
2021/11/17 8:56
42,4 KB
S5-216368rev2 pCR 28.104 Add Obtaining MDA Output.docx
2021/11/18 8:51
42,4 KB
S5-216136rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.422 Add new configuration parameter for beam level measurements in NR.docx
2021/11/16 7:58
42,4 KB
S5-216413d2 Reply LS on on updating the readme.md file in 3GPP Forge.doc
2021/11/21 13:30
42,5 KB
S5-216414d1 Reply on LS the mapping between service types and slice at application.doc
2021/11/17 9:50
42,5 KB
S5-216368rev3 pCR 28.104 Add Obtaining MDA Output.docx
2021/11/19 10:34
42,6 KB
S5-216136rev3 Rel-17 CR 32.422 Add new configuration parameter for beam level measurements in NR.docx
2021/11/19 9:55
42,8 KB
S5-216136rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.422 Add new configuration parameter for beam level measurements in NR.docx
2021/11/18 7:42
42,8 KB
S5-216415d1 Reply on LS QoE configuration and reporting related issues.doc
2021/11/17 9:47
43 KB
S5-216498d2 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging.docx
2021/11/18 9:24
43,1 KB
S5-216152rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.290 Clarification on the immediate Report.docx
2021/11/22 15:56
43,2 KB
S5-216447d2 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent-DG.docx
2021/12/01 11:40
43,3 KB
S5-216416d1 Reply LS on Network slice information from OAM.doc
2021/11/16 16:55
43,5 KB
S5-216614d1 Input to draft CR 28.313 DAPS handover services and procedures.docx
2021/11/25 10:32
43,6 KB
S5-216613d1 Input to draft CR 28.313 Conditional Handover services and procedures.docx
2021/11/25 8:02
43,7 KB
S5-215465rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Addition of QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service.docx
2021/11/24 6:47
43,7 KB
S5-216133rev1 CR TS 28.552 Add enhanced MIMO PRB Usage for cell.docx
2021/11/18 12:22
43,9 KB
S5-216407rev1 IMS parts in 28.705 to YANG-YAML.doc
2021/11/22 16:55
44 KB
S5-216357rev1 LS Reply to RAN3 on model deployment and update from OAM to NG-RAN.doc
2021/11/23 3:03
44 KB
S5-216152rev2 Rel-16 CR 32.290 Clarification on the immediate Report.docx
2021/11/23 11:06
44 KB
S5-216133rev2 CR TS 28.552 Add enhanced MIMO PRB Usage for cell.docx
2021/11/19 8:01
44,1 KB
S5-216319rev1 Input to draft CR 28.313 Conditional Handover services and procedures.docx
2021/11/18 12:12
44,2 KB
S5-216042rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent-Huawei Suggestion.docx
2021/11/21 3:16
44,6 KB
S5-216357rev2 LS Reply to RAN3 on model deployment and update from OAM to NG-RAN.doc
2021/11/23 13:29
45 KB
S5-216508d1 Presentation of TR 32.847 for information.doc
2021/11/22 10:11
45,5 KB
S5-216155rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.255 Correction on the User Location Time Description.docx
2021/11/19 12:12
45,5 KB
S5-216498d1 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Addition of the 5G LAN service charging.docx
2021/11/18 12:13
46,1 KB
S5-216320rev1 Input to draft CR 28.313 DAPS handover services and procedures.docx
2021/11/18 14:36
46,3 KB
S5-216042rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent-Huawei Suggestion 20211117.docx
2021/11/17 1:50
46,4 KB
S5-216394rev1 Rel-16 CR TS 28.535 Clarify communication service in requirement CSA-CON-06.docx
2021/11/19 17:08
46,9 KB
S5-216396rev1 Rel-17 CR TS 28.535 Clarify communication service in requirement CSA-CON-06.docx
2021/11/19 17:08
47,2 KB
S5-216394rev2 Rel-16 CR TS 28.535 Clarify communication service in requirement CSA-CON-06.docx
2021/11/23 10:05
47,3 KB
S5-216396rev2 Rel-17 CR TS 28.535 Clarify communication service in requirement CSA-CON-06.docx
2021/11/23 10:05
47,5 KB
S5-216341rev1 Rel-17 CR TS 28.554 Add definition of 5GC energy efficiency (EE) KPI.docx
2021/11/17 6:02
47,6 KB
S5-216351rev1 New Rel-18 SID on intent-driven management for network slicing.docx
2021/11/19 15:18
47,6 KB
S5-216412d1 Reply LS on Prioritized Vehicle to Cloud Technical Solutions (Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC)).doc
2021/11/17 2:34
48 KB
S5-216341rev3 Rel-17 CR TS 28.554 Add definition of 5GC energy efficiency (EE) KPI.docx
2021/11/19 10:07
48,3 KB
S5-216341rev2 Rel-17 CR TS 28.554 Add definition of 5GC energy efficiency (EE) KPI.docx
2021/11/19 1:42
48,8 KB
S5-216351rev2 New Rel-18 SID on intent-driven management for network slicing.docx
2021/11/23 10:21
48,9 KB
S5-216412d2 Reply LS on Prioritized Vehicle to Cloud Technical Solutions (Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC)).doc
2021/11/21 13:18
49 KB
S5-216412d1 Reply LS on Prioritized Vehicle to Cloud Technical Solutions (Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC))-Rev Orange.doc
2021/11/19 14:12
49 KB
S5-216351rev3 New Rel-18 SID on intent-driven management for network slicing.docx
2021/11/23 11:01
49,1 KB
S5-216578d1 New Rel-18 SID on intent-driven management for network slicing.docx
2021/11/25 9:55
49,2 KB
S5-216447d3 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/12/02 10:57
49,5 KB
S5-216255rev1 pCR 28.819 Use case of test data analysis.doc
2021/11/22 12:26
50,5 KB
S5-216075rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.275 Correction of references for converged charging.docx
2021/11/19 15:11
50,5 KB
S5-216134rev1 Discussion on enhanced MIMO PRB Usage for cell.docx
2021/11/19 8:02
50,5 KB
S5-216075rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.275 Correction of references for converged charging.docx
2021/11/22 6:53
50,6 KB
S5-216156rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Correction on the User Location Time Description.docx
2021/11/19 12:12
50,8 KB
S5-215465rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Addition of QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service.docx
2021/11/23 11:18
50,8 KB
S5-216347rev1 Rel-16 CR 28.622 Clarify behavior of NtfSubscriptionControl.docx
2021/11/17 8:09
51 KB
S5-216042rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent_Ericsson.docx
2021/11/22 0:32
51,3 KB
