Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: N1-32 - 2003-10-27 to 2003-10-31, Bangkok

meeting id: N1-32 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
N1‑031337 Title Source -
N1‑031338 - - -
N1‑031339 Draft Report of meeting #21 - Version 0.0.5 Secretary TSG SA (M. Pope, MCC) -
N1‑031340 CN1 specification responsibility list after plenary#21 MCC -
N1‑031341 - - -
N1‑031342 Summary of current IETF documents on SIPPING Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031343 Summary of current IETF documents on SIP Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031344 Summary of current IETF documents on MMUSIC Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031345 Registration amendments in profile - -
N1‑031346 Registration amendments in profile - -
N1‑031347 Discussion on the use of privacy in release 5 IM CN subsystem Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031348 Completion of major capabilities table in respect of privacy - -
N1‑031349 Completion of major capabilities table in respect of privacy - -
N1‑031350 Privacy considerations for the UE - -
N1‑031351 Privacy considerations for the UE - -
N1‑031352 Charging references in 4.1 - -
N1‑031353 Charging references in 4.1 - -
N1‑031354 Compression procedure tidyup - -
N1‑031355 Compression procedure tidyup - -
N1‑031356 MGCF procedure tidyup - -
N1‑031357 MGCF procedure tidyup - -
N1‑031358 INVITE dialog amendments in profile - -
N1‑031359 INVITE dialog amendments in profile - -
N1‑031360 Flow number corrections in Annex B - -
N1‑031361 Minor terminology corrections - -
N1‑031362 Summary of current IETF documents on SIMPLE Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031363 Draft 3GPP TR 24.841 "Presence based on SIP; Functional models, flows and protocol details" Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031364 Draft 3GPP TR 24.841 "Presence based on SIP; Functional models, flows and protocol details" Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031365 Draft 3GPP TS 24.141 "Presence service using the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; stage 3" Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031366 CR to 24.141: Editorial corrections to framework Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031367 Presence WID open issues list Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031368 CR to 24.841: Revisions resulting from issue of draft-ietf-sip-publish-00 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031369 Summary of current IETF documents on XCON Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031370 CR to 29.847: Editorial comments Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031371 CR to 24.847: Editorial changes to Annex A Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031372 CR to 29.847: Correction of text regarding MRFC/AS relationship Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031373 CR to 29.847: Conference mixer clarifications Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031374 CR to 29.847: Definitions Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031375 Correction of I-CSCF handling of multiple private user identities with same public user identity - -
N1‑031376 P-Asserted-Identity in SUBSCRIBE requests - -
N1‑031377 P-Asserted-Identity in SUBSCRIBE requests - -
N1‑031378 Addition of reference to Gq interface - -
N1‑031379 P-CSCF integrity protection - -
N1‑031380 P-CSCF integrity protection - -
N1‑031381 CR to 29.847: Removal of duplicate requirements to 24.229 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031382 CR to 24.847: Adoption of terminology for IMSCOOP Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031383 CR to 29.847: Inclusion of normative references to 3GPP TS 24.229 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031384 Definition of 'c=' line in SDP - -
N1‑031385 Definition of 'c=' line in SDP - -
N1‑031386 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031387 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031388 Check that IMPU is registered - -
N1‑031389 Check that IMPU is registered - -
N1‑031390 ePLMN list extension - -
