Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: RP-62 - 2013-12-03 to 2013-12-06, Busan

meeting id: RP-62 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
RP‑131410 Agenda for RAN #62 held in Busan, Korea, 03.12.-06.12.2013 RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑131411 Draft report of RAN #61 held in Porto, Portugal, 03.09.-06.09.2013 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131412 LS to RAN2 on RAN1 input to Further EUL Enhancements TR 25.700 (R1-134027; to: RAN2; cc: RAN; contact: Ericsson) RAN1 LS was treated in RAN2 #83bis; no RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 12.2.3
RP‑131413 LS on ProSe Lawful Interception (R1-134923; to: RAN2; cc: RAN; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN1 RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 12.4.3
RP‑131414 LS to RAN2 on RAN1 input to Further EUL Enhancements TR 25.700 (R1-135987; to: RAN2; cc: RAN; contact: Ericsson) RAN1 LS was treated in RAN2 #84; no RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 12.2.3
RP‑131415 LS on introduction of TS 25.327 (R2-134531; to: RAN; cc: RAN4; contact: NSN) RAN2 RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA was a REL-9 WI, DB_DC_HSDPA-Core was a REL-10 WI, 4C_HSDPA-Core was a REL-10 WI, 4C_HSDPA_Config-Core was a REL-11 WI; RAN action requested; see TS in RP-131629 and CRs in RP-131980; LS will be treated under AI 8.2.2
RP‑131416 LS on Prioritization of MMTEL-voice (R2-134601; to: SA1; cc: RAN; contact: NTT DOCOMO) RAN2 MMTEL = Multimedia Telephony; no RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 12.4.14
RP‑131417 Reply LS to R2-132968 on UE capability signalling for NC-4C with MIMO and non-contiguous Multiflow with MIMO (R4-135659; to: RAN; cc: RAN2; contact: Ericsson) RAN4 LS was treated in RAN2 #84; NC_4C_HSDPA-Core was a REL-11 WI; HSDPA_MFTX- Perf was a REL-11 WI; no explicit RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 15 with related RAN2 CRs: R2-134538, R2-134539, R2-134540 in RP-132004
RP‑131418 Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/305(Rev.1) = RP-131423 on Text proposal for Revision of report ITU-R M.2039-2 RAN4 this LTI is a draft reply to RP-131423 from ITU-R WP5D; RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131419 LS on Channel bandwidth combination new table format (R4-137104; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Nokia) RAN4 no explicit RAN action requested
RP‑131420 LS on Text proposal for working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.OOBE BS] (R4-137137; to: RAN; cc: RAN5, 3GPP ITU-R ad-hoc; contact: Ericsson) RAN4 OOBE = out-of-band emission characteristics; related to RT-130044 = R4-134268 = RP-130911; RP-131420 prepared by RAN4 and it is a reply to ITU-R WP5D LS in RP-130905; RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131421 Reply LS to EE(13)000021 = RP-130902 on update on the liaison to 3GPP on Cooperation for Energy Efficiency Measurements (S5-131830; ETSI TC EE; cc: SA, RAN2, RAN, ETSI TC ATTM; contact: NSN) SA5 OAM-PM_EE is an SA5 REL-12 WI; no RAN action requested
RP‑131422 LS on THE SCHEDULE FOR UPDATING RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.2012 TO REVISION 2 (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/279; to: 3GPP RAN, ext. Org; cc: -; contact: Counsellor WP5D) ITU-R WP5D no explicit RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2; draft answer prepared by 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc in R2-131427
RP‑131423 LS on REVISION OF REPORT ITU-R M.2039-2 "CHARACTERISTICS OF TERRESTRIAL IMT-2000 SYSTEMS FOR FREQUENCY SHARING/INTERFERENCE ANALYSES" (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/305(Rev.1); to: 3GPP RAN, ext. Org.; cc: - ; contact: Counsellor WP5D) ITU-R WP5D RAN action requested; see draft reply prepared by RAN4 in RP-131418; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131424 Reply LS to R4-137053 on MB-MSR (GP-131127; to: RAN, RAN4; cc: -; contact: Huawei) GERAN1 note: R4-137053 was only sent to GERAN1 and not to/cc RAN; no explicit RAN action requested
RP‑131425 LS on the need of PUCCH on multiple UL serving cells for non-co-located CA (R1-136024; to: RAN; cc: RAN2; contact: NTT DOCOMO) RAN1 no explicit RAN action requested
RP‑131426 Reply LS to RT-130044 = RP-130911 on Text proposal for working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.IMT.OOBE MS (R5-134994; to: RAN; cc: RAN4, 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc; contact: Ericsson) RAN5 RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131427 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/279 = RP-131422 on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (RT-130061; to: RAN, CT, SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131428 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/441 att. 5.19 = RP-130905 on developing of Recommendations for out-of-band emission characteristics (RT-130068; to RAN; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131429 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/133 Rev. 1 = RP-130354 on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 (RT-130069; to: RAN, CT, SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc RAN action requested; LS will be treated under AI 7.2.2
RP‑131430 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) -
RP‑131431 Status Report RAN WG1 RAN1 chairman (NTT DOCOMO) -
RP‑131432 List of CRs from RAN WG1 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131433 Status Report RAN WG2 RAN2 chairman (Ericsson) -
RP‑131434 List of CRs from RAN WG2 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131435 Status Report RAN WG3 RAN3 chairman (Huawei) note: TR 37.822 will not be presented at RAN #62 (is an error in the slides)
RP‑131436 List of CRs from RAN WG3 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131437 Status Report RAN WG4 RAN4 chairman (NSN) -
RP‑131438 List of CRs from RAN WG4 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131439 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 Chairman (Sprint) -
RP‑131440 List of CRs from RAN WG5 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131441 Status Report MCC TF160 (for approval) MCC TF160 Leader -
RP‑131442 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #62 ETSI MCC -
RP‑131443 3GPP Support Team Report ETSI MCC -
RP‑131444 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test part - Enhanced ICIC for non-CA based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN5 550001, WID: RP-120217; RAN #61: 75%, Dec.13; history table not complete; approved: 85%, June 14
RP‑131445 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for UE Over the Air (Antenna) conformance testing methodology – Laptop Mounted Equipment Free Space Test, rapporteur: ZTE RAN5 520011, WID: RP-110629; RAN #61: 94%, Dec.13; approved: 94%, June 14
RP‑131446 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Intra-band contiguous and Inter-band configurations, rapporteur: Nokia RAN5 570006, WID: RP-121814; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131447 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN, rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO RAN5 590001, WID: RP-130172; RAN #61: 80%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131448 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTE, rapporteur: Ericsson, ST-Ericsson RAN5 590002, WID: RP-130296; RAN #61: 60%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 80%, March 14?
RP‑131449 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE, rapporteur: Samsung RAN5 590004, WID: RP-130376; RAN #61: 10%, March 14; approved: 20%, March 14
RP‑131450 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE, rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 590005, WID: RP-130304; RAN #61: 20%, March 14; approved: 30%, March 14
RP‑131451 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Uplink Transmit Diversity (ULTD) for HSPA, rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated RAN5 590008, WID: RP-130351; RAN #61: 30%, June 14; approved: 60%, June 14
RP‑131452 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Enhanced Non-CA based ICIC for LTE, rapporteur: ZTE RAN5 600001, WID: RP-130649; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; wrong % complete in history table for RAN #61; approved: 30%, June 14
RP‑131453 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: Interference Rejection, rapporteur: Renesas RAN5 Report is provided by Broadcom (will be reflected in WID in RP-131809); 600002, WID: RP-130660; RAN #61: 35%, June 14; approved: 50%, June 14
RP‑131454 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements, rapporteur: Nokia RAN5 600003, WID: RP-130702; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 20%, June 14
RP‑131455 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Enhancements to CELL-FACH, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 600004, WID: RP-130644; RAN #61: 5%, March 14; approved: 15%, March 14?
RP‑131456 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - System Improvements for Machine-Type Communications, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 610014, WID: RP-131341; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 15%, March 14
RP‑131457 Status report for WI UE conformance Test Aspects - LTE 450MHz band in Brazil, rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 600005, WID: RP-130646; RAN #61: 30%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, March 14; WI is completed
RP‑131458 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation, rapporteur: Nokia Corporation RAN5 610013, WID: RP-131210; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; error in history table; approved: 10%, June 14
RP‑131459 Status report for WI Perf. part: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 510220, WID: RP-110913; RAN #61: 98%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131460 Status report for WI Perf. part: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 530235, WID: RP-111393; RAN #61: 75%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131461 Status report for WI Perf. part: RF Requirements for Multi-band and Multi-standard Radio (MB-MSR) Base Station, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 550215, WID: RP-120857; RAN #61: 80%, Dec.13; approved: 95%, March 14?
RP‑131462 Status report for WI Perf Part.: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE, rapporteur: TruePosition RAN4 430211, WID: RP-131259; RAN #61: 20%, Dec.13; error in history table; approved: 40%, June 14?
RP‑131463 Status report for WI Perf. part: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE, rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 510221, WID: RP-120860; RAN #61: 90%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131464 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements, rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 510230, WID: RP-121999; RAN #61: 90%, March 14; approved: 92%, June 14?
RP‑131465 Status report for WI Perf. part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Downlink, rapporteur: Samsung RAN4 530432, WID: RP-111365; RAN #61: 70%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131466 Status report for WI Perf. part: Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN4 540225, WID: RP-120871; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; approved: 95%, March 14?
RP‑131467 Void 0 -
RP‑131468 Void 0 -
RP‑131469 Void 0 -
RP‑131470 Void 0 -
RP‑131471 Void 0 -
RP‑131472 Void 0 -
RP‑131473 Void 0 -
RP‑131474 Void 0 -
RP‑131475 Void 0 -
RP‑131476 Void 0 -
RP‑131477 Void 0 -
RP‑131478 Void 0 -
RP‑131479 Void 0 -
RP‑131480 Void 0 -
RP‑131481 Void 0 -
RP‑131482 Void 0 -
RP‑131483 Void 0 -
RP‑131484 Void 0 -
RP‑131485 Void 0 -
RP‑131486 Void 0 -
RP‑131487 Void 0 -
RP‑131488 Void 0 -
RP‑131489 Void 0 -
RP‑131490 Void 0 -
RP‑131491 Void 0 -
RP‑131492 Void 0 -
RP‑131493 Void 0 -
RP‑131494 Void 0 -
RP‑131495 Void 0 -
RP‑131496 Void 0 -
RP‑131497 Void 0 -
RP‑131498 Void 0 -
RP‑131499 Status report for WI Core part: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR TDD, rapporteur: CATT RAN1 580128, WID: RP-121984; RAN #61: 97%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131500 Status report for WI Core part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA, rapporteur: ZTE RAN2 590119, WID: RP-130416; RAN #61: 40%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131501 Status report for WI Perf. part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA, rapporteur: ZTE RAN4 590219, WID: RP-130416; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 10%, June 14
RP‑131502 Status report for WI Core part: HNB Positioning for UTRA, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 revised in RP-131974
RP‑131503 Status report for WI Core part: DCH Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated RAN1 610125, WID: RP-131357; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 20%, June 14?
