Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: RP-67 - 2015-03-09 to 2015-03-12, Shanghai

meeting id: RP-67 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
RP‑150001 Agenda for RAN #67 held in Shanghai, China, 09.03.-12.03.2015 RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150002 Draft report of RAN #66 held in Maui, USA, 08.12.-11.12.2014 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150003 Draft report of RAN #66 held in Maui, USA, 08.12.-11.12.2014 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150004 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) -
RP‑150005 Status Report RAN WG1 RAN1 chairman (NTT DOCOMO) -
RP‑150006 List of CRs from RAN WG1 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150007 Status Report RAN WG2 RAN2 chairman (Ericsson) -
RP‑150008 List of CRs from RAN WG2 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150009 Status Report RAN WG3 RAN3 chairman (Huawei) -
RP‑150010 List of CRs from RAN WG3 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150011 Status Report RAN WG4 RAN4 chairman (Nokia Networks) -
RP‑150012 List of CRs from RAN WG4 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150013 Status Report of RAN4 CA WIs RAN4 chairman (Nokia Networks) -
RP‑150014 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 Chairman (Sprint) -
RP‑150015 List of CRs from RAN WG5 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150016 Status Report MCC TF160 (for approval) ETSI MCC TF160 Leader -
RP‑150017 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #67 (pre-TSG version) ETSI MCC -
RP‑150018 3GPP Support Team Report ETSI MCC -
RP‑150019 LS on NGMN’s 5G Initiative (2nd LS) (NGMN_LS_141223; to: SA, RAN, CT; cc: -; contact: NGMN Office) NGMN -
RP‑150020 LS on Licensed Shared Access (LSA) related Activities in TC RRS (ETSI TC RRS(14)028019r1; to: SA; cc: RAN, SA5; contact: Intel) ETSI TC RRS -
RP‑150021 LS on public safety discovery (S2-150691; to: RAN1, RAN2, SA3, RAN; cc: -; contact: Qualcomm) SA2 -
RP‑150022 LS on support for ProSe one-to-one communication in Release 13 (S6-150076; to: RAN2; cc: SA2, RAN; contact: General Dynamics) SA6 -
RP‑150023 LS on Establishment of new working group TSG SA WG6 (SP-140884; to: OMA, ETSI TC TCCE, 3GPP TSG CT, SA2, SA6, ATIS; cc: TCCA, PCG, RAN, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT6, SA1, SA3, SA4, SA5; contact: SA6 convener) SA -
RP‑150024 LS regarding coexistence of Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) and IEEE 802 (IEEE_802_LMSC_150202; to: RAN; cc: RAN1, IEEE 802, IEEE 802.19; contact: Chairman IEEE 802 LMSC) IEEE 802 LMSC -
RP‑150025 LS on Request for information sharing between ATIS COAST SYNC and 3GPP RAN on timing requirements for wireless base stations in the United States (ATIS_COAST_SYNC_150122_00007; to: RAN; cc: ATIS; contact: AT&T) ATIS COAST SYNC -
RP‑150026 LS regarding CTIA MIMO OTA Test Plan Development (CTIA_LS_150203; to: RAN4, RAN5; cc: RAN; contact: AT&T) CTIA MOSG -
RP‑150027 Reply LS to RP-142316 on OTA Test Requirement Work Plan (CTIA_LS_150202; to: RAN; cc: RAN4; contact: Spirent) CTIA OTA WG -
RP‑150028 LS on current implementation of 700 MHz bandplan with 3GPP specification (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/567; to: RAN4, RAN; cc: -; contact: ITU-R SG5 Counselor) ITU-R WP5D -
RP‑150029 LS to GCS proponents and transposing organizations on the provision of transposition references and certification C for draft revision 2 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012^^ ITU-R WP5D -
RP‑150030 Response LS to S2-150658 on Support of a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 eNBs and Backhauls in eMBMS (R3-150489; to: SA2; cc: CT4, RAN, CT; contact: Alcatel-Lucent) RAN3 -
RP‑150031 LS to ext. organizations and research entities engaged in "5G" development requesting an update on IMT activities (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/521(Rev.1) ITU-R WP5D -
RP‑150032 LS on LTE Rel-12 UE feature list about RAN1 responsible features (R1-150947; to: RAN; cc: RAN2, RAN4; contact: NTT DOCOMO) RAN1 -
RP‑150033 Response LS to S2-150691 = RP-150021 on public safety discovery (R1-150948; to: SA2; cc: RAN2, SA3, RAN; contact: Qualcomm) RAN1 -
RP‑150034 LS on LTE Rel-12 UE feature list about RAN2 responsible features (R2-150703; to: RAN; cc: RAN1, RAN4; contact: NTT DOCOMO) RAN2 -
RP‑150035 LS reply to S6-150076 = RP-150021 on support for ProSe one-to-one communication in Release 13 (R2-150710; to: SA6; cc: SA2, RAN; contact: Intel) RAN2 -
RP‑150036 LS on LTE Rel-12 UE feature list about RAN4 responsible features (R4-151044; to: RAN; cc: RAN1, RAN2; contact: NTT DOCOMO) RAN4 -
RP‑150037 LS on impact of optional preconfigured parameters for D2D out of Network coverage mode (R4-151170; to: RAN1, RAN2, RAN5, SA2, RAN; cc: -; contact: Sprint) RAN4 -
RP‑150038 Response LS to ATIS_COAST_SYNC_150122_00007 = RP-150025 on ATIS COAST SYNC and 3GPP RAN timing requirements for wireless base stations (R4-151239; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: NSN) RAN4 -
RP‑150039 DRAFT Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/567 = RP-150028 on CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION OF 700 MHz BANDPLAN WITHIN 3GPP SPECIFICATION (R4-151242; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) RAN4 -
RP‑150040 LS on preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 6 GHz] (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/534(Rev.1) ITU-R WP5D -
RP‑150041 LS on the detailed work plan, timeline, process and deliverables for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/577^^ ITU-R WP5D -
RP‑150042 LS on the introduction of the signalling for UL 64 QAM (R2-150733; to: RAN4; cc: RAN, RAN1; contact: Huawei) RAN2 -
RP‑150043 Draft letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/521(Rev.1) = RP-150031 and ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/577 = RP-150041 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc -
RP‑150044 Draft letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/530 = RP-150029 on 3GPP comments on draft revision 2 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 (RT-150010; to: CT, RAN; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc -
RP‑150045 reserved - -
RP‑150046 reserved - -
RP‑150047 reserved - -
RP‑150048 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4 REL-12 & REL-13 WIs/SIs after RAN #67 RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4 chairmen -
RP‑150049 Agenda for RAN #67 held in Shanghai, China, 09.03.-12.03.2015 RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150050 Hanging paragraphs ETSI MCC -
RP‑150051 Tdoc and CR status values ETSI MCC -
RP‑150052 Use of multiple WI codes on CRs ETSI MCC -
RP‑150053 Correction to the implementation of CR 2471r3 (Clarification for ACK/NACK feedback of CGI measurement) ETSI MCC -