N1‑031391 Unavailable definitions - -
N1‑031392 Unavailable definitions - -
N1‑031393 Reference corrections - -
N1‑031394 Reference corrections - -
N1‑031395 CR to 24.841: Editorial corrections Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031396 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 1 (Scope) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031397 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 4.1 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031398 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 5.2 (3GPP WLAN AN selection) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031399 CR to 24.234: Use of I-WLAN terminology Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031400 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 4.2 (WLAN UE identities) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031401 Reply LS on Network Sharing in GERAN GERAN (WG2) -
N1‑031402 LS on GERAN WG2 -
N1‑031403 LS Response on Stage 3 level specification directions for support for subscriber certificate work item CN4 -
N1‑031404 Reply LS on P-TMSI signature validation functionality in R99 CN4 -
N1‑031405 - - -
N1‑031406 LS on DNS domains used in 3GPP TS 23.003 3GPP TSG CN -
N1‑031407 LS on Call set-up delay reduction in GSM RAN WG2 -
N1‑031408 Reply LS on further guidance for Network Sharing in Rel-6 RAN WG2 -
N1‑031409 Handling of MBMS UEs in RRC-connected, PMM-IDLE state RAN2 -
N1‑031410 Response on “Work following the joint SA2/RAN2/CN1 meeting on paging” TSG RAN3 -
N1‑031411 LS Response on a new question about RAN assumption RAN3 -
N1‑031412 Nature of SIP Signalling RAN3 -
N1‑031413 LS on identified NAS/AS issue for Shared networks in connected mode RAN3 -
N1‑031414 LS on “Update of WID on MBMS" SA4 -
N1‑031415 LS on principles for overlapping issues with OMA regarding PoC 3GPP TSG-SA -
N1‑031416 LS response to SA2 on UE Tunnelling T2 -
N1‑031417 LS on Call set-up delay reduction in GSM GERAN2 -
N1‑031418 Reply to LS on Service Id needs in the Access GERAN WG2 -
N1‑031419 LS on < Addition of multiple TBF capability flag to MS RAC IE > GERAN WG2 -
N1‑031420 LS Reply on “Trace Management” SA5 -
N1‑031421 TR 29.846: MBMS General update Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031422 TR 29.846: MBMS Session management Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031423 TR 29.846: MBMS Multicast Service Activation update Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031424 TR 29.846: MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031425 CR against TR 29.847: Removing other users from a conference Siemens AG -
N1‑031426 UICC related changes for IMS commonality and interoperability - -
N1‑031427 Interoperability and commonality; definition of scope - -
N1‑031428 Interoperability and commonality; addition of terminology - -
N1‑031429 Interoperability and commonality; media grouping - -
N1‑031430 Interoperability and commonality; access network information - -
N1‑031431 Interoperability and commonality; charging information - -
N1‑031432 Use of DNS SRV - -
N1‑031433 Use of DNS SRV - -
N1‑031434 CR to 24.841: Definitions Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031435 CR to 24.841: Inclusion of normative references to 3GPP TS 24.229 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031436 An analysis of the requirements of the Reason header Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031437 Profile support of RFC 3326: The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol - -
N1‑031438 CR to 24.841: Profile support of RFC 3326: The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031439 Profile support of RFC 3581: An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Symmetric Response Routing - -
N1‑031440 P-Charging-Vector header - -
N1‑031441 P-Charging-Vector header - -
N1‑031442 Clause 9 restructuring - -
N1‑031443 NSAPI – LLC SAPI mapping Ericsson -
N1‑031444 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031445 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031446 Correction to description or RES/XRES usage - -
N1‑031447 Correction to description or RES/XRES usage - -