RP‑131504 Status report for WI Perf. part: DCH Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated RAN4 610225, WID: RP-131357; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; MCC: late submission, target wrong in history table; approved: 0%, June 14?
RP‑131505 Status report for WI Core part: UMTS Mobility enhancements for Heterogeneous Networks, rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 610126, WID: RP-131348; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; Ericsson: Change on allocation of TU for RAN1 and RAN2. But there is no time allocated in RAN3; approved: 20%, June 14?
RP‑131506 Status report for WI Perf. part: UMTS Mobility enhancements for Heterogeneous Networks, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 610226, WID: RP-131348; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; MCC: target wrong in history table; approved: 5%, June 14?
RP‑131507 Status report for WI Perf. part: Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS, rapporteur: Vodafone RAN4 550116, WID: RP-120368; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131508 Status report for WI Core part: Further enhancements for H(e)NB mobility-Part 3, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 570121, WID: RP-130741; RAN #61: 95%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131509 Status report for WI Core part: LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements, rapporteur: Nokia Corporation RAN4 580137, WID: RP-130703; RAN #61: 10%, June 14; approved: 15%, June 14
RP‑131510 Status report for WI Core part: Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 590130, WID: RP-130373; RAN #61: 25%, June 14; approved: 55%, June 14
RP‑131511 Status report for WI Perf. part: Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 590230, WID: RP-130373; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.14; approved: 10%, Dec.14
RP‑131512 Status report for WI Core part: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network, rapporteur: Huawei RAN3 590120, WID: RP-130372; RAN #61: 50%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131513 Status report for WI Core part: New BS specification structure, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 600119, WID: RP-130851; RAN #61: 10%, March 14; MCC: target date not provided; approved: 20%, Dec.13; WI terminated?
RP‑131514 Status report for WI Perf. part: New BS specification structure, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 600219, WID: RP-130851; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; MCC: target date not provided; approved: 0%, Dec.13; WI terminated?
RP‑131515 Status report for WI Core part: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA, rapporteur: Orange RAN4 600121, WID: RP-130829; RAN #61: 20%, March 14; approved: 60%, March 14
RP‑131516 Status report for WI Perf. part: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA, rapporteur: Orange RAN4 600221, WID: RP-130829; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131517 Status report for WI Core part: Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN1 570120, WID: RP-121416; RAN #61: 95%, Dec.13; MCC: no justification for 9 months extension, also going beyond REL-12; approved: 97%, Sep.14?
RP‑131518 Status report for WI Perf. part: Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN4 570220, WID: RP-121416; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 10%, Sep.14?
RP‑131519 Status report for WI Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation, rapporteur: CATT RAN1 580127, WID: RP-121772; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 70%, June 14?
RP‑131520 Status report for WI Perf. part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation, rapporteur: CATT RAN4 580227, WID: RP-121772; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131521 Status report for WI Core part: Hetnet Mobility Enhancements for LTE, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN2 580129, WID: RP-122007; RAN #61: 35%, March 14; approved: 80%, March 14
RP‑131522 Status report for WI Core part: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 580130, WID: RP-122006; RAN #61: 35%, March 14; approved: 65%, June 14?
RP‑131523 Status report for WI Perf. part: Performance Requirements of 8 Rx Antennas for LTE UL, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 580231, WID: RP-121709; RAN #61: 70%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131524 Status report for WI Core part: Public Warning System - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE, rapporteur: one2many RAN3 590121, WID: RP-130398; RAN #61: 30%, Dec.13; approved: 70%, March 14?
RP‑131525 Status report for WI Core part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for LTE, rapporteur: CATR RAN2 590319, WID: RP-130416; RAN #61: 40%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131526 Status report for WI Perf. part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for LTE, rapporteur: ZTE RAN4 590419, WID: RP-130416; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 10%, June 14
RP‑131527 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Coverage Enhancements, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN1 600114, WID: RP-130833; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; China Telecom: The requested time budget was changed compared to that in RP-131408; approved: 60%, June 14?
RP‑131528 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Coverage Enhancements, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 600214, WID: RP-130833; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 0%, Sep.14
RP‑131529 Status report for WI Core part: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE, rapporteur: Vodafone RAN1 600112, WID: RP-130848; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131530 Status report for WI Perf. part: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE, rapporteur: Vodafone RAN4 600212, WID: RP-130848; RAN #61: 0%, March 15; approved: 0%, March 15
RP‑131531 Status report for WI Core part: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation, rapporteur: Nokia RAN1 revised in RP-131838 since multiple versions of RP-131531 exist
RP‑131532 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation, rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 revised in RP-131839 since multiple versions of RP-131532 exist
RP‑131533 Status report for WI Core part: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN3 600127, WID: RP-130831; RAN #61: 60%, June 14; approved: 80%, June 14
RP‑131534 Status report for WI Core part: Further MBMS Operations Support for E-UTRAN, rapporteur: Verizon RAN2 610124, WID: RP-131369; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 20%, June 14
RP‑131535 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 530125, WID: RP-130350; RAN #61: 80%, Dec.13; approved: 80%, March 14?
RP‑131536 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 530225, WID: RP-130350; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 0%, March 14?
RP‑131537 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 11, rapporteur: SoftBank Mobile RAN4 610119, WID: RP-131354; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131538 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 11, rapporteur: SoftBank Mobile RAN4 610219, WID: RP-131354; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131539 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12, rapporteur: US Cellular RAN4 revised in RP-131702
RP‑131540 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12, rapporteur: US Cellular RAN4 revised in RP-131703
RP‑131541 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 7, rapporteur: LG Uplus RAN4 610121, WID: RP-131365; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131542 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 7, rapporteur: LG Uplus RAN4 610221, WID: RP-131365; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131543 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 610118, WID: RP-131343; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131544 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 610218, WID: RP-131343; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved:
RP‑131545 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 28, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 610117, WID: RP-131307; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131546 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 28, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 610217, WID: RP-131307; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131547 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 11, rapporteur: SoftBank Mobile RAN4 610120, WID: RP-131355; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131548 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 11, rapporteur: SoftBank Mobile RAN4 610220, WID: RP-131355; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131549 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 26, rapporteur: KT RAN4 590125, WID: RP-130201; RAN #61: 20%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 20%, Dec.13; WI is terminated?
RP‑131550 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 26, rapporteur: KT RAN4 590225, WID: RP-130201; RAN #61: 20%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 20%, Dec.13; WI is terminated?
RP‑131551 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 revised in RP-131705
RP‑131552 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 revised in RP-131706
RP‑131553 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 39 and Band 41, rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 580133, WID: RP-130292; RAN #61: 45%, Dec.13; MCC: target in history is wrong; approved: 80%, March 14?
RP‑131554 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 39 and Band 41, rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 580233, WID: RP-130292; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; MCC: target in history is wrong; approved: 80%, March 14?
RP‑131555 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 590129, WID: RP-130677; RAN #61: 20%, June 14; approved: 40%, June 14
RP‑131556 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 590229, WID: RP-130677; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131557 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A2, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 590128, WID: RP-130327; RAN #61: 20%, June 14; approved: 40%, June 14
RP‑131558 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A2, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 590228, WID: RP-130327; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131559 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A3, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 590123, WID: RP-130309; RAN #61: 20%, June 14; approved: 40%, June 14
RP‑131560 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A3, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 590223, WID: RP-130309; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131561 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4, rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 590131, WID: RP-131211; RAN #61: 20%, June 14; approved: 40%, June 14
RP‑131562 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4, rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 590231, WID: RP-131211; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131563 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A5, rapporteur: Renesas RAN4 Report is provided by Broadcom (will be reflected in WID in March 14); 590126, WID: RP-131146; RAN #61: 20%, June 14; approved: 40%, June 14
RP‑131564 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A5, rapporteur: Renesas RAN4 Report is provided by Broadcom (will be reflected in WID in March 14); 590226, WID: RP-131146; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131565 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, rapporteur: DISH Network RAN4 600125, WID: RP-131265; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131566 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, rapporteur: DISH Network RAN4 600225, WID: RP-131265; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131567 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27, rapporteur: NII Holdings RAN4 580136, WID: RP-130173; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131568 Status report for WI Perf part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27, rapporteur: NII Holdings RAN4 580236, WID: RP-130173; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 40%, June 14?
RP‑131569 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 39, rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 590127, WID: RP-131171; RAN #61: 70%, Dec.13; approved: 85%, March 14?
RP‑131570 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 39, rapporteur: CMCC RAN4 590227, WID: RP-131171; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 90%, March 14?
RP‑131571 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 2, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 610123, WID: RP-131366; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 15%, June 14
RP‑131572 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 2, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 610223, WID: RP-131366; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131573 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3, rapporteur: SK Telecom RAN4 550111, WID: RP-131359; RAN #61: 60%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131574 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3, rapporteur: SK Telecom RAN4 550211, WID: RP-131359; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131575 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 580135, WID: RP-130813; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131576 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 580235, WID: RP-130813; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131577 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, rapporteur: DISH Network RAN4 600126, WID: RP-131267; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131578 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, rapporteur: DISH Network RAN4 600226, WID: RP-131267; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 55%, June 14
RP‑131579 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous CA framework for 2UL, rapporteur: Nokia Corporation RAN4 600122, WID: RP-131212; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 50%, June 14
RP‑131580 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 4 for 2UL, rapporteur: T-Mobile USA RAN4 600124, WID: RP-131136; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 5%, June 14
RP‑131581 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 4 for 2UL, rapporteur: T-Mobile USA RAN4 600224, WID: RP-131136; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 0%, June 14
RP‑131582 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 2 UL, rapporteur: Sprint RAN4 600123, WID: RP-131237; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; status report not provided, WI is terminated?
RP‑131583 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 2 UL, rapporteur: Sprint RAN4 600223, WID: RP-131237; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; status report not provided, WI is terminated?
RP‑131584 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600138, WID: RP-131227; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 10%, June 14?
RP‑131585 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600238, WID: RP-131227; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 5%, June 14?
RP‑131586 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600137, WID: RP-131228; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 10%, June 14?
RP‑131587 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600237, WID: RP-131228; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 5%, June 14?
RP‑131588 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600131, WID: RP-131129; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131589 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600231, WID: RP-131129; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; MCC: target wrong in history table; approved: 5%, June 14?
