Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: C3-37 - 2005-08-29 to 2005-09-02, London

meeting id: C3-37 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
C3‑050441 Title Source Approved
C3‑050442 Title Source Noted
C3‑050443 Title Source Noted
C3‑050444 Title Source Noted
C3‑050445 Title Source Noted
C3‑050446 - - Withdrawn
C3‑050447 Title Source Noted
C3‑050448 Title Source Noted
C3‑050449 - - Revisedin577
C3‑050450 Report: Brief notes from CT#28 CT3 Convenor Noted
C3‑050451 Report: Highlights of CT#28 via CT3 Convenor Noted
C3‑050452 - - Noted
C3‑050453 - - Noted
C3‑050454 Meeting Calendar MCC Noted
C3‑050455 [D1]Reply LS on Service Based Inter-System Handover CT1 Noted
C3‑050456 Reply LS on GPRS P-CSCF discovery procedure CT1 Noted
C3‑050457 Reply LS on MBMS Session Duration IE (S2-050946) GERAN2 Noted
C3‑050458 LS on time to data transfer GERAN2 Noted
C3‑050459 Reply to [D1]LSes on Service Based Inter-System Handover GERAN WG2 Noted
C3‑050460 Charging Implications of SCUDIF SA1 Noted
C3‑050461 Reply to LS on time to data transfer IE (S2-051480 / G2-050323) SA2 Noted
C3‑050462 Response to LS on Detecting new RAT type GAN SA 2 Noted
C3‑050463 Reply LS on bit rate/delay requirements in the GERAN for an MBMS session SA4 Noted
C3‑050464 MBMS Session Identity, Session Identity Expiration time and Session Identity Repetition number SA4 Noted
C3‑050465 Reply LS on alignment of DCC sub-sessions SA5 SWG-B (Charging) Noted
C3‑050466 LS on end-to-end service level tracing for IMS SA5 SWG-D Noted
C3‑050467 - - Noted
C3‑050468 NEW WID for Private Network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access NEC, NTT DoCoMo Revisedin611
C3‑050469 Discussion paper for Private Network access from WLAN 3GPP IP access NEC, NTT DoCoMo Noted
C3‑050470 12.1Interworking of 3PTY and CONF with SIP T-Mobile Noted
C3‑050471 Interworking of 3PTY and CONF T-Mobile, Siemens Revisedin623
C3‑050472 Interworking of Awith SIP T-Mobile Withdrawn
C3‑050473 Interworking of FCI_BCI with SIP T-Mobile, Siemens Postponed
C3‑050474 Interworking of OVERLAP with SIP T-Mobile Withdrawn
C3‑050475 Overlap support in the IMS T-Mobile Noted
C3‑050476 Codec interworking T-Mobile Postponed
C3‑050477 Use of TEL URI and SIP URI - Postponed
C3‑050478 PCC impact in CT3 Nortel Noted
C3‑050479 New WID for Evolved Gx reference point for Policy Control and Charging Nortel Networks Revisedin612
C3‑050480 New WID for Evolved Rx reference point for Policy Control and Charging. Nortel Networks Revisedin613
C3‑050481 Missing description of behaviour when AAA is not received Nortel Revisedin621
C3‑050482 Missing description of behaviour when AAA is not received Nortel Revisedin605
C3‑050483 Missing description of behaviour when AAA is not received Nortel Withdrawn
C3‑050484 First draft for TS 29.220 with the skeleton structure. Nortel Revisedin649
C3‑050485 First draft for TS 29.221 with the skeleton structure. Nortel Revisedin650
C3‑050486 Application-id for Gmb application Nortel Revisedin587
C3‑050487 Removal of DCC sub-sessions Vodafone, Nortel Networks, Siemens, Orange, Nokia Revisedin622
C3‑050488 Enhance scope of IMS interworking with CS (29.163) for Rel-7 Nortel Noted
C3‑050489 WID update of “Interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks.” Nortel Revisedin614
C3‑050490 New scope of 29.163 in R7 Nortel Postponed
C3‑050491 Correction to obsolete reference Nortel Agreed
C3‑050492 20 ms packetisation time for PCM coded speech over Nb ALCATEL Noted
C3‑050493 20ms ptime for PCM codec speech over Nb - TS 29414 ALCATEL Postponed
C3‑050494 - Title:Packetisation time of PCM coded speech over Nb - CR on TS 29.232 Postponed
C3‑050495 - Title:Packetisation time of PCM coded speech over Nb - CR on TS 26.102 Postponed
C3‑050496 CS data Mobile Terminating calls from PSTN ALCATEL Noted
C3‑050497 CS data mobile terminating call from PSTN - TS 29.007 Alcatel Revisedin644
C3‑050498 - Title:CS data Mobile Terminating calls from PSTN Noted
