Generations of Mobile Standards

PS rel 14 450 350pxRelease 14 focuses on the following Features:

(source TR 21.914)

  • Improvements of the Mission Critical (MC) aspects, in particular by introducing Video and Data MC services.
  • Introducing Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications, in particular Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V).
  • Improvements of the Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) aspects, with 2G, 3G and 4G support of Machine-Type of Communications (MTC).
  • Improvements of the radio interface, in particular by enhancing the aspects related to coordination with WLAN and unlicensed spectrum.
  • A set of uncorrelated improvements, e.g. on Voice over LTE (VoLTE), IMS, Location reporting. 


Release description

The "Release 14 Description; Summary of Rel-14 Work Items" (TR21.914) is now available, with the Work Plan manager's summary notes for each of the Features within.  Although the detailed data on each piece of work (Studies, Work item descriptions, Features) is available via the work plan, or via the 3GPP Portal, we hope that the "initial state" (pre-Change Request state) of the Features in TR21.914 will be of use to you.  

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Fig. Release planning circa. 2016