RP‑131590 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 17 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600132, WID: RP-131130; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131591 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 17 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600232, WID: RP-131130; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 5%, Sep.14
RP‑131592 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600133, WID: RP-131131; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131593 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600233, WID: RP-131131; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 5%, Sep.14
RP‑131594 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 4 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600139, WID: RP-131229; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 10%, June 14?
RP‑131595 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 4 and Band 13, rapporteur: Verizon RAN4 600239, WID: RP-131229; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 5%, June 14?
RP‑131596 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600134, WID: RP-131132; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131597 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600234, WID: RP-131132; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 5%, Sep.14
RP‑131598 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 17 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600135, WID: RP-131133; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131599 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 17 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600235, WID: RP-131133; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 5%, Sep.14
RP‑131600 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600136, WID: RP-131134; RAN #61: 5%, June 14; approved: 25%, June 14
RP‑131601 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30, rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 600236, WID: RP-131134; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; error in history table; approved: 5%, Sep.14
RP‑131602 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3DL, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN4 610122, WID: RP-131244; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; approved: 20%, June 14?
RP‑131603 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3DL, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN4 610222, WID: RP-131244; RAN #61: 0%, Sep.14; error in history table; approved: 10%, Sep.14
RP‑131604 Status report for WI Core part: LTE in the 1670-1675MHz Band for US, rapporteur: LightSquared RAN4 550117, WID: RP-121397; RAN #61: 15%, June 14; MCC: target date is beyond REL-12; approved: 15%, Sep.14?
RP‑131605 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE in the 1670-1675MHz Band for US, rapporteur: LightSquared RAN4 550217, WID: RP-121397; RAN #61: 5%, Sep.14; approved: 5%, Dec.14?
RP‑131606 Status report for SI Study on UMTS Heterogeneous Networks, rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 570024, SID: RP-121436; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131607 Status report for SI Study on scalable UMTS FDD bandwidth, rapporteur: China Unicom RAN1 580039, SID: RP-130221; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission, % complete and target inconsistent, intended to terminate the SI? approved: 98%, Dec.13?
RP‑131608 Status report for SI Study on Further EUL Enhancements, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN2 580043, SID: RP-130347; RAN #61: 58%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131609 Status report for SI Study on HNB Emergency Warning Area for UTRA, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 600018, SID: RP-131258; RAN #61: 10%, March 14; approved: 60%, March 14
RP‑131610 Status report for SI Study on Enhanced Broadcast of System Information, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN2 610027, SID: RP-131386; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131611 Status report for SI Study on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking, rapporteur: Intel Corporation RAN2 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑131612 Status report for SI Study on RAN Enhancements for UMTS/HSPA and LTE Interworking, rapporteur: China Unicom RAN3 580047, SID: RP-122036; RAN #61: 60%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131613 Status report for SI Study on next-generation SON for UTRA and LTE, rapporteur: NSN RAN3 580048, SID: RP-122037; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 70%, June 14?
RP‑131614 Status report for SI Study on 2GHz FDD for UTRA and LTE in Region 1 (1980-2010MHz and 2170-2200MHz Bands), rapporteur: Solaris Mobile RAN4 580049, SID: RP-122031; RAN #61: 25%, Dec.13; MCC: target dates in history table incomplete, no justification for 6 month extension; approved: 40%, June 14?
RP‑131615 Status report for SI Study on Mobile Relay for E-UTRA, rapporteur: CATT RAN3 530054, SID: RP-131375; RAN #61: 80%, Dec.13; approved: 80%, June 14?
RP‑131616 Status report for SI Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz, rapporteur: KT RAN4 570022, SID: RP-130849; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 50%, June 14?
RP‑131617 Status report for SI Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 revised in RP-131730
RP‑131618 Status report for SI Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Physical-layer Aspects, rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 580041, SID: RP-122032; RAN #61: 90%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131619 Status report for SI Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Higher-layer aspects, rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC. RAN2 580044, SID: RP-122033; RAN #61: 78%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131620 Status report for SI Study on 3D-channel model for Elevation Beamforming and FD-MIMO studies for LTE, rapporteur: Nokia Siemens Networks RAN1 580042, SID: RP-130811; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 55%, March 14?
RP‑131621 Status report for SI Study on Energy Saving Enhancement for E-UTRAN, rapporteur: CMCC RAN3 580046, SID: RP-122035; RAN #61: 50%, Dec.13; approved: 65%, June 14?
RP‑131622 Status report for SI Study on Expansion of LTE_FDD_1670_US to include 1670-1680MHz Band for LTE in the US, rapporteur: LightSquared RAN4 590016, SID: RP-130202; RAN #61: 60%, Dec.13; approved: 75%, March 14?
RP‑131623 Status report for SI Study on CRS Interference Cancellation for Homogenous Deployments for LTE, rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 590017, SID: RP-130393; RAN #61: 70%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed
RP‑131624 Status report for SI Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, rapporteur: MediaTek Inc. RAN1 590018, SID: RP-130404; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; MCC: % complete and target date inconsistent, intention to terminate the SI?; approved: 75%, Dec.13?
RP‑131625 Status report for SI Study on Positioning enhancements for E-UTRA, rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 600020, SID: RP-130680; RAN #61: 10%, June 14; approved: 35%, June 14
RP‑131626 Status report for SI Study on CoMP for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul, rapporteur: Samsung RAN1 RP-131626 was provided far after the deadline; revised in RP-131978
RP‑131627 Status report for SI Study on Group Communication for LTE, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN2 revised in RP-131849
RP‑131628 Status report for SI Study on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN, rapporteur: LG Electronics Inc. RAN2 revised in RP-131845
RP‑131629 TS 25.327 v1.0.0 on High Speed Packet Access (HSPA); Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a release-independent frequency band and multi-carrier configuration (Release 9); for approval NSN introduction of REL independent TS to replace TS 25.317 and to extend it for other multi-carrier configurations in UTRA, see LSin RP-131415 for more explanation and RP-131980 for REL-10 and REL-11 CRs; RAN2 TS 25.327 is submitted for 1-step approval
RP‑131630 TR 36.833-1-23 v1.0.0 on LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, for approval DISH Network RAN4 TR 36.833-1-23 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131631 Discussion on Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA Polaris Wireless motivation document for new WID RP-131632
RP‑131632 New WI proposal for Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA Polaris Wireless revised in RP-132009
RP‑131633 Way forward on 3DL/1UL WIs and TRs RAN4 chairman (NSN) for approval
RP‑131634 New WI Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 5 and Band 7 LG Uplus new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B5_B7
RP‑131635 Introducing LTE in unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm, Ericsson moved from AI 13.1.1 to AI 13.; motivation document for new SI RP-131788
RP‑131636 On Scalable UMTS Qualcomm -
RP‑131637 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated LCS3-GNSS-UTRAN was a REL-7 WI; company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131638 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131639 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131640 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131641 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131642 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131643 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated LCS3-GNSS-UTRAN was a REL-7 WI; company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131644 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131645 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131646 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131647 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131648 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131649 TS 25.470 v1.0.0 on UTRAN Iuh Interface PCAP User Adaption (PUA) signalling Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 TS 25.470 is submitted for 1-step-approval (contains several violations of the drafting rules)
RP‑131650 Updated WID: HNB Positioning for UTRA Alcatel-Lucent last approved WID: RP-130868; Extend some parts to RAN#63, add another impacted spec and editorials.
RP‑131651 User Location Information Reporting Enhancements Alcatel-Lucent NWK-PL2IMS was a REL-11 WI in SA; related to technically endorsed CRs for ULI (User Location Information) from RAN3: 2 sets: R3-132439 and R3-132452/R3-132447/R3-132448 .
RP‑131652 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B12_B30; note: WI LTE_CA_B2_B17_B30 can be terminated
RP‑131653 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 12 and Band 30 AT&T new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B4_B12_B30; note: WI LTE_CA_B4_B17_B30 can be terminated
RP‑131654 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 12 and Band 12 AT&T new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B12_B12
RP‑131655 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 12 and Band 12 AT&T new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B4_B12_B12
RP‑131656 New WID: additional bandwidth combination set for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 4 T-Mobile USA new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B4_BWset; note: WI LTE_CA_B2_B4 exists already in REL-12
RP‑131657 On LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum Broadcom moved from AI 13.1.1 to AI 13.
RP‑131658 Void - -
RP‑131659 Revised WI: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous CA framework for 2UL Nokia Corporation last approved WID: RP-131212
RP‑131660 Revised WID: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4 Nokia Corporation last approved WID: RP-131211
RP‑131661 TR 36.848 v1.0.0 on Study on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN, for information LG Electronics Inc. (rapporteur) RAN2 TR 36.848 is submitted for information
RP‑131662 Way forward for Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑131663 Proposal for revision of SID Study on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN LG Electronics Inc. (rapporteur) last approved WID: RP-131397
RP‑131664 New SID for BS specifications improvement Ericsson new SI for UTRA, LTE, MSR; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_BSspec_impr
RP‑131665 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 U.S. Cellular last approved WID: RP-130174; addition of 15MHz and 20MHz bandwidths for Band 2
RP‑131666 Motivation for WI Support for Terrestrial Beacon Navigation Satellite System (TBS) for UTRA and LTE NextNav motivation document for new WID RP-131667; moved from AI 13.1.2 to AI 13.1
RP‑131667 New WI on Support for Terrestrial Beacon Navigation Satellite System (TBS) for UTRA and LTE NextNav new WI for UTRA and LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: LCS_TBS; note: A comparable WI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130603; moved from AI 13.1.2 to AI 13.1
RP‑131668 Motivation for Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav motivation document for new SID RP-131669; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131669 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav revised in RP-131850; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131670 Motivation for Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav motivation document for new SID RP-131671; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131671 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav revised in RP-131848; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131672 TR 36.844 v2.0.0 on Study on Expansion of LTE_FDD_1670_US to include 1670-1680MHz Band for LTE in the US, for approval LightSquared Inc. RAN4 TR 36.844 is submitted for approval; finally withdrawn as rapporteur decided to not yet bring the TR for approval
RP‑131673 New WI: Further enhancement of small cells for E-UTRA – Overhead reduction ZTE revised in RP-131971
RP‑131674 Motivation for WI further small cells enhancements for E-UTRA - Overhead reduction ZTE motivation document for new WID RP-131673; revised in RP-132014
RP‑131675 New WI: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications ZTE new WI for UTRA and LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: MTCe_RAN; note: This is a follow-up WI to SI FS_MTCe_RAN; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131356; no Perf. part
RP‑131676 Motivation for RAN enhancements for MTC and other mobile data applications ZTE motivation document for new WID RP-131675
RP‑131677 New WID: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 27 NII Holdings new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B4_B27
RP‑131678 TR 36.833-1-27 v1.0.0 on LTE-Advanced Intra-band Contiguous Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band 27, for information NII Holdings RAN4 TR 36.833-1-27 is provided for information
RP‑131679 Updated WID: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27 NII Holdings last approved WID: RP-130173
RP‑131680 New WID: New Band for LTE deployment as Supplemental Downlink in unlicensed 5.8 GHz in USA Verizon new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_5800MHz_unlic
RP‑131681 Revised WID: Further MBMS Operations Support for E-UTRAN Verizon last approved WID: RP-131369
RP‑131682 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 2 and Band 13 Verizon last approved WID: RP-131227
RP‑131683 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 4, Band 4 and Band 13 Verizon last approved WID: RP-131229
RP‑131684 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) of Band 2, Band 4 and Band 13 Verizon last approved WID: RP-131228
RP‑131685 36.833-2-23 v1.0.0 on LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23, for information DISH Network RAN4 TR 36.833-2-23 is submitted for information
RP‑131686 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent LCS3-GNSS-UTRAN was a REL-7 WI; company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131687 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131688 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131689 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131690 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131691 Correction to Galileo Assistance Data Elements Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to complement RAN2 CR package RP-131982
RP‑131692 New WI proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission Qualcomm Incorporated new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN5; tested core part: HSDPA_MFTX-Core; WI code to be used: HSDPA_MFTX-UEConTest
RP‑131693 Way forward on 3GPP-WLAN radio interworking BlackBerry UK Limited moved from AI 12.3.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131694 New WID: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3 DL Sprint, Alcatel-Lucent new WI for LTE only; leading WG:RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_NC_B41_3DL; rapporteur of this WI is Alcatel-Lucent
RP‑131695 Updated WID: LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3DL Sprint last approved WID: RP-131244; rapporteur of this WI is Alcatel-Lucent
RP‑131696 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T last approved WID: RP-131129
RP‑131697 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T last approved WID: RP-131131
RP‑131698 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30 AT&T last approved WID: RP-131132
RP‑131699 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30 AT&T last approved WID: RP-131134
RP‑131700 Revised WID: LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 DISH Network last approved WID: RP-131267
RP‑131701 Drivers, Benefits and Challenges for LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum AT&T -
RP‑131702 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12, rapporteur: US Cellular RAN4 revision of RP-131539; 580134, WID: RP-130174; RAN #61: 90%, Dec.13; approved: 95%, March 14?