S5-216447d2 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/26 11:13
51,4 KB
S5-216073rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.281 Addition of IMS converged charging announcement.docx
2021/11/19 15:11
51,4 KB
S5-216349rev1 New Rel-18 WID on network slicing provisioning rules.docx
2021/11/17 17:36
51,9 KB
S5-216042rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/19 15:49
52,9 KB
S5-216042rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/16 13:40
53,1 KB
S5-216042rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/18 12:36
53,9 KB
S5-216042rev5 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/24 8:09
53,9 KB
S5-216273rev1 Add judge requirements and intent database query requirements for intent driven management.docx
2021/11/23 1:59
54 KB
S5-216374rev1 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/16 15:53
55 KB
S5-216253rev1 pCR 28.819 Solution of environment data collection.doc
2021/11/22 12:26
55 KB
S5-216419d1 LS on MANO performance measurements accuracy to estimate VNF energy consumption.doc
2021/11/18 16:14
55 KB
S5-216185rev3 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add coverage analysis requirement.doc
2021/11/23 1:29
55 KB
S5-216621d1 DraftCR for E-HOO - TS 28.313.docx
2021/11/30 13:55
55,2 KB
2021/11/17 20:01
55,5 KB
S5-216042rev4 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/22 10:38
55,5 KB
S5-216185rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add coverage analysis requirement.doc
2021/11/16 1:35
56 KB
S5-216447 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/24 17:09
56 KB
S5-216447d1 pCR TS 28.312 Description of Information Elements of an Intent.docx
2021/11/24 17:24
56 KB
S5-216422 Rel-17 CR 28.623 File Retrieval and Download Control NRM fragment, stage3 YANG.docx
2021/11/23 10:31
56,4 KB
S5-216185rev2 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add coverage analysis requirement.doc
2021/11/22 1:43
56,5 KB
S5-216251rev1 pCR 28.819 Solution of providing vendor feedback.doc
2021/11/19 13:49
56,5 KB
S5-216392rev1 YANG Solution Set for Generic Radio Access Network NRM.docx
2021/11/22 16:16
57 KB
S5-216144rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.822 Remove the editor‘s note for topic 4.doc
2021/11/21 12:54
58 KB
S5-216086rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 New use case MVNO without CHF.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
59 KB
2021/11/29 1:50
59,7 KB
S5-216365rev1 CR 28.541 Rel-17 5GC NRM enhancements for AMFFunction and ManagedNFProfile (Stage 3).docx
2021/11/23 8:04
59,9 KB
S5-216188rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add KPI anomaly analysis use case and requirement.doc
2021/11/16 1:27
60 KB
S5-216188rev2 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add KPI anomaly analysis use case and requirement.doc
2021/11/22 5:09
61,5 KB
S5-216190rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving requirement.doc
2021/11/17 2:15
62 KB
2021/11/29 1:50
62,8 KB
S5-216303rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.277 Introduction of 5G ProSe charging and high-level architecture.docx
2021/11/17 12:23
63,2 KB
S5-216367rev1 pCR - 28.819 Add Proposed overall process.docx
2021/11/18 11:52
63,4 KB
S5-216076rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of MMTel converged charging information.docx
2021/11/22 7:03
63,4 KB
S5-216367rev2 pCR - 28.819 Add Proposed overall process.docx
2021/11/19 15:10
63,6 KB
S5-216301rev1 Discussion on Intent Model.docx
2021/11/19 5:40
63,8 KB
S5-216324rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.313 Correct handover trigger.docx
2021/11/23 9:13
64,1 KB
S5-216324rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.313 Correct handover trigger.docx
2021/11/22 16:01
64,2 KB
S5-216081rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Use case size of charging information.doc
2021/11/19 15:21
64,5 KB
S5-216081rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Use case size of charging information.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
64,5 KB
S5-216076rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of MMTel converged charging information.docx
2021/11/19 15:11
65,1 KB
S5-216272rev1 TS28.541 CR Rel-17 Stage3 Update for UPF and PCF.docx
2021/11/19 16:44
65,2 KB
S5-216352rev1 Rel-16 CR 28.532 Correct spelling of notifyAlarmListRebuilt.docx
2021/11/20 7:34
65,4 KB
S5-216222rev1 pCR TS 28.312 pCR TS 28.312 Add generic Intent management requirements.doc
2021/11/18 13:51
65,5 KB
S5-216081rev3 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Use case size of charging information.doc
2021/11/23 10:37
65,5 KB
S5-216381rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.623 Stage 3 YANG correction of _3gpp-common-trace.docx
2021/11/17 17:07
66,1 KB
S5-216381rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.623 Stage 3 YANG correction of _3gpp-common-trace.docx
2021/11/23 10:53
66,3 KB
S5-216191rev2 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving solution.doc
2021/11/18 2:48
67 KB
S5-216078rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Use case trigger without usage.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
67 KB
S5-216191rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving solution.doc
2021/11/17 2:15
67 KB
S5-216079rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Solution for 3a based on service identifier.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
67,5 KB
S5-216191rev3 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving solution.doc
2021/11/23 6:18
67,5 KB
S5-216079rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Solution for 3a based on service identifier.doc
2021/11/22 9:46
67,5 KB
S5-216078rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Use case trigger without usage.doc
2021/11/22 9:29
68 KB
S5-216074rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of IMS converged charging announcement.docx
2021/11/19 15:11