N1‑031448 Correction to description or RES/XRES usage - -
N1‑031449 Including TMGI in the MBMS message 3, Motorola -
N1‑031450 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Definitions And Abbreviations 3 -
N1‑031451 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Service Continuity And Mobility 3 -
N1‑031452 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Data Transfer 3 -
N1‑031453 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Information Storage 3 -
N1‑031454 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Interaction With Other Features 3 -
N1‑031455 Network check on Precondition - -
N1‑031456 Network check on Precondition - -
N1‑031457 'Roaming' word and CS-O sessions - -
N1‑031458 Corrections regarding SDP handling - -
N1‑031459 Liaison statement on IMS AKA: UE populating RAND and AUTN parameters in responding to challenge SA3 -
N1‑031460 LS Response on “new interface names” SA3 -
N1‑031461 Introducing the Privacy Mechanism in Stage 2 SA3 -
N1‑031462 LS on Special-RAND mechanism SA3 -
N1‑031463 LS response to Stage 2 requirements for subscriber certificate work item SA3 -
N1‑031464 The requirement and feasibility of IMS watcher authentication SA3 -
N1‑031465 CN impacts of Network sharing in Rel-6 TeliaSonera -
N1‑031466 Proposed WID for Network Sharing stage 3 TeliaSonera -
N1‑031467 Clarification regarding use of RAT during background PLMN scanning - -
N1‑031468 Corrections on charging specification number - -
N1‑031469 Corrections on charging specification number - -
N1‑031470 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031471 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031472 Corrections on forking - -
N1‑031473 Additional clarifications for forking - -
N1‑031474 Corrections on IOI definition - -
N1‑031475 Corrections on IOI definition - -
N1‑031476 Corrections on the indicator for originating/terminating case - -
N1‑031477 Corrections on the indicator for originating/terminating case - -
N1‑031478 Corrections on requests terminated by the S-CSCF - -
N1‑031479 Corrections on requests terminated by the S-CSCF - -
N1‑031480 Corrections on Via header - -
N1‑031481 Corrections on Via header - -
N1‑031482 Proposed several changes in TR24.841 NEC -
N1‑031483 Proposed several changes in TR29.847 NEC -
N1‑031484 Revised IMS2 Work Item NEC -
N1‑031485 Correction of user initiated re-registration - -
N1‑031486 Correction of user initiated re-registration - -
N1‑031487 Correction of reregistration flow - -
N1‑031488 Correction of flow in 6.9.3 - -
N1‑031489 Update of flows (Security-Verify, P-Charging-Vector) Siemens -
N1‑031490 CR on 29.847 – Correction of wording in Authorization procedure Siemens -
N1‑031491 CR on 29.847 –Conferencing AS vs. conference focus SIEMENS -
N1‑031492 CR – Incorrect entry in Profile Table for PUBLISH request Siemens -
N1‑031493 TR : 29.846, MBMS TR version 0.2.0 3 -
N1‑031494 - - -
N1‑031495 Clarification on the use of the RAT during background scanning - -
N1‑031496 Clarification on the use of the RAT during background scanning - -
N1‑031497 Clarification on the use of the RAT during background scanning - -
N1‑031498 WLAN capability IE in MS Network Capability. - -
N1‑031499 SDP parameters necessary for charging - -
N1‑031500 SDP parameters necessary for charging - -
N1‑031501 Idle mode functions in RRC connected mode - -
N1‑031502 SM signalling in case tear down is requested - -
N1‑031503 XID negotiation for IP compression - -
N1‑031504 Addition of multiple TBF capability flag to MS RAC IE - -
N1‑031505 Order of frequency bands in MS Radio Access Capability IE - -
N1‑031506 Correction to the Multislot Power Profile Classes - -
N1‑031507 Correction to the Multislot Power Profile Classes - -
N1‑031508 TFT error handling - -
N1‑031509 Correcting a mistake in previously approved category A of its Rel99 category F CR 091 Rev 1 in NP-030041 - -
N1‑031510 Correcting a mistake in previously approved category A of its Rel99 category F CR 091 Rev 1 in NP-030041 - -
N1‑031511 Correction on the service key definition - -
N1‑031512 Corrections on the charging procedure - -