RP‑131703 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12, rapporteur: US Cellular RAN4 revision of RP-131540; 580234, WID: RP-130174; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 95%, March 14
RP‑131704 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 revision of RP-131544; 610218, WID: RP-131343; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed?
RP‑131705 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 revision of RP-131551; 600128, WID: RP-131159; RAN #61: 30%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131706 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25, rapporteur: U.S. Cellular RAN4 revision of RP-131552; 600228, WID: RP-131159; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; approved: 100%, Dec.13; WI is completed
RP‑131707 WID proposal: Network Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for E-UTRA MediaTek new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_NAICS; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_NAICS
RP‑131708 TR 25.700 v1.0.0 on Study on Further EUL Enhancements, for approval Ericsson revised in RP-132011 to align with drafting rules
RP‑131709 TR 25.704 v1.0.0 on Study on Enhanced Broadcast of System Information, for approval Ericsson RAN2 TR 25.704 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131710 TR 36.842 v1.0.0 on Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Higher-layer aspects, for approval NTT DOCOMO RAN2 TR 36.842 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131711 TR 36.868 v1.0.0 on Study on Group Communication for LTE, for information Alcatel-Lucent RAN2 TR 36.868 is submitted for information
RP‑131712 TR 37.834 v2.0.0 on Study on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking, for approval Intel Corporation RAN2 TR 37.834 is submitted for approval
RP‑131713 WID update: LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1 Huawei last approved WID: RP-130677
RP‑131714 New WID: UMTS Heterogeneous Networks enhancements Huawei new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_hetnet_enh; this WI is a follow-up WI to the 2nd part of SI FS_UTRA_Hetnet; the 1st part of this SI is addressed in WI UTRA_hetnet_mob
RP‑131715 Motivation of New WI proposal: Heterogeneous Networks enhancements Huawei motivation document for new WID RP-131714
RP‑131716 New WI proposal on E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Huawei new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_SC_enh_L1; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_L1; additional supporting companies after submission: Orange, CHTTL, Kyocera, New Postcom, Telus, ITRI, HTC
RP‑131717 Motivation of New WI proposal: E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Huawei motivation document for new WID RP-131716
RP‑131718 Discussion paper on NCT for LTE Huawei -
RP‑131719 New WI proposal on E-UTRA Carrier Aggregation performance scalability Huawei revised in RP-132012 (with title modification)
RP‑131720 Motivation of New WI proposal: E-UTR Carrier Aggregation performance scalability Huawei motivation document for new WID RP-131719
RP‑131721 New WI proposal on Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: intra-cell interference suppression and cancellation receiver for SU-MIMO Huawei revised in RP-132013
RP‑131722 Motivation of New WI proposal: Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: intra-cell interference suppression and cancellation receiver for SU-MIMO Huawei motivation document for new WID RP-131721
RP‑131723 Discussion paper on Unlicensed Spectrum Integration to IMT systems Huawei, CMCC, CATR, CATT motivation document for new SID RP-131780 from CMCC
RP‑131724 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4, and Band 5 U.S. Cellular new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B4_B5
RP‑131725 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4, and Band 12 U.S. Cellular new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B4_B12
RP‑131726 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5, and Band 12 U.S. Cellular new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B2_B5_B12
RP‑131727 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5, and Band 12 U.S. Cellular revised in RP-131836 as multiple versions of RP-131727 exist
RP‑131728 Draft reply LS to R1-134923 = RP-131413 on ProSe Lawful Interception (to: SA3, SA3-LI, SA2; cc: RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, SA, SA1; contact: Telecom Italia) Telecom Italia -
RP‑131729 Clarification to timeInfoUTC field in SIB16 Qualcomm, Samsung company contribution to replace RAN2 agreed REL-12 CR R2-133806 of RP-132002 by this REL-11 CR as a change from REL-11 onwards is preferred (as there is not yet a REL-12 36.331 there is no need for a cat.A CR)
RP‑131730 Status report for SI Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑131731 MCC Task Force 160 (TF160) Terms of Reference (2014) (for approval) MCC TF160 Leader -
RP‑131732 WID Update:  UMTS Mobility enhancements for Heterogeneous Networks Huawei UTRA only WID update; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_hetnet_mob; note: This is a follow-up WI of SI FS_UTRA_hetnet, see AI 12.2.1
RP‑131733 New WI: LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 Huawei new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_NC_B42; additional supporting companies after submission: NEC, CATR
RP‑131734 Clarification of HS-DPCCH feedabck time for Node B triggered HS-DPCCH transmission to 25.321 Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Incorporated company contribution to replace agreed RAN2 CR R2-134509 in RP-131992 (as a change was forgotten)
RP‑131735 Motivation for Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements NEC motivation document for new WID RP-131736
RP‑131736 Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE NEC new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: RSE-RAN_LTE; Note: RSE is a REL-13 SA1 WI completed in Nov.13; note: This WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131166
RP‑131737 Motivation for Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of User Plane Congestion Management for LTE NEC motivation document for new WID RP-131738
RP‑131738 Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of User Plane Congestion Management for LTE NEC new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: UPCON-RAN_LTE; note: UPCON is a REL-12 SA WI; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131353
RP‑131739 On performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS China Telecom motivation document for new WID RP-131740
RP‑131740 Proposed WI on performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS China Telecom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_MMSE_IRC_BS-Perf; no Core just Perf part; MMSE-IRC = Minimum Mean Square Error-Interference Rejection Combining
RP‑131741 Considerations on RAN2 time allocation LG Electronics Inc. moved from AI 13.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131742 Standardizing Small Cell Enhancement – Higher Layer Aspects LG Electronics Inc. -
RP‑131743 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation(3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 5 SK Telecom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3_B5
RP‑131744 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 3 SK Telecom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3
RP‑131745 New Work Item Proposal: Addition of 20MHz Channel Bandwidth in Band 26 for LTE SK Telecom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_B26_BW20MHz; Band 26: UL: 814-849MHz/DL: 859-894MHz (WI e850_UB)
RP‑131746 TR 36.866 v1.0.0 Study on Network Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, for approval MediaTek RAN1 TR 36.866 is submitted for 1-step-approval; RP-131746 was based on a wrong basis, therefore withdrawn, see RP-131854 instead
RP‑131747 New UE category Qualcomm Incorporated, NTT DOCOMO, Intel Corporation, Verizon Wireless -
RP‑131748 IOT bit for inter-band TDD CA with different UL/DL configurations Qualcomm Incorporated -
RP‑131749 On LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum Cisco -
RP‑131750 Motivation for CA Work Item Proposals KT motivation document for new WIDs RP-131751, RP-131752, RP-131753, RP-131754
RP‑131751 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 27 KT new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B8_B27
RP‑131752 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 27 KT new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B3_B27
RP‑131753 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 8 KT new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3_B8
RP‑131754 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 8 and Band 27 KT new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B3_B8_B27
RP‑131755 Termination of WI: Workplan LTE_CA_B8_B26 KT -
RP‑131756 Revised SID: Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz KT revised in RP-131853
RP‑131757 Motivation for Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung motivation document for new WID RP-131758
RP‑131758 New WID Proposal: Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung revised in RP-131969
RP‑131759 TR 25.701 v2.0.0 for Study on scalable UMTS FDD bandwidth China Unicom note: TR has some drafting rule issues to be solved before providing v12.0.0. RAN1 TR 25.701 is submitted for approval
RP‑131760 TR 37.852 for Study on RAN Enhancements for UMTS/HSPA and LTE Interworking, for approval China Unicom RAN3 TR 37.852 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131761 New WI: Scalable UMTS Time dilated solution China Unicom new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_SCAL; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_SCAL, see AI 12.2.2; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131274
RP‑131762 Motivation for the WI proposal: Scalable UMTS Time dilated solution China Unicom motivation document for new WID RP-131761
RP‑131763 New WI: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 3 China Unicom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3
RP‑131764 Motivation for the WI proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 3 China Unicom motivation document for new WID RP-131763
RP‑131765 Proposals on improving WI/SI approval process CATT -
RP‑131766 Utilization of guard band for data transmission CATT moved from AI 13.1.1 to AI 13.
