Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: RP-89-e - 2020-09-14 to 2020-09-18, Online

meeting id: RP-89-e (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
RP‑201395 Agenda for electronic meeting RAN #89e held 14.09.-18.09.2020 RAN chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑201396 Draft report of electronic meeting RAN #88e held 29.06.-03.07.2020 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201397 Status Report RAN WG1 RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm) imported from 3GU
RP‑201398 List of CRs from RAN WG1 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201399 Status Report RAN WG2 RAN2 chairman (MediaTek) imported from 3GU
RP‑201400 List of CRs from RAN WG2 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201401 Status Report RAN WG3 RAN3 chairman (Ericsson) imported from 3GU
RP‑201402 List of CRs from RAN WG3 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201403 Status Report RAN WG4 RAN4 chairman (Futurewei) imported from 3GU
RP‑201404 List of CRs from RAN WG4 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201405 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 chairman (Motorola Mobility) imported from 3GU
RP‑201406 List of CRs from RAN WG5 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201407 Status Report MCC TF160 (for approval) ETSI MCC TF160 Leader imported from 3GU
RP‑201408 TSG SA Report to TSG RAN SA chairman (Huawei) imported from 3GU
RP‑201409 3GPP Support Team Report ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201410 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc 3GPP ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) imported from 3GU
RP‑201411 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #89e ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201412 Reply LS to S2-2004474 = RP-200561 on S1/NG DAPS handover (CP-201312; to: SA2, SA, RAN3, CT4; cc: RAN; contact: Qualcomm) CT imported from 3GU
RP‑201413 Reply LS to C4-203712 = RP-200565 and R3-202553 = RP-200550 on port allocation (CP-201316; to: CT4, RAN3; cc: RAN, SA; contact: Nokia) CT imported from 3GU
RP‑201414 LS on port allocation for the W1 interface (CP-201349; to: IESG; cc: RAN, SA, IANA, RAN3; contact: Nokia) CT imported from 3GU
RP‑201415 LS on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (SP-200617; to: CT1, SA2, SA3, RAN2, RAN3; cc: RAN, CT; contact: Deutsche Telekom) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑201416 Reply LS to GSMA_LS_200221 = SP-200304 = RP-200038, GSMA_LS_200221 = SP-200533 = RP-200568 on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (SP-200618; to: GSMA Board, GSMA CVD; cc: RAN, CT; contact: Deutsche Telekom) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑201417 LS on HO to congested cells (SP-200631; to: RAN3; cc: SA2, RAN; contact: Huawei) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑201418 Reply LS to SP-200617 = RP-201415 on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (R3-205653; to: SA, RAN, CT, CT1, SA2, SA3, RAN2; cc: -; contact: Qualcomm) RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201419 Reply LS to NGMN_LS200617 = R4-2009502 = RP-201096 on 5G NR Over The Air test methodologies and performance requirements (R4-2012708; to: NGMN; cc: RAN5, RAN; contact: Vivo) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201420 Reply LS to SP-200617 = RP-201415 on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (S2-2006181; to: SA; cc: CT1, SA3, RAN2, RAN3, RAN, CT; contact: Qualcomm) SA2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201421 LS on Information regarding Harmonised Standard EN 303 687 (license-exempt 6 GHz operation) (ETSI BRAN(20)000004r3; to: RAN, RAN1, IEEE 802.11 WG, Wi-Fi Alliance, Wireless Broadband Alliance, GSMA, 5G ACIA; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) ETSI TC BRAN imported from 3GU
RP‑201422 LS about Draft Standard MEF 84 Draft (Release 1) on Network Slicing (MEF_LS200805; to: RAN, CT, BBF, ETSI ISG ENI, ETSI ISG NFV, ETSI ISG ZSM, GSMA, IETF, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG15, NGMN, ONF, TMF; cc: -; contact: President MEF) Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) imported from 3GU
RP‑201423 LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (ITU-T JCA-IMT2020-LS08; to: CT, RAN, SA, All ITU-T Study Groups, ITU-R SG5, ITU-D SG2, BBF, ETSI ISG MEC, ETSI ISG NFV, ETSI Millimetre Wave Transmission, GSMA, IEEE 802.1, IEEE Futur ITU-T JCA IMT2020 imported from 3GU
RP‑201424 LS on initiation of new work item Q.IMT2020-SAO “Requirement, framework and protocols for signalling network analyses and optimization in IMT-2020” (ITU-T SG11-LS147; to: RAN, CT, ETSI, GSMA; cc: -; contact: CAICT) ITU-T SG11 imported from 3GU
RP‑201425 LS on Deliverables of Focus Group NET2030 (ITU-T SG13-LS166; to: RAN, CT, TSAG, ITU-T SG 2/3/5/9/11/12/15/16/17/20, IETF, IRTF, IEEE, ETSI, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, TTA, TTC, OIF, ONF, NGMN Alliance, GSMA, Wi-Fi Alliance, MEF, ITU-R WP5D, BBF, OPC-FLC, ODVA ITU-T SG13 imported from 3GU
RP‑201426 LS on initiation of new work on "Edge computing – Overview and requirements" (ITU-T SG13-LS175; to: RAN, ITU-T SG20, SG16, SG11, SG17, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38, IETF, ETSI; cc: -; contact: ETRI) ITU-T SG13 imported from 3GU
RP‑201427 LS to RIT/SRIT proponents on the completion and conclusionsof steps 5 to 7 of the IMT-2020 process for the first release of the new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] (ITU-R WP5D_TEMP_159; to: RAN, CT, SA, 3GPP Proponent, (collectively ARIB, ATI ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑201428 LS to transposing organizations on the completion of step 8 of IMT-2020 process for the first release of new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] (ITU-R WP5D_TEMP_163(Rev.1); to: ETSI, TSDSI, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, TTA, TTC; cc: RAN, KOREA (REPUBLIC OF ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑201429 LS on ITS Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) (ITU-R WP5A_TEMP_29(Rev.1); to: RAN, CT, SA, 5G Automotive Association, 79 GHz Project, ARIB, ATIS, AWG, C2C-CC, CCSA, CEPT ECC CPG, CEPT ECC WG FM, C-Roads, ETSI, ETSI ERM-TG37, ETSI ERM-TGSRR, ETSI ISG M ITU-R WP5A imported from 3GU
RP‑201430 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5A/TEMP/29(Rev.1) = RP-201429 on Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV); to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Huawei) 3GPP ITU-R AH imported from 3GU
RP‑201431 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/58(Rev.1) = RP-200043 on draft new report ITU-R.M[IMT.C-V2X] - Application of the terrestrial component of IMT for cellular-V2X; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Huawei) 3GPP ITU-R AH imported from 3GU
RP‑201432 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/39 = RP-200037 on the schedule for updating Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 to revision 5; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) 3GPP ITU-R AH imported from 3GU
RP‑201433 Draft reply LS to ITU_WRC_LS_200428 = RP-200547 on 3GPP’s activities related to WRC-19 Resolutions (RT-20xxx4; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) 3GPP ITU-R AH imported from 3GU
RP‑201434 LS on RAN1 discussion on simulations for 5G-ACIA (R1-2007186; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201435 Reply LS to SP-200617 = RP-201415 on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (R2-2008643; to: SA, CT1, SA2, SA3, CT, RAN; cc: RAN3; contact: Deutsche Telekom) RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201436 Reply LS to SP-200617 = RP-201415 on mandatory support of full rate user plane integrity protection for 5G (C1-205392; to: SA; cc: SA2, SA3, RAN2, RAN3, RAN, CT; contact: Qualcomm) CT1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201437 LS on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study (S2-2006044; to: SA, RAN, RAN2, RAN3; cc: -; contact: Huawei) SA2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201438 LS on Standardisation of a new 5G-NR/IMT-2020 band in 6425-7125 MHz (RCC_LS200904; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Chairm an of RCC Commission on Spectrum and Satellite Orbits) Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communication (RCC) imported from 3GU
RP‑201439 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201440 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201441 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201442 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201443 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201444 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201445 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201446 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-14 CA configurations (LTE_CA_R14-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201447 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - Mission Critical Improvements (MCImp-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201448 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 1) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201449 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 2) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201450 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 3) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201451 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 4) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201452 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 5) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201453 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G system with NR and LTE (5GS_NR_LTE-UEConTest) (Batch 6) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201454 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-15 CA configurations (LTE_CA_R15-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201455 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Shortened TTI and processing time for LTE (LTE_sTTIandPT-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201456 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE Advanced high power TDD UE (power class 2) for Rel-15 (LTE_TDD_HPUE_R15-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201457 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further NB-IoT enhancements (NB_IOTenh2-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201458 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Even further enhanced MTC for LTE (LTE_eMTC4-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201459 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) SI Study on 5G NR UE Application Layer Data Throughput Performance - (FS_UE_5GNR_App_Data_Perf) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201460 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-16 NR CA and DC; and NR and LTE DC Configurations (NR_CADC_NR_LTE_DC_R16-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201461 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Introduction of new Rel-16 NR bands and extension of existing NR bands (NR_bands_BW_R16-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201462 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Addition of Power Class 2 UE for LTE bands 31 and 72^^(LTE_PC2_B31_B72-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201463 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) (NR_RF_FR1-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201464 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 5G V2X with NR sidelink (5G_V2X_NRSL_eV2XARC-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201465 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-16 Conformance Testing (TEI16_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201466 Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201467 R5s CRs from RAN5 electronic meeting ‘#2020-TTCN email’ TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201468 Status Report: Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201469 Status Report to TSG: Further Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201470 Revised WID: Further Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201471 Release 17 Schedule Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201472 On SIB24 issue Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201473 Status report of SI: NR Sidelink relay; rapporteur: OPPO OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201474 Revised SID: NR Sidelink Relay OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201475 Revised WID on Rel-17 LTE inter-band Carrier Aggregation for x bands DL (x= 3, 4, 5) with 2 bands UL LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑201476 Status report on Rel-17 LTE inter-band Carrier Aggregation for x bands DL (x= 3, 4, 5) with 2 bands UL; Rapporteur: LG Electronics LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑201477 Revised WID on Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2,3,4) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/1UL) and 2 bands NR inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑201478 Status report on Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2,3,4) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/1UL) and 2 bands NR inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) ; Rapporteur: LG Electronics LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑201479 New WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - 410 – 430 MHz E-UTRA FDD Band(s) for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe (Bands 87 and 88) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201480 Status report for WI Addition of Power Class 2 UE for LTE bands 31 and 72; rapporteur: Airbus Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201481 Status report for WI NR 2-step RACH; rapporteur: ZTE Corporation ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201482 SR for WI on EN-DC of 4 bands LTE inter-band CA (4DL1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL1UL), Rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201483 Rel-17 WID on DC of 4 bands LTE inter-band CA (4DL1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL1U) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201484 Positioning use cases and requirements for public safety FirstNet, AT&T imported from 3GU
RP‑201485 Status Report for Study on high-power UE operation for fixed-wireless/vehicle-mounted use cases in LTE bands 5 and 12 and NR band n71 Nokia France imported from 3GU
RP‑201486 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Mission Critical Improvements; rapporteur NIST NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201487 New WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements for Mission Critical Services MCPTT, MCData and MCVideo for Rel-15 NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201488 RAN4 CRs for Enhancements on MIMO for NR RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201489 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: 2-step RACH for NR RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201490 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: UE Power Saving in NR RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201491 RAN4 CRs for NR positioning support RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201492 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: 5G V2X with NR sidelink RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201493 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: NR mobility enhancements RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201494 RAN4 CRs for Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201495 RAN4 CRs for RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201496 RAN4 CRs for NR RF requirement enhancements for frequency range 2 (FR2) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201497 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: NR support for high speed train scenario RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201498 RAN4 CRs for RRM requirement for CSI-RS based L3 measurement in NR RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201499 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: NR performance requirement enhancement RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201500 RAN4 CRs for NR RRM enhancement RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201501 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: Over the air (OTA) base station (BS) testing TR RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201502 RAN4 CRs for Core part: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201503 RAN4 CRs for Core part: 29 dBm UE Power Class for LTE band 41 and NR Band n41 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201504 RAN4 CRs for Core part: High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC (1 LTE FDD band + 1 NR TDD band) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201505 RAN4 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE SIs RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201506 RAN4 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE Wis RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201507 RAN4 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201508 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: Additional MTC enhancements for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201509 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201510 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: LTE-based 5G terrestrial broadcast RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201511 RAN4 CRs for Perf. part: Even further Mobility enhancement in E-UTRAN RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201512 RAN4 CRs for Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201513 Status report WI NR-NTN-solutions THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑201514 Status report of WI: 5G V2X with NR sidelink; rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201515 Status report of WI: NR Sidelink enhancement; rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201516 Revised WID on NR Sidelink enhancement LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑201517 Status report of WI: Study on scenarios and requirements of in-coverage, partial coverage, and out-of-coverage NR positioning use cases; rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑201518 Revised SID on Study on scenarios and requirements of in-coverage, partial coverage, and out-of-coverage NR positioning use cases LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑201519 Proposed TR structure for Study on scenarios and requirements of in-coverage, partial coverage, and out-of-coverage NR positioning use cases LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑201520 Status report for WI Additional MTC enhancements for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201521 Status report for SI Study on NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201522 Status report for WI Enhanced eNB(s) architecture evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201523 New SID on inter-gNB coordination for NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑201524 Operator's view on resolving LTE SIBs scheduling issue NTT DOCOMO, INC., Telecom Italia, Verizon, SoftBank, SK telecom, KT Corp., Turkcell, KDDI, British Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201525 NR Licensed-Unlicensed capability differentiation Qualcomm communications-France imported from 3GU
RP‑201526 Rel-16 specification freeze Qualcomm communications-France imported from 3GU
RP‑201527 Motivation of sidelink with unlicensed spectrum OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201528 View on RAN4 R17 WI SI package OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201529 Revised WID: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 40/n40 Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑201530 Status report for WI: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 40/n40 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201531 Summary of WI on Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201532 Status report for Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201533 Status report for WI: Enhanced Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC) support for NR RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201534 On SIB issue Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201535 RAN4 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201536 RAN3 CRs for NR positioning support RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201537 Status Report to TSG: NR small data transmissions in INACTIVE state ZTE corporation, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201538 Way forward for FR2 fallbacks Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201539 Revised WID on Rel-17 NR Inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual Connectivity for 2 bands DL with x bands UL (x=1,2) ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201540 Status report for WI: Rel-17 NR Inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual Connectivity for 2 bands DL with x bands UL (x=1,2) Rapporteur; ZTE Corporation ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201541 Revised WID on Rel-17 NR Inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual Connectivity for 3 bands DL with 2 bands UL ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201542 Status report for WI: Rel-17 NR Inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual Connectivity for 3 bands DL with 2 bands UL, Rapporteur; ZTE Corporation ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201543 Status Report for SI Feasibility Study on 6 GHz for LTE and NR in Licensed and Unlicensed Operations Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201544 Regulatory updates on 5.925-7.125 GHz frequency range Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201545 Status Report for the SI on RF requirements for NR FR1 frequency range 6.425-7.125GHz Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201546 Basket WID: adding new channel bandwidth(s) support to existing NR bands Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201547 Status Report for the basket WI - adding new channel bandwidth(s) support to existing NR bands Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201548 Status report for WI Perf. Part.:Additional enhancements for NB-IoT; rapporteur: FUTUREWEI RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201549 RAN3 CRs for Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201550 IoT NTN handling Eutelsat, MediaTek Inc., Inmarsat, Ligado, EchoStar, Hughes, Thales, ESA, Intelsat , CMCC, KT Corp., KT Sat, Qualcomm, OQ technology, Vodafone, ACER, ASUS, III, ITRI, NCCUNTU, Lockheed Martin Co. imported from 3GU
RP‑201551 RAN3 CRs for Integrated access and backhaul for NR RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201552 Status report for WI: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT and LTE-MTC RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201553 Revised WID: Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of 1 band LTE (1DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL) CHTTL imported from 3GU