RP‑150054 RAN chair's presentation on "3GPP & unlicensed spectrum" at WFA Board of Directors, Feb. 23, 2015 RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150055 RAN chair's presentation on "3GPP & unlicensed spectrum" at IEEE 802 Interim Session, 11-16.01.2015, Atlanta, USA RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150056 Getting ready for "5G" RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150057 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #67 (past-TSG version) ETSI MCC -
RP‑150058 Way forward on LTE Carrier Aggregation WI handling ETSI MCC -
RP‑150059 CR to TR 36.850 v11.1.0 changing the TR into a pointer to the new TR 36.852-11 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150060 Report of RAN #66 held in Maui, USA, 08.12.-11.12.2014 ETSI MCC -
RP‑150061 Status report for WI Perf. part: CRS Interference Mitigation for LTE Homogenous Deployments; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 -
RP‑150062 Status report for WI Perf. part: Further EUL Enhancements, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 -
RP‑150063 Status report for WI Perf. part: Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 -
RP‑150064 New WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation FDD-TDD KDDI -
RP‑150065 Maximum allowed layers for multiple monitoring for CA Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150066 Maximum allowed layers for multiple monitoring for CA Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150067 Revised Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 8 and Band 28 SoftBank Mobile -
RP‑150068 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for UE Over the Air (Antenna) conformance testing methodology - Laptop Equipment Free Space Test, rapporteur: ZTE RAN5 -
RP‑150069 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom, rapporteur: ZTE RAN5 -
RP‑150070 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom ZTE -
RP‑150071 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further DL MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced ZTE -
RP‑150072 Approval of TR 36.852-12 v2.0.0: E-UTRA inter-band Carrier Aggregation Ericsson -
RP‑150073 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 4 and Band 12 T-Mobile USA -
RP‑150074 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 4 and Band 12 T-Mobile USA -
RP‑150075 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 4 and Band 4 T-Mobile USA -
RP‑150076 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation: Microsoft RAN5 -
RP‑150077 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation Microsoft Corporation -
RP‑150078 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 3DL: Microsoft RAN5 -
RP‑150079 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Rel-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 3DL Microsoft Corporation -
RP‑150080 Status report for SI on Study on Indoor Positioning Enhancements for UTRA and LTE; rapporteur: NextNav RAN1 -
RP‑150081 Status report for WI Core part: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 -
RP‑150082 Selection of M2AP solution for suspension notification Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150083 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL) of Band 1, Band 5 and Band 40 SK Telecom -
RP‑150084 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL) of Band 3, Band 5 and Band 40 SK Telecom -
RP‑150085 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 5 and Band 40 SK Telecom -
RP‑150086 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150087 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150088 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150089 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150090 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150091 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150092 Status report for UE Conformance Test Aspects - WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking; rapporteur: Intel RAN5 -
RP‑150093 TR 36.877 v2.0.0 LTE Device to Device Proximity Services: User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception Qualcomm -
RP‑150094 Status report for WI: LTE Device to Device Proximity Services; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 -
RP‑150095 Status report for WI: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN2 -
RP‑150096 Introduction of new UE categories Qualcomm -
RP‑150097 Status report for UE Conformance Test Aspects - WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking, rapporteur: Intel RAN5 -
RP‑150098 Status report for UE Conformance Test Aspects - WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking, rapporteur: Intel RAN5 -
RP‑150099 Void NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150100 Status report for WI Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC: rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 -
RP‑150101 Revised WID: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC Ericsson -
RP‑150102 Motivation for Revised WID Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC Ericsson -
RP‑150103 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4 Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150104 Status report for WI Core part: LTE UE TRP & TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements, rapporteur: Nokia Corporation RAN4 -
RP‑150105 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3DL/2UL inter-band Carrier Aggregation Nokia Corporation, LG Electronics -
RP‑150106 Status Report for WI 2GHz FDD LTE Band for Region 1; rapporteur: DISH Network RAN4 -
RP‑150107 Revised WID: 2GHz FDD LTE Band for Region 1 DISH Network -
RP‑150108 Motivation for New SI: E-UTRAN support for Licensed Shared Access (LSA) Nokia Networks -
RP‑150109 New SI proposal for information: Study on E-UTRAN support for Licensed Shared Access (LSA) Nokia Networks -
RP‑150110 Status report for WI Core part: SON for AAS-based deployments, rapporteur: Nokia Networks RAN3 -
RP‑150111 New WI: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 4 and Band 7 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150112 New WI: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 7 and Band 12 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150113 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 7 and Band 12 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150114 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4 and Band 7 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150115 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 25 and Band 26 Sprint -
RP‑150116 TR 36.833-5-41 v2.0.0 on LTE-Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band 41 for 3 downlinks (3DL) Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150117 TR 36.833-6-41 v2.0.0 on LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band 41 for 3 downlinks (3DL) Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150118 TR 36.833-5-42 v1.0.0: LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 3DL CATT -