RP‑131767 LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 CATT new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_C_B42
RP‑131768 Way forward for WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking study item Nokia Corporation, NSN moved from AI 12.3.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131769 IOT aspects related to CR on Capability signalling for CSI processes Nokia Corporation related to technically endorsed RAN2 CR on Capability signalling for CSI processes in R2-134484 = RP-132005
RP‑131770 Updated WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation Nokia Corporation last approved WID: RP-131210; update as agreed by RAN5 in R5-134690
RP‑131771 Scalable UMTS – Lab/OTA Performance observations Qualcomm Incorporated related to FS_UTRA_SCAL and follow-up WI in RP-131761
RP‑131772 Proceeding on RAN-WLAN Radio Interworking enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated moved from AI 12.3.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131773 New WI: High Power UE for LTE Band 39 CMCC new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_B39_HPUE; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131138
RP‑131774 Consideration on High Power UE for LTE Band 39 CMCC motivation document for new WID RP-131774
RP‑131775 New Study Item Proposal: Study on Multi-RAT Joint coordination CMCC revised in RP-131852
RP‑131776 Discussion on Necessity of the Study on Multi-RAT coordination CMCC motivation document for new WID RP-131776
RP‑131777 Discussion on Radio interface based synchronization CMCC related to Small Cell Enhancement Physical Layer WID proposal RP-131716 (13.1.1)
RP‑131778 TR 36.847 v2.0.0 on LTE Time Division Duplex (TDD) - Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) joint operation including Carrier Aggregation, for approval CMCC RAN1 TR 36.847 is submitted for approval
RP‑131779 Proposal for FFS R11 UE Feature CMCC related to "SS and common channel interference handling" for TDD where RAN #61 did not decide about mandatory or optional
RP‑131780 New SI: Study on Unlicensed Spectrum Integration to IMT systems CMCC revised in RP-131918
RP‑131781 Introduction of additional TDD UL/DL configuration in Rel-12 NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑131782 Work on Dual Connectivity as a conclusion of SCE-HL SI NTT DOCOMO, INC., Nokia, NSN, NEC Corporation, KDDI motivation document for new WID RP-131783
RP‑131783 New Work Item Description: Dual Connectivity for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC., NEC Corporation new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: LTE_SC_enh_dualC; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_hilayer
RP‑131784 Discussion on the procedure of mandatory/optional UE features NTT DOCOMO, INC. -
RP‑131785 Revised Work Item proposal: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA KDDI revised in RP-131972
RP‑131786 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 28 KDDI revised in RP-131973
RP‑131787 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 18 and Band 28 KDDI new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B18_B28
RP‑131788 New Study Item proposal: Study on LTE Evolution for Unlicensed Spectrum Deployments Ericsson new SI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: FS_LTE_unlic; motivation document by Qualcomm RP-131635 and RAN4 WI by Verizon in RP-131680; compare RP-131780
RP‑131789 MBMS reception on any configured or configurable SCell Ericsson company contribution to replace RAN2 agreed CR R2-134592 in RP-131994 as a change was missing
RP‑131790 Collection of New Carrier Type decisions Ericsson -
RP‑131791 User Location Information Reporting Ericsson related to technically endorsed CRs for ULI (User Location Information) from RAN3: 2 sets: R3-132439 and R3-132452/R3-132447/R3-132448
RP‑131792 New work item proposal: CRS interference mitigation for homogenous deployments in LTE Ericsson new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CRS_IMIT
RP‑131793 Motivation for the new work item proposal for CRS interference mitigation for homogenous deployments Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131792
RP‑131794 New work item on increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA Ericsson new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_UTRA_IncMon; increasing carriers a UE has to monitor
RP‑131795 Motivation for New work item on increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131794
RP‑131796 Revised WID: WI LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7 Ericsson last approved WID: RP-130350; no supporting companies anymore?
RP‑131797 TR 36.833-2-07 v1.0.0 on LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7, for approval Ericsson RAN4 TR 36.833-2-07 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131798 New Work Item proposal: Further EUL enhancements Ericsson new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: EDCH_enh; follow-up WI of SI FS_EDCH_enh (see AI 12.2.3)
RP‑131799 Motivation for new work item proposal: Further EUL enhancements Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131798
RP‑131800 New WID Enhanced Broadcast of System Information Ericsson revised in RP-132010
RP‑131801 Motivation for New WID Enhanced Broadcast of System Information Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131800
RP‑131802 New work item proposal: Combined Cell Enhancements for UMTS Heterogeneous Networks Ericsson revised in RP-131851
RP‑131803 Motivation for New work item proposal: Combined Cell Enhancements for UMTS Heterogeneous Networks Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131802
RP‑131804 Motivation for Study on BS specifications improvement Ericsson motivation document for new WID RP-131664
RP‑131805 New WID: Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by Filtering NSN new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_SCAL_FILT; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_SCAL
RP‑131806 Motivation for Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by Filtering NSN motivation document for new WID RP-131805
RP‑131807 New SID: E-UTRA 3D beamforming NSN new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_3DBF
RP‑131808 Motivation for E-UTRA 3D beamforming NSN motivation document for new WID RP-131807
RP‑131809 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: Interference Rejection Broadcom last approved WID: RP-130660; change of rapporteurship from Renesas to Broadcom
RP‑131810 New WI: Additional bandwidth combinations for LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7 ORANGE new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_C_B7_BW; note: There was a REL-11 WI LTE_CA_B7
RP‑131811 New WI proposal on Enhanced inter-eNB Signalling Support for Multi-Cell Coordination in LTE Alcatel-Lucent new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: MCC_LTE_eSig; follow-up WI of the SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul (see AI 12.4.12)
RP‑131812 RAN Release Planning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell -
RP‑131813 WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Way Forward Broadcom Corporation moved from AI 12.3.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131814 Supporting paper for New WI proposal on Signalling Support for CoMP with Non-Ideal Backhaul for LTE Alcatel-Lucent motivation document for new WID RP-131811
RP‑131815 Motivation document for WID "Extending the verification of radiated MIMO reception performance" Rohde & Schwarz motivation document for new WID RP-131816
RP‑131816 New WI: Extending the verification of radiated MIMO reception performance Rohde & Schwarz new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: HSPA_LTE_RP_MIMO_Ext-Perf; follow-up WI of the WI HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf; no Core just Perf part
RP‑131817 New WI: Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS – performance requirements Motorola Mobility revised in RP-131855
RP‑131818 Possibilities for follow-up work after MIMO OTA WI completion Vodafone moved from AI to AI 13.1.4
RP‑131819 TR37.977 v2.0.0 on "Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS" for approval: Vodafone RAN4 TR 37.977 is submitted for approval
RP‑131820 Need for early feedback to SA2 on LS S2-134580 on eMBMS for Group Call Vodafone note: SA2 LS S2-134580 was agreed by email after San Francisco and not sent to RAN but just RAN1, RAN2
RP‑131821 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 7, Band 8 and Band 20 Vodafone new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B7_B8_B20
RP‑131822 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 7 and Band 20 Vodafone new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B7_B20
RP‑131823 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 20 Vodafone new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3_B20
RP‑131824 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 7 and Band 20 Vodafone new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B3_B7_B20
RP‑131825 New WI: Additional bandwidth of 3MHz for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 20 Vodafone new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B8_B20_BW; note: LTE_B8_B20 was a REL-11 WI
RP‑131826 Motivation for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 7, Band 8 and Band 20 Vodafone motivation document for new WID RP-131821
RP‑131827 Motivation for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 7 and Band 20 Vodafone motivation document for new WID RP-131822
RP‑131828 Motivation for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 20 Vodafone motivation document for new WID RP-131823
RP‑131829 Motivation for LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 7 and Band 20 Vodafone motivation document for new WID RP-131824
RP‑131830 Motivation for Introduction of 3MHz in LTE 2DL/1UL CA for Band 8 and Band 20 Vodafone motivation document for new WID RP-131825
RP‑131831 New Work Item Proposal: WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking with ANDSF AT&T new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw_ANDSF; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑131832 Motivation for WI WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking with ANDSF AT&T motivation document for new WID RP-131831
RP‑131833 New Work Item Proposal on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel Corporation new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑131834 Way forward on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel Corporation motivation document for new WID RP-131833
RP‑131835 DRAFT Letter to ITU-R WP5D on revision of ITU-R M.1036-4 on "Frequency arrangements for implementation of the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the bands identified for IMT in the Radio Regulations (RR)" IAESI related to Resolution 223 and WRC-15 preparation; after RAN agreement LTIout would go via PCG and Individual Members to ITU-R WP5D
RP‑131836 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5, and Band 12 U.S. Cellular revision of RP-131727; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B4_B5_B12
RP‑131837 Draft LS on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN (to: SA1; cc: SA; contact: LG Electronics) LG Electronics Inc. informing SA1 about SCM progress (attached TR 36.848 v1.0.0)
RP‑131838 Status report for WI Core part: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation, rapporteur: Nokia RAN1 revision of RP-131531 which exists in multiple versions; 600113, WID: RP-131399; RAN #61: 15%, June 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 55%, June 14?
RP‑131839 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation, rapporteur: Nokia RAN4 revision of RP-131532 which exists in multiple versions; 600213, WID: RP-131399; RAN #61: 0%, Dec.14; MCC: late submission; approved: 0%, Dec.14?
RP‑131840 Revised SID: Study on Cell-specific Reference Signals (CRS) Interference Mitigation for homogenous deployments for LTE Ericsson last approved SID: RP-130393; update of the title, TR number, target
RP‑131841 TR 36.863 v1.0.0 on Study on Cell-specific Reference Signals (CRS) Interference Mitigation for homogenous deployments for LTE, for approval Ericsson RAN4 TR 36.863 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑131842 Introducing RS-SINR in the specifications Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, NTT Docomo -
RP‑131843 Mobility for always connected UEs MediaTek Inc discusses the scope for potential new work
RP‑131844 Rel-13 timeline and further considerations on the release cycle RAN chairman (Qualcomm) -
RP‑131845 Status report for SI Study on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN, rapporteur: LG Electronics Inc. RAN2 revision of RP-131628; 610029, SID: RP-131397; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 75%, March 14?
RP‑131846 New WID on Split TTCN Test Models for IMS testing in TS 34.229-3 Spirent Communications new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN5; note: This WI does not introduce new tests it is about splitting TS 34.229-3 into 2 parts for IP-CAN Test Model and for Multi-testers Test Model
RP‑131847 Revised Text proposal for Revision of report ITU-R M.2039-2 "Characteristics of terrestrial IMT-2000 systems for frequency sharing/interference analyses" Ericsson attachment of this Tdoc is replacing the attachment of LTIin RP-131418 from RAN4 with an update
RP‑131848 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav revision of RP-131671; new SI for UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_UTRA; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131849 Status report for SI Study on Group Communication for LTE, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN2 revision of RP-131627; 610028, SID: RP-131382; RAN #61: 0%, March 14; MCC: late submission; approved: 70%, March 14?