68,3 KB
S5-216174rev1 pCR 28.556 update Policy Content definition.doc
2021/11/19 6:28
68,5 KB
S5-216238rev1 pCR 28.104 Add service experience analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/18 7:38
69 KB
S5-216191rev4 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving solution.doc
2021/11/23 8:32
69 KB
S5-216242 pCR 28.104 Add network slice instance load analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/18 7:40
69,5 KB
S5-216346rev1 DP on requesting a new TS number for AI&ML management.doc
2021/11/18 17:41
70 KB
S5-216551d1 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/24 17:06
70 KB
S5-216074rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of IMS converged charging announcement.docx
2021/11/22 6:53
70 KB
S5-216132rev1 New SID Study on Computing Power Management and Orchestration.doc
2021/11/16 12:26
70,2 KB
S5-216190rev2 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving requirement.doc
2021/11/22 9:13
70,5 KB
S5-216551d2 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/25 18:14
71 KB
S5-216184rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.623 Add support for MnS Discovery.docx
2021/11/22 11:05
71,1 KB
S5-216551d3 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/26 15:02
71,5 KB
S5-216218rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Update the concept of intent in clause 4.1.3.doc
2021/11/22 14:16
71,5 KB
S5-216218rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Update the concept of intent in clause 4.1.3.doc
2021/11/18 8:41
71,5 KB
S5-216242rev2 pCR 28.104 Add network slice load analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/19 10:29
72 KB
S5-216551d4 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/28 11:02
72 KB
S5-216374rev2 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/18 17:14
72 KB
S5-216190rev3 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA assisted Energy Saving requirement.doc
2021/11/23 6:18
72 KB
S5-216177rev1 pCR 28.538 add Provisioning MnS for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/16 2:44
72 KB
S5-216180rev1 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/17 13:31
72,2 KB
S5-216180rev2 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/19 9:43
72,3 KB
S5-216238rev2 pCR 28.104 Add service experience analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/23 9:03
72,5 KB
S5-216177rev2 pCR 28.538 add Provisioning MnS for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/17 3:42
72,5 KB
S5-216003d1 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/11/25 13:26
72,9 KB
S5-216237rev1 pCR 28.104 Add E2E latency analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/18 7:37
73 KB
S5-216003d2 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/11/26 1:15
73,7 KB
2021/11/25 2:44
74,1 KB
S5-216053rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 NRM for DAPS Stage 3.docx
2021/11/16 10:36
74,8 KB
S5-216003d3 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/11/30 16:22
75 KB
S5-216051rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 NRM for CHO Stage 3.docx
2021/11/16 9:55
75,1 KB
S5-216241rev1 pCR 28.104 Add network slice load analysis use case and requirements.DOC
2021/11/18 7:40
76 KB
S5-216180rev3 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/22 8:21
76 KB
2021/11/25 2:44
76,3 KB
S5-216236rev1 pCR 28.104 Add E2E latency analysis use case and requirements.DOC
2021/11/18 7:36
76,5 KB
S5-216239rev1 pCR 28.104 Add network slice throughput analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/23 9:05
76,5 KB
S5-216398rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.633 YANG Solution Set for Inventory Management.docx
2021/11/22 18:17
76,7 KB
S5-216328rev1 pCR 32.257 Add charging scenarios for 5GS usage charging for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/17 20:24
77 KB
S5-216003d5 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/12/01 10:39
77 KB
S5-216003d4 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/11/30 16:22
77 KB
S5-216003d7 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/12/07 12:31
77,1 KB
S5-216003d6 Post-meeting Email approval status.docx
2021/12/02 10:59
77,4 KB
S5-216328rev2 pCR 32.257 Add charging scenarios for 5GS usage charging for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/18 17:02
77,5 KB
S5-216242rev3 pCR 28.104 Add network slice load analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/23 9:06
77,5 KB
S5-216237rev2 pCR 28.104 Add E2E latency analysis solution.DOC
2021/11/23 9:02
77,5 KB
2021/11/18 13:59
78,5 KB
S5-216138rev1 New SID on new network resource usage type for charging in the 5G System (5GS).doc
2021/11/22 1:32
79 KB
S5-216263rev1 Revised New SID on Digital twin for network management.doc
2021/11/22 9:18
79,5 KB
S5-216091rev1 New Rel-18 WID on Enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/19 1:47
79,5 KB
2021/11/21 18:04
79,5 KB
S5-216343rev1 Rel-17 CR TS 28.622 Add condition information for threshold monitoring.docx
2021/11/18 8:07
79,7 KB
S5-216335rev1 pCR 28.104 Add use case and requirement for MDA assisted energy saving analysis.doc
2021/11/17 9:17
80 KB
S5-216374rev2 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5 Ericsson.doc
2021/11/22 12:58
80,5 KB
S5-216241rev2 pCR 28.104 Add network slice load analysis use case and requirements.DOC
2021/11/19 10:23
80,5 KB
S5-216046rev1 pCR TR 28.813 Change editor’s note to note in KI#3.doc
2021/11/16 16:45
81 KB
S5-216281_RP SID revised was SP-210136 SID on enhancement of service based management architecture.doc
2021/11/18 8:56
81 KB
S5-216158rev4 Rel-16 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/23 11:09
81,3 KB
S5-216159rev4 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/23 11:09
81,8 KB
S5-216121rev1 pCR 28.556 Add stage 3.doc
2021/11/22 10:26
82 KB
S5-216343rev2 Rel-17 CR TS 28.622 Add condition information for threshold monitoring.docx
2021/11/21 2:49
82,5 KB
