Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: C3-39 - 2006-02-13 to 2006-02-17, Denver

meeting id: C3-39 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
C3‑060001 Title Source Approved
C3‑060002 Title Source Noted
C3‑060003 Title Source Noted
C3‑060004 Title Source Noted
C3‑060005 Title Source Noted
C3‑060006 Title Source Noted
C3‑060007 Title Source Noted
C3‑060008 Title Source Noted
C3‑060009 - - Approved
C3‑060010 - - Approved
C3‑060011 - - Revisedin135
C3‑060012 Meeting Calendar for 2006 MCC Noted
C3‑060013 - - Noted
C3‑060014 REPLY LS on “Alignment of IE encoding for MBMS” RAN WG3 Noted
C3‑060015 Reply LS on time to MBMS data transfer coding RAN3 Noted
C3‑060016 LS on "Change of originating and terminating terminal terminology" CT1 Noted
C3‑060017 LS on Short IMS Session Setup CT1 Noted
C3‑060018 Reply to LS on time to MBMS data transfer coding CT4 Noted
C3‑060019 Reply LS on charging rule name scope per PDP session SA2 Noted
C3‑060020 Reply LS on support of 20ms packetisation time for PCM encoded speech over Nb SA4 Revisedin92
C3‑060021 IBCF Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Revisedin93
C3‑060022 New TS draft skeleton Nortel Networks, Ericsson Revisedin101
C3‑060023 Clarification of IAM to SIP Invite message mapping - Agreed
C3‑060024 Clarification of the speech followed by fax case in an splitted (BICC) architecture Nortel, Siemens Revisedin109
C3‑060025 Use of UTF8String instead of OctetString Nortel, Vodafone, Cisco Revisedin99
C3‑060026 - Nortel, Vodafone, Cisco CoveredbyC3-060037
C3‑060027 - Nortel, Vodafone Revisedin118
C3‑060028 SCTP transport Nortel Networks, Vodafone Withdrawn
C3‑060029 SCTP transport Nortel Networks, Vodafone Revisedin121
C3‑060030 Bandwidth savings for CS transport in an IP /MPLS core network ALCATEL Noted
C3‑060031 Mechanisms for PCRF to provide PCC rules to the GW QUALCOMM Noted
C3‑060032 SCUDIF charging aspects Nokia Noted
C3‑060033 Bearer Released use with TDM circuit Nokia Agreed
C3‑060034 Bearer Released use with TDM circuit Nokia Agreed
C3‑060035 PCC rule definition Nokia Revisedin120
C3‑060036 PCC procedures Nokia, Siemens Revisedin130
C3‑060037 Gx AVPs Nokia Revisedin119
C3‑060038 Reply LS on Feasibility Study on Multiplexing on the Nb interface SA2 Noted
C3‑060039 Reply LS on handling of SIP redirect (3xx) responses in MGCF SA2 Noted
C3‑060040 REPORT: Brief notes from CT#30 relevant for CT3 CT3 Chairman Noted
C3‑060041 Proposed agenda for the joint SA2/CT1 meeting with CableLabs CT3 Chairman Noted
C3‑060042 Future of DiamGi and DiamWi Work Items CT3 Chairman Noted
C3‑060043 RTP Multiplexing on Nb- and Iu-interface Ericsson Noted
C3‑060044 Nb frame number on Nb Ericsson Noted
C3‑060045 Nb frame number start indication Ericsson Withdrawn
C3‑060046 RTP timestamp on Nb Ericsson Postponed
C3‑060047 RTP timestamp Ericsson Postponed
C3‑060048 RTP timestamp Ericsson Postponed
C3‑060049 RTP timestamp Ericsson Postponed
C3‑060050 RTP timestamp Ericsson Postponed
C3‑060051 - Ericsson Revisedin102
C3‑060052 - Ericsson Revisedin103
C3‑060053 - Ericsson Revisedin112
C3‑060054 - Ericsson Revisedin113
C3‑060055 - Ericsson Revisedin114
C3‑060056 - Ericsson Revisedin115
C3‑060057 - Ericsson Revisedin116
C3‑060058 WID for Rx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Ericsson Revisedin94
C3‑060059 Interfaces Evolution in Release 7 Ericsson Noted
C3‑060060 - Ericsson Revisedin140
C3‑060061 WID on Multimedia Telephony Capabilities for IMS Ericsson Endorsed
C3‑060062 Bearers and Sessions Ericsson Noted
C3‑060063 Multimedia interworking between IMS and CS networks: High level impacts Ericsson Noted
C3‑060064 Port usage in Flow Description AVP Siemens Postponed
C3‑060065 Destination IP Address in TFT Filter Type AVP Siemens Revisedin100
C3‑060066 Charging Implications of SCUDIF Siemens Noted
C3‑060067 Indication of Network-Initiated Service Change Siemens Revisedin108
C3‑060068 Usage of RTP timestamp on the Nb Interface Siemens Postponed
C3‑060069 Update of WID for Gx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Siemens Revisedin141
C3‑060070 GSM-CC applicable also for GERAN Iu terminations Siemens Postponed
C3‑060071 GSM-CC applicable also for GERAN Iu terminations Siemens Postponed
C3‑060072 GSM-CC applicable also for GERAN Iu terminations Siemens Postponed
C3‑060073 Proposed WID to Introduce Multiplexing at Nb Interface with IP transport Siemens Revisedin111
C3‑060074 Bandwidth savings by multiplexing Nb Framing protocol for IP transport Siemens Noted
C3‑060075 Skeleton TR for Feasibility Study on multiplexing at Nb Interface Siemens Postponed
C3‑060076 PCC signalling Flows for TS 29.213 Siemens Postponed
C3‑060077 IP CAN Bearers and DCC sessions Siemens Noted
C3‑060078 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens Revisedin128
C3‑060079 MGCF Procedures for non-preconditions Callflows Siemens Noted
C3‑060080 Removal of editor´s notes on open points for MGCF Procedures for non-preconditions Callflows Siemens Postponed
C3‑060081 Interworking Procedures between SIP/SDP and H.245 signaling Siemens Noted
C3‑060082 Mn Procedures for Video Interworking Siemens Noted