N1‑031513 Additional clarifications on charging for forking - -
N1‑031514 Corrections on P-Charging-Function adrress related procedure - -
N1‑031515 Corrections on P-Charging-Function adrress related procedure - -
N1‑031516 Correction of timer handling in diagram 4.7.7a - -
N1‑031517 PFI correction - -
N1‑031518 PFI correction - -
N1‑031519 PFI correction - -
N1‑031520 PFI correction - -
N1‑031521 Handling of key sets at inter-system change - -
N1‑031522 Handling of key sets at inter-system change - -
N1‑031523 Correction of MS network capability IE - -
N1‑031524 CR to TR 29.846: Verification of UE Bearer Capabilities Siemens AG -
N1‑031525 Removal of codepoint for GTP ack mode - -
N1‑031526 Disabling of ROHC segmentation - -
N1‑031527 Protocol Discriminator 3 -
N1‑031529 SSD and Signalling indication in QoS IE - -
N1‑031530 WLAN TS 24.234: References Nokia -
N1‑031531 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN Selection Nokia -
N1‑031532 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN PLMN Selection Nokia -
N1‑031533 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN Authentication Nokia -
N1‑031534 WLAN TS 24.234: Scope, References and Definitions Nokia -
N1‑031535 WLAN TS 24.234: Parameters Nokia -
N1‑031536 WLAN TS 24.234: Scope, References and Definitions Nokia -
N1‑031537 Revision of WLAN WID Nokia -
N1‑031538 Session initiation without preconditions - -
N1‑031539 Session initiation without preconditions - -
N1‑031540 Discussion: Trust Domain in IMS Ericsson -
N1‑031541 IMS trust domain in Rel 5 - -
N1‑031542 IMS trust domain in Rel 6 - -
N1‑031543 Session timer - -
N1‑031544 Privacy to the P-Asserted-Idenity - -
N1‑031545 Privacy to the P-Asserted-Idenity - -
N1‑031546 Clarification of the muting and unmuting of the downlink - -
N1‑031547 P-CSCF and UE handling of Security Associations - -
N1‑031548 P-CSCF and UE handling of Security Associations - -
N1‑031549 Precondition Fallback - -
N1‑031550 S-CSCF and P-CSCF re-selection Nokia -
N1‑031551 S-CSCF and P-CSCF re-selection - -
N1‑031552 S-CSCF and P-CSCF re-selection - -
N1‑031553 TR 29.487 – Conferencing in IMS – version 0.1.0 Nokia -
N1‑031554 TS 24.147 – Conferencing in IMS – version 0.1.0 Nokia -
N1‑031555 TS 24.247 – Messaging Service in IMS – version 0.1.0 Nokia -
N1‑031556 29.847 Flow: AS invites user to a conference Nokia -
N1‑031557 29.847 Flow: AS sends REFER to user Nokia -
N1‑031558 TR 29.847: Profile Tables Lost and Found Nokia -
N1‑031559 29.847 Text: AS sends REFER to user Nokia -
N1‑031560 - - -
N1‑031561 TR 29.847: Reference to TS 22.141 Nokia -
N1‑031562 29.847 Text: Leaving a Conference Nokia -
N1‑031563 TR 29.847: Drop flows A.3.3, A.3.4, A.3.5, A.7 and A.8 Nokia -
N1‑031564 29.847 Flow: User sending REFER to AS Nokia -
N1‑031565 Discussion Paper on IMS Messaging Nokia -
N1‑031566 24.247 Text: Message Sessions in IMS Nokia -
N1‑031567 24.247 Flow: Message Sessions in IMS Nokia -
N1‑031568 IMS Messaging – TS 24.247: Immediate Messaging (flow) Nokia -
N1‑031569 IMS Messaging – TS 24.247: Immediate Messaging (flow) Nokia -
N1‑031570 WID, Emergency Call Enhancements for IP & PS Based Calls – Stage 3 Ericsson -
N1‑031571 Status update for WI EMC1-PS Ericsson -
N1‑031572 WID: Support for subscriber certificates, stage 3 Ericsson -
N1‑031573 SDP offer handling in SIP responses in S-CSCF and P-CSCF - -
N1‑031574 Removal of RFC 3486 - -
N1‑031575 Removal of RFC 3486 - -
N1‑031576 SIP compression - -
N1‑031577 SIP compression - -
N1‑031578 SigComp Message Multiplexing Nokia -
N1‑031579 Sending challenge - -
N1‑031580 Sending challenge - -
N1‑031581 Reg-await-auth timer value - -
N1‑031582 Reg-await-auth timer value - -
N1‑031583 Determination of S-CSCF role - -
N1‑031584 AS originated requests - -
N1‑031585 Network initiated deregistration - -
N1‑031586 Network initiated deregistration - -
N1‑031587 Proposed WID: Support for subscriber certificates at UE – Network interfaces, stage 3 Nokia -
N1‑031588 - - -
N1‑031589 Text harmonisation with 3GPP2 - -
N1‑031590 CR to 24.841: Annex A corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031591 CR to 29.847: Annex A corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031592 Corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header (Part 1) - -
