Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-51 - 2011-03-21 to 2011-03-23, Kansas City

meeting id: SP-51 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑110001 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #51 TSG SA Chairman The agenda was approved.
SP‑110002 Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #50 TSG SA Secretary This report was approved.
SP‑110003 LS from NENA: Use Cases & Suggested Requirements for Non-Voice-Centric (NVC) Emergency Services National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Noted
SP‑110004 LS from USGPSIC: Letter to the RAN WG4 Chairman The United States Global Positioning System (GPS) Industry Council Noted
SP‑110005 LS from ITU-T SG13: Response liaison statement to 3GPP TSG SA on OpenID interworking with AKA ITU-T Study Group 13 Should be to SA WG3. Noted. Forwarded to SA WG3
SP‑110006 LS from ITU-T Study Group 17: Call for collaboration identity management ITU-T Study Group 17 Noted
SP‑110007 LS from RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc: LS on the consideration of Relay Nodes in the LTE-Advanced material for Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] to be submitted to ITU-R WP5D#10 (6-13 April, 2011) RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc TSG SA agreed that TSG Relay nodes are included in Rel 10. This LS was then noted.
SP‑110008 LS from CT WG1: LS on PWS security CT WG1 The TSG CT Chairman reported that there are some comments from TSG CT on the WID. This LS was noted.
SP‑110009 LS from SA WG1: Response to LS on Extended Access Barring SA WG1 Noted
SP‑110010 LS from SA WG1: LS on Extended Access Barring SA WG1 Noted. CR in SP-110162 reviewed. Response to SP-100898
SP‑110011 LS from SA WG3: LS on Security for LTE relay nodes SA WG3 This LS was noted.
SP‑110012 LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on CN node selection RAN WG2 Noted
SP‑110013 LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on Security for LTE relay nodes RAN WG3 This LS was noted and the LS from RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc in SP-110007 was reviewed.
SP‑110014 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman Noted
SP‑110015 Release 10 CRs to 33.401 on Relay Node Security SA WG3 These CRs were approved.
SP‑110016 Release 10 CR to 33.401 (TEI10) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110017 Release 11 CR to 33.320 (TEI11) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110018 Release 9 CRs on 33.320 (EHNB-Sec) SA WG3 Approved. WI Code EHNB-Sec
SP‑110019 Release 10 CRs on 33.210 on Iur security (TEI10) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110020 Release 11 CRs on IPsec and IKE alignment (TEI11) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110021 Release 8 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI8) SA WG3 Approved. 33.107 CR0109 should be a Category F CR, WI Code LI10
SP‑110022 Release 9 CRs on Lawful Interception (TEI9) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110023 Release 10 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI10) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110024 WI proposal on Security aspects of Public Warning System SA WG3 The WID was revised on SP-110223
SP‑110025 WI proposal on H(e)NB security features for UE mobility scenarios SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110026 33.816 Feasibility study on LTE relay node security SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110027 WI Exception request for Lawful Interception in Release 10 (LI10) SA WG3 Exception approved
SP‑110028 LS from TSG GERAN: LS on Management of MOCN supporting MSs/UEs in GERAN TSG GERAN Noted
SP‑110029 LS from TSG GERAN: LS on Release 10 NIMTC Work TSG GERAN Noted
SP‑110030 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #51 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted. Updated in SP-110233
SP‑110031 Standardization of Machine-type Communications MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted. WGs to update WID to new structure
SP‑110032 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#50 SA WG4 Chairman Noted
SP‑110033 CRs to TS 26.267, TS 26.268 and TR 26.969 on '(Edata) - eCall Data Transfer (eCall_Phase2)' (Release 8 and Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110034 CRs to TS 26.102 and TS 26.103 on 'AoIP (A-interface over IP) SA4 part (AoIP-CSoIP) (Release 8 and Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110035 CR to TS 26.131 on 'Requirements and Test methods for Wideband Terminals - (RETEM_WB_T)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110036 CRs to TS 26.114 on ' System aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE (LTEimp-Vocoder)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110037 CRs to TS 26.131 on 'Distortion Measurement Test Methods and Requirements (DTMR)' (Release 9 and Release 10) SA WG4 Revised in SP-110149. Company replacement CRs to overcome implementation issues, noticed after SA WG4 approval of the CRs, were provided in SP-110149. These CRs were therefore rejected
SP‑110038 CRs to TS 26.237 on 'IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions (IMS_PSS_MBMS_US_EXT)' (Release 9 and Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110039 CRs to TS 26.234 and TS 26.244 on 'PSS and MBMS Aspects: PSS and MBMS extensions (PMA-MBS_Ext)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110040 CR to TS 26.114 on ' Improved interoperability with non-MTSI AVP AMR clients (MTSI-MHI)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110041 CRs to TS 26.114 on ''Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications (ECSRA_LAA)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110042 CRs to TS 26.131 and TS.26.132 on 'Enhancements and Addition of Audio Tests to 26.131 and 26.132 (EAAT)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110043 Rel-10 Work Item Exception for 'Enhancements and Addition of Audio Tests to 26.131 and 26.132 (EAAT)' SA WG4 Exception approved