C3‑050499 This parameter can also indicate that the GMSC supports the IST Command, including the ability to terminate all calls being carried for the identified subscriber by using the IMSI as a key. If this additional capability is not included in the Send Ro Title:CS data Mobile Terminating calls from PSTN Noted
C3‑050500 Correction to obsolete reference - Withdrawn
C3‑050501 Use of threegcsden Bitrate property to signal RLP/Nb Nortel Postponed
C3‑050502 Time to Data transfer Nortel, Ericsson Revisedin568
C3‑050503 MBMS Session Identity Repetition number Nortel, Ericsson Revisedin591
C3‑050504 Use of threegcsden Bitrate property to signal RLP/Nb Nortel Networks Postponed
C3‑050505 Modification of MBMS UE Context in the BM-SC Ericsson, Nortel, Vodafone Agreed
C3‑050506 Correction of MBMS service activation Ericsson, Nortel, Vodafone Agreed
C3‑050507 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050508 Charging Rule operations Ericsson Revisedin601
C3‑050509 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Revisedin602
C3‑050510 Ry Removal Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050511 Charging Rule Name scope Ericsson Revisedin615
C3‑050512 Gx and Gx/Gy applications alignment Ericsson Revisedin616
C3‑050513 About alignment and subsessions… Ericsson Revisedin576
C3‑050514 LS on Assignment of the Diameter Aplication identifiers for the Rel-6 Rx Protocol CT3 Revisedin578
C3‑050515 LS on Allocation of 3GPP specific AVP numbers and Experimental Result Codes for Rx protocol CT3 Revisedin579
C3‑050516 Experimental Result Codes Ericsson, Nortel Revisedin606
C3‑050517 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Revisedin607
C3‑050518 Correction to handling of PLMN-BC and TMR to MGW terminations LM Ericsson Postponed
C3‑050519 Correction to handling of PLMN-BC and TMR to MGW terminations LM Ericsson Postponed
C3‑050520 Correction to handling of PLMN-BC and TMR to MGW terminations LM Ericsson Postponed
C3‑050521 BM-SC initiated MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation procedure Huawei Revisedin592
C3‑050522 Corrections to STR command for De-registration procedure initiated by GGSN Huawei Withdrawn
C3‑050523 Editorial corrections to Gmb interface in 29.061 Huawei MERGEDinto588
C3‑050524 Addition of Missing parameters to ASR command for BM-SC initiated De-Registration procedure Huawei Withdrawn
C3‑050525 Editorial corrections Huawei Revisedin608
C3‑050526 Charging of SCUDIF Nokia Noted
C3‑050527 On control structure and interfaces Nokia Noted
C3‑050528 - T-Mobile Revisedin629
C3‑050529 Coding of Called Party Number mapping T-Mobile Revisedin630
C3‑050530 Mapping of Hop Counter T-Mobile Revisedin632
C3‑050531 mapping with and without preconditions T-Mobile Postponed
C3‑050532 mapping of restriction by the network - Revisedin633
C3‑050533 mapping of CdPN to Request URI T-Mobile Revisedin634
C3‑050534 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Revisedin596
C3‑050535 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Revisedin597
C3‑050536 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Revisedin598
C3‑050537 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Revisedin593
C3‑050538 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Revisedin594
C3‑050539 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Revisedin595
C3‑050540 Correction of References Siemens Revisedin600
C3‑050541 Removal of S reference point within MS Siemens Agreed
C3‑050542 Changes of handling the preconditions extension in TS 29.163 for TISPAN Siemens Postponed
C3‑050543 Handling of Overlap signalling Siemens Withdrawn
C3‑050544 Bandwidth savings by multiplexing Nb Framing protocol for IP transport Siemens Noted
C3‑050545 - - Withdrawn
C3‑050546 Corrections to Examples for Flow Identifiers Siemens Revisedin583
C3‑050547 Procedural Corrections Siemens Revisedin584
C3‑050548 Gq Specific Actions - Withdrawn
C3‑050549 Gq Specific Actions Siemens Revisedin609
C3‑050550 Corrections in Terminology Siemens Revisedin603
C3‑050551 Procedural Corrections Siemens Revisedin604
C3‑050552 Drawbacks of using Dcc Subsession at Gx Siemens Noted
C3‑050553 Indication of SDP offer - Withdrawn