RP‑131850 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav revision of RP-131669; new SI for E-UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_LTE; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879; moved from AI 13.1.4 to AI 13.1
RP‑131851 New work item proposal: Combined Cell Enhancements for UMTS Heterogeneous Networks Ericsson revision of RP-131802; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_hetnet_combicell; one of multiple follow-up WIs of the SI FS_UTRA_hetnet
RP‑131852 New Study Item Proposal: Study on Multi-RAT Joint coordination CMCC revision of RP-131775; new SI for UTRA and LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: FS_MultiRAT_JC; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131168
RP‑131853 Revised SID: Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz KT revision of RP131756; MCC: no revision marks so why revision?; last approved SID: RP-130849; revised in RP-131976
RP‑131854 TR 36.866 v1.1.0 Study on Network Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, for approval MediaTek RAN1 TR 36.866 is submitted for 1-step-approval; based on R1-136083
RP‑131855 New WI: Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS – performance requirements Motorola Mobility revision of RP-131817; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: HSPA_LTE_multi_ant_RX-Perf; follow-up WI of the WI HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf; no Core just Perf part
RP‑131856 Motivation for new WI Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS – performance requirements Motorola Mobility motivation document for new WID RP-131855
RP‑131857 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel 99 Conformance Testing(TEI_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑131858 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI4_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑131859 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI5_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑131860 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI7_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑131861 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 revised in RP-132006 as R5-135005 was listed on the cover but not included and R5-134119 has to be removed from the package
RP‑131862 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 revised in RP-132007 as R5-135005 was included but not listed on the cover
RP‑131863 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑131864 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑131865 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑131866 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 TTCN batch; 26 Test Cases; MCC: late submission
RP‑131867 CR to 34.229-3 (prose) update to v10.1.0 RAN5 -
RP‑131868 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 TTCN batch; 10 Test Cases
RP‑131869 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑131870 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 TTCN batch; 70 Test Cases; MCC: late submission
RP‑131871 CR to 37.751-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (prose), Annex A RAN5 -
RP‑131872 CR to 37.571-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (TTCN), Annex A RAN5 TTCN batch; 2 Test Cases
RP‑131873 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Carrier Aggregation for LTE (LTE_CA-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131874 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Conformance Test part - Enhanced ICIC for non-CA based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE (eICIC_LTE-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131875 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑131876 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑131877 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Intra-band contiguous and Inter-band configurations (LTE_CA_intraC_inter_UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131878 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN (eMDT_UMTSLTE-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131879 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Service continuity im provements for MBMS for LTE (MBMS_LTE_SC-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131880 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE (LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131881 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Uplink Transmit Diversity (ULTD) for HSPA (HSPA_UL_TxDiv-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131882 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Enhanced Non-CA based ICIC for LTE (eICIC_enh_LTE-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131883 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: Interference Rejection (LTE_Interf_Rej-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131884 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements (LTE_CA_enh-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131885 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Enhancements to CELL-FACH (Cell_FACH_enh-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131886 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - System Improvements for Machine-Type (SIMTC-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131887 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-11 Conformance Testing (TEI11_Test) RAN5 -
RP‑131888 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE 450MHz band in Brazil (LTE450_Brazil-UEConTest) (Batch 1) RAN5 -
RP‑131889 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE 450MHz band in Brazil (LTE450_Brazil-UEConTest) (Batch 2) RAN5 -
RP‑131890 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation (LTE_CA_Rel12-UEConTest) RAN5 -
RP‑131891 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under UE Conformance Test Aspects bSRVCC - (bSRVCC-UEConTest) RAN5 MCC: late submission, RAN5 worked on this topic without WI/RAN mandate (the WID is proposed in RP-131919)
RP‑131892 CR to 36.213 on modulation and TBS for CoMP_LTE RAN1 -
RP‑131893 CRs to 36.212 & 36.213 on UE-cat parameters RAN1 -
RP‑131894 CRs to 36.211 & 36.213 related to non-MBSFN region RAN1 -
RP‑131895 CRs to 25.222 & 25.224 on signalling enhancements for LCR TDD RAN1 -
RP‑131896 CRs related to Rel 12 feature for Downlink MIMO Enhancement RAN1 MCC: How can a REL-12 WI have a CR to REL-10/REL-11 (R1-135888, R1-136073)?
RP‑131897 CR to 25.702 on DCH enhancements for UMTS RAN1 SI FS_UTRA_DCHenh was completed in Sep.13
RP‑131898 CR to 25.800 on UMTS Heterogeneous Networks RAN1 TR 25.800 was approved in Sep.13
RP‑131899 CRs to 36.872 for small cell enhancements RAN1 TR 36.872 was approved in Sep.13
RP‑131900 Correction of when to include the GPS Positioning IE in the POSITION ACTIVATION REQUEST message RAN3 -
RP‑131901 TEI10 CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131902 TEI11 CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131903 450MHz Band in Brazil CRs RAN3 MCC: WID RP-121414 does not indicate any RAN3 spec impact, so WID update required before approval
RP‑131904 Introduction of Band 30 RAN3 MCC: WID RP-130843 does not indicate any RAN3 spec impact, so WID update required before approval
RP‑131905 Introduction of HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for 1.28Mcps TDD RAN3 -
RP‑131906 BeiDou CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131907 Stage 2 changes for PCAP over Iuh RAN3 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑131908 EHNB_enh3 CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131909 SIPTO@LN CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131910 Kill All Warning messages CRs RAN3 RAN3 chair (Huawei): These agreed CRs are in same WID as package RP-131911 and follow them to RAN3 or for approval. ALU: Should be approved because it is totally independent of the CT4 working assumption related to RP-131911.
RP‑131911 PWS Restart Indication CRs RAN3 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑131912 LTE_HRPD_SON CRs RAN3 at first intended to be approved and then revised in RP-131979
RP‑131913 TEI12 CRs RAN3 -
RP‑131914 Reporting of User Location Information at E-RAB release RAN3 MCC: Technically endorsed CR. Presents a solution supported by Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, CMCC, KPN and NSN; compare RP-131915; RAN3 chair (Huawei): CR Technically endorsed, RAN decision is expected.
RP‑131915 Reporting of User Location Information at E-RAB release RAN3 MCC: Technically endorsed set. Presents a solution supported by Ericsson; compare RP-131914; RAN3 chair (Huawei): CRs Technically endorsed, RAN decision is expected
RP‑131916 Support for connected mode inbound mobility to shared CSG/hybrid cell Samsung, Alcatel-Lucent, NSN, ZTE, LG Electronics, Qualcomm company contribution (CR endorsed in RAN3 but not provided for RAN2 email agreement)
RP‑131917 Support for connected mode inbound mobility to shared CSG/hybrid cell Samsung, Alcatel-Lucent, NSN, ZTE, LG Electronics, Qualcomm company contribution linked to RP-131916; withdrawn as already included in RP-131908
RP‑131918 New SI: Study on Unlicensed Spectrum Integration to LTE CMCC revision of RP-131780; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN (?); WI code to be used: FS_LTE_unlic_int; compare RP-131788
RP‑131919 New Work Item Proposal: UE Confomance Test Aspects - SRVCC before ringing (bSRVCC) NTT DOCOMO, INC. new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN5; WI code to be used: bSRVCC-UEConTest; tested core part: bSRVCC (CT feature which was completed in 06/2013); note: RAN5 prepared already CRs for this new WI in RP-131891
RP‑131920 On Scalable UMTS Qualcomm related to new WID RP-131761
RP‑131921 Trying to limit options for WLAN/3GPP interworking Samsung moved from AI 12.3.1 to AI 13.1.2
RP‑131922 New WI proposal: RAN-WLAN Radio Interworking enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw_enh; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑131923 Motivation for Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung motivation document for new WID RP-131758
RP‑131924 RAN4 CRs to Rel-8 WIs RAN4 -
RP‑131925 RAN4 CRs to Rel-9 WIs RAN4 -
RP‑131926 RAN4 CRs to Rel-10 WIs - Set 1 RAN4 -
RP‑131927 RAN4 CRs to Rel-10 WIs - Set 2 RAN4 -
RP‑131928 RAN4 CRs to Rel-10 WIs - Set 3 RAN4 -
RP‑131929 RAN4 CRs to Closed Rel-11 UTRA only related WIs RAN4 -
RP‑131930 RAN4 CRs to Closed Rel-11 UTRA & LTE related WIs RAN4 -
RP‑131931 RAN4 CRs to Closed Rel-11 LTE related WIs RAN4 -
RP‑131932 CRs to Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131933 CRs to Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131934 CRs to RF Requirements for Multi-band and Multi-standard Radio (MB-MSR) Base Station RAN4 -
RP‑131935 CRs to Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131936 CRs to Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131937 CRs to Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Downlink - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131938 CRs to Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE RAN4 -
RP‑131939 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-11 RAN4 -
RP‑131940 CRs to LTE-Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131941 CRs to Introduction of LTE 450 MHz band in Brazil - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131942 CRs to Introduction of LTE 450 MHz band in Brazil - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131943 CRs to Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS)- Core RAN4 -
RP‑131944 CRs to New BS specification structure - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131945 CRs to Performance Requirements of 8 Rx Antennas for LTE UL RAN4 -
RP‑131946 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131947 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131948 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 7 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131949 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 7 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131950 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131951 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131952 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 28 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131953 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 28 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131954 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131955 CRs to LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131956 CRs to TE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation RAN4 note: It would be better not to merge all WIs in the same CR.
RP‑131957 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131958 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131959 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131960 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131961 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131962 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131963 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131964 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131965 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 - Core RAN4 -
RP‑131966 CRs to LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 - Perf RAN4 -
RP‑131967 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-12 RAN4 -
RP‑131968 CR to Study on Measurements of radio performances for LTE terminals - Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Radiated Sensitivity (TRS) test methodology RAN4 SI FS_LTE_OTA was completed in Sep.12
RP‑131969 New WID Proposal: Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung revision of RP-131758; new WI for LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: COMP_LTE_IeNB; follow-up WI of SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul
RP‑131970 TR 36.874 v2.0.0 Study on CoMP for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul Samsung RAN1 TR 36.874 is submitted for approval; revised in RP-131977
RP‑131971 New WI: Further enhancement of small cells for E-UTRA – Overhead reduction ZTE revision of RP-131673; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_SCE_OHR; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_L1
RP‑131972 Revised Work Item proposal: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA KDDI revision of RP-131785; last approved WID: RP-130829; rapporteur of this WI is Orange
RP‑131973 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 28 KDDI revision of RP-131786; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B28
RP‑131974 Status report for WI Core part: HNB Positioning for UTRA, rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent RAN3 revision of RP-131502; 600117, WID: RP-130868; RAN #61: 20%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission; approved: 85%, March 14?