SP‑110044 Rel-10 Work Item Exception for 'HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services (HTTP_SDS)' SA WG4 Exception approved
SP‑110045 CRs to TS 26.234 on ' PSS and MBMS enhancements (MBS_ENH)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110046 CRs to TS 26.237 on 'Optimization of IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service (OPT_IMS_PSS_MBMS_US)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110047 CR 26.114-0123 rev 2 Video coding enhancements in MTSI (VCEM) (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved. Related WID in SP-110050
SP‑110048 3GPP TR 26.904 'Improved Video Coding Support v. 2.0.0 (FS_IVCS)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110049 3GPP TR 26.950 'Study on Surround Sound codec extension for PSS and MBMS v. 2.0.0 (FS_SS_PSS_MBMS)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110050 New Work Item 'Description on Video Coding Enhancements in MTSI (VCEM)' SA WG4 Approved. Related CR in SP-110047
SP‑110051 LS from SA WG1: LS on Response on a new 3GPP - BBF workshop proposal SA WG1 Response darfted in SP-110217
SP‑110052 LS from SA WG1: Response on LS on Display of duplicated numbers in the phone book SA WG1 Noted
SP‑110053 LS from SA WG1: SIMTC work prioritization for Rel-11 SA WG1 The related LS from SA WG2 in SP-110054 was also reviewed. Response in SP-110218
SP‑110054 LS from SA WG2: LS on MTC SIMTC Planning and Prioritization SA WG2 Response in SP-110218
SP‑110055 LS from SA WG2: Study on roaming architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout in 3GPP SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110056 LS from SA WG2: LS response on F2F BBF and 3GPP joint meeting SA WG2 Response darfted in SP-110217
SP‑110057 LS from SA WG2: Reply LS on Cell Broadcast Service for MOCN Shared Network SA WG2 This LS was noted. Any issues identified will be addressed when dealing with the relevant CR.
SP‑110058 SA WG2 Status Report at TSG SA#50 SA WG2 Chairman Noted
SP‑110059 3 CRs to 23.272, 23.221 on SAES-CSFB (Rel-8, Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110060 9 CRs to 23.401, 23.060 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110061 12 CRs to 23.401, 23.060, 23.251 on TEI8 (Rel-8, Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110062 2 CRs to 23.271 on LCS_LTE_EPS (Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110063 12 CRs to 23.060, 23.167, 23.203, 23.216, 23.237 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 CR 23.216 CR0173R1withdrawn. Other CRs approved
SP‑110064 14 CRs to 23.272, 23.292 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110065 12 CRs to 23.401, 23.402 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110066 6 CRs to 23.216, 23.272 on TEI9 (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110067 2 CRs to 23.060, 23.401 on ECSRA_LAA (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110068 2 CRs to 23.203, 23.402 on IFOM (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110069 2 CRs to 23.237 on IMS_SC_eIDT (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110070 15 CRs to 23.002, 23.060, 23.401 on LIPA_SIPTO (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110071 12 CRs to 23.060 on NIMTC (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110072 9 CRs to 23.401 on NIMTC (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110073 2 CRs to 23.203 on PEST (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110074 1 CR to 23.402 on SMOG (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110075 13 CRs to 23.002, 23.203, 23.216, 23.221, 23.228, 23.237 on TEI10 (Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110076 10 CRs to 23.251, 23.271, 23.272, 23.292 on TEI10 (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved. 23.272 CR 0674R3 -> MTRF
SP‑110077 6 Paired CRs to 23.060, 23.401 on TEI10 (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110078 7 CRs to 23.060, 23.402 on TEI10 (Rel-10) SA WG2 Company revision of 23.060 CR1398R1 in SP-110188. Other CRs approved
SP‑110079 18 CRs to 23.401 on TEI10 (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110080 4 CRs to 23.203 on SAPP (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110081 6 CRs to 23.216, 23.237 on vSRVCC (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110082 2 CRs to 23.228 on TEI11 (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110083 New WID for Location-based selection of gateways for WLAN (LOBSTER) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110084 New WID for Data identification in ANDSF (DIDA) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110085 New Study WID for S2a mobility based on GTP & WLAN access to EPC (SaMOG) SA WG2 Research In Motion asked to be added to added to the supporting companies for this. The New Study Work Item Description Sheet was revised in SP-110221
SP‑110086 Updated WID: QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) SA WG2 Rapporteur (Huawei) Approved