C3‑050554 Indication of SDP offer Siemens Revisedin585
C3‑050555 Indication of SDP offer - Withdrawn
C3‑050556 - - Withdrawn
C3‑050557 Indication of Network-Initiated Service Change Siemens Noted
C3‑050558 Discussion on DCC Sessions for Gx interface Vodafone, Nortel Networks, Siemens, Orange, Nokia Noted
C3‑050559 New enumerated value for the Bearer-Usage AVP Vodafone Withdrawn
C3‑050560 Approved at plenary# Title:Proposed WID on Voice Call Continuity Revisedin575
C3‑050561 Discussion on Interworking between the ISUP Location Number and the SIP P-Access-Network-Info header Orange / France Telecom Revisedin567
C3‑050562 IETF framing for Nb Lucent Technologies Noted
C3‑050563 Overview of TISPAN MGCF requirements Lucent Technologies Postponed
C3‑050564 Correction of network entities names Motorola GmbH Revisedin586
C3‑050565 Requirements for Supporting SIP Overlap Signalling within IMS Huawei Withdrawn
C3‑050566 Auth-Application-ID required in STR Siemens Revisedin620
C3‑050567 Discussion on Interworking between the ISUP Location Number and the SIP P-Access-Network-Info header Orange, France Telecom, Ericsson Postponed
C3‑050568 Time to Data transfer Nortel, Ericsson Revisedin590
C3‑050569 - - Noted
C3‑050570 Support letter for Thomas Belling CT3 Convenor Noted
C3‑050571 Support letter for Ragnar Huslende CT3 Convenor Noted
C3‑050572 Proposed allocation of documents to for joint CT3/CT4 session Convenor, TSG-CT WG3 and TSG-CT WG4 Noted
C3‑050573 Title Source Revisedin617
C3‑050574 Title Source Noted
C3‑050575 Approved at plenary# Title:Proposed WID on Voice Call Continuity Revisedin618
C3‑050576 About alignment and subsessions… Ericsson Noted
C3‑050577 - - Approved
C3‑050578 LS on Assignment of the Diameter Application identifiers for the Rel-6 Rx Protocol CT3 Revisedin581
C3‑050579 LS on Allocation of 3GPP specific AVP numbers and Experimental Result Codes for Rx protocol CT3 Revisedin582
C3‑050580 Overcoming Drawbacks of using Dcc Subsession at Gx Ericsson Noted
C3‑050581 LS on Assignment of the Diameter Application identifiers for the Rel-6 Rx Protocol CT3 Approved
C3‑050582 LS on Allocation of 3GPP specific AVP numbers and Experimental Result Codes for Rx protocol CT3 Approved
C3‑050583 Corrections to Examples for Flow Identifiers Siemens Revisedin619
C3‑050584 Procedural Corrections Siemens Agreed
C3‑050585 Mapping of SDP offer Siemens Agreed
C3‑050586 Correction of network entities names Motorola GmbH Agreed
C3‑050587 Application-id for Gmb application Nortel Revisedin588
C3‑050588 Application-id for Gmb application Nortel, Huawei Agreed
C3‑050589 LS on new Gmb AVP allocation CT3 Approved
C3‑050590 Time to Data transfer Nortel, Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050591 MBMS Session Identity Repetition number Nortel, Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050592 BM-SC initiated MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation procedure Huawei, Nortel Revisedin654
C3‑050593 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Postponed
C3‑050594 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Postponed
C3‑050595 Corrections to transport at access side of IWF Siemens Postponed
C3‑050596 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Agreed
C3‑050597 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Agreed
C3‑050598 CSD MGW Termination Properties For Inter-MSC SRNS Relocation Siemens Agreed
C3‑050599 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Charging implications of SCUDIF CT3 Revisedin627
C3‑050600 Correction of References Siemens Agreed
C3‑050601 Charging Rule operations Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050602 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Revisedin647
C3‑050603 Corrections in Terminology Siemens Revisedin655
C3‑050604 Procedural Corrections Siemens Postponed
C3‑050605 Missing description of behaviour when AAA is not received Nortel Agreed
C3‑050606 Experimental Result Codes Ericsson, Nortel Revisedin660
C3‑050607 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050608 Procedures corrections Huawei Revisedin661