RP‑201554 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs - Set 1 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201555 Status report for WI Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of 1 band LTE (1DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL); rapporteur: CHTTL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201556 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs - Set 2 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201557 RAN3 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201558 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 LTE WIs RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201559 RAN3 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201560 Status report for WI Introduction of NR 47GHz band; rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201561 Prioritizing In-flight connectivity services under NTN Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑201562 Use Case and deployment scenarios for REDCAP Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑201563 Prioritizing the right feature set in MBS Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑201564 RAN3 CRs for the Maintenance of Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201565 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 1 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201566 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 2 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201567 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 3 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201568 Status report of WI NR_CA_R17_Intra; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201569 Status report of WI DC_R17_3BLTE_1BNR_4DL2UL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201570 Status report of WI NR_CA_R17_4BDL_1BUL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201571 Revised WID: Basket Rel-17 WID NR_CA_R17_Intra Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201572 Revised WID: Basket Rel-17 WID DC_R17_3BLTE_1BNR_4DL2UL Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201573 Revised WID: Basket Rel-17 WID NR_CA_R17_4BDL_1BUL Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201574 SR_SI on 5G NR UE Application Layer Throughput RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201575 SR_WI on Private Network Support for NG-RAN RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201576 SR_WI on Optimizations on UE radio capability signalling - NR/E-UTRA Aspects RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201577 Status Report for WI ENDC_UE_PC2_FDD_TDD-Core for RAN-89e China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201578 Revised WID on High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC (1 LTE FDD band + 1 NR TDD band) China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201579 Status Report for WI ENDC_UE_PC2_R17_NR_TDD for RAN-89e China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201580 Revised WID on High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC with 1 LTE band + 1 NR TDD band China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201581 Handling SIB24 issue KT Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑201582 Status report of WI: Add support of NR DL 256QAM for FR2; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201583 Status report of WI: SAR schemes for UE power class 2 (PC2) for NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation and supplemental uplink (SUL) configurations with 2 bands UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201584 Revised WID: SAR schemes for UE power class 2 (PC2) for NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation and supplemental uplink (SUL) configurations with 2 bands UL China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201585 Discussion on splitting the WI: Power Class 2 UE for NR inter-band CA and SUL band combination with 2 bands UL China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201586 New basket WID: High power UE (power class 2) for NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation with 2 bands downlink and 2 bands uplink China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201587 Status report of WI: NR performance requirement enhancement; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201588 Email discussion summary for RAN4 Rel-17 demodulation scope China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201589 New WID: Further enhancement on NR demodulation performance China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201590 Status report of WI: UE Conformance Aspects - Even further mobility enhancement in E-UTRAN; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201591 Status report of SI: Study on NR coverage enhancements; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201592 Status report of WI: Even further mobility enhancement in E-UTRAN; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201593 New WID: Enhancement of Private Network Support for NG-RAN China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201594 Discussion on Rel-17 timeline LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑201595 DRX group and other R16 power saving features Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201596 SIB19 + standards changes T-Mobile USA Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201597 Status Report for WI Introduction of FR2 FWA UE with maximum TRP of 23dBm for band n257 and n258; rapporteur: SoftBank, Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201598 Revised WID: Introduction of FR2 FWA UE with maximum TRP of 23dBm for band n257 and n258 SoftBank Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑201599 Motivation for supporting non-colocated scenarios for band 42 and n77 SoftBank Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑201600 Motivation paper on Rel-17 RRM further enhancement Apple, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201601 WID of REL-17 NR RRM further enhancement Apple, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201602 Email discussion summary of RRM work area Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑201603 Motivation on UL gap for UE self-calibration and monitoring Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑201604 Summary for REL16 WI NR RF Requirement Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201605 New WID on NR RF Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201606 Revised WID on NR RF Requirement Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201607 SR of NR RF requirement enhancements for frequency range 2 (FR2) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201608 TR 38.831 v1.0.0 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201609 Email discussion summary for Rel-17 FR2 RF work area Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201610 New WID on NR CSI-RS L3 measurement enhancement OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201611 On Release 17 Schedule Qualcomm Austria RFFE GmbH imported from 3GU
RP‑201612 Revised SID: Study on enhancement of RAN Slicing for NR CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201613 Status report for study on enhancement of RAN slicing for NR CMCC, ZTE imported from 3GU
RP‑201614 Status report for WI on NR support for high speed train scenario CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201615 Motivation for new WI on enahncement for NR high speed train scenario CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201616 New WID on enahncement for NR high speed train scenario CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201617 Introduction of RAN2 Progress on LTE SIB24 Scheduling Issue CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201618 Status report for WI on enhancement of data collection for SONMDT in NR and EN-DC CMCC, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201619 Status report for study on enhancement for data collection for NR and ENDC CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201620 Revised SID: study on enhancement for data collection for NR and ENDC CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201621 SR - NR_Rel-16_CA_DC after RAN5#88-e CMCC, Ericsson, CU imported from 3GU
RP‑201622 SR - ENDC_UE_PC2_TDD_TDD after RAN5#88-e CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201623 Revised WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects – High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC (1 LTE TDD band + 1 NR TDD band) CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201624 SR - Rel-16 IIOT after RAN5#88-e CMCC, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑201625 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects for SON and MDT support for NR CMCC, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201626 Email discussion summary for RAN4 R17 non-spectrum work areas: FR1 HST and ATG CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201627 Views on Rel-17 RAN4 non-spectrum items CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201628 On Rel-17 UL Tx switching between 2Tx carrier and 2Tx carrier CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201629 Motivation for new WI on air-to-ground network for NR CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201630 New WID on air-to-ground network for NR CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201631 Status report for 1880-1920 MHz SUL band for NR; rapporteur CMCC. CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201632 Status report for 2300-2400MHz SUL band for NR; rapporteur CMCC CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201633 Motivation of new WID on UE EMC enhancement Rel-17 Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑201634 New WID: on UE EMC enhancement Rel-17 Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑201635 Views on RAN4 Rel-17 non-spectrum WI/SI package Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑201636 Clarification on the understanding of peak data rate for wearable in Redcap Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑201637 IPCAN-based MCS test model UPV/EHU, NEMERGENT, ENENSYS, TCCA, NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201638 TR38.809 V1.0.0 Background for integrated access and backhaul radio transmission and reception Samsung R&D Institute UK imported from 3GU
RP‑201639 WI status report on Rel-17 NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual connectivity for DL 4 bands and 2UL bands Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201640 Revised WID on Rel-17 NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation/Dual connectivity for DL 4 bands and 2UL bands Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201641 Email discussion summary for RAN4 Rel-17 FR2 HST Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201642 New WID on Dual connectivity (DC) of 5 bands LTE inter-band CA (5DL/1L) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL) Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201643 New WID on Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=2,3,4) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/1UL) and 1 NR FR1 band (1DL/1UL) and 1 NR FR2 band (1DL/1UL) Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201644 New SID: Study on high power UE (power class 2) for one NR FDD band China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201645 Motivation for Study on high power UE (power class 2) for one NR FDD band China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201646 Revised WID Additional LTE bands for UE categories M1/M2/NB1/NB2 in Rel-17 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201647 Status Report for WID Additional LTE bands for or UE categories M1/M2/NB1/NB2 in Rel-17 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201648 Discussion on Rel-17 timeline schedule vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201649 Considerations on R17 RRM enhancement scope vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201650 Motivation for optimizations on power class fall back vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201651 New SID: Optimizations on power class fall back vivo, China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201652 Motivation for WI: NR FR1 UE SA and EN-DC TRP and TRS vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201653 New WID: NR FR1 UE SA and EN-DC TRP and TRS vivo, OPPO, CMCC, CAICT, Rohde & Schwarz imported from 3GU
