Issuing New TS and TR Numbers

New Technical Specification (TS) and Technical Report (TR) numbers are issued by the Specifications Manager on request (by email) from the rapporteur or the Project Manager for the responsible TSG/WG. Any request for a new number must contain the following information:
- Unique_ID value of the Work Item which justifies the new TS or TR (obtainable from the Gantt chart or, more rapidly, from the simple WI list)
- The TDoc number of the Work Item Description (WID) document approved at TSG level which shows (in §10) the new TS / TR, together with the target date for its approval.
- The name of the rapporteur for the TS / TR if this is other than the rapporteur for the Work Item as mentioned in the WID, together with contact coordinates if he is new to 3GPP.
- In the case of a TR, whether an xx.8xx or an xx.9xx (or possibly a / number which is required, if this is not made clear in the WID itself. More information can be found on the page describing spec numbering.
In allocating a new TS or TR number, the Specifications Manager takes into consideration the relationship – explicit or implied – with any other TS/TR. For example:
- Does the TS arise directly as a result of a feasibility study the results of which are captured in a TR?
- Is this TS in a stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 series?
- Is this TS/TR cover a topic similar or derived from another?