N1‑031594 Corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header (Part 2) - -
N1‑031595 Procedures in the absence of UICC - -
N1‑031596 Appropriate linkage to new Annex C - -
N1‑031597 P-Access-Network-Info changes - -
N1‑031598 Don't use SAPI to differentiate between messages of the same message type. - -
N1‑031599 Network Sharing: PLMN Selection, Routing and Radio Planning Motorola -
N1‑031600 - - -
N1‑031601 Liaison Statement on EC Requirements on Emergency Telecommunications OCG EMTEL -
N1‑031602 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031603 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031604 Corrections on requests terminated by the S-CSCF - -
N1‑031605 Corrections on requests terminated by the S-CSCF - -
N1‑031606 Handling of MBMS UEs in RRC-connected, PMM-IDLE state N1 -
N1‑031607 Response to LS "Nature of SIP Signalling" N1 -
N1‑031608 [D1]LS on Network indication of support of Inter-RAT Handover Info message size reduction CN1 -
N1‑031609 Proposed WID for Network Sharing stage 3 TeliaSonera -
N1‑031610 LS Reply on "Trace Management" N1 -
N1‑031611 [D1]LS on Introducing the Privacy Mechanism in Stage 2 CN1 -
N1‑031612 Reply LS on Special-RAND mechanism N1 -
N1‑031613 The requirement and feasibility of IMS watcher authentication CN1 -
N1‑031614 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031615 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031616 Correction to description or RES/XRES usage - -
N1‑031617 Correction to description or RES/XRES usage - -
N1‑031618 Correction of user initiated re-registration - -
N1‑031619 Correction of user initiated re-registration - -
N1‑031620 Correction of flow in 6.9.3 - -
N1‑031621 IMS trust domain in Rel 5 - -
N1‑031622 IMS trust domain in Rel 6 - -
N1‑031623 P-CSCF and UE handling of Security Associations - -
N1‑031624 P-CSCF and UE handling of Security Associations - -
N1‑031625 Reg-await-auth timer value - -
N1‑031627 Registration amendments in profile - -
N1‑031630 Flow number corrections in Annex B - -
N1‑031631 P-Asserted-Identity in SUBSCRIBE requests - -
N1‑031632 P-Asserted-Identity in SUBSCRIBE requests - -
N1‑031633 P-CSCF integrity protection - -
N1‑031634 P-CSCF integrity protection - -
N1‑031635 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031636 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031637 Status update for WI EMC1-PS Ericsson -
N1‑031638 'Roaming' word and CS-O sessions - -
N1‑031639 Corrections regarding SDP handling - -
N1‑031640 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031641 Corrections on ICID for REGISTER - -
N1‑031642 Session initiation without preconditions - -
N1‑031643 [D1]LS on relaxing the requirement on usage of the SIP precondition extension CN1 -
N1‑031644 LS “Questions on the possibility to not use Preconditions in Release 5” CN1 -
N1‑031645 Addition of new IE for 'GSM call setup delay reduction' - -
N1‑031646 Addition of new IE for 'GSM call setup delay reduction' - -
N1‑031647 Addition of new IE for 'GSM call setup delay reduction' - -
N1‑031648 Clarification regarding use of RAT during background PLMN scanning - -
N1‑031649 SM signalling in case tear down is requested - -
N1‑031650 XID negotiation for IP compression - -
N1‑031651 TFT error handling - -
N1‑031652 Disabling of ROHC segmentation - -
N1‑031653 Don't use SAPI to differentiate between messages of the same message type. - -
N1‑031654 TR 29.846: MBMS General update Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031655 TR 29.846: MBMS Session management Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031656 TR 29.846: MBMS Multicast Service Activation update Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031657 TR 29.846: MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031658 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Service Continuity And Mobility 3 -
N1‑031659 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Data Transfer 3 -
N1‑031660 CR to 29.846 : MBMS Information Storage 3 -