RP‑150119 Revised SID: Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010MHz and 2170-2200MHz KT -
RP‑150120 Status Report of SI on Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz; rapporteur: KT RAN4 -
RP‑150121 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3 and Band 42 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150122 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 19 and Band 42 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150123 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 21 and Band 42 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150124 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 3, Band 19 and Band 42 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150125 New WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 19, Band 21 and Band 42 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150126 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN5 -
RP‑150127 Status report for WI HSPA Dual-Band UL carrier aggregation; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 -
RP‑150128 Status report for WI Support of EVS over UTRAN CS; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN2 -
RP‑150129 Revised WID: HSPA Dual-Band UL carrier aggregation Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150130 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - DCH Enhancements for UMTS Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150131 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150132 Status report for WI on UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Enhancements to CELL-FACH: rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 -
RP‑150133 Status report for WI on UE Conformance Test Aspects - Single radio voice call continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN: rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 -
RP‑150134 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA Ericsson -
RP‑150135 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150136 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Rel-12 configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 2UL Ericsson -
RP‑150137 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS) Ericsson -
RP‑150138 Status report for SI LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 -
RP‑150139 Revised SID: Study on LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150140 Considerations of introducing possible additional TDD configuration(s) NEC -
RP‑150141 TR 36.8xx v1.0.0, Study on LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150142 New Work Item: LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150143 Motivation paper for new WI on LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150144 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 7, Band 20 and Band 38 Vodafone -
RP‑150145 Pcell support requirements for LTE CA combinations Vodafone, TeliaSonera, Orange, Telecom Italia, Deutsche Telekom, NTT DOCOMO, INC., CHTTL, Dish Network -
RP‑150146 Benefits/drawbacks and ecosystem aspects for additional TD-LTE configuration Vodafone -
RP‑150147 Scenarios, use cases and frequency bands for additional TD-LTE configuration Vodafone -
RP‑150148 New WID on AWS-Extension Band for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150149 Status Report: Perf. part: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE; rapporteur: Vodafone RAN4 -
RP‑150150 Motivation for WID on AWS-Extension Band for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150151 Status report for SI on Study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD, rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC. RAN -
RP‑150152 TR skeleton 36.825 v0.0.1 for Study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD CATT -
RP‑150153 Revised SID: Study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD CATT, CATR, NTT DoCoMo -
RP‑150154 Status report for WI Perf Part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation; rapporteur: CATT RAN4 -
RP‑150155 Way forward on RAN2 capacity increase LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150156 New WI proposal: Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150157 Work Plan for LTE Dual Connectivity enhancement NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150158 Status Report for SI: Study on performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE RAN4 -
RP‑150159 Revised SID: Study on performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC., Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150160 Status Report for WI Perf Part.: Dual Connectivity for LTE; rapporteur: RAN4 -
RP‑150161 Introduction of new UE category KDDI -
RP‑150162 Status report for Core part: Enhanced signalling for inter-eNB CoMP for LTE; rapporteur: Samsung RAN3 -
RP‑150163 Status report for SI Study on Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN; rapporteur: Samsung RAN3 -
RP‑150164 Motivation of Feasibility Study on LTE-based V2X Services LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150165 New SI proposal: Feasibility Study on LTE-based V2X Services LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150166 Motivation of RAN aspects of Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150167 New WI Proposal: RAN aspects of Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150168 Coexistence and simulation methodology on additional configuration for LTE TDD ZTE -
RP‑150169 ^^Discussion on Self-backhaul Nodes for Dense Cell Deployment ZTE -
RP‑150170 Revised SID: Study on Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN Samsung -
RP‑150171 New WID: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 7 Nokia Networks -
RP‑150172 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 7 and Band 8 Nokia Networks -
RP‑150173 Status report for WI Perf. part: E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 -
RP‑150174 Revised SID: Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150175 Status report for SI: Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 -
RP‑150176 Status report for SI: Study on Support of single-cell point-to-multipoint transmission in LTE, rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 -
RP‑150177 Revised SID: Study on Support of single-cell point-to-multipoint transmission in LTE, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150178 Handling of Rel-12 UE features (RAN4 part) NTT DOCOMO, INC., SoftBank Mobile, T-Mobile USA, CMCC, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera, Lightsquared, Telecom Italia, Telefónica -
RP‑150179 Status Report for WI: Perf. part: Network Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE; rapporteur: MediaTek RAN4 -