C3‑060083 Data service transport reliably Huawei Noted
C3‑060084 Fax service in mobile terminating call from PSTN Huawei Withdrawn
C3‑060085 Removal of reason header from responses Lucent Technologies Revisedin122
C3‑060086 Removal of reason header from responses Lucent Technologies Revisedin124
C3‑060087 Page: 1 Lucent Technologies Agreed
C3‑060088 Page: 1 Lucent Technologies Agreed
C3‑060089 Page: 1 Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C3‑060090 Page: 1 Lucent Technologies CoveredbyC3-060121
C3‑060091 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens Revisedin129
C3‑060092 Reply LS on support of 20ms packetisation time for PCM encoded speech over Nb SA4 Noted
C3‑060093 IBCF Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Revisedin123
C3‑060094 WID for Rx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Ericsson Revisedin143
C3‑060095 Proposed session schedule for CT3#39(Denver) Ericsson Revisedin104
C3‑060096 Response to ITU-R WP8F on PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] TSG RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc Noted
C3‑060097 - - Noted
C3‑060098 [DRAFT][D1] REPLY LS on “Alignment of IE encoding for MBMS” CT3 Revisedin139
C3‑060099 Use of UTF8String instead of OctetString Nortel, Vodafone, Cisco Agreed
C3‑060100 Destination IP Address in TFT Filter Type AVP Siemens Agreed
C3‑060101 New TS draft skeleton Nortel Networks, Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060102 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060103 - - Revisedin125
C3‑060104 Proposed session schedule for CT3#39(Denver) CT3 Chairman Revisedin127
C3‑060105 LS on Charging implications of SCUDIF SA1 Noted
C3‑060106 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Timestamps supplied by RNC CT3 Revisedin110
C3‑060107 Proposed changes to C3-060067 Nokia Withdrawn
C3‑060108 Indication of Network-Initiated Service Change Siemens, Nokia Agreed
C3‑060109 Clarification of the speech followed by fax case in an splitted (BICC) architecture Nortel, Siemens Agreed
C3‑060110 LS on Timestamps supplied by RNC CT3 Approved
C3‑060111 Proposed WID to Introduce Multiplexing at Nb Interface with IP transport Siemens Revisedin137
C3‑060112 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060113 - Ericsson Revisedin133
C3‑060114 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060115 - Ericsson Revisedin134
C3‑060116 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060117 Reply LS on "Change of originating and terminating terminal terminology" SA1 Noted
C3‑060118 - - MERGEDinto136
C3‑060119 Gx AVPs Nokia, Ericsson Revisedin132
C3‑060120 PCC rule definition Nokia, Ericsson Revisedin131
C3‑060121 SCTP transport Nortel Networks, Vodafone, Lucent Agreed
C3‑060122 Removal of reason header from responses Lucent Technologies Agreed
C3‑060123 IBCF Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Agreed
C3‑060124 Removal of reason header from responses Lucent Technologies Revisedin126
C3‑060125 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060126 Removal of reason header from responses Lucent Technologies Agreed
C3‑060127 Proposed session schedule for CT3#39(Denver) CT3 Chairman Noted
C3‑060128 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson Revisedin147
C3‑060129 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson Revisedin148
C3‑060130 PCC procedures Nokia, Siemens Agreed
C3‑060131 PCC rule definition Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens Agreed
C3‑060132 Gx AVPs Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens Agreed
C3‑060133 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060134 - Ericsson, Nortel Revisedin136
C3‑060135 - - Noted
C3‑060136 - Ericsson, Nortel Agreed
C3‑060137 Proposed WID to Introduce Multiplexing at Nb Interface with IP transport Siemens Revisedin138
C3‑060138 Proposed WID to Introduce Multiplexing at Nb Interface with IP transport Siemens Agreed
C3‑060139 REPLY LS on “Alignment of IE encoding for MBMS” CT3 Approved
C3‑060140 - Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060141 Update of WID for Gx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Siemens Revisedin142
C3‑060142 Update of WID for Gx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Siemens Revisedin144
C3‑060143 WID for Rx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Ericsson Revisedin145
C3‑060144 Update of WID for Gx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Siemens Agreed
C3‑060145 WID for Rx interface for Policy Control and Charging (PCC) Ericsson Agreed
C3‑060146 Reply LS on Transit support in IMS SA2 Noted
C3‑060147 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson EmailApproval
C3‑060148 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson Revisedin151
C3‑060149 Version 0.2.0 of TS 29.212 Siemens -
C3‑060150 Version 0.2.0 of TS 29.214 Ericsson -
C3‑060151 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson EmailApproval
C3‑060152 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson -
C3‑060153 Interworking RTP timestamps and IuFP frame numbers Siemens, Ericsson -

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