RP‑131975 CR for the introduction of LTE-A Intre-band NC CA in Band 23 to 36.307 Rel-10 RAN4 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑131976 Revised SID: Study on LTE FDD in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz KT revision of RP131853 which had no revision marks; last approved SID: RP-130849
RP‑131977 TR 36.874 v2.1.0 Study on CoMP for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul Samsung revision of RP-131970; RAN1 TR 36.874 is submitted for approval
RP‑131978 Status report for SI Study on CoMP for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul, rapporteur: Samsung RAN1 revision of RP-131626; 600015, SID: RP-130847; RAN #61: 33%, Dec.13; approved: 100%, Dec.13; SI is completed?
RP‑131979 Update of reference to 3GPP2 specification RAN3 MCC: late contribution; revision of RP-131912 as WI code was wrong
RP‑131980 RAN2 endorsed CRs on Introduction of TS 25.327 RAN2 MCC: late submission, see related LSin RP-131415 and introduction of TS in RP-131629; TS 25.327 is a REL-independent spec which includes also TS 25.317 in order to replace it
RP‑131981 RAN2 agreed CRs on MFBI (Multiple Frequency Band Indicator) RAN2 MCC: late submission; note: MFBI was introduced as REL-independent feature during REL-11
RP‑131982 RAN2 agreed CRs on Correction to Galileo assistance data elements RAN2 MCC: late submission; several related RAN3 CRs in company contributions
RP‑131983 RAN2 agreed CR on Clarification on the SR-VCC and rSR-VCC procedure definition RAN2 MCC: late submission; SAES-SRVCC was a REL-8 WI
RP‑131984 RAN2 agreed CRs on LCS for LTE RAN2 MCC: late submission; LCS_LTE was a REL-9 WI
RP‑131985 RAN2 agreed CRs on Dual-Cell HSUPA RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131986 RAN2 agreed CRs on Introduction of capability bit for UTRA MFBI RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131987 RAN2 agreed CRs on Correction of MBMS prioritisation for DL only carrier RAN2 MCC: late submission; MBMS_LTE was a REL-9 WI
RP‑131988 RAN2 agreed CR for SSAC in CONNECTED RAN2 MCC: late submission; SSAC was a REL-9 WI
RP‑131989 RAN2 agreed CRs on LTE Carrier Aggregation RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131990 RAN2 agreed CRs on Corrections for the UE variable SECONDARY_CELL_HS_DSCH_RECEPTION RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131991 RAN2 agreed CRs on Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-10 RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131992 RAN2 agreed CRs on Core part: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH and Core part: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission RAN2 MCC: late submission; company contribution RP-131734 to replace R2-134509 of RP-131992
RP‑131993 RAN2 agreed CRs related to eMDT and rSRVCC RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131994 RAN2 agreed CR on MBMS reception on any configured or configurable SCell RAN2 MCC: late submission; company contribution in RP-131789 to replace R2-134592 = RP-131994
RP‑131995 RAN2 agreed CRs on Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-11 RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131996 RAN2 agreed CRs on Introduction of HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR TDD RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131997 RAN2 agreed CRs on Introduction of BDS in UTRAN RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131998 RAN2 agreed CRs on Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑131999 RAN2 agreed CRs on Core part: RAN aspects for SIPTO (Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload) at the Local Network RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑132000 RAN2 agreed CRs on Introduction of BDS in LTE RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑132001 RAN2 agreed CR on Load reporting between LTE and eHRPD RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑132002 RAN2 agreed CRs on Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-12 and other WIs RAN2 MCC: late submission; company contribution RP-131729 to replace R2-133806 of RP-132002
RP‑132003 RAN2 agreed CRs on Capturing mandatory/optional agreements on Rel-11 UE features RAN2 MCC: late submission;
RP‑132004 RAN2 endorsed CRs on Introduction of non-contiguous multi-cell with MIMO RAN2 MCC: late submission; compare LSin RP-130914 and RP-131417
RP‑132005 RAN2 endorsed CR on Capability signalling for CSI processes RAN2 MCC: late submission; RAN to decide whether there is an IOT issue
RP‑132006 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 1) RAN5 revision of RP-131861; MCC: late submission
RP‑132007 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 2) RAN5 revision of RP-131862; MCC: late submission
RP‑132008 On LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum Broadcom -
RP‑132009 New WI proposal for Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA Polaris Wireless revision of RP-131632; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LCS_LTE_RFPMT; follow-up WI to SI FS_LCS_LTE_RFPMT; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131339
RP‑132010 New WID Enhanced Broadcast of System Information Ericsson revision of RP-131800; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_SIBenh; follow-up WI of SI FS_UTRA_SIBenh (see AI 12.2.5)
RP‑132011 TR 25.700 v1.0.1 on Study on Further EUL Enhancements, for approval Ericsson revision of RP-131708; RAN2 TR 25.700 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑132012 New WI proposal on E-UTRA UE Carrier Aggregation scalable performance requirements Huawei revision of RP-131719; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_SCAL-Perf; no Core just Perf part; WI intends to make performance requirements for CA scalable for further CA combinations
RP‑132013 New WI proposal on Performance Requirements of interference cancellation and suppression receiver for SU-MIMO for E-UTRA Huawei revision of RP-131721; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_SUMIMO_RX-Perf; no Core just Perf. part;
RP‑132014 Motivation for WI further small cells enhancements for E-UTRA - Overhead reduction ZTE revision of RP-131674; motivation document for new WID RP-131971
RP‑132015 Report of RAN #61 held in Porto, Portugal, 03.09.-06.09.2013 ETSI MCC -
RP‑132016 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 Chairman (Sprint) revision of RP-131439
RP‑132017 New WID on Split TTCN Test Models for IMS testing in TS 34.229-3 Spirent Communications revision of RP-131846; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN5; note: This WI does not introduce new tests it is about splitting TS 34.229-3 into 2 parts for IP-CAN Test Model and for Multi-testers Test Model;
RP‑132018 Motivation for new WI Network Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for E-UTRA MediaTek motivation document for new WID RP-131707
RP‑132019 New WID Proposal: Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung revision of RP-131969; new WI for LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: COMP_LTE_IeNB; follow-up WI of SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul
RP‑132020 Way Forward on work item proposals of small cell enhancements Huawei, ZTE, CATR, Hisilicon -
RP‑132021 List of CRs from RAN WG5 ETSI MCC revision of RP-131440
RP‑132022 New WI: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 3 China Unicom revision of RP-131763; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3
RP‑132023 Correction on CSI reporting type and parameters Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to replace R1-135888 of RP-131896 in order to correct the WI code
RP‑132024 Correction on CSI reporting type and parameters Alcatel-Lucent company contribution to replace R1-136073 of RP-131896 in order to correct the WI code
RP‑132025 Work related to RAN1 LS on PUCCH transmission on SCell Panasonic related to LSin RP-131425 from RAN1 and new WID proposal RP-131783
RP‑132026 New WI proposal on Enhanced inter-eNB Signalling Support for Multi-Cell Coordination in LTE Alcatel-Lucent revision of RP-131811; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: MCC_LTE_eSig; follow-up WI of the SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul (see AI 12.4.12)
RP‑132027 New WI proposal for Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA Polaris Wireless revision of RP-132009; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LCS_LTE_RFPMT; follow-up WI to SI FS_LCS_LTE_RFPMT; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131339
RP‑132028 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 28 KDDI revision of RP-131973; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B28
RP‑132029 LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 CATT revision of RP-131767; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_C_B42;
RP‑132030 Reply to RT-130061 = RP-131427 about Response to Letter to ITU on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (CP-130806; to: SA; cc: RAN; 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc; contact: Ericsson) CT received on Wed of RAN #62;
RP‑132031 Reply to RT-130069 = RP-131429 about Response to Letter to ITU on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 (CP-130807; to: SA; cc: RAN; 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc; contact: Ericsson) CT received on Wed of RAN #62
RP‑132032 The Never-Ending Release Ericsson -
RP‑132033 Procedure for handling mandatory/optional UE features NTT DOCOMO, INC. related to RP-131784
RP‑132034 Way forward on new UE category Qualcomm -
RP‑132035 Status report for SI Study on scalable UMTS FDD bandwidth, rapporteur: China Unicom RAN1 580039, SID: RP-130221; RAN #61: 85%, Dec.13; MCC: late submission, % complete and target inconsistent, intended to terminate the SI? approved: 98%, Dec.13?
RP‑132036 TS 25.470 v1.0.1 on UTRAN Iuh Interface PCAP User Adaption (PUA) signalling Alcatel-Lucent revision of RP-131649; RAN3 TS 25.470 is submitted for 1-step-approval (contains several violations of the drafting rules)
RP‑132037 Updated WID: HNB Positioning for UTRA Alcatel-Lucent revision of RP-131650; last approved WID: RP-130868; Extend some parts to RAN#63, add another impacted spec and editorials.