RP‑150180 Motivation for new SI proposal: LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150181 Motivation for new WI proposal: RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150182 New WI proposal: RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150183 Motivation for new WI proposal: Multi-Profile UE E-UTRA capability Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150184 New WI proposal: Multi-Profile UE E-UTRA capability Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150185 Consideration on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD CMCC -
RP‑150186 Scope of Study on Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network Assisted Interference Cancellation for LTE Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150187 Status Report for SI: Study on Multi-RAT Joint Coordination; rapporteur: CMCC RAN3 -
RP‑150188 Status Report for WI Perf Part: E-UTRA UE demodulation/CSI performance requirements for multiple Carrier Aggregation configurations; rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 -
RP‑150189 Revised SID: Study on Multi-RAT Joint Coordination CMCC -
RP‑150190 Motivation for New SI: Uplink Enhancements for LTE CMCC -
RP‑150191 New SID Proposal: Study on Uplink Enhancements for LTE CMCC -
RP‑150192 Motivation for New SI: Consideration on MDT Further Enhancements CMCC -
RP‑150193 New SID Proposal: Study on further Enhancements of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN CMCC -
RP‑150194 New WID Proposal: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 8 CMCC -
RP‑150195 Canadian Considerations for AWS Extension Band Plan Rogers Communications -
RP‑150196 Status report for SI Study on Small Data Transmission Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 -
RP‑150197 TR 25.705 v1.0.0 on Study on Small Data Transmission Enhancements for UMTS, for information Ericsson -
RP‑150198 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 4DL CATT -
RP‑150199 Discussion on regulatory aspects in using LTE uplink spectrum in Korea TTA -
RP‑150200 New WI Proposal: Multicarrier Load Distribution of UEs in LTE Verizon, China Telecom, NTT DOCOMO, Inc, ZTE, Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150201 Motivation paper for New WI: Multicarrier Load distribution of UEs in LTE Verizon, China Telecom, NTT DOCOMO, Inc, ZTE, Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150202 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150203 Revised Work Plan for LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers NTT DOCOMO, INC., Nokia Corporation, Nokia Networks -
RP‑150204 Status report for WI Perf. Part: Performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS; rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 -
RP‑150205 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE Coverage Enhancements, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN5 -
RP‑150206 Revised WID: Performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS China Telecom -
RP‑150207 Way forward on new UE categories in Rel-12 and 13 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150208 Deployment scenarios on additional TDD configurations NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150209 Merged LTE Rel-12 UE feature list and leftover issues NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150210 Evaluation methodology for possible additional TDD configuration(s) Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150211 Motivation for New WI: Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150212 Considerations on the 4Rx Work Item Scope Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150213 Status report for SI Study on Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network Assisted Interference Cancellation for LTE; rapporteur: MediaTek RAN1 -
RP‑150214 Revised SID: Study on Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network Assisted Interference Cancellation for LTE Mediatek -
RP‑150215 Proposed Work Plan for Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network Assisted Interference Cancellation Mediatek -
RP‑150216 TR 36.875 v1.0.0 on Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN Samsung -
RP‑150217 5G Standardization Work Plan NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150218 Scenarios and evaluation assumption for DL-only TDD NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150219 New SID Proposal: Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6 GHz Samsung -
RP‑150220 New SID Proposal: Study on further evolution beyond LTE-Advanced using frequency spectrum above 6 GHz Samsung -
RP‑150221 Motivation for study on further evolution beyond LTE-Advanced using frequency spectrum above 6 GHz Samsung -
RP‑150222 Timeline of RAN work for 5G Samsung -
RP‑150223 Status report for SI: Downlink Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 -
RP‑150224 Revised SID: Downlink Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150225 TR 25.706 v1.0.0 on Downlink Enhancements for UMTS, for information Huawei -
RP‑150226 Status report for SI: Study on further enhancements of small cell higher layer aspects for LTE, rapporteur: Huawei RAN3 -
RP‑150227 Status report for SI: Study on RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei RAN3 -
RP‑150228 Way forward on RAN4 related WI/SI NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150229 Status report for WI Perf Part.: Performance requirements of interference cancellation and suppression receiver for SU-MIMO, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 -
RP‑150230 Consideration of unsynchronized operation for TD-LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150231 Status report for WI: Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 -
RP‑150232 Status report for WI: Core part: UE core requirements for uplink 64 QAM, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 -
RP‑150233 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 28, Band 40 and Band 40, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150234 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 7 and Band 28, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150235 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1 in REL-13, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150236 New Work Item proposal: LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements Huawei, China Unicom, HiSilicon -
RP‑150237 Motivation for new work item on LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements Huawei, China Unicom, HiSilicon -
RP‑150238 Motivation for a Rel-13 study on latency reduction in LTE Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150239 New Work Item proposal: Positioning enhancements for E-UTRA Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150240 Motivation of Rel-13 New Work Item proposal: Positioning enhancements for E-UTRA Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150241 New work item proposal: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 5 and Band 29 Bell Mobility, TELUS, Huawei -
RP‑150242 Way forward on new DL UE categories Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150243 Proposal to increase the RAN2 capacity Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150244 Views on the timeline of 5G standardization and channel modeling activities in RAN Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150245 New WID Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Performance Requirements of Interference Cancellation and Suppression Receiver for SU-MIMO for E-UTRA Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150246 New WID: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 3DL Huawei, Etisalat -
RP‑150247 Solutions to mitigate raised concerns on DL only configuration NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150248 New SID: Study on regulatory aspects for flexible duplex for E-UTRAN LG Electronics -
RP‑150249 Motivation for new SID: Study on regulatory aspects for flexible duplex for E-UTRAN LG Electronics, China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150250 Further discussion on regulatory aspects related to flexible duplex operation for E-UTRAN LG Electronics, China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon, IAESI -
RP‑150251 Co-existence Considerations for Additional Configuration for LTE TDD Nokia Corporation, Nokia Networks -
RP‑150252 General discussion on possible new TDD configurations CATT -
RP‑150253 RAN4 methodologies for co-existence study CATT -
RP‑150254 Evaluation on the benefits and drawbacks for possible additional LTE TDD configuration CATT -
RP‑150255 Methods of utilizing unused TDD spectrum CATT -
RP‑150256 New work item proposal on support of CSI-RS in DwPTS CATT -
RP‑150257 Motivation for DL/UL PCell separation CATT -
RP‑150258 New study item proposal: Study on DL/UL PCell separation in LTE CATT -
RP‑150259 On Rel-12 UE eIMTA UE capabilities CATT -
RP‑150260 Status report for WI Core Part: Radiated requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception performance of UEs; rapporteur: Intel RAN4 -
RP‑150261 Revised WID: Radiated requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception performance of UEs Intel Corporation -
RP‑150262 New SI proposal: Study on LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150263 New SID Proposal: study on interference coordination for semi-static spectrum refarming between UMTS and LTE China Unicom -
RP‑150264 TR 37.870 v1.0.0 on Study on Multi-RAT Joint Coordination, for information CMCC -
RP‑150265 Motivation for new WI: Interference mitigation for downlink control channels of LTE Intel Corporation, ZTE -
RP‑150266 Motivation for New SI Interference coordination for SSR between UMTS and LTE China Unicom -
RP‑150267 New WI: Interference mitigation for downlink control channels of LTE Intel Corporation, ZTE -
RP‑150268 New SID Proposal: Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation China Unicom -
RP‑150269 TR 36.853-13 v0.3.0: Rel-13 Inter-band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) ZTE -
RP‑150270 New WID: MSR BS configurations for LTE for common antenna case ZTE -
RP‑150271 Status report for SI Study on Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 -
RP‑150272 Status report for LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers, rapporteur: Nokia Corporation RAN1 -
RP‑150273 Motivation for New SI: HSPA and LTE Joint Operation China Unicom -
RP‑150274 Motivation for new SI: Measurement gap enhancement for LTE Intel Corporation -
RP‑150275 Motivation for WID Revision: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers Nokia Corporation, NTT DoCoMo Inc., Nokia Networks -
RP‑150276 New SI proposal: Measurement gap enhancement for LTE Intel Corporation -
RP‑150277 Revised WID: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers Nokia Corporation, NTT DoCoMo Inc., Nokia Networks -
RP‑150278 [DRAFT] LS on Licensed-Assisted Access (to: ETSI BRAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson -
RP‑150279 Motivation for Study on Physical Layer Enhancements of Coordinated Scheduling for LTE large CoMP clusters Ericsson -
RP‑150280 New SI: Study on Physical Layer Enhancements of Coordinated Scheduling for LTE large CoMP clusters Ericsson -
RP‑150281 Motivation for new WI: eDRX for LTE Mediatek Inc -
RP‑150282 New WI proposal: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 5 Samsung -
RP‑150283 New WI proposal: Mobility Enhancements for LTE Mediatek Inc -
RP‑150284 Motivation for New WI: Mobility Enhancements for LTE Mediatek Inc -
RP‑150285 Revised WID: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 40 Samsung -
RP‑150286 Discussion on 5G timeline in RAN CATR -
RP‑150287 Views on the eco-system impact of possible additional TDD configuration(s) CATR -
RP‑150288 New WI proposal: Multiflow Enhancements for UTRA Nokia Networks, Nokia Corporation, Huawei, HiSilicon, China Unicom -
RP‑150289 Status report for WI Core Part: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE; rapporteur: NEC RAN3 -
RP‑150290 Motivation for Proposed SI: RAN Aspects of Downlink Traffic Differentiation for UPCON NEC -
RP‑150291 Proposed SI: Study on RAN Aspects of Downlink Traffic Differentiation for UPCON NEC -
RP‑150292 TP for TR36.825: Use Case: FDD-TDD Carrier Aggregation KT -
RP‑150293 Motivation for Uplink Enhancements for Heterogeneous and Small Cell Networks Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150294 New SI: Study on Partial control of Cell Management for UEs in LTE (PaCMan) Nokia Networks, Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150295 ^^ Motivation for New SI on Partial control of Cell Management for UEs in LTE (PaCMan) Nokia Networks, Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150296 New WI: Improved Mobility for Synchronous LTE Networks (MobSync) Nokia Networks, Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150297 Motivation for new WI: Improved Mobility via Synchronous Handovers in LTE Networks Nokia Networks, Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150298 CR to 36.306 on new DL UE categories Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150299 CR to 36.331 on new DL UE categories Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150300 Considerations on TDD allocations in CEPT region and the need for a new TDD DL only configuration Orange -
RP‑150301 Simulation Assumptions for Evaluating Additional Configurations for LTE TDD Ericsson -
RP‑150302 Future eMBMS enhancements for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150303 New WI proposal: eMBMS enhancements for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150304 New WI: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network Ericsson -
RP‑150305 5G timing in RAN Ericsson -
RP‑150306 Motivation for New WI: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network Ericsson -