SP‑110087 New Study WID on roaming architecture for voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110088 New WID for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection (OPIIS) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110089 MCC Implementation correction CR: 23.402 CR 0927R3: Clarification on ANDSF knowledge of UE IFOM and/or MAPCON capabilities (Rel-10, IFOM) MCC (Maurice Pope) Approved
SP‑110090 TR 23.829 version 2.0.0: Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic Offload (Release 10) SA WG2 Chairman, MCC Approved
SP‑110091 21.905 CR0105: Addition of new terms and abbreviations MCC Approved
SP‑110092 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑110093 Rel-8 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110094 Rel-9 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110095 Rel-10 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM10) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110096 Rel-10 CRs on Common RAT Network Resource Model (NRM) (RAT_NRM_COMMON) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110097 Rel-10 CRs on SON Self-healing management (LTE_SON-OAM-SH) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110098 Rel-10 CRs on SON self-optimization management continuation (LTE_SON-OAM-SO) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110099 Rel-10 CRs on Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload (LIPA_SIPTO) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110100 Rel-10 CRs on OAM aspects of Energy Saving in Radio Networks (OAM-ES) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110101 Rel-10 CRs on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for IMS and EPC (OAM-PM-KPI_IMS, OAM-PM-KPI_EPC) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110102 Rel-10 CRs on Management of UE based network performance measurements (OAM-PM-UE) SA WG5 32.422 CR0107R2 was revised. Other CRs in this pack were approved.
SP‑110103 Rel-10 CRs on IRP Solution Set specification organisation improvements (OAM-IRP-SS) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110104 Rel-10 CRs on Subscription Management (OAM10-SuM) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110105 Rel-10 CRs on Charging for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communication (NIMTC-CH) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110106 Rel-11 CRs on IMS Interconnection Charging Enhancements for transit scenarios in multi operator environments (IOI_IMS_CH) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110107 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110108 Rel-9 CRs on Charging Management (CH9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110109 Rel-10 CRs on Charging Management (CH10) SA WG5 Approved. SA WG5 were asked to cooperate with CT WG1 on some CRs
SP‑110110 Rel-10 CRs on Charging for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload (IFOM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110111 Rel-10 CRs on Add solutions for Rc - reference point within the Online Charging System (OCS) (CH-Rc) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110112 Rel-10 CRs on AoC enhancements (eAoC) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110113 Rel-10 CRs on IWLAN mobility charging (eIWLAN_Mob) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110114 32.452 Telecommunication management; Performance measurements Home Node B Access (HNB) network SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110115 32.453 Telecommunication management; Performance measurements Home eNode B Access (HeNB) network SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110116 32.454 Telecommunication management; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110117 32.455 Telecommunication management; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110118 32.792 Telecommunication management; Generic Radio Access Network (RAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS) SA WG5 Block Noted
SP‑110119 32.796 Telecommunication management; Generic Radio Access Network (RAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS) SA WG5 Block Noted
SP‑110120 32.541 Telecommunication management; Self-Organizing Networks (SON); Self-healing concepts and requirements SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110121 32.828 Telecommunication management; Study on Alignment of 3GPP Generic NRM IRP and TMF Shared Information/Data (SID) Model SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110122 32.829 Telecommunication management; Study on Alignment of 3GPP Alarm IRP and TMF TIP Fault Management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110123 32.831 Telecommunication management; Study on Alignment of 3GPP Performance Management and TM Forum Interface Program (TIP) Performance Management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110124 32.832 Telecommunication management; Study on Alarm Correlation and Alarm Root Cause Analysis SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110125 Revised WID on Network Provided Location Information for IMS Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110126 New WI proposal on Charging for Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Data Bases SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110127 Revised WID on Study on UDC information model handling and provisioning: Example Use Cases SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110128 Revised WID on OAM aspects of Energy Saving in Radio Networks SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110129 Revised WID on Addition of solutions for Rc (reference point within OCS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110130 Revised WID on SON Self-optimization management