RP‑132038 New WID: Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by Filtering NSN revision of RP-131805; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_SCAL_FILT; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_SCAL
RP‑132039 WID Update:  UMTS Mobility enhancements for Heterogeneous Networks Huawei revision of RP-131732; last approved WID: RP-131348
RP‑132040 - - -
RP‑132041 Revised Work Item proposal: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA KDDI revision of RP-131972; last approved WID: RP-130829; rapporteur of this WI is Orange
RP‑132042 Revised WID: WI LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7 Ericsson last approved WID: RP-130350; no supporting companies anymore; revised in RP-132042
RP‑132043 Draft Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/305(Rev.1) = RP-131423 on Revised Text proposal for Revision of report ITU-R M.2039-2 Telecom Italia related to ITU-R M.2039-2
RP‑132044 Draft Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/133 Rev. 1 = RP-130354 on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) Telecom Italia related to ITU-R M.1457
RP‑132045 Draft Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/279 = RP-131422 on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (RT-130061; to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) Telecom Italia related to ITU-R M.2012
RP‑132046 Draft Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/441 att. 5.19 = RP-130905 on developing of Recommendations for out-of-band emission characteristics (to PCG; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) Telecom Italia -
RP‑132047 Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/305(Rev.1) = RP-131423 on Revised Text proposal for Revision of report ITU-R M.2039-2 RAN related to ITU-R M.2039-2; will be provided to PCG via MCC
RP‑132048 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/133 Rev. 1 = RP-130354 on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN related to ITU-R M.1457; will be provided to SA via MCC
RP‑132049 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/279 = RP-131422 on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (RT-130061; to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN related to ITU-R M.2012; will be provided to SA via MCC
RP‑132050 Letter to ITU-R WP5D in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/441 att. 5.19 = RP-130905 on developing of Recommendations for out-of-band emission characteristics (to PCG; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN will be provided to PCG via MCC
RP‑132051 New Work Item Proposal: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation(3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 5 SK Telecom revision of RP-131743; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3_B5
RP‑132052 TR 36.863 v1.0.2 on Study on Cell-specific Reference Signals (CRS) Interference Mitigation for homogenous deployments for LTE, for approval Ericsson revision of RP-131841; RAN4 TR 36.863 is submitted for 1-step-approval
RP‑132053 New WI: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications ZTE revision of RP-131675; new WI for UTRA and LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: MTCe_RAN; note: This is a follow-up WI to SI FS_MTCe_RAN; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131356; no Perf. part
RP‑132054 Motivation for Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA and for Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav motivation document for new SIDs RP-132055 and RP-132056
RP‑132055 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav revision of RP-131848; new SI for UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_UTRA; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879;
RP‑132056 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav revision of RP-131850; new SI for E-UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_LTE; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879
RP‑132057 New Work Item Proposal: New Band Definition in 850MHz Spectrum SK Telecom new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_n850M; Band 26: UL: 814-849MHz/DL: 859-894MHz (WI e850_UB)
RP‑132058 Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE NEC revision of RP-131736; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: RSE-RAN_LTE; Note: RSE is a REL-13 SA1 WI completed in Nov.13; note: This WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131166
RP‑132059 New Work Item Proposal on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel Corporation revision of RP-131833; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑132060 New work item proposal: CRS interference mitigation for homogenous deployments in LTE Ericsson revision of RP-131792; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_CRS_IMIT
RP‑132061 New work item on increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA Ericsson revision of RP-131794; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_UTRA_IncMon; increasing carriers a UE has to monitor;
RP‑132062 Way forward on LTE operation in unlicensed bands Orange, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone Group, Telefónica AT&T, NII Holdings, Sprint -
RP‑132063 New WI proposal on E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Huawei revision of RP-131716; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_SC_enh_L1; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_L1
RP‑132064 Status report for SI Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, rapporteur: MediaTek Inc. RAN1 revision of RP-131624; proposing now: 40%, Dec.13; 65%, March 14; revised in RP-132088
RP‑132065 Way forward on RAN2 time budget RAN2 chairman (Ericsson) -
RP‑132066 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4 REL-12 WIs/SIs after RAN #62 RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4 chairmen -
RP‑132067 Proposed WI on performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS China Telecom revision of RP-131740; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_MMSE_IRC_BS-Perf; no Core just Perf part; MMSE-IRC = Minimum Mean Square Error-Interference Rejection Combining
RP‑132068 New WI: High Power UE for LTE Band 39 CMCC revision of RP-131773; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_B39_HPUE; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131138
RP‑132069 New Work Item Description: Dual Connectivity for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. revision of RP-131783; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: LTE_SC_enh_dualC; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_hilayer
RP‑132070 New Work Item Description: New UL-DL configuration for LTE-TDD NTT DOCOMO, INC. compare RP-131781; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_TDD_ULDL
RP‑132071 New WI proposal: RAN-WLAN Radio Interworking enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated revision of RP-131922; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw_enh; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw; see RP-132059 instead
RP‑132072 New WI proposal on Performance Requirements of interference cancellation and suppression receiver for SU-MIMO for E-UTRA Huawei revision of RP-132013; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: LTE_SUMIMO_RX-Perf; no Core just Perf. part;
RP‑132073 New WI proposal on E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Huawei revision of RP-132063; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: LTE_SC_enh_L1; follow-up WI of SI FS_LTE_SC_enh_L1
RP‑132074 New WID: UMTS Heterogeneous Networks enhancements Huawei revision of RP-131714; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_hetnet_enh; this WI is a follow-up WI to the 2nd part of SI FS_UTRA_Hetnet; the 1st part of this SI is addressed in WI UTRA_hetnet_mob
RP‑132075 Draft LS on RAN-WLAN interworking (to: SA, CT; cc: -; contact: Alcatel-Lucent) Alcatel-Lucent -
RP‑132076 New Work Item Proposal on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel Corporation revision of RP-132059; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑132077 New WID Enhanced Broadcast of System Information Ericsson revision of RP-132010; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_SIBenh; follow-up WI of SI FS_UTRA_SIBenh (see AI 12.2.5)
RP‑132078 New Work Item proposal: Further EUL enhancements Ericsson revision of RP-131798; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: EDCH_enh; follow-up WI of SI FS_EDCH_enh (see AI 12.2.3)
RP‑132079 Way forward on LTE operation in unlicensed bands ORANGE, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone Group, Telefónica, AT&T, Sprint, SouthernLINC, US Cellular, DISH Network, Softbank, eAccess, KT corp., LG Uplus revision of RP-132062
RP‑132080 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 7, Band 8 and Band 20 Vodafone revision of RP-131821; new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B7_B8_B20
RP‑132081 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 7 and Band 20 Vodafone revision of RP-131822; new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B7_B20
RP‑132082 New WI: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 20 Vodafone revision of RP-131823; new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B1_B3_B20
RP‑132083 New WI: Additional bandwidth of 3MHz for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 20 Vodafone revision of RP-131825; new WI for LTE only; leading WG; WI code to be used: LTE_CA_B8_B20_BW; note: LTE_B8_B20 was a REL-11 WI
RP‑132084 Way forward RAN aspects of UPCON NEC -
RP‑132085 New SI: Study on Unlicensed Spectrum Integration to LTE CMCC revision of RP-131918; new SI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN (?); WI code to be used: FS_LTE_unlic_int; compare RP-131788;
RP‑132086 New Study Item Proposal: Study on Multi-RAT Joint coordination CMCC revision of RP-131852; new SI for UTRA and LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: FS_MultiRAT_JC; this WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131168
RP‑132087 New WID: Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by Filtering NSN revision of RP-132038; new WI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: UTRA_SCAL_FILT; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_SCAL; compare new SID RP-132098
RP‑132088 Status report for SI Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, rapporteur: MediaTek Inc. RAN1 revision of RP-132064; 590018, SID: RP-130404; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 65%, March 14 ?
RP‑132089 Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE NEC revision of RP-132058; new WI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: RSE-RAN_LTE; Note: RSE is a REL-13 SA1 WI completed in Nov.13; note: This WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131166
RP‑132090 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav revision of RP-132055; new SI for UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_UTRA; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879;
RP‑132091 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav revision of RP-132056; new SI for E-UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_LTE; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879
RP‑132092 Proposal for revision of SID Study on Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN LG Electronics Inc. (rapporteur) revision of RP-131663; last approved WID: RP-131397;
RP‑132093 Draft reply LS S2-134580 on Further questions on GCSE with eMBMS (to: SA2; cc: RAN1, RAN2; contact: Vodafone) Vodafone note: SA2 LS S2-134580 was agreed by email after San Francisco and not sent to RAN but just RAN1, RAN2; compare RP-131820
RP‑132094 New WID Proposal: Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung revision of RP-132019; new WI for LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: COMP_LTE_IeNB; follow-up WI of SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul
RP‑132095 DRAFT LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN (to: SA; cc: SA2, SA3; contact: NTT DOCOMO) NTT DOCOMO, INC. related to new approved WID RP-132069
RP‑132096 Status report for WI Core part: LTE Coverage Enhancements, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN1 revision of RP-131527; 600114, WID: RP-130833; RAN #61: 0%, June 14; approved: 60%, June 14 ?
RP‑132097 Status report for SI Study on 3D-channel model for Elevation Beamforming and FD-MIMO studies for LTE, rapporteur: Nokia Siemens Networks RAN1 revision of RP-131620; 580042, SID: RP-130811; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 55%, June 14 ?
RP‑132098 New study proposal on Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by chiprate reduction Huawei or NSN? withdrawn
RP‑132099 Procedure for handling mandatory/optional UE features NTT DOCOMO, INC. related to RP-131784; revision of RP-132033
RP‑132100 Way forward on RAN1 time budget RAN1 chairman (NTT DOCOMO) way forward was endorsed
RP‑132101 New Work Item Proposal on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel Corporation revision of RP-132076; new WI for UTRA & LTE; leading WG: RAN2; WI code to be used: UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw; follow-up WI of the SI FS_UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw
RP‑132102 Way forward on RAN1 and RAN2 HSPA time budget RAN2 chairman (Ericsson) -
RP‑132103 New WID Proposal: Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE Samsung revision of RP-132094; new WI for LTE; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: COMP_LTE_IeNB; follow-up WI of SI FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul
RP‑132104 Status report for WI Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation, rapporteur: CATT RAN1 revision of RP-131519; 580127, WID: RP-121772; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 70%, June 14
RP‑132105 Status report for SI Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services, rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
RP‑132106 Draft reply LS to R1-134923 = RP-131413 on ProSe Lawful Interception (to: SA3, SA3-LI, SA2; cc: RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, SA, SA1; contact: Telecom Italia) Telecom Italia revision of RP-131728; revised in RP-122107 to provide final LS
RP‑132107 Reply LS to R1-134923 = RP-131413 on ProSe Lawful Interception (to: SA3, SA3-LI, SA2; cc: RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, SA, SA1; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN revision of RP-132106
RP‑132108 Status report for SI Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE, rapporteur: MediaTek Inc. RAN1 revision of RP-132088; 590018, SID: RP-130404; RAN #61: 40%, Dec.13; approved: 65%, March 14
RP‑132109 Reply LS S2-134580 on Further questions on GCSE with eMBMS (to: SA2; cc: RAN1, RAN2; contact: Vodafone) RAN note: SA2 LS S2-134580 was agreed by email after San Francisco and not sent to RAN but just RAN1, RAN2; compare RP-131820
RP‑132110 Way forward on RAN4 time budget RAN4 chairman (NSN) -
RP‑132111 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for UTRA NextNav revision of RP-132090; new SI for UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_UTRA; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879;
RP‑132112 New SI: Study on Evaluation of Terrestrial Beacon System for E-UTRA NextNav revision of RP-132091; new SI for E-UTRA; leading WG: RAN4; WI code to be used: FS_LCS_TBS_LTE; note: A comparable SI was proposed at RAN #60 in RP-130879
RP‑132113 New SID: Scalable Bandwidth UMTS by Filtering China Unicom revision of RP-132087; new SI for UTRA only; leading WG: RAN1; WI code to be used: FS_UTRA_SCAL_FILT; follow-up SI of the SI FS_UTRA_SCAL;
RP‑132114 0 0 -
RP‑132115 0 0 -
RP‑132116 Proposed WI: RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE NEC revision of RP-132058; new SI for LTE only; leading WG: RAN3; WI code to be used: FS_RSE-RAN_LTE; Note: RSE is a REL-13 SA1 WI completed in Nov.13; note: A WI proposal was postponed at RAN #61 in RP-131166; revised in RP-132116
RP‑132117 - - -
RP‑132118 - - -
RP‑132119 - - -
RP‑132120 - - -
RP‑132121 - - -
RP‑132122 - - -
RP‑132123 - - -

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