RP‑150307 Architecture Options for LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration Ericsson -
RP‑150308 New WI: Channel modelling for frequency bands 6-100 GHz Nokia Networks -
RP‑150309 New SI proposal: Study on Latency reduction techniques for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150310 Motivation for new SI: Study on Latency reduction techniques for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150311 New WID proposal: Signalling Reduction for Idle-Active Transitions in LTE Ericsson, Intel Corporation -
RP‑150312 Motivation for new WI: Signalling Reduction for Idle-Active Transitions in LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150313 New SI proposal: Study on Mobility Enhancements for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150314 Motivation for new SI: Study on Mobility Enhancements for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150315 Mission Critical Air Ground Air Communications: Summary of discussions Orange -
RP‑150316 Considerations on 5G Standardization CMCC -
RP‑150317 LAA Use Cases BlackBerry UK Limited -
RP‑150318 Revised WID proposal: LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 31 Orange; Huawei -
RP‑150319 Revised WID for LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 3DL CATT -
RP‑150320 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel 99 Conformance Testing(TEI_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑150321 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI7_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑150322 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑150323 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑150324 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 3) RAN5 -
RP‑150325 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑150326 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑150327 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑150328 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑150329 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) (Batch 3) RAN5 -
RP‑150330 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150331 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150332 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150333 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150334 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150335 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150336 CR to 37.751-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150337 CR to 37.571-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150338 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Enhancements to CELL-FACH (Cell_FACH_enh-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑150339 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission (HSDPA_MFTX-UEConTest]) RAN5 -
RP‑150340 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Single radio voice call continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN (rSRVCC-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑150341 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-11 Conformance Testing (TEI11_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑150342 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation (LTE_CA_Rel12-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑150343 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Rel-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 3DL (LTE_CA_Rel12_3DL-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑150344 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) Positioning Support for LTE and UMTS (LCS_BDS-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑150345 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-12 Conformance Testing (TEI12_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑150346 Status report for SI Study on Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE; rapporteur: Nokia Networks RAN1 -
RP‑150347 Rel-11 CRs from RAN3 RAN3 -
RP‑150348 Correction of the usage of the MultibandInfoList IE RAN3 -
RP‑150349 Further EUL enhancements RAN3 -
RP‑150350 Add missing new SIB for IncMon RAN3 -
RP‑150351 Dual Connectivity for LTE CRs RAN3 -
RP‑150352 Correction of reloading PWS alerts RAN3 -
RP‑150353 ProSe CRs RAN3 -
RP‑150354 Support for eMBMS congestion management, via new procdure RAN3 -
RP‑150355 Support for eMBMS congestion management, via MBMS scheduling information procedure RAN3 -
RP‑150356 TEI12 CRs RAN3 -
RP‑150357 Status report for SI UE Conformance Test Aspects - BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) Positioning Support for LTE and UMTS; rapporteur: CATT RAN5 -
RP‑150358 CRs to 36.213 to clarify common search reception related to MBMS RAN1 -
RP‑150359 CRs to 36.213 on TM10 CSI-IM Interference Measurements RAN1 -
RP‑150360 CR to 25.214 to clarify UMTS Heterogeneous Network Enhancements RAN1 -
RP‑150361 CRs to 25.215, 25.225 & 36.214 on new E-UTRA RSRQ measurement definition RAN1 -
RP‑150362 CR to 36.873 to reduce O-to-I XPR Geometric Variance for the 3D Channel Model RAN1 -
RP‑150363 CR to 36.213 on correction for TDD-FDD CA RAN1 -
RP‑150364 CRs to 36.211 & 36.213 on corrections for Small Cell enhancements RAN1 -
RP‑150365 CR to 36.213 on corrections for Dual Connectivity feature RAN1 -
RP‑150366 CRs to 36.201, 36.211, 36.212, 36.213 & 36.214 to introduce D2D feature RAN1 -
RP‑150367 Way forward on new UE categories in Rel-12 and 13 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150368 RAN2 agreed CRs on various REL-8 Work Items RAN2 -
RP‑150369 RAN2 agreed CR on Correction of GLONASS system time RAN2 -
RP‑150370 RAN2 agreed CRs on Various REL-10 Work Items RAN2 -
RP‑150371 RAN2 agreed CRs on Various REL-11 Work Items RAN2 -
RP‑150372 RAN2 agreed CRs on Core part: Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements RAN2 -
RP‑150373 RAN2 agreed CRs on Closed LTE REL-12 Work Items RAN2 -
RP‑150374 RAN2 agreed CRs on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services RAN2 -
RP‑150375 RAN2 agreed CRs on Introduction of MBMS congestion management for Public Safety Group Call RAN2 -
RP‑150376 RAN2 agreed CRs on Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-12 RAN2 -
RP‑150377 RAN2 agreed CRs on ASN.1 corrections RAN2 -
RP‑150378 RAN agreed CRs on UE capability for modified MPR behavior RAN2 -
RP‑150379 RAN agreed CR on Introduction of UL64QAM based on split of DL and UL categories RAN2 -
RP‑150380 MCPTT Project Plan Proposal SA WG2 Chairman, US Department of Commerce (Rapporteur), UK Home Office (Rapporteur), CESG -
RP‑150381 RAN4 CRs to Rel-9 WIs RAN4 -
RP‑150382 RAN4 CRs to Rel-10 WIs RAN4 -
RP‑150383 RAN4 CRs to Maximum allowed layers for multiple monitoring for CA RAN4 -
RP‑150384 RAN4 CRs to Rel-11 WIs RAN4 -
RP‑150385 RAN4 CRs to Closed UTRA only related Wis RAN4 -
RP‑150386 RAN4 CRs to Closed UTRA & LTE related Wis RAN4 -
RP‑150387 RAN4 CRs to Closed LTE only related Wis RAN4 -
RP‑150388 RAN4 CRs to Closed LTE carrier aggregation only related WIs RAN4 -
RP‑150389 RAN4 CRs to Open UTRA only related Wis - Perf part RAN4 -
RP‑150390 RAN4 CRs to Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150391 RAN4 CRs to LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 3, Band 42 and Band 42 RAN4 -
RP‑150392 RAN4 CRs to E-UTRA UE performance requirements for multiple Carrier Aggregation configurations: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150393 RAN4 CRs to Dual Connectivity for LTE: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150394 RAN4 CRs to E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150395 RAN4 CRs to Performance requirements of interference cancellation and suppression receiver for SU-MIMO: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150396 RAN4 CRs to Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation: Perf. Part RAN4 -
RP‑150397 Consideration on LTE-WLAN interworking architecture Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150398 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑150399 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150400 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150401 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150402 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150403 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150404 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150405 Report of ad hoc on REL-13 Study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD Nokia Networks (ad hoc convener) -
RP‑150406 TR 36.825 v0.1.0 for Study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD CATT -
RP‑150407 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1 in REL-13, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150408 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A2 in REL-13 Qualcomm -
RP‑150409 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A3 in REL-13 Ericsson -
RP‑150410 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4 Nokia Corporation -
RP‑150411 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1 in REL-13, rapporteur: Huawei Huawei -
RP‑150412 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - DCH Enhancements for UMTS Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150413 Clean-up of 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2 and Band 12 RAN4 -
RP‑150414 Status report for SI Study on Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 -
RP‑150415 New WI proposal: Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150416 New WID Proposal: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 8 CMCC -
RP‑150417 Revised SID: Study on Multi-RAT Joint Coordination CMCC -
RP‑150418 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 5 and Band 40 SK Telecom -
RP‑150419 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150420 CR for Corrections and Clarifications of UE specifications in TR 36.844 RAN4 -
RP‑150421 Response LS to ATIS_COAST_SYNC_150122_00007 = RP-150025 on ATIS COAST SYNC and 3GPP RAN timing requirements for wireless base stations (to: ATIS COAST SYNC; cc: -; contact: Nokia Networks) RAN -
RP‑150422 New WI Proposal: RAN aspects of Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150423 3GPP TSG RAN views regarding Mission Critical Air Ground Air Communications Orange -
RP‑150424 Revised WID: 2GHz FDD LTE Band for Region 1 DISH Network -
RP‑150425 New WI proposal: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 5 Samsung -
RP‑150426 New WID proposal: Signalling Reduction for Idle-Active Transitions in LTE Ericsson, Intel Corporation -
RP‑150427 New Work Item: LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150428 New WID on AWS-Extension Band for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150429 New WI: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 4 and Band 7 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150430 New WI: Additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 7 and Band 12 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150431 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 7 and Band 12 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150432 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4 and Band 7 Rogers Communications -
RP‑150433 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 7, Band 20 and Band 38 Vodafone -
RP‑150434 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 5 and Band 40 SK Telecom -
RP‑150435 New WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 7 and Band 8 Nokia Networks -
RP‑150436 New work item proposal: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 5 and Band 29 Bell Mobility, TELUS, Huawei -
RP‑150437 New WID Proposal: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 8 CMCC -
RP‑150438 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 4DL CATT -
RP‑150439 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3DL/2UL inter-band Carrier Aggregation Nokia Corporation, LG Electronics -
RP‑150440 5G Standardization Work Plan NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150441 Revised WID: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services Qualcomm -
RP‑150442 Draft letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R on the detailed work plan, timeline, process and deliverables for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications RAN -
RP‑150443 CT-input to LETTER TO ITU ON 3GPP COMMENTS ON DRAFT REVISION 2 OF RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.2012 (CP-150207; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: CT chair (Ericsson)) CT -
RP‑150444 Draft Response LS to IEEE_802_LMSC_150202 = RP-150024 regarding Coexistence of Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) and IEEE 802 (to: IEEE 802 LMSC; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson, Huawei -
RP‑150445 [DRAFT] LS on Licensed-Assisted Access (to: ETSI BRAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson, Huawei -
RP‑150446 New WI Proposal: Multicarrier Load Distribution of UEs in LTE Verizon, China Telecom, NTT DOCOMO, Inc, ZTE, Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150447 Revised Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 8 and Band 28 SoftBank Mobile -
RP‑150448 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150449 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150450 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150451 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150452 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150453 LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T -
RP‑150454 Response LS to IEEE_802_LMSC_150202 = RP-150024 regarding Coexistence of Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) and IEEE 802 (to: IEEE 802 LMSC; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) RAN -