RP‑201654 On Rel-17 enhanced test methods SID vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201655 Clarification on Rel-17 MRDC WID scope vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201656 Status report for the support for Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NR vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201657 Discussion on enhancements for secondary DRX in Rel-17 vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201658 Handling of overlapping discussion across WI/Sis vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑201659 On future planning of RAN Ericsson GmbH, Eurolab imported from 3GU
RP‑201660 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancing LTE CA Utilization, rappourteur: Nokia Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201661 Status report for WI Perf. Part.: Physical layer enhancements for NR ultra-reliable and low latency case (URLLC); rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201662 Status report for WI: UE conformance test aspects on shortened TTI and processing time for LTE; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201663 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Advanced high power TDD UE (power class 2) for Rel-15; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201664 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects for RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1); rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201665 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - NR mobility enhancements; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201666 Status report for WI: UE conformance test aspects for 5G V2X with NR sidelink; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201667 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements on MIMO for NR; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201668 Feedback on WG e-meetings efficiency Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201669 Release 17 schedule Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201670 Adding FR1 PDCCH Aggregation Level in Annex C.3 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201671 Adding FR2 PDCCH Aggregation Level in Annex C.3 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201672 Email discussion summary for BS EMC & DL 1024QAM FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201673 Motivation for Introducing DL 1024QAM in NR FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201674 Introduction of DL 1024QAM for NR FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201675 Handling of satellite bands in 3GPP THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑201676 Status report for Study on support of reduced capability NR devices; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201677 Revised SID on Study on support of reduced capability NR devices Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201678 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201679 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Even further enhanced MTC for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201680 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-14 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201681 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-15 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201682 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-16 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201683 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – 5G system with NR and LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201684 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for new Rel-16 NR bands and extension of existing NR bands; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑201685 SID proposal for Dynamic OTA testing for FR2 Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201686 Summary of email discussions on Dynamic OTA for FR2 Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201687 Motivation paper for Measurement gaps enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201688 WID proposal for Measurement gaps enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201689 WID proposal for 8Rx demod Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201690 WF on Application Layer Throughput for RAN4 Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201691 Views on Rel-17 RAN4 package of non-spectrum related items Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201692 Motivation paper for 8Rx demod Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201693 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201694 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201695 On mandatory UE features Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201696 Regarding possible bands for NR based satellite networks Eutelsat S.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑201697 Motivation to introduce new R17 WI on further RRM enhancement MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201698 New R17 WI on Further RRM Enhancements MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201699 Considerations on NR-U MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201700 Handling of CA with non-aligned frame boundaries MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201701 Status report for WI: UE Power Saving Enhancements MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201702 Demonstrating NB-IoT viability for Satellite use Inmarsat, MediaTek Inc., Institute for Information Industry imported from 3GU
RP‑201703 Status Report on Study on NB-IoT/eMTC support for Non-Terrestrial Networks MediaTek Inc., Eutelsat imported from 3GU
RP‑201704 Motivation for revised WID on NB-IoT/eMTC MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201705 Revised WID on NB-IoT/eMTC MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201706 Handling of SIB19 onwards: Discussion on non 3GPP compliant UEs MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201707 Rel-17 Handling MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201708 Motivation on NR RRM requirement for UE different RX beam sets in FR2 LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201709 New WID on NR RRM requirement for UE different RX beam sets in FR2 LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201710 Revised WID on Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/xUL) and y bands (y=3-x) NR inter-band CA (yDL/yUL) ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201711 Status report for WI: Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/xUL) and y bands (y=3-x) NR inter-band CA (yDL/yUL) Rapporteur; ZTE Corporation ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201712 Revised WID on Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2,3) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/1UL) and 3 bands NR inter-band CA (3DL/1UL) ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201713 Status report for WI: Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of x bands (x=1,2,3) LTE inter-band CA (xDL/1UL) and 3 bands NR inter-band CA (3DL/1UL) Rapporteur; ZTE Corporation ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201714 v0.1.0 on Integrated access and backhaul ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201715 Extending 8 SSB support to the TDD bands with newly introduced 30 kHz Case C SSB pattern Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201716 Extending 8 SSB support to the TDD bands with newly introduced 30 kHz Case C SSB pattern Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201717 Status report for WI: RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1); rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201718 WI summary: RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201719 Status report for WI: Over the air (OTA) base station (BS) testing TR; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201720 Status report for WI: Introduction of NR band n13; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201721 Status report for WI: Introduction of channel bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz for NR; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201722 WID revision: Introduction of channel bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz for NR; rapporteur Huawei Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201723 Status report for WI: Rel-17 NR inter-band CA for 5 bands DL with x bands UL (x=1, 2); rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201724 WID revision: Rel-17 NR inter-band CA for 5 bands DL with x bands UL (x=1, 2) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201725 Status report for WI: Band combinations for SA NR supplementary uplink (SUL), NSA NR SUL, NSA NR SUL with UL sharing from the UE perspective (ULSUP); rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201726 WID revision: Band combinations for SA NR supplementary uplink (SUL), NSA NR SUL, NSA NR SUL with UL sharing from the UE perspective (ULSUP) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201727 Status report for WI: Dual Connectivity (DC) of 2 bands LTE inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL); rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201728 WID revision: Dual Connectivity (DC) of 2 bands LTE inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201729 Status report for WI: Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band UL; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201730 WID revision: Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band UL Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201731 Status report for WI: Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 2 band UL; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201732 WID revision: Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 2 band UL Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201733 Summary of moderated discussion on RAN4 work area for FR1 RF Moderator (Huawei) imported from 3GU
RP‑201734 New WID proposal: RF requirements enhancement for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) in Rel-17 Moderator (Huawei) imported from 3GU