continuation SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110131 Revised WID on Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Load (LIPA_SIPTO) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110132 New WI proposal on IMS Interconnection Charging Enhancements for transit scenarios in multi operator environments SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110133 New WI proposal on UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110134 New WI proposal on IMS Performance Management enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110135 New WI proposal on Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110136 New WI proposal on Charging for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communication SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110137 New WI proposal on Alarm Correlation and Root Cause Analysis SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110138 New WI proposal on Study of OAM aspects of Inter-RAT Energy Saving Management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110139 New WI proposal on Fixed Mobile Convergent (FMC) Network Management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110140 New WI proposal on Study of Management of Heterogeneous Networks SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110141 New WI proposal on Inventory Management Network Resource Model enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110142 WI Exception request on Inventory Management Network Resource Model enhancements SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110143 WI Exception request on Management of UE based network performance measurements SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110144 WI Exception request on Common RAT Network Resource Model SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110145 WI Exception request on IRP Overview, Profiles & Usage Guide SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110146 WI Exception request on SON Self-optimization management continuation SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110147 WI Exception request on Alarm correlation and root cause analysis SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110148 Support Team report MCC Specifications Manager (John Meredith) Noted
SP‑110149 CRs to TS 26.131 on 'Distortion Measurement Test Methods and Requirements (DTMR)' (Release 9 and Release 10) Nokia Corporation, Sony Ericsson Mobile, Ericsson Inc., ST-Ericsson SA Replacement of CRs in SP-110037. Approved
SP‑110150 Revised WID on SON self-healing management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110151 WI Exception request on Charging for Optimal Media Routeing SA WG5 Exception approved
SP‑110152 On Network Sharing TeliaSonera, Telefonica, Orange It was agreed that Shared Network support should be considered as the default for Work Items. A LS to WGs was drafted in SP-110200.
SP‑110153 SA WG3 Terms or Reference Update SA WG3 These updated Terms of Reference were endorsed. Clause 3 recommends text for the 3GPP web site and this was also endorsed.
SP‑110154 LS from ETSI TC SCP: Liaison Statement on new Work Item for eUICC ETSI TC SCP The related WID in SP-110197 was reviewed. This LS was then forwarded to SA WG1.
SP‑110155 LS from CT WG6: LS on excessive updates of NAS security context CT WG6 It was reported that this LS has been sent to SA WG3, but there has been no SA WG3 meeting to discuss this yet. This LS was noted and SA WG3 were asked to handle this with other affected WGs.
SP‑110156 LS from SA WG5: LS reply on Converged Network Management and cooperation between 3GPP and TM Forum SA WG5 The related LS from the TM Forum in SP-110158 was reviewed. A Response LS was drafted in SP-110202 (see below).
SP‑110157 CR to 22.268 replacing S1-110433 that was agreed in SA WG1#53 Qualcomm Incorporated This CR was not agreed, but was sent back to SA WG1 for discussion.
SP‑110158 LS from the TM Forum: Response to SA SP-100873 LS on Cooperation of TMF and 3GPP and SP-100839 TM Forum TSG SA agreed that: 1 The SA WG5-TMF JWG should continue their work. 2. Companies are encouraged to contribute to this work. 3. TSG SA do not recommend the setting up of a steering team but urge the NGNM to provide guidance on issues to the JWG. 4. For ma
SP‑110159 Need for a solution in Release 9 for pre Release 7 UE QoS handling. Rel-9, Rel-10 CRs to 23.060: Correction of Rel-7 QoS handling for preRel-7 UEs Deutsche Telekom UK Revised in SP-110188
SP‑110160 Status Report from SA WG1 to TSG SA#51 SA WG1 Chairman Noted
SP‑110161 Stage 1 CRs on TEI-Rel-9 (TEI9) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110162 Stage 1 CRs on Network Improvements for Machine-type Communications (NIMTC) SA WG1 Approved. 22.368 CR0067R1: SA WG1 to further clarify the text if necessary
SP‑110163 Stage 1 CRs on TEI-Rel-10 (TEI10) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110164 Stage 1 CRs on Advanced IP Interconnection of Services (IPXS) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110165 Stage 1 CRs on Interworking between Mobile Operators using the Evolved Packet System and Data Application Providers (MOSAP) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110166 Stage 1 CRs on Non Voice Emergency Services (NOVES) SA WG1 WITHDRAWN
SP‑110167 Stage 1 CRs on System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications (SIMTC) SA WG1 Approved. The new text from 22.368 CR0058R3 should be added first, followed by the changes of 22.368 CR0059R2. MCC were asked to take note of this when implementing the CRs.