RP‑150455 [DRAFT] LS on Licensed-Assisted Access (to: ETSI BRAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) Ericsson, Huawei -
RP‑150456 New SI proposal: Study on Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE Mediatek -
RP‑150457 Revised SID: Study on LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports Ericsson -
RP‑150458 CR to 36.306 on new DL UE categories Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150459 CR to 36.331 on new DL UE categories Huawei, HiSilicon -
RP‑150460 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150461 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150462 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150463 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150464 New WID: RF requirements for LTE BS or MSR BS in case of common antenna with multi-band operation ZTE -
RP‑150465 New SI proposal: Study on Latency reduction techniques for LTE Ericsson -
RP‑150466 New WI Proposal: RAN aspects of Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150467 Getting ready for "5G" RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150468 New SID Proposal: study on interference coordination for semi-static spectrum refarming between UMTS and LTE China Unicom -
RP‑150469 Way forward on RAN4-led WI proposals for RAN#67 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150470 New SID: Study on regulatory aspects for flexible duplex for E-UTRAN LG Electronics -
RP‑150471 New SID Proposal: Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation China Unicom -
RP‑150472 New SID Proposal: Study on further Enhancements of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN CMCC -
RP‑150473 Way forward on RAN4-led SI/WI Intel -
RP‑150474 New WI: Interference mitigation for downlink control channels of LTE Intel Corporation, ZTE -
RP‑150475 New SI proposal: Measurement gap enhancement for LTE Intel Corporation -
RP‑150476 Way forward on "Mandating Pcell support in UE for all bands of LTE-CA band combinations" Vodafone -
RP‑150477 0 RAN -
RP‑150478 0 RAN -
RP‑150479 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3DL/2UL inter-band Carrier Aggregation Nokia Corporation, LG Electronics -
RP‑150480 Way forward on new RAN2-led Rel-13 Work and Study Items Eric'n,H'wei,HiSlcn,Qulcmm,Sftbnk,Sony,TliaSnra,USCell,InterDigital,Sierra,T'fonica,Li'tSqurd,KDDI,Pnsnc,Sprnt,Verzn,Mediatk,TMob,ZTE,Asstk,M'ola,USDept/Cmrce,ChTelecom,Dish,SthrnLink,Telus,Elektrobit,DT,Orange,NokiaNet's,III,ITRI,CoolPad,TlcmItalia -
RP‑150481 New WI proposal: LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150482 Draft LSout to regulatory bodies on flexible duplex Telecom Italia -
RP‑150483 Getting ready for "5G" RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑150484 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150485 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150486 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150487 reserved for ad hoc - -
RP‑150488 Draft LS regarding D2D off network operation (to: CT1; cc: -; contact: Sprint) Sprint -
RP‑150489 Way forward on new UE categories in Rel-12 KDDI -
RP‑150490 New WI proposal: Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑150491 New WI Proposal: Multicarrier Load Distribution of UEs in LTE Verizon, China Telecom, NTT DOCOMO, Inc, ZTE, Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑150492 Revised WID: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC Ericsson -
RP‑150493 New WI proposal: RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150494 New WI: Interference mitigation for downlink control channels of LTE Intel Corporation, ZTE -
RP‑150495 Status report for WI Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC: rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 -
RP‑150496 New SI proposal: Study on Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE Mediatek -
RP‑150497 Reporting to SA and SA2 on consequences for UPCON of RAN WI prioritisation NEC -
RP‑150498 Approval of TR 36.852-12 v2.0.1: E-UTRA inter-band Carrier Aggregation Ericsson -
RP‑150499 New SI proposal: Feasibility Study on LTE-based V2X Services LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150500 New WI: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network Ericsson -
RP‑150501 LS on Consequence of RAN WI prioritisation for UPCON work in SA2 (to: SA2; cc: SA; contact: NEC) NEC -
RP‑150502 Way forward on new RAN1-led WI proposal on LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements Huawei, China Unicom, AT&T, Telefonica -
RP‑150503 New SID Proposal: study on interference coordination for semi-static spectrum refarming between UMTS and LTE China Unicom -
RP‑150504 New WI proposal: LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150505 [DRAFT] LS on Licensed-Assisted Access (to: ETSI BRAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) RAN -
RP‑150506 3GPP TSG RAN views regarding Mission Critical Air Ground Air Communications RAN -
RP‑150507 Draft LSout to regulatory bodies on flexible duplex Telecom Italia -
RP‑150508 Way forward on RAN4 led WI/SI of RAN #67 NTT DOCOMO, INC., Ericsson, Qualcomm, TeliaSonera, China Unicom, US Cellular, AT&T, Bell Mobility, Softbank Mobile, Intel, Samsung, Alucatel lucent, Huawei, HiSilicon, NEC, KT, DISH, LGE, CATT, Microsoft, Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, T-Mobile USA -
RP‑150509 LS to regulatory bodies on flexible duplex (to: ECC PT1, FCC, ???; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN -
RP‑150510 New WI proposal: LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement Intel Corporation, China Telecom, Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑150511 Way forward in handling of RAN4 features NTT DOCOMO, INC., Orange, TeliaSonera, AT&T, Telecom Italia, Softbank Mobile, Deutsche Telekom^^ -
RP‑150512 New WI Proposal: RAN aspects of Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑150513 New Work Item proposal: LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements Huawei, China Unicom, HiSilicon -
RP‑150514 LS on Consequence of RAN WI prioritisation for UPCON work in SA2 (to: SA2; cc: SA; contact: NEC) NEC -
RP‑150515 New SI proposal: Measurement gap enhancement for LTE Intel Corporation -
RP‑150516 LS regarding D2D off network operation (to: CT1; cc: -; contact: Sprint) RAN -
RP‑150517 Status Report for SI: Study on performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE RAN4 -
RP‑150518 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4 REL-12 & REL-13 WIs/SIs after RAN #67 RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4 chairmen -
RP‑150519 TR 36.825 v0.1.1 for Feasibility study on possible additional configuration for LTE TDD CATT, ETSI MCC -
RP‑150520 - - -

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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