RP‑201735 Motivation for new WI on Rel-17 NR FR1 RF Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201736 New SID proposal: introduction of brand new channel bandwidths for NR Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201737 Motivation for new SI on introduction of brand new channel bandwidths for NR Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201738 New WID proposal: supporting overlapping CA for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201739 Motivation for new WI on supporting overlapping CA for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201740 New WID proposal: Performance requirements for UE advanced receiver in Rel-17 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201741 Motivation paper of new WID on performance requirements for UE advanced receiver in Rel-17 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201742 New WID proposal: further RRM enhancement Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201743 Motivation for further RRM enhancement in Rel-17 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201744 New WID proposal: introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201745 Motivation for new WI on introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201746 On DC location reporting for intra-band UL CA Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201747 Summary of email discussions on the scope of OTA work for Rel.17 Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201748 New WID on NR support for high speed train scenario in FR2 Samsung, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑201749 CR to TS38.101-3 PC2 ENDC 3+n41 CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201750 Introduce NR SUL bands n80, n84, n95 to UL-MIMO configuration CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201751 Remove the maximum number of MIMO layers configuration restrictions for SUL CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201752 Remove the maximum number of MIMO layers restrictions for SUL CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201753 Status Report for Work Item Rel17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 1 band UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201754 Revised WID: Rel17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 1 band UL Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201755 Status report for Rel-16 WI NR_IAB; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201756 Revised WID on: Integrated Access and Backhaul for NR (NR_IAB) Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201757 WI summary for WI: Integrated Access and Backhaul for NR (NR_IAB) Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201758 Status report for Rel-17 WI NR_IAB_enh; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201759 Discussion on resource multiplexing and RAN sharing for Rel-17 IAB Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201760 On overlapping focus of PUCCH repetition enhancements across Rel-17 SI/WIs Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201761 Extension of the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) WID to allow CRS and PDCCH overlap Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201762 Revised WID: NR Dyamic spectrum sharing (DSS) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201763 Status report for WI: Core part: NR Dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201764 Release 17 schedule considerations Nokia Poland imported from 3GU
RP‑201765 Importance of maintaining broadcast services in Rel-17 NR MBS CBN, ABS, ABP, China Telecom, China Unicom, Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑201766 Discussion of study on support of reduced capability NR devices ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201767 Views on Rel-17 Schedule ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201768 Discussion on NR UE Features ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201769 Discussion on the LS on RAN1 discussion on simulations for 5G-ACIA ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201770 Views on Rel-17 NR coverage enhancements ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201771 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in MIMO Networks ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201772 Discussion on intra-frequency NR DC operation for IAB ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201773 Discussion on Rel-17 Sidelink Relay ZTE, Sanechips imported from 3GU
RP‑201774 New WID on NR RRM requirement enhancements in Rel-17 ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201775 Motivation on NR RRM requirement enhancements in Rel-17 ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201776 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects – High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC (1 LTE FDD band + 1 NR TDD band) China Unicom, CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201777 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects – B1C Signal in A-BDS Positioning System Support for LTE and NR CATT, CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201778 SR UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further NB-IoT enhancements CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201779 SR UE Conformance Test Aspects - UE Power Saving in NR CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201780 Status Report for SI: Study on NR positioning enhancements CATT, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201781 Discussion of use cases and requirements for V2X positioning CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201782 Status Report for SI: Study on NR UE power saving CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201783 New WID on NR UDC in Rel-17 CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201784 Discussions on NR MBS work scope CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201785 Discussions on the issue of extended SIBs CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201786 Discussions on R17 Timeline CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201787 Revised WID: Rel-17 NR inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band UL CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201788 SR on Rel-17 NR inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band UL CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201789 Revised WID: Band combinations for Uu and V2X con-current operation CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201790 SR on Band combinations for Uu and V2X con-current operation CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201791 Motivation on further enhancement for NR RRM requirement in Rel-17 CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201792 New WID on further enhancement for NR RRM requirement in Rel-17 CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201793 SR on RRM requirement for CSI-RS based L3 measurement in NR CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201794 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects – Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from 5G to 3G China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑201795 New WID on EMC test simplification for MSR BS Ericsson Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201796 TS 36.579-6 v2.0.0 Mission Critical (MC) services over LTE; Part 6: Mission Critical Video (MCVideo) User Equipment (UE) Protocol conformance specification; for approval NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201797 TS 36.579-7 v2.0.0 Mission Critical (MC) services over LTE; Part 7: Mission Critical Data (MCData) User Equipment (UE) Protocol conformance specification; for approval NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201798 Draft LS to TSG SA on Relaxation of mini-WID requirement for Cat.B/C TEIs NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑201799 Motivation EMC test simplification for MSR BS Ericsson Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201800 Revised WID: Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Over-the-Air (OTA) requirements for NR UEs CAICT,OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑201801 SR for Modification of LTE Band 24 Specifications to comply with updated regulatory emission limits; Rapporteur: Ligado Networks RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201802 Maintenance to Rel-14 Further enhanced MTC for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201803 Maintenance to Rel-15 NR in 38.212, 38.213 & 38.214 RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201804 Corrections on two-step RACH - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201805 Corrections for Rel-16 NR-U - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201806 Corrections to integrated access and backhaul for NR - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201807 Corrections on NR V2X - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201808 Corrections for URLLC - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201809 Corrections for NR MIMO - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201810 Corrections for power saving - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201811 Corrections to NR positioning support - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201812 Corrections on Mobility Enhancements - outcomes of RAN1#102-e RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201813 Corrections on NR-DC and on Cross-carrier Scheduling with Different Numerologies RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201814 Miscellaneous corrections to Rel-16 specs RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201815 Corrections to Additional MTC Enhancements for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201816 Corrections to Additional enhancements for NB-IoT RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201817 Corrections to DL MIMO efficiency enhancements for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201818 Corrections to LTE terrestrial broadcast RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201819 Correction on conditions for selecting resources when the number of HARQ transmissions is two in sidelink transmission mode 4 RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201820 Correction on uplink Tx switching RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201821 Ts36.211: Correction on semi-open-loop RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201822 Correction on CFI related parameter names alignment between TS 36.331 and TS 36.213 RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201823 TS 36.213: Correction on SPDCCH monitoring of an MBSFN subframe RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201824 Correction of SS-RSARP definition RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201825 SR for Introduction of NR band 24; Rapporteur: Ligado Networks RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201826 SR for Introduction of 1.6 GHz NR supplemental uplink (SUL) band with same uplink frequency range of Band 24; Rapporteur: Ligado Networks RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201827 Status report for WI:Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Over-the-Air (OTA) requirements for NR UEs;Rapporteur: CAICT RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201828 Rel-17 schedule NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑201829 Summary for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Mission Critical Improvements NIST imported from 3GU
RP‑201830 Summary of email discussions on Smart Repeaters QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201831 Motivation paper for Smart Repeaters QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201832 New WID proposal for Smart Repeaters QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201833 SR for NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201834 Revised WID on NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201835 Status report of WI: NR positioning support; rapporteur: Intel Corporation RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201836 WI summary for WI: NR positioning support Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201837 Status report of SI: Study on supporting NR from 52.6GHz to 71 GHz: Intel Corporation RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201838 Revised SID: Study on supporting NR from 52.6GHz to 71 GHz Intel Corporation, Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑201839 MIMO multi-TRP timing constraints for inter-cell operation Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201840 WI summary for NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201841 SR for Study on XR (Extended Reality) evaluations for NR QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201842 Scope of NR multicast QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Italy imported from 3GU
RP‑201843 SR for WI on Extending current NR operation to 71GHz QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201844 SR for Performance part of LTE-based 5G terrestrial broadcast QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Italy imported from 3GU
RP‑201845 Revised WID on Extending current NR operation to 71GHz QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201846 Discussion on evaluations of Rel-16 URLLC Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑201847 Correction on supplementary uplink in 38.213 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201848 Completion of RAN3 positioning CR Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑201849 Completion of NRPPa positioning CR Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑201850 Completion of F1AP positioning CR Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑201851 Views on Rel-17 non-spectrum RF enhancements Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201852 Enabling LTE/NR spectrum sharing with 4-port LTE transmissions Apple Inc., Reliance Jio, Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑201853 LTE/NR spectrum sharing with 4-port LTE transmissions Apple Inc., Reliance Jio, Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑201854 Views on NR-U system level parameters Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201855 Status report for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201856 Motivation for extending LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range Apple Inc., Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑201857 Exception sheet for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range Apple Inc., Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑201858 Revised WID for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range Apple Inc., Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑201859 Regulatory update for the 6GHz frequency range Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201860 Motivation for extending study on enhanced test methods for FR2 Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201861 Status report for the Study on enhanced test methods for FR2 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201862 Revised WID for the Study on enhanced test methods for FR2 Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201863 Exception sheet for the study on enhanced test methods for FR2 Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201864 DSS and UL shift for NR TDD bands Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201865 Considerations on Release 17 schedule Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201866 Status report for WI: Further Multi-Radio Dual-Connectivity enhancements; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201867 Discussions on positioning use cases and requirements for V2X ROBERT BOSCH GmbH imported from 3GU
RP‑201868 Status report for WI: Revised WI on NR Multicast and Broadcast Services; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201869 Issue on Rel-16 DAPS with CA and mTRP Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201870 Draft reply LS on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑201871 Discussion on support for broadcast in Rel-17 MBS Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201872 Handling of fallbacks for FR2 CA Apple, Ericsson, US Cellular, T-Mobile US, Verizon, Bell Mobility, AT&T, Turkcell, SK Telecom, Softbank, LG Uplus, Telstra, Reliance Jio, Telecom Italia, British Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, CHTTL imported from 3GU
RP‑201873 Handling of fallbacks for FR2 CA Apple, Ericsson, US Cellular, T-Mobile US, Verizon, Bell Mobility, AT&T, Turkcell, SK Telecom, Softbank, LG Uplus, Telstra, Reliance Jio, Telecom Italia, British Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, CHTTL imported from 3GU
RP‑201874 Handling of fallbacks for FR2 CA Apple, Ericsson, US Cellular, T-Mobile US, Verizon, Bell Mobility, AT&T, Turkcell, SK Telecom, Softbank, LG Uplus, Telstra, Reliance Jio, Telecom Italia, British Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, CHTTL imported from 3GU
RP‑201875 Handling of fallbacks for FR2 CA Apple, Ericsson, US Cellular, T-Mobile US, Verizon, Bell Mobility, AT&T, Turkcell, SK Telecom, Softbank, LG Uplus, Telstra, Reliance Jio, Telecom Italia, British Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, CHTTL imported from 3GU
RP‑201876 Clarification on EMC efforts for Rel-16 IAB Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201877 New UE FG for CBG-based PUSCH retransmission with cancelled initial transmission Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201878 UE capability for CBG-based PUSCH retransmission with cancelled initial transmission Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201879 UE capability for CBG-based PUSCH retransmission with cancelled initial transmission Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201880 Correction on LTE MOB capability Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201881 Correction on LTE MOB capability Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201882 Status report for WI: NR RRM enhancement; rapporteur: Intel Corporation, ZTE Corporation, Apple RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201883 Revised WID: NR RRM enhancement in R16 Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201884 WI summary: NR RRM enhancement in R16 Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201885 Status report for WI Perf. part: NR Mobility Enhancements; rapporteur: Intel Corporation RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201886 New WID Proposal: NR measurement gap enhancements Intel Corporation, Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑201887 Motivation to introduce new Rel-17 WI on NR measurement gap enhancements Intel Corporation, Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑201888 Views on RAN4 Rel-17 non-spectrum SI/WI package Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201889 Rapporteur input on completion of WI on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain imported from 3GU
RP‑201890 Introduction of NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, AT&T, Charter Communications, Inc., Verizon, Samsung, LGE, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201891 Status Report for WI: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201892 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 (Rel-15) VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201893 Handling of 5G ACIA request of Rel-16 URLLC and IIOT performance evaluation Futurewei imported from 3GU
RP‑201894 Clarification of supporting SRS transmission in Scell Dormancy in Rel-17 further MR-DC enhancements WI Futurewei, MediaTek imported from 3GU
RP‑201895 Clarification of synchronization aspect for inter-cell multi-TRP in Rel-17 FeMIMO WI Futurewei imported from 3GU
RP‑201896 Handling the existing and upcoming Rel-17 SI in RAN1 Futurewei imported from 3GU
RP‑201897 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201898 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201899 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201900 [Alternative] CR to refer to 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201901 [Alternative] CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201902 Motivation for new SID: Study on Efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑201903 New SID: Study on Efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths T-Mobile USA, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201904 Status Report for WI: 29 dBm UE Power Class for LTE band 41 and NR Band n41; Rapporteur: T-Mobile USA RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201905 WI Summary for 29 dBm UE Power Class for LTE Band 41and NR Band n41 T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑201906 [Alternative] CR to TS38.307 : LTE/NR spectrum sharing band 38 / n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201907 Completing the b38/n38 spectrum sharing work item VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201908 Revised WID: Spectrum sharing in b38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑201909 TS 38.174 v1.0.0 on NR; Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) radio transmission and reception; for approval Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201910 TS 38.1xx vX.X.X on NR; Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); for approval Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201911 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-17 for x bands DL (x=4, 5) with 1 band UL Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201912 Status Report: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-17 for x bands DL (x=4, 5) with 1 band UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201913 CR to TS 38.104: Introduction of NR-U into BS core specification Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201914 CR to TS 37.107 with introduction of NR-U feature – core part Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201915 CR to TS 37.106 with introduction of NR-U feature Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201916 CR to 36.104: Introduction of NR-U co-existence requirements Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201917 CR to 37.104: Introduction of NR-U co-existence requirements Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201918 CR to 37.105: Introduction of NR-U co-existence requirements Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑201919 Corrected implementation for inconsistent shadow fading parameters in NTN rural scenario ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201920 RAN2 CRs to Enhancements on MIMO for NR RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201921 RAN2 CRs to NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201922 RAN2 CRs to Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201923 RAN2 CRs to Integrated access and backhaul for NR, set 1 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201924 RAN2 CRs to Integrated access and backhaul for NR, set 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201925 RAN2 CRs to NR RF requirement enhancements for frequency range 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201926 RAN2 CRs to RRM requirement for CSI-RS based L3 measurement in NR RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201927 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 1 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201928 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201929 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 3 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201930 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 4 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201931 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 5 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201932 RAN2 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201933 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 LTE WIs RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201934 RAN2 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201935 RAN2 CRs to Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier, set 1 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201936 RAN2 CRs to Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier, set 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201937 RAN2 CRs to Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier, set 3 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201938 RAN2 CRs to Maintenance for closed WIs/SIs for REL-15 and earlier, set 4 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201939 Technically endorsed RAN2 CRs on LTE SIB extension issue RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201940 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects for CLI handling for NR Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑201941 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects for NR performance enhancement Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑201942 WI summary on RRM requirement for CSI-RS Based L3 measurement CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201943 TP to TR 37.890 capturing information from RCC LS Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201944 TR 37.890 v0.9.0 on Feasibility Study on 6 GHz for LTE and NR in Licensed and Unlicensed Operations Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201945 RAN3 CRs for NR positioning support RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201946 RAN3 CRs for Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201947 RAN3 CRs for Integrated access and backhaul for NR RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201948 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs - Set 1 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201949 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs - Set 2 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201950 RAN3 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201951 RAN3 CRs for Closed REL-16 LTE WIs RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201952 RAN3 CRs for Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-16 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201953 RAN3 CRs for the Maintenance of Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201954 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 1 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201955 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 2 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201956 RAN3 CRs for the maintenance of New Radio Access Technology - Set 3 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑201957 Correction to NTN channel model Nomor Research GmbH, Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑201958 Consideration on how to manage meeting in 2021Q1 CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201959 Revised SID: Study on NR positioning enhancements CATT, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201960 Discussion of the SI scope for Study on NR positioning enhancements CATT, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑201961 New WI: Introduction of DL 1024QAM for NR FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201962 RAN2 CRs to RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201963 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-16 NR or NR+LTE WIs, set 6 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201964 Status report for WI NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201965 Release, Meeting and TU planning RAN chairman (Nokia), RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm), RAN2 chairman (Mediatek), RAN3 chairman (Ericsson), RAN4 chairman (Futurewei), RAN5 chairman (Motorola) imported from 3GU
RP‑201966 Operator's view on resolving LTE SIBs scheduling issue NTT DOCOMO, INC., Telecom Italia, Verizon, SoftBank, SK telecom, KT Corp., Turkcell, KDDI, British Telecom, LG Uplus, T-Mobile USA, Bell Canada, TELUS, AT&T, Telstra imported from 3GU
RP‑201967 Email discussion summary for RAN4 Rel-17 demodulation scope China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201968 New WID: Further enhancement on NR demodulation performance China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑201969 Release 17 Schedule Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201970 New WID on NR support for high speed train scenario in FR2 Samsung, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑201971 Status Report for WI Enhancements on MIMO for NR; rapporteur: Samsung RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑201972 A Feature is a long worm: don't cut it ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201973 New WID on EMC test simplification for MSR BS Ericsson Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑201974 TR 21.916 v0.6.0 on Release description; Release 16 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201975 Revised WID: RRM requirement for CSI-RS based L3 measurement in NR CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑201976 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201977 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201978 New SID: Study on Efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths T-Mobile USA, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑201979 TS 38.174 v1.0.1 on NR; Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) radio transmission and reception; for approval Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑201980 TR 38.809 V1.0.1 Background for integrated access and backhaul radio transmission and reception Samsung R&D Institute UK imported from 3GU
RP‑201981 TR 38.831 v1.0.1 on User Equipment (UE) Radio Frequency (RF) requirements for Frequency Range 2 (FR2) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201982 CR for TS38.473 on Unsuccessful Operation and Abnormal Conditions of MLB ZTE imported from 3GU
RP‑201983 On SIB24 issue Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201984 WI summary for REL16 WI NR RF Requirement Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑201985 Email discussion summary of RRM work area Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑201986 Release-16 UE capabilities based on RAN1, RAN4 feature lists and RAN2 Intel Corporation, NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑201987 WI summary for WI: NR positioning support Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑201988 Release, Meeting and TU planning RAN chairman (Nokia), RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm), RAN2 chairman (Mediatek), RAN3 chairman (Ericsson), RAN4 chairman (Futurewei), RAN5 chairman (Motorola) imported from 3GU
RP‑201989 RAN2 agreed CRs for REL-16 WI NR positioning support RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑201990 List of CRs from RAN WG2 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑201991 Status report of WI DC_R17_3BLTE_1BNR_4DL2UL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201992 Modification of SI scheduling for extended SIBs and legacy SIBs in a SI message Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201993 Modification of SI scheduling for extended SIBs and legacy SIBs in a SI message Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201994 Modification of SI scheduling for extended SIBs and legacy SIBs in a SI message Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201995 Modification of SI scheduling for extended SIBs and legacy SIBs in a SI message Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201996 Modification of SI scheduling for extended SIBs and legacy SIBs in a SI message Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑201997 WID revision: Dual Connectivity (DC) of 2 bands LTE inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑201998 Status report for WI:Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Over-the-Air (OTA) requirements for NR UEs;Rapporteur: CAICT RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑201999 New basket WID: High power UE (power class 2) for NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation with 2 bands downlink and 2 bands uplink China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑202000 New WID: Further enhancement on NR demodulation performance China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑202001 LS on Relaxation of mini-WID requirement for Cat.B/C TEIs (to: SA; cc: -; contact: NEC) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202002 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][32][38_n38_sharing] Vodafone imported from 3GU
RP‑202003 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][25][R17_positioning_scope] CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑202004 NS signalling for barring UEs that don’t support the 7.5 kHz uplink shift T-Mobile imported from 3GU
RP‑202005 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][28][Satellite_bands] Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑202006 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][17][NTN_SI_CRs] Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑202007 Status report of WI NR_CA_R17_Intra; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑202008 Status report of WI Rel-17 NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation for 4 bands DL with 1 band UL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑202009 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][09][R16_NR-U] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202010 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][16][UMTS_CRs] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202011 Status Report for WI Rel-17 High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC with 1 LTE band + 1 NR TDD band; rapporteur: China Unicom RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑202012 Draft reply LS to S2-2006044 = RP-201437 on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study (to: SA, SA2; cc: RAN2, RAN3; contact: Huawei) Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202013 New WI: Introduction of DL 1024QAM for NR FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202014 Extending 8 SSB support to the TDD bands with newly introduced 30 kHz Case C SSB pattern Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202015 Extending 8 SSB support to the TDD bands with newly introduced 30 kHz Case C SSB pattern Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202016 Alternative New SID: Study on Efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths T-Mobile USA, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202017 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][26][R17_MIMO_scope] Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑202018 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][08][DC_location reporting_UL-CA] Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202019 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][10][6GHz_licensed] Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202020 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][37][DAPS_CA_mTRP] Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202021 New WID proposal: introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑202022 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][21][RAN4_R17_RRM] Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑202023 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][05][RAN_TEI] NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑202024 Revised WID: Further Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑202025 Moderator's summary for email discussion 89E][06][SIB24] Mediatek (RAN2 chairman) imported from 3GU
RP‑202026 Status report of WI DC_R17_3BLTE_1BNR_4DL2UL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑202027 TP to TR 37.890 capturing information from RCC LS Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202028 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][09][R16_NR-U] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202029 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][32][38_n38_sharing] Vodafone imported from 3GU
RP‑202030 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][12][R16_DCCA_unaligned_frames] Mediatek imported from 3GU
RP‑202031 Way forward on SI message multiplexing restriction Mediatek (RAN2 chairman) imported from 3GU
RP‑202032 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][29][R17_secondary_DRX] Mediatek imported from 3GU
RP‑202033 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][19]RAN4_R17_FR1] Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202034 New WID on NR RF Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202035 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][22][RAN4_R17_Demod] Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑202036 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][38][RAN4_R17_FR1_HST] CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑202037 New WID on NR support for high speed train scenario in FR2 Samsung, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202038 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][40][RAN4_R17_DL1024QAM] Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202039 WI summary of WI on Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202040 New WID proposal: RF requirements enhancement for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) in Rel-17 Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202041 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][09][R16_NR-U] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202042 New WID on NR RF Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202043 New WID on enhancement for NR high speed train scenario CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑202044 New WI: Introduction of DL 1024QAM for NR FR1 Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202045 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][15][UE_features] Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑202046 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][09][R16_NR-U] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202047 Release, Meeting and TU planning RAN chairman (Nokia), RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm), RAN2 chairman (Mediatek), RAN3 chairman (Ericsson), RAN4 chairman (Futurewei), RAN5 chairman (Motorola) imported from 3GU
RP‑202048 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][23][New_CH_bandwidth] T-Mobile imported from 3GU
RP‑202049 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][23][New_CH_bandwidth] T-Mobile imported from 3GU
RP‑202050 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][23][New_CH_bandwidth] T-Mobile imported from 3GU
RP‑202051 New WID: Enhancement of Private Network Support for NG-RAN China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑202052 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][07][FR2_fallback] Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑202053 New WID: Further NR RRM enhancements Apple, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑202054 Draft reply LTI to ITU_WRC_LS_200428 = RP-200547 on 3GPP’s activities related to WRC-19 Resolutions (to: PCG; cc: SA; contact: Ericsson) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202055 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/58(Rev.1) = RP-200043 on draft new report ITU-R.M[IMT.C-V2X] - Application of the terrestrial component of IMT for cellular-V2X (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Huawei) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202056 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/39 = RP-200037 on update submission for LTE-Advanced towards Revision 5 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202057 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5A/TEMP/29(Rev.1) = RP-201429 on Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Huawei) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202058 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D_TEMP_159 = RP-201427 on LS to RIT/SRIT Proponents on the completion and conclusions of steps 5 to 7 of the IMT-2020 process for the first release of new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] (to: SA; cc: -; contact: ZT RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202059 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][02][ITU_AH] Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑202060 Revised WID on Rel-17 Dual Connectivity (DC) of 2 bands LTE inter-band CA (2DL/1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL/1UL) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑202061 Status Report to TSG: NR small data transmissions in INACTIVE state; rapporteur: ZTE RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑202062 Revised WID: Core part: Rel-17 Adding channel bandwidth support to existing NR bands Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202063 Revised WID on High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC with 1 LTE band + 1 NR TDD band China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑202064 Status Report for WI: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑202065 WF on Application Layer Throughput for RAN4 Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T imported from 3GU
RP‑202066 Revised WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects – High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC (1 LTE TDD band + 1 NR TDD band) CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑202067 Draft reply LS to 5G-ACIA-LS-2020-WI042 = RP-201279 on 3GPP NR Rel-16 URLLC and IIoT performance evaluation (to: 5G-ACIA; cc: RAN1, RAN2, SA1; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202068 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][03][5GACIA_simulation] Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202069 Way forward and RAN work for 5G ACIA requested simulations Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202070 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][40][RAN4_R17_DL1024QAM] Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202071 WI exception sheet for REL-16 WI LTE/NR spectrum sharing in band 48/n48 frequency range Apple Inc., Comcast imported from 3GU
RP‑202072 Regulatory update for the 6GHz frequency range Apple Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑202073 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][26][R17_MIMO_scope] Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑202074 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][05][RAN_TEI] NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑202075 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][24][R17_REDCAP_scope] Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202076 Draft reply LS to RCC_LS200904 = RP-201438 on Standardisation of a new 5G-NR/IMT-2020 band in 6425-7125 MHz (to: RCC Commission on Spectrum and Satellite Orbits; cc: -; contact: Huawei) Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202077 Moderator's summary of email discussion [89E][27][R17_DSS_scope] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202078 Moderator's summary of email discussion [89E][35][8SSB_TDD] Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202079 Revised WID on High power UE (power class 2) for EN-DC with 1 LTE band + 1 NR TDD band China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑202080 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][25][R17_positioning_scope] CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑202081 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202082 Addition of REL-16 parameter value for Access Stratum release indicator Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202083 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][31][R17_IAB_scope] Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑202084 Revised WID: LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 40/n40 Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑202085 Draft LS to CEPT ECC PT1 on Standardisation of a 5G-NR/IMT-2020 band covering 6425-7125 MHz (to: CEPT ECC PT1; cc: -; contact: Nokia) Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202086 Reply LS to S2-2006044 = RP-201437 on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study (to: SA, SA2; cc: RAN2, RAN3; contact: Huawei) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202087 New WID on introduction of lower 6GHz NR unlicensed operation for Europe Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202088 New WID proposal: RF requirements enhancement for NR frequency range 1 (FR1) in Rel-17 Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑202089 Draft LS to MIIT on Standardisation of a 5G-NR/IMT-2020 band covering 5925-7125 MHz (to: MIIT, P. R. China; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202090 Release, Meeting and TU planning RAN chairman (Nokia), RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm), RAN2 chairman (Mediatek), RAN3 chairman (Ericsson), RAN4 chairman (Futurewei), RAN5 chairman (Motorola) imported from 3GU
RP‑202091 New WID Proposal: NR measurement gap enhancements Intel Corporation, Mediatek imported from 3GU
RP‑202092 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][22][RAN4_R17_Demod] Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑202093 [Alternative] CR to refer to 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑202094 Revised SID: Study on NR positioning enhancements CATT, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑202095 Achieving consistency on FR2 fallback behaviour across WGs Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑202096 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][26][R17_MIMO_scope] Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑202097 Reply LS to 5G-ACIA-LS-2020-WI042 = RP-201279 on 3GPP NR Rel-16 URLLC and IIoT performance evaluation (to: 5G-ACIA; cc: RAN1, RAN2, SA1; contact: Ericsson) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202098 [Alternative] CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑202099 W exception for REL-16 WI Core part: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑202100 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑202101 CR to introduce 7.5 kHz UL shift for LTE/NR spectrum sharing in Band 38/n38 VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑202102 New basket WID: High power UE (power class 2) for NR inter-band Carrier Aggregation with 2 bands downlink and 2 bands uplink China Telecom imported from 3GU
RP‑202103 Alternative New SID: Study on Efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths T-Mobile USA, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑202104 New WID on NR support for high speed train scenario in FR2 Samsung, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202105 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][32][38_n38_sharing] Vodafone imported from 3GU
RP‑202106 New WID on enhancement for NR high speed train scenario CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑202107 New WID on NR RF Enhancements for FR2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202108 TS 38.175 v1.0.0 on NR; Integrated Access and Backhaul ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑202109 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][14][R16_backwards_compatibility] Qualcomm (RAN1 chairman) imported from 3GU
RP‑202110 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][36][Overlapping_objectives] Qualcomm (RAN1 chairman) imported from 3GU
RP‑202111 Release, Meeting and TU planning RAN chairman (Nokia), RAN1 chairman (Qualcomm), RAN2 chairman (Mediatek), RAN3 chairman (Ericsson), RAN4 chairman (Futurewei), RAN5 chairman (Motorola) imported from 3GU
RP‑202112 Introduction of NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, AT&T, Charter Communications, Inc., Verizon, Samsung, LGE, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑202113 CR to TS 38.104: Introduction of NR-U into BS core specification Nokia; Nokia Shanghai Bell; Qualcomm; Charter Communications, Inc; AT&T; Verizon imported from 3GU
RP‑202114 New WID proposal: introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑202115 Reply LS to RCC_LS200904 = RP-201438 on Standardisation of a new 5G-NR/IMT-2020 band in 6425-7125 MHz (to: RCC Commission on Spectrum and Satellite Orbits; cc: -; contact: Huawei) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑202116 New WID on introduction of lower 6GHz NR unlicensed operation for Europe Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑202117 Introduction of NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, AT&T, Charter Communications, Inc., Verizon, Samsung, LGE, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑202118 New WID on NR support for high speed train scenario in FR2 Samsung, Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑202119 New WID Proposal: NR measurement gap enhancements Intel Corporation, Mediatek imported from 3GU
RP‑202120 Moderator's summary for email discussion [89E][28][Satellite_bands] Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑202121 Report of electronic meeting RAN #88e held 29.06.-03.07.2020 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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