C3‑050609 Gq Specific Actions Siemens Revisedin662
C3‑050610 Notification of loss and recovery bearer - Withdrawn
C3‑050611 NEW WID for Private Network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access NEC, NTT DoCoMo Noted
C3‑050612 New WID for Gx reference point for Policy and Charging Control Nortel Networks Postponed
C3‑050613 New WID for Rx reference point for Policy and Charging Control. Nortel Networks Postponed
C3‑050614 WID update of “Interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks.” Nortel Revisedin646
C3‑050615 Charging Rule Name scope Ericsson Postponed
C3‑050616 Gx and Gx/Gy applications alignment Ericsson Withdrawn
C3‑050617 Title Source Noted
C3‑050618 * Mechanism for selecting how to route the terminating voice calls to the UE: either through the GSM/UMTS CS Domain or through the I-WLAN interworking networks with IMS based on the user registration. Criteria for the routing decision as well as the Title:Proposed WID on Voice Call Continuity Revisedin642
C3‑050619 Corrections to Examples for Flow Identifiers Siemens Agreed
C3‑050620 Auth-Application-ID required in STR Siemens Agreed
C3‑050621 Missing description of behaviour when AAA is not received Nortel Agreed
C3‑050622 Removal of DCC sub-sessions Vodafone, Nortel Networks, Siemens, Orange, Nokia Revisedin652
C3‑050623 Interworking of 3PTY and CONF T-Mobile, Siemens Revisedin624
C3‑050624 Interworking of 3PTY and CONF T-Mobile, Siemens Revisedin625
C3‑050625 Interworking of 3PTY and CONF T-Mobile, Siemens Revisedin631
C3‑050626 - - Withdrawn
C3‑050627 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Charging implications of SCUDIF CT3 Revisedin648
C3‑050628 LS on handling ETSI specific ISUP features and TISPAN supplementary services in TS 29.163. CT3 Revisedin635
C3‑050629 - T-Mobile Agreed
C3‑050630 Coding of Called Party Number mapping T-Mobile Revisedin637
C3‑050631 Interworking of 3PTY and CONF T-Mobile, Siemens Agreed
C3‑050632 Mapping of Hop Counter T-Mobile Agreed
C3‑050633 mapping of restriction by the network - Postponed
C3‑050634 mapping of CdPN to Request URI T-Mobile Revisedin639
C3‑050635 LS on handling ETSI specific ISUP features and TISPAN supplementary services in TS 29.163. CT3 Revisedin636
C3‑050636 LS on handling ETSI specific ISUP features and TISPAN supplementary services in TS 29.163. CT3 Approved
C3‑050637 Coding of Called Party Number mapping T-Mobile Revisedin638
C3‑050638 Coding of Called Party Number mapping T-Mobile Revisedin641
C3‑050639 mapping of CdPN to Request URI T-Mobile Revisedin640
C3‑050640 mapping of CdPN to Request URI T-Mobile Agreed
C3‑050641 Coding of Called Party Number mapping T-Mobile Agreed
C3‑050642 * Mechanism for selecting how to route the terminating voice calls to the UE: either through the GSM/UMTS CS Domain or through the I-WLAN interworking networks with IMS based on the user registration. Criteria for the routing decision as well as the Title:Proposed WID on Voice Call Continuity Endorsed
C3‑050643 LS on charging rule name scope per PDP session CT3 Revisedin658
C3‑050644 CS data mobile terminating call from PSTN - TS 29.007 Alcatel Revisedin645
C3‑050645 CS data mobile terminating calls from PSTN Alcatel Agreed
C3‑050646 New WID “Multimedia Interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks.” Nortel Revisedin656
C3‑050647 NASREQ Reference update Ericsson Agreed
C3‑050648 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Charging implications of SCUDIF CT3 Revisedin651
C3‑050649 - - -
C3‑050650 - - -
C3‑050651 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Charging implications of SCUDIF CT3 Approved
C3‑050652 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Revisedin659
C3‑050653 BM-SC initiated MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation procedure - Withdrawn
C3‑050654 BM-SC initiated MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation procedure Huawei, Nortel Revisedin657
C3‑050655 Corrections of Terminology Siemens Agreed
C3‑050656 New WID “Multimedia Interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks.” Nortel ