Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Lifetime Achievement Award


The 3GPP Lifetime Achievement Award recognises an individuals’ contribution to the work of 3GPP over a period of time. The Award gives credit for consistent, profound and enduring contributions of outstanding significance to the work of 3GPP and its committees over a number of years.

When studying nominations, the Awards Panel will consider the following areas:

  • Cumulative contributions to 3GPP work (attendance, participation, innovative ways of working)
  • Influence on the work of others (leadership and advocacy)
  • Development of new areas of work

The Award Roll of Honour

Award certificate citation
Chris Pudney

Chris Pudney has been involved in almost all working groups in 3GPP, devoted to keeping an overall system perspective, but with an acknowledged passion for 5G Network Architecture and the arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT). Both topics are areas where his opinion is constantly sought.

Puneet Jain, TSG SA Chair, during his presentation of the award said of Chris Pudney: “Your passion and tireless pursuit of advancing 3GPP specification development and ecosystem engagement have been truly exceptional. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement and thank you for your outstanding contributions to 3GPP.”

3GPP News Story

Robert Love

Bob Love’s contributions to 3GPP standardization, particularly in RAN1 for more than 20 years covering 3G/4G/5G, were outstanding both as a delegate and an editor for RAN1 specification (36.213).

Bob has always been technically oriented, polite, friendly and patient. As an editor for 36.213, probably the most involved technical LTE specification, he delivered solid and quality work in a timely manner for every single LTE release. This was phenomenal particularly considering the  increasing workload over time.

3GPP News

Stephen Hayes

The award serves not only as recognition of Stephen Hayes’ contribution to 3GPP, but it is also a tribute to his natural empathy and ability to motivate his colleagues towards the fulfilment of common goals.

Stephen has been an unwavering contributor to issues in the Core Network, Systems and Architecture as well as the Radio Access Network area. Much of the time has been spent in leadership positions in 3GPP, such as TSG CN Chair, the TSG SA Chair (for three terms) and the TSG RAN Vice-Chair positions. During all this time he conducted meetings with great fairness and with the focus on finding common ground, often when the experts involved had opposing views.

3GPP News
Wan Lei

For your contribution to 3GPP 4G and 5G standardization work over the last 15 years. Your input, initiative and drive are an example to your 3GPP TSG RAN colleagues.

This award also recognizes your influence and commitment to the promotion of 3GPP technologies at the International level, pushing for consensus building among 3GPP Partners and other important bodies.

3GPP News

Martin Israelsson

Martin is one of the “pillars” of 3GPP RAN3, never skipping a meeting since December 1999, actively involved in the standardization of WCDMA/HSPA, LTE and NR architecture, interfaces, and protocols, always active in 3GPP RAN. He has served as RAN3 Chair from 2001 to 2003, and as RAN3 Vice-Chair from 2009 to 2017. Over time he has served as Rapporteur of a number of key RAN3 specifications (e.g. RNSAP, LPPa, NRPPa, to name a few). He is always ready to step in and put in extra effort after a meeting, working closely with all Rapporteurs and MCC to make sure specifications are in good shape and ASN.1 compiles during CR implementation.

Martin’s role has been crucial in fostering a cooperative climate through technically solid discussion and, when required, historically accurate explanations of what led to a certain technical decision. Several younger RAN3 delegates have been fortunate enough to receive his patient yet firm opinions on a range of technical matters. 

3GPP News
Günther Horn

After a full working life dedicated to constantly improving security in almost all 3GPP SA3 work items, Günther retired end of November 2017. His strong technical background and hard work in SA3 as a main contributor to the group positively influenced the working attitude of SA3 since his first attendance at the second meeting of the group, back in March 1999.

His dedication and expertise as well as his productivity are a reference for all 3GPP delegates.

3GPP News
Donald E. Zelmer

Your commitment to the work of 3GPP and ATIS WTSC is unparalleled. As a past Vice Chair of 3GPP TSG RAN and as a 3GPP delegate – attending over 600 TSG and WG meetings – you have contributed to numerous critical standardization efforts while ensuring that all partners and members are treated with respect, equality, and fairness.

3GPP News
Andrew Howell

This award is recognition of your inspiring leadership of GERAN, your role in the creation of SA6 and the active role you have played in TSG plenaries, SA1 and other working groups. Your insightful, effective and professional application of procedure has inspired many 3GPP leaders from the formation of the partnership project to the present.

3GPP News

Award Format and Rules (Updated V3, April 2018)

  • Created after consultation with the TSG leadership and the Project Coordination Group (Decision PCG38/08, April 25, 2017) the 3GPP Lifetime Achievement Award will be introduced in 2017.
  • From 2020 onwards, one Award may be given per year – for discussion & decision at the April PCG.
  • Nominations may be submitted at any time prior to the PCG document deadline. To be eligible, the co-authors of the nomination must provide supporting arguments via the official nomination form only.
  • Any nominee must have been active in 3GPP during or after 2016. Experts who ceased activity in the project prior to that date are not eligible for this award – which is intended to recognise the endeavours of active delegates.
  • Once agreed by the Award panel, an award and certificate will be dispatched and the details added to a permanent Roll-of-honour on the 3GPP web site, once the Award has been presented

Awards Panel

The Awards Panel consists of the three TSG Chairs, the Chair and the Vice-Chairs of the Project Coordination Group. The panel will consider the proposed candidates for an award, in private session and without the need for a minuted discussion. They will make their decision by seeking consensus between them, under the guidance of the PCG Secretary.

Award Procedure

To maintain the integrity of the process and to avoid personal disappointment, the “3GPP Lifetime Achievement Award” deliberations should be a secret process. The following procedure should be carried out without the knowledge of the nominated person, or any other person not directly involved in the process.

  1. The Lifetime Achievement Award is an individual award.
  2. Three or more active participants in 3GPP (WGs, TSGs or PCG) must co-author the nomination and be listed on the nomination form. An active participant is someone who either attended meetings or contributed to 3GPP work in the twelve months prior to the nomination (eg.; active on 3GPP email lists, t-doc contributions, rapporteur).
  3. Co-authors (in 2. Above) may only appear on one nomination form for the Lifetime Achievement Award per calendar year.
  4. The nomination must be submitted via the official 3GPP Lifetime Achievement Award – nomination form, which should be completed and submitted to the 3GPP Marketing and Communications Officer ( – who is responsible for the award process.
  5. Non eligibility – The Award Panel members and MCC staff may not be nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominations must be received by the document deadline of the PCG meeting where the Awards Panel will meet. A nomination received after the meeting deadline will be marked ‘late nomination’ and may only be eligible for consideration at the meeting if there is no objection to it being considered when the Panel meets.
  6. If the late nomination cannot be considered at the current meeting, it will automatically go forward to the next PCG meeting – where the Awards Panel will meet.
  7. The Award Panel will consider every nomination at PCG and will inform the nominating person’s point-of-contact of their decision.
  8. The Panel may award a maximum of TWO awards per calendar year, maximum one per PCG meeting (2017 – 2019) and then (2020 onwards) ONE award per calendar year, at the April PCG meeting.
  9. The panel may decide that no award should be given.
  10. The decision of the Award Panel is final.
  11. If the nominee is not granted the award on this occasion, the nomination may be submitted again in the future – by the same process described from 1. above.
  12. Once the positive decision is made, the Award Panel will instruct the Marketing and Communications Officer to issue an award pack to the appropriate representative of the 3GPP Leadership, for presentation on a suitable occasion.