S5-216318rev1 pCR 32.257 Add charging principles for 5GS usage charging for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/17 18:09
83 KB
S5-216281rev1 SID revised was SP-210136 SID on enhancement of service based management architecture.doc
2021/11/23 1:23
83 KB
S5-216187rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 Add alarm incident analysis solution.doc
2021/11/22 5:22
83 KB
S5-216338rev1 pCR 28.104 Add MDA capability for MDA assisted energy saving analysis.doc
2021/11/17 9:17
83,5 KB
S5-216374rev2 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5 Ericsson-VC(Huawei).doc
2021/11/22 15:40
83,5 KB
S5-216623d1 pCR 28.824 Add scenarios for exposure to middleware or applications.docx
2021/11/25 9:50
83,5 KB
S5-216229rev1 New SID on deterministic communication service assurance.doc
2021/11/19 14:15
84 KB
S5-216229rev2 New SID on deterministic communication service assurance.doc
2021/11/23 9:38
84 KB
S5-216285rev1 pCR TR 28.824 consolidate potential requirements of use cases for eMnS discovery service.doc
2021/11/20 15:02
84 KB
S5-216335rev2 pCR 28.104 Add use case and requirement for MDA assisted energy saving analysis.doc
2021/11/23 5:59
84 KB
S5-216318rev2 pCR 32.257 Add charging principles for 5GS usage charging for Edge Computing.doc
2021/11/19 13:19
84,5 KB
S5-216161rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.298 Addition of QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service.docx
2021/11/23 11:18
84,5 KB
S5-216123rev1 pCR 28.538 EESFunction definition and procedure.docx
2021/11/18 20:07
84,9 KB
S5-216285rev2 pCR TR 28.824 consolidate potential requirements of use cases for eMnS discovery service.doc
2021/11/22 13:41
85 KB
S5-216123rev2 pCR 28.538 EESFunction definition and procedure.docx
2021/11/23 8:09
85,4 KB
S5-216285rev3 pCR TR 28.824 consolidate potential requirements of use cases for eMnS discovery service.doc
2021/11/24 8:15
85,5 KB
S5-216322rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.313 Clause number correction.docx
2021/11/19 11:31
85,7 KB
S5-216374rev3 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/23 6:31
86,5 KB
S5-216338rev2 pCR 28.104 Add MDA capability for MDA assisted energy saving analysis.doc
2021/11/22 14:22
87 KB
S5-216374rev3 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5_VC(Huawei).doc
2021/11/23 7:04
87 KB
2021/11/25 3:22
87,2 KB
S5-216169rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.531 Update NSI and NSSI allocation precedures.docx
2021/11/17 14:00
87,4 KB
S5-216160rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service.docx
2021/11/23 11:18
87,9 KB
S5-216219rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Update the use case description to align with intent definition.doc
2021/11/18 12:52
88 KB
S5-216374rev4 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/23 9:26
88,5 KB
S5-216338rev3 pCR 28.104 Add MDA capability for MDA assisted energy saving analysis.doc
2021/11/23 8:07
89 KB
S5-216159rev3 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/22 16:02
89,6 KB
S5-216198rev1 Rel-17 CR TS 28.541 Update inclusive language modification for TS 28.541.docx
2021/11/22 2:48
89,6 KB
S5-216374rev5 Discussion on structuring Rel-18 work in SA5.doc
2021/11/23 15:25
90 KB
S5-216158rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/19 12:28
90,2 KB
S5-216158rev3 Rel-16 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/22 16:01
90,4 KB
S5-216158rev2 Rel-16 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/22 14:50
90,5 KB
S5-216159rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/22 14:50
90,6 KB
S5-216182rev1 New SID on alignment with GSMA OPG and ETSI MEC for Edge computing management.doc
2021/11/19 7:47
91,5 KB
S5-216182rev2 New SID on alignment with GSMA OPG and ETSI MEC for Edge computing management.doc
2021/11/22 1:13
92 KB
S5-216159rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Alignment of the charging data request and response.docx
2021/11/19 12:28
92,1 KB
S5-216080rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.826 Solution for 3a based on rating group map.doc
2021/11/22 9:15
93,5 KB
S5-216091rev4(merged version for S5-216091 and S5-216167) New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/22 12:46
94 KB
S5-216292rev1 Rel-17 Input to DraftCR 28.537 Add requirements for managing external management data.doc
2021/11/18 17:30
94 KB
S5-216091rev5(merged version for S5-216091 and S5-216167) New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/23 1:05
95 KB
S5-216308rev1 pCR TR 28.824 add procedure related to product onboarding.docx
2021/11/17 7:23
95,2 KB
S5-216091rev7(merged version for S5-216091 and S5-216167) New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/23 3:48
96 KB
S5-216091rev8(merged version for S5-216091 and S5-216167) New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/23 3:50
96 KB
S5-216091rev6(merged version for S5-216091 and S5-216167) New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/23 2:22
96 KB
S5-216193rev1 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA analysis request and reporting workflow.doc
2021/11/17 0:57
97 KB
S5-216160rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Addition of QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service.docx
2021/11/22 16:08
97,3 KB
S5-216577d1 New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/25 2:47
97,5 KB
S5-216193rev2 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA analysis request and reporting workflow.doc
2021/11/18 2:01
97,5 KB
S5-216577d3 New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/26 13:19
98 KB
S5-216577d5 New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/27 1:57
98 KB
S5-216577d4 New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/27 1:06
98 KB
S5-216180rev4 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/22 10:35
98,1 KB
S5-216230rev1 Rel-17 Input to draftCR S5-215550 TS 28.536 Updates to assurance report for eCOSLA.docx
2021/11/19 14:12