SP‑110168 Stage 1 CRs on SIPTO Service Continuity of IP Data Session (SIPTO_SC) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110169 Stage 1 CR on Support BroadBand Forum (BBF) Accesses Interworking (BBAI) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110170 Stage 1 CRs on SRVCC aspect of enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (eMPS_SRVCC) SA WG1 WITHDRAWN
SP‑110171 Stage 1 CRs on Network Provided Location Information for IMS (NWK-PL2IMS) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110172 Stage 1 CRs on TEI-Rel-11 (TEI11) SA WG1 22.268 CR0011R5 was returned to SA WG1. All other CRs approved
SP‑110173 Stage 1 CRs on Feasibility Study on Non Voice Emergency Services (FS_NOVES) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110174 TR 22.894 V1.0.0 on Feasibility Study on IMS Network-Independent Public User Identities (FS_INIPUI) SA WG1 Noted
SP‑110175 TR 22.809 v.2.0.0 - Study for Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise (FS_VINE) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110176 New WID on Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBX SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110177 Updated WID: QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits SA WG2 Noted for information
SP‑110178 32.791 Telecommunication management; Generic Radio Access Network (RAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements SA WG5 Block Approved
SP‑110179 SIMTC Work Planning and Prioritization Samsung It was agreed to prioritise (at the BB level) the top 3 items listed in SP-110054. A Liaison to other groups was drafted in SP-110218
SP‑110180 New WID for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection LG Electronics The WID was revised to add Nokia Siemens Networks in SP-110222
SP‑110181 New WI: Remote subscription management (RESUM) Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in SP-110197
SP‑110182 DRAFT LS on Update to eCall in-band modem specifications Qualcomm Incorporated It was clarified that the version numbers of the referenced specifications were those to be created after this meeting after inclusion of approved CRs. Editorial corrections to the source and meetings (3GPP TSG SA) were needed. 'in' was changed to 'to' at
SP‑110183 TSG GERAN Report to TSG SA#51 TSG GERAN Chairman Noted
SP‑110184 TSG GERAN Rel-10 Exception sheets TSG GERAN Noted
SP‑110185 3GPP - DVB Workshop DRAFT Meeting Report v0.0.0 for TSG CT WG TSG CT Secretary Noted. LS to DVB Forum in SP-110198
SP‑110186 CR to 32.422: Adding user consent handling in signaling based MDT activation Nokia Siemens Networks Approved
SP‑110187 Considerations about user consent in case of area or management based MDT activation Nokia Siemens Networks SP-110195 was reviewed. LS drafted in SP-110215
SP‑110188 Need for a solution in Release 9 for pre Release 7 UE QoS handling. Rel-9, Rel-10 CRs to 23.060: Correction of Rel-7 QoS handling for preRel-7 UEs Deutsche Telekom UK, TeliaSonera Revised into SP-110227 (Rel-10) and SP-110226 (Rel-9)
SP‑110189 IMTC, Real Life Interoperability - Presentation for 3GPP'. Anatoli Levine, IMTC President Revised in SP-110199
SP‑110190 Discussion doc related to the LS coming from TSG CT in TD CP-110310 Sagem Orga Related to SP-110194. A Liaison Statement was drafted in SP-110214.
SP‑110191 TSG CT #51 Status Report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑110192 IETF Status Report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑110193 Draft report from TSG CT Meeting #51 TSG CT Secretary Noted
SP‑110194 LS from TSG CT: LS on Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configuration parameters for NIMTC TSG CT Related to SP-110190. A response was drafted in SP-110214.