N1‑031661 CR – Incorrect entry in Profile Table for PUBLISH request Siemens -
N1‑031662 Proposed several changes in TR24.841 NEC -
N1‑031663 CR to 24.841: Annex A corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031664 CR to 29.847: Removal of duplicate requirements to 24.229 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031665 CR against TR 29.847: Removing other users from a conference Siemens AG -
N1‑031666 29.847 Text: Leaving a Conference Nokia -
N1‑031667 Proposed several changes in TR29.847 NEC -
N1‑031668 Update of flows (Security-Verify, P-Charging-Vector) Siemens -
N1‑031669 CR on 29.847 –Conferencing AS vs. conference focus SIEMENS -
N1‑031670 29.847 Flow: AS invites user to a conference Nokia -
N1‑031671 29.847 Flow: AS sends REFER to user Nokia -
N1‑031672 TR 29.847: Drop flows A.3.3, A.3.4, A.3.5, A.7 and A.8 Nokia -
N1‑031673 29.847 Flow: User sending REFER to AS Nokia -
N1‑031674 CR to 29.847: Annex A corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031675 24.247 Text: Message Sessions in IMS Nokia -
N1‑031676 24.247 Flow: Message Sessions in IMS Nokia -
N1‑031677 IMS Messaging – TS 24.247: Immediate Messaging (flow) Nokia -
N1‑031678 Session timer - -
N1‑031679 IMS Messaging – TS 24.247: Immediate Messaging Nokia -
N1‑031680 Procedures in the absence of UICC - -
N1‑031681 Profile support of RFC 3326: The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol - -
N1‑031682 UICC related changes for IMS commonality and interoperability - -
N1‑031683 P-Access-Network-Info changes - -
N1‑031684 Clause 9 restructuring - -
N1‑031685 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 1 (Scope) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031686 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 4.1 Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031687 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 5.2 (3GPP WLAN AN selection) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031688 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN Selection Nokia -
N1‑031689 Clarification on the use of the RAT during background scanning - -
N1‑031690 LS on WLAN requirements N1 -
N1‑031691 CR to 24.234: Use of I-WLAN terminology Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031692 CR to 24.234: Changes to subclause 4.2 (WLAN UE identities) Lucent Technologies -
N1‑031693 WLAN TS 24.234: References Nokia -
N1‑031694 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN PLMN Selection Nokia -
N1‑031695 WLAN TS 24.234: WLAN Authentication Nokia -
N1‑031696 WLAN TS 24.234: Scope, References and Definitions Nokia -
N1‑031697 WLAN TS 24.234: Parameters Nokia -
N1‑031698 Revision of WLAN WID Nokia -
N1‑031700 Corrections on IOI definition - -
N1‑031701 Corrections on IOI definition - -
N1‑031702 S-CSCF and P-CSCF re-selection - -
N1‑031703 S-CSCF and P-CSCF re-selection - -
N1‑031704 SDP offer handling in SIP responses in S-CSCF and P-CSCF - -
N1‑031705 SIP compression - -
N1‑031706 Network initiated deregistration - -
N1‑031707 Network initiated deregistration - -
N1‑031708 Corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header (Part 1) - -
N1‑031709 Corrections to the P-Access-Network-Info header (Part 2) - -
N1‑031710 - - -
N1‑031711 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031712 Correct use of RAND during re-synchronisation failures - -
N1‑031715 Reg-await-auth timer value - -
N1‑031716 Reg-await-auth timer value - -
N1‑031719 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031720 Update of HSS information at deregistration - -
N1‑031721 29.847 Flow: User sending REFER to AS Nokia -
N1‑031722 24.247 Text: Message Sessions in IMS Nokia -
N1‑031723 IMS Messaging – TS 24.247: Immediate Messaging Nokia -
N1‑031724 The requirement and feasibility of IMS watcher authentication N1 -
N1‑031725 LS on "Questions on the possibility to not use Preconditions in Release 5" N1 -
N1‑031726 TR 29.846: MBMS Multicast Service Activation update Ericsson, 3 -
N1‑031727 SDP offer handling in SIP responses in S-CSCF and P-CSCF - -
N1‑031728 LS on Introducing the Privacy Mechanism in Stage 2 N1 -

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