98,2 KB
S5-216403rev1 pCR 28.824 Add scenarios for exposure to middleware or applications.docx
2021/11/17 16:39
98,2 KB
S5-216403rev2 pCR 28.824 Add scenarios for exposure to middleware or applications.docx
2021/11/19 15:22
98,8 KB
S5-216180rev5 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/23 8:25
99,2 KB
S5-216403rev3 pCR 28.824 Add scenarios for exposure to middleware or applications.docx
2021/11/22 8:52
99,3 KB
S5-216577d2 New Rel-18 SID on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile network.doc
2021/11/26 11:57
99,5 KB
S5-216344rev1 pCR 28.104 Add MnS producer initiated ML model training.doc
2021/11/18 19:01
100 KB
S5-216180rev6 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/23 11:00
100 KB
S5-216342rev1 pCR 28.104 Add requirements for ML model training.doc
2021/11/18 19:00
100,5 KB
S5-216626d1 pCR 28.819 Describe ETSI NFV testing framework.docx
2021/11/25 10:25
100,7 KB
2021/11/17 20:01
101,3 KB
S5-216248rev1 Rel-17 network slice specific authentication.docx
2021/11/18 8:32
101,7 KB
S5-216405rev1 pCR 28.811 Update WI for isolation use cases.doc
2021/11/23 10:18
102 KB
S5-216313rev1 New Rel-18 SID AI and ML management.doc
2021/11/17 15:46
102 KB
S5-216173rev1 pCR 28.556 update Policy activation and deactivation procedure.doc
2021/11/19 6:39
103 KB
S5-216313rev2 New Rel-18 SID AI and ML management.doc
2021/11/23 5:16
103 KB
S5-216313rev3 New Rel-18 SID AI and ML management.doc
2021/11/23 15:24
103,5 KB
S5-216110rev1 pCR 28.538 PA MnS Info.doc
2021/11/19 17:22
103,5 KB
S5-216195rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.313 Add C-SON CCO control information.doc
2021/11/18 7:03
104 KB
S5-216364rev1 CR 28.541 Rel-17 Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment (Stage 2).docx
2021/11/19 11:19
104,2 KB
S5-216364rev2 CR 28.541 Rel-17 Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment (Stage 2).docx
2021/11/22 10:19
104,3 KB
S5-216195rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.313 Add C-SON CCO control information.doc
2021/11/23 2:19
104,5 KB
S5-216364rev3 CR 28.541 Rel-17 Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment (Stage 2).docx
2021/11/23 8:04
105,6 KB
S5-216170rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Update ServiceProfile and SliceProfile.docx
2021/11/19 13:40
105,7 KB
S5-216173rev2 pCR 28.556 update Policy activation and deactivation procedure.doc
2021/11/22 2:55
106 KB
S5-216069rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.291 Correcting response code references.docx
2021/11/19 15:11
106,7 KB
S5-216345rev1 pCR Add stage 2 structure for TS 28.104.doc
2021/11/19 18:36
109,5 KB
S5-216330rev1 pCR 28.815 Update the possible solutions for aggregated charging.doc
2021/11/18 17:33
112 KB
S5-216448d2 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC-DG.docx
2021/12/01 11:40
112 KB
2021/11/29 16:38
112,9 KB
S5-216302rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Introduction of 5G DDNMF in charging architecture for 5GS.docx
2021/11/17 12:04
113,2 KB
S5-216302rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Introduction of 5G DDNMF in charging architecture for 5GS.docx
2021/11/16 17:01
113,3 KB
S5-216333rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.422 Update to include trace failure administrative messages.docx
2021/11/22 15:29
114,4 KB
S5-216331rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.422 Update to include trace failure administrative messages.docx
2021/11/22 15:28
114,5 KB
S5-216040rev3 Rel-17 CR 28.313 add LBO solution.docx
2021/11/22 20:47
116 KB
S5-216040rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.313 add LBO solution.docx
2021/11/19 17:40
116 KB
S5-216040rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.313 add LBO solution.docx
2021/11/19 17:43
116,1 KB
S5-216040rev4 Rel-17 CR 28.313 add LBO solution.docx
2021/11/23 18:38
116,2 KB
S5-216308rev2 pCR TR 28.824 add procedure related to product onboarding.docx
2021/11/23 9:12
118 KB
S5-216109rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.552 connection BW measurements.doc
2021/11/17 17:48
119,5 KB
S5-216050rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 NRM for CHO.docx
2021/11/16 9:55
119,6 KB
S5-216271rev1 TS28.541 CR Rel-17 Enhance NRM of UDM function.docx
2021/11/19 16:44
123,3 KB
S5-216271rev2 TS28.541 CR Rel-17 Enhance NRM of UDM function.docx
2021/11/22 3:25
123,6 KB
S5-216221rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Update intent life cycle management in Annex B.1.doc
2021/11/18 15:51
126 KB
S5-216360rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Add attributes of the IntentReport.docx
2021/11/19 5:41
131,5 KB
2021/11/18 13:59
135,7 KB
S5-216619d1 Rel-16 CR TS 28.658 Update Generic RAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/25 3:02
136,8 KB
S5-216213rev1 Rel-15 CR TS 28.658 Update Generic RAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/18 7:08
136,9 KB
S5-216618d1 Rel-15 CR TS 28.658 Update Generic RAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/25 3:02
136,9 KB
S5-216214rev1 Rel-16 CR TS 28.658 Update Generic RAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/18 7:08
137,2 KB
S5-216194rev1 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/16 3:50
137,5 KB
S5-216194rev2 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/17 0:57
138 KB
S5-216454d3 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/27 1:26
138,5 KB
S5-216454d4 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/29 3:56
139 KB
S5-216360rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Add attributes of the IntentReport_NokiaProposal.docx
2021/11/19 15:23
141,5 KB
S5-216326rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Correct handover trigger.docx
2021/11/22 16:59
141,5 KB
S5-216093rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Stage 3 YANG updates for stage 2 CRs 214164, 214585-8.docx
2021/11/17 17:06
141,7 KB