SP‑110195 User Consent for Area Based MDT Vodafone, NTT DOCOMO LS drafted in SP-110215
SP‑110196 Revised WID on Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases (PEST) - Revision of SP-100702 SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110197 New WI: Remote subscription management (RESUM) Qualcomm Incorporated Revised as Study Item in SP-110201
SP‑110198 Way forward on DVB-NGH and eMBMS convergence TSG SA This LS was revised off-line in SP-110228
SP‑110199 IMTC, Real Life Interoperability - Presentation for 3GPP'. Anatoli Levine, IMTC President Noted. Member companies were asked to review the work and feed any comments back directly to IMTC. Companies were also encouraged to get involved in this work.
SP‑110200 Draft LS on Network Sharing TSG SA Revised in SP-110229
SP‑110201 New Study WI: Remote subscription management (RESUM) Qualcomm Incorporated This was further discussed off-line and revised in SP-110219
SP‑110202 LS on Cooperation of TMF and 3GPP TSG SA Nokia Siemens Networks commented that the action to NGNM should be clarified. It was agreed to indicate that the steering team should not be set up but urge NGNM to guide the work and to input operator requirements regarding the work. It was clarified tha
SP‑110204 LS from the Broadband Forum: Reply LS on 3GPP – BBF interworking Broadband Forum Revised to SP-110216 due to duplicate document number provided
SP‑110205 Submission to ITU-R WP5D of the revision of TR 21.905 TSG RAN This was approved for distribution to the PCG for their consideration.
SP‑110206 Draft response to ITU-R WP5A on 'Wide area sensor and/or actuator network (WASN) systems' TSG RAN This was approved for sending to ITU-R WP5A.
SP‑110207 Draft response to ITU-R WP5A on 'Quality of Service Requirements and Objectives for Wireless Access Systems' TSG RAN This was approved for sending to ITU-R WP5A.
SP‑110208 Draft response to ITU-R WP5A on the Working Document towards a Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R M.[LMS.PPDR.UHF TECH] TSG RAN This was approved for sending to ITU-R WP5A.
SP‑110209 TSG RAN #50 report from RAN chairman TSG RAN Chairman Noted
SP‑110210 TSG RAN#50 draft meeting report TSG RAN Secretary Noted
SP‑110211 LS from TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc: LS on additional considerations of Relay Nodes in the LTE-Advanced material for Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] to be submitted to ITU-R WP5D#10 (6-13 April, 2011) TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc Noted
SP‑110212 LS on Cooperation of TMF and 3GPP TSG SA Approved
SP‑110213 LS on Update to eCall in-band modem specifications Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
SP‑110214 LS on Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configuration parameters for NIMTC TSG SA The LS was revised in SP-110220
SP‑110215 Draft Liaison statement on user consent in area or management based MDT activation TSG SA Revised in SP-110230
SP‑110216 LS from the Broadband Forum: Reply LS on 3GPP – BBF interworking Broadband Forum Noted. Response in SP-110231
SP‑110217 DRAFT LS on agenda and dates for F2F BBF and 3GPP workshop TSG SA Revised in SP-110231
SP‑110218 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MTC Planning and Prioritization TSG SA Approved. MCC to remove 'DRAFT'.
SP‑110219 New Study WI: Remote subscription management (RESUM) Qualcomm Incorporated Noted. Forward to SA WG1
SP‑110220 LS on Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configuration parameters for NIMTC TSG SA Approved
SP‑110221 New Study WID for S2a mobility based on GTP & WLAN access to EPC (SaMOG) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110222 New WID for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection LG Electronics Approved
SP‑110223 WI proposal on Security aspects of Public Warning System SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110224 LS from TSG RAN: Reply LS on 'Adding L-Band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America' TSG RAN Noted
SP‑110225 TSG SA Chairman's report to his last TSG SA Meeting as Chairman TSG SA Chairman Noted
SP‑110226 CR to 23.060 on Correction of Rel-7 QoS handling for preRel-7 UEs (Rel-9) Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera Approved
SP‑110227 CR to 23.060 on Correction of Rel-7 QoS handling for preRel-7 UEs (Rel-10) Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera Approved
SP‑110228 Way forward on DVB-NGH and eMBMS convergence TSG SA Revised in SP-110232
SP‑110229 LS on Network Sharing TSG SA Revised in SP-110234
SP‑110230 Liaison statement on user consent in area or management based MDT activation TSG SA Approved
SP‑110231 LS on agenda and dates for F2F BBF and 3GPP workshop TSG SA Approved
SP‑110232 Way forward on DVB-NGH and eMBMS convergence TSG SA Approved
SP‑110233 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #51 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑110234 LS on Network Sharing TSG SA Approved

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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