S5-216326rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Correct handover trigger.docx
2021/11/18 9:09
142,2 KB
S5-216052rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 NRM for DAPS handover.docx
2021/11/16 10:36
142,4 KB
S5-216093rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Stage 3 YANG updates for stage 2 CRs 214164, 214585-8.docx
2021/11/25 9:20
143,1 KB
S5-216454d2 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/26 3:05
144 KB
S5-216230rev2 Rel-17 Input to draftCR S5-215550 TS 28.536 Updates to assurance report for eCOSLA.docx
2021/11/22 3:56
145,4 KB
S5-216247rev1 Rel-17 network slice protection on N6 interface.docx
2021/11/18 8:24
145,6 KB
S5-216247rev2 Rel-17 network slice protection on N6 interface.docx
2021/11/22 1:27
145,7 KB
S5-216454d1 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/25 2:37
148 KB
S5-216193rev3 Rel-17 PCR TS 28.104 add MDA analysis request and reporting workflow.doc
2021/11/22 2:02
149 KB
S5-216224rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/18 15:21
151 KB
S5-216224rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/22 15:52
152 KB
S5-216224rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/22 15:19
152,5 KB
S5-216224rev4 pCR TS 28.312 Update RadioNetworkExpectation.doc
2021/11/24 8:31
157,5 KB
S5-216055rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.310 Update energy saving solutions.docx
2021/11/19 1:28
159,8 KB
2021/11/25 2:48
160,9 KB
2021/11/25 2:48
161 KB
S5-216043rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC-Huawei Suggestion.docx
2021/11/21 3:16
167,2 KB
S5-216194rev3 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/18 2:02
168,5 KB
S5-216220rev1 pCR TS 28.312Add concept of intent translation.doc
2021/11/18 16:16
172 KB
S5-216233rev1 pCR TR 28.925 Add key issue on modelling of MnF.doc
2021/11/18 12:12
174,5 KB
S5-216094rev2 pCR Rel17 28405 Management Based Activation for NR.doc
2021/11/23 10:49
178,5 KB
S5-216233rev2 pCR TR 28.925 Add key issue on modelling of MnF.doc
2021/11/19 10:39
179 KB
S5-216054rev1 Rel-16 CR 28.310 Update energy saving solutions.docx
2021/11/19 1:28
179,4 KB
S5-216233rev3 pCR TR 28.925 Add key issue on modelling of MnF.doc
2021/11/19 15:50
179,5 KB
S5-216144rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.822 Remove the editor‘s note for topic 4.doc
2021/11/23 12:30
180 KB
S5-216094rev1 pCR Rel17 28405 Management Based Activation for NR.doc
2021/11/22 15:48
180,5 KB
S5-216325rev1 Rel-16 CR 28.541 Correct handover trigger.docx
2021/11/18 9:09
183,7 KB
S5-216411rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Correction on charging architecture for management domain.docx
2021/11/19 8:08
185,4 KB
S5-216411rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.240 Correction on charging architecture for management domain.docx
2021/11/19 6:51
185,6 KB
S5-216043rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC-Huawei Suggestion 20211117.docx
2021/11/17 1:50
185,8 KB
S5-216043rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/18 12:38
185,8 KB
S5-216043rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/16 13:41
186 KB
S5-216288rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.160 Amend stage 2 NRM specification template.doc
2021/11/19 8:07
186,5 KB
S5-216410rev2 Rel-16 CR 32.240 Correction on charging architecture for management domain.docx
2021/11/19 8:08
186,5 KB
S5-216410rev1 Rel-16 CR 32.240 Correction on charging architecture for management domain.docx
2021/11/18 11:48
186,5 KB
S5-216043rev3 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/19 12:02
186,6 KB
S5-216043rev2 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC_with reporting.docx
2021/11/17 17:47
190,4 KB
S5-216097rev1 pCR 28.315 PnC Procedure flows - minor updates.doc
2021/11/15 13:45
192 KB
S5-216300Rev1_pCR draft TS28.104 add use case and requirements for MDA historical data.doc
2021/11/19 14:19
196 KB
S5-216143rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.822 Correction on the Reference.doc
2021/11/19 2:19
197,5 KB
S5-216206rev1 Rel-17 DraftCR TS 28.531 Update procedure of reservation and checking feasibility of network slice subnet.docx
2021/11/19 12:41
199 KB
S5-216077rev1 Rel-17 pCR 32.847 New key issue on types of maximum.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
200,5 KB
S5-216077rev2 Rel-17 pCR 32.847 New key issue on types of maximum.doc
2021/11/22 9:04
201 KB
S5-216085rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.4.4.doc
2021/11/22 13:35
203 KB
S5-216085rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.4.4.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
203 KB
S5-216304rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.277 Add converged charging architecture for ProSe.docx
2021/11/19 15:16
208,6 KB
S5-216448d2 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/26 11:37
209,5 KB
S5-216043rev6 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/23 8:29
210,3 KB
S5-216043rev5 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/22 12:57
211,7 KB
S5-216448d3 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/12/02 10:57
212,1 KB
S5-216072rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Correcting home provided charging id at inter-PLMN V-SMF change.docx
2021/11/24 6:02
212,1 KB
S5-216448d4 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/12/02 13:42
212,3 KB
S5-216072rev1 Rel-17 CR 32.255 Correcting home provided charging id and trigger at inter-PLMN V-SMF change.docx
2021/11/22 8:02
212,5 KB
S5-216043rev7 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/24 8:23
212,7 KB
S5-216282rev2 Discussion Paper on exposure scenario.pdf
2021/11/21 15:34
212,8 KB
S5-216282rev3 Discussion Paper on exposure scenario.pdf
2021/11/22 8:28
214,3 KB
S5-216448 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/24 17:18
214,8 KB
S5-216448d1 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/24 17:24
214,8 KB
S5-216282rev5 Discussion Paper on exposure scenario.pdf
2021/11/23 9:45
215 KB
S5-216043rev4 pCR TS 28.312 Extend Attributes of the Intent IOC.docx
2021/11/22 10:37
215,1 KB
S5-216282rev4 Discussion Paper on exposure scenario.pdf
2021/11/23 6:59
215,2 KB
2021/11/25 16:46
216,1 KB
S5-216194rev4 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/19 3:16
218 KB
S5-216282rev1 Discussion Paper on exposure scenario.pdf
2021/11/18 16:21
219,2 KB
S5-216087rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 New potential solution MVNO without CHF.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
221 KB
S5-216087rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 New potential solution MVNO without CHF.doc
2021/11/19 15:35
222 KB
2021/11/25 2:33
225,5 KB
2021/11/19 8:28
233 KB
S5-216620d1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Stage 3 YANG updates for stage 2 CRs 214164, 214585-8.docx
2021/11/26 8:21
246,2 KB
S5-216194rev5 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/19 4:15
247 KB
S5-216178rev1 pCR 28.538 add transport view for EAS.DOC
2021/11/16 2:56
249 KB
S5-216194rev6 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/23 2:59
249,5 KB
2021/11/19 8:28
254,5 KB
S5-216205rev1 Rel-17 DraftCR TS 28.541 Add feasibility check NRM fragment.docx
2021/11/19 12:41
257,9 KB
S5-216304rev2 Rel-17 CR 32.277 Add converged charging architecture for ProSe.docx
2021/11/22 16:19
262,5 KB
S5-216316rev1 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/16 20:22
267 KB
S5-216316 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/16 20:21
267 KB
S5-216316rev2 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/17 17:07
268,5 KB
S5-216089rev1 CR Rel17 28405 adding SBA for UTRAN and LTE.doc
2021/11/22 17:32
269,5 KB
S5-216316rev4 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/18 17:08
270 KB
S5-216212rev1 Rel-16 CR TS 28.658 Update EUTRAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/18 6:55
270,2 KB
S5-216581d1 Rel-16 CR TS 28.658 Update EUTRAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/25 2:57
270,3 KB
S5-216316rev3 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/17 20:34
270,5 KB
S5-216580d1 Rel-15 CR TS 28.658 Update EUTRAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/25 2:57
270,8 KB
S5-216211rev1 Rel-15 CR TS 28.658 Update EUTRAN NRM to be applicable for SBMA.docx
2021/11/18 6:55
270,9 KB
S5-216316rev5 pCR 32.257 Add architecture for enabling edge applications.doc
2021/11/19 14:22
271 KB
S5-216596d1 Rel-17 Input to draftCR TS 28.536 Add assurance report for closed control loop.docx
2021/11/25 11:10
271,5 KB
S5-216334rev2 pCR 28.815 Add evaluation of edge application access charging via EAS.doc
2021/11/22 13:18
274 KB
S5-216334rev1 pCR 28.815 Add evaluation of edge application access charging via EAS.doc
2021/11/18 16:58
274 KB
S5-216088rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.5.4.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
276 KB
S5-216088rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.5.4.doc
2021/11/22 14:08
277 KB
S5-216088rev3 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.5.4.doc
2021/11/23 10:37
277,5 KB
S5-216162rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.815 Correction on CEF based architecuture in solution
2021/11/18 7:11
288 KB
S5-216228rev1 Rel-17 CR TS 28.541 Add tenant IOC to support multiple tenant environment.docx
2021/11/19 13:40
288,4 KB
S5-216390rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add network slice job class to NRM.docx
2021/11/22 22:04
288,9 KB
S5-216162rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.815 Correction on CEF based architecture in solution
2021/11/19 8:32
289,5 KB
S5-216612d1 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/25 2:38
293 KB
S5-216622d1 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/27 1:52
297,5 KB
S5-216087rev3 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 New potential solution MVNO without CHF.doc
2021/11/22 14:00
314 KB
S5-216084rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.3.4.doc
2021/11/22 13:21
315,5 KB
S5-216084rev3 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.3.4.doc
2021/11/23 10:37
316 KB
S5-216087rev4 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 New potential solution MVNO without CHF.doc
2021/11/23 10:37
316,5 KB
S5-216084rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.3.4.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
319 KB
S5-216382rev3 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/23 17:56
327,2 KB
S5-216382rev4 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/24 11:13
327,4 KB
S5-216382rev2 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/23 13:02
327,8 KB
S5-216382rev5 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/24 13:08
328,2 KB
S5-216382rev6 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/24 15:27
328,4 KB
S5-216625d2 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/26 11:57
328,8 KB
S5-216625d1 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/25 9:21
329 KB
S5-216382rev1 pCR 28.824 Add text to procedures related to management capability exposure.docx
2021/11/19 13:44
335 KB
S5-216622d2 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/27 1:52
336,5 KB
S5-216291rev1 Rel-17 Input to DraftCR 28.622 Add file download control NRM fragment.docx
2021/11/21 16:06
342,5 KB
2021/11/30 11:17
350,5 KB
S5-216622d3 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/27 2:27
352,5 KB
S5-216622d4 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/27 2:54
353 KB
S5-216622d5 Rel-17 pCR TS 28.104 Add MDA analysis report reporting related service component.doc
2021/11/27 3:17
353,5 KB
2021/12/01 8:25
354,9 KB
S5-216384rev1 pCR 28.824 Clarifications on clause 5 use cases.docx
2021/11/19 10:47
355,3 KB
S5-216400rev1 pCR TS 28.312 Update intent information model.doc
2021/11/23 10:57
363 KB
S5-216092rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.632 Update Inventory stage2 to support SBMA.docx
2021/11/22 18:17
366,2 KB
S5-216291rev1_MS Rel-17 Input to DraftCR 28.622 Add file download control NRM fragment.docx
2021/11/22 18:41
376,4 KB
S5-216597d1 Rel-17 DraftCR 28.622 for FIMA.docx
2021/11/25 11:50
392,5 KB
S5-216140rev1 pCR 28.816 Clean up.docx
2021/11/17 9:31
401,6 KB
S5-216290rev1 Rel-17 Input to DraftCR 28.622 Amend file retrieval NRM fragment.docx
2021/11/18 16:18
409,4 KB
S5-216276rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.530 Add description for SBMA supporting manangement of 5G SA and NSA scenarios.docx
2021/11/22 9:56
413,8 KB
S5-216276rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.530 Add description for SBMA supporting manangement of 5G SA and NSA scenarios.docx
2021/11/22 11:22
414,7 KB
S5-216290rev2 Rel-17 Input to DraftCR 28.622 Amend file retrieval NRM fragment .docx
2021/11/21 16:06
416,3 KB
2021/11/25 16:45
422,1 KB
S5-216317rev2 pCR 32.257 Add Edge Computing domain converged charging architecture.doc
2021/11/17 18:30
424,5 KB
2021/11/26 1:47
429,9 KB
S5-216317rev1 pCR 32.257 Add Edge Computing domain converged charging architecture.doc
2021/11/16 19:10
430 KB
2021/11/25 10:50
430,2 KB
S5-216183rev3 Rel-17 CR 28.622 Add support for MnS Discovery.docx
2021/11/23 11:12
437,2 KB
S5-216183rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.622 Add support for MnS Discovery.docx
2021/11/22 11:05
440,4 KB
S5-216399rev1 Rel-17 Input to Draft CR 28.622 Define solution for data discovery.docx
2021/11/22 11:40
454,8 KB
S5-216383rev3 pCR 28.824 Clarifications on clause 4 overview.docx
2021/11/23 18:09
465,1 KB
S5-216383rev1 pCR 28.824 Clarifications on clause 4 overview.docx
2021/11/19 10:47
465,5 KB
S5-216387rev1 CR Rel-17 28.531 Fixing NetworkSlice and NetworkSliceSubnet Allocation and Deallocation Stage 2.doc
2021/11/22 16:02
469 KB
S5-216315rev1 pCR 32.257 Add High-level 5G System architecture.doc
2021/11/17 17:12
514 KB
S5-216315rev3 pCR 32.257 Add High-level 5G System architecture.doc
2021/11/19 14:32
514,5 KB
S5-216315rev2 pCR 32.257 Add High-level 5G System architecture.doc
2021/11/18 17:11
514,5 KB
2021/11/25 16:45
524,6 KB
2021/11/24 22:43
550 KB
S5-216329rev1 pCR 28.815 Update High-level 5G System architecture.doc
2021/11/17 17:19
570 KB
S5-216252rev1_BL Discussion Paper on Asynchronous design.pptx
2021/11/19 16:57
609,8 KB
S5-216157rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Correction on the potential charging architectures.doc
2021/11/19 11:23
615 KB
S5-216009d1 Charging exec report.pptx
2021/11/24 10:33
639,2 KB
S5-216009d2 Charging exec report.pptx
2021/11/24 15:42
639,7 KB
S5-216283rev1 pCR TR 28.824 Add Use Case for the exposure without going through BSS.doc
2021/11/18 16:21
666 KB
S5-216283rev2 pCR TR 28.824 Add Use Case for the exposure without going through BSS.doc
2021/11/21 15:35
669 KB
S5-216157rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Correction on the potential charging architectures.doc
2021/11/22 14:36
679 KB
S5-216157rev3 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Correction on the potential charging architectures.doc
2021/11/23 3:45
679 KB
S5-216082rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.1.4.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
742 KB
S5-216082rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding reference point architecture to clause 7.1.4.doc
2021/11/22 12:32
743 KB
2021/11/30 17:00
793,6 KB
2021/11/23 2:08
807 KB
S5-216130rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.813 EE of URLLC slice based on reliability.doc
2021/11/18 12:03
884,5 KB
2021/11/25 6:43
987,9 KB
2021/11/26 2:19
1002,6 KB
S5-216283rev3 pCR TR 28.824 Add Use Case for the exposure without going through BSS.doc
2021/11/22 8:28
1063,5 KB
S5-216283rev4 pCR TR 28.824 Add Use Case for the exposure without going through BSS.doc
2021/11/23 6:59
1066 KB
2021/11/25 1:50
1128,7 KB
2021/11/30 10:03
1166,8 KB
2021/11/30 10:05
1166,8 KB
S5-216283rev6 pCR TR 28.824 Add Use Case for the exposure without going through BSS.doc
2021/11/24 6:45
1287,5 KB
S5-216284rev1 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/18 16:21
1314,5 KB
2021/11/25 8:38
1397,7 KB
S5-216607d1 Latest draft 28.811.zip
2021/11/25 11:23
1577,9 KB
2021/11/25 12:51
1627 KB
2021/12/03 2:43
1651,1 KB
S5-216083rev1 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding SBI architecture to clause 7.2.4.doc
2021/11/19 15:11
1736 KB
2021/12/01 1:45
2015,8 KB
2021/11/26 12:51
2020,7 KB
S5-216284rev2 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/21 15:36
2043 KB
2021/11/18 7:54
2270,4 KB
2021/11/25 9:42
2355,2 KB
S5-216083rev2 Rel-17 pCR 28.827 Adding SBI architecture to clause 7.2.4.doc
2021/11/22 12:53
2446 KB
S5-216284rev3 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/22 8:29
2656 KB
S5-216284rev4 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/23 6:59
2657,5 KB
S5-216284rev5 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/23 9:46
2659 KB
S5-216284rev6 pCR TR 28.824 Exposure of network slice as a service.doc
2021/11/24 6:45
2662 KB
2021/11/19 14:41
2823,1 KB
2021/11/29 16:38
2940,4 KB
2021/11/24 22:43
2976,8 KB
2021/11/30 9:11
3329,8 KB
2021/11/24 11:08
3542,8 KB
2021/11/29 17:22
3545,8 KB
2021/11/30 15:30
5267,7 KB
2021/12/02 16:02
5893 KB
2021/12/01 16:25
5954,5 KB
2021/11/24 16:51
6661,7 KB
S5-216196rev1 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add C-SON CCO NRM model.doc
2021/11/18 7:19
9372 KB
S5-216196rev2 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add C-SON CCO NRM model.doc
2021/11/19 8:48
9490 KB
S5-216196rev3 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add C-SON CCO NRM model.doc
2021/11/23 2:19
9516 KB
S5-216196rev4 Rel-17 CR 28.541 Add C-SON CCO NRM model.doc
2021/11/23 14:46
9527,5 KB
S5-216006d3 SA5#140e OAM Exec Report.pptx
2021/12/01 14:27
11580,2 KB
S5-216006d2 SA5#140e OAM Exec Report.pptx
2021/12/01 3:45
11580,4 KB
S5-216006d1 SA5#140e OAM Exec Report.pptx
2021/11/30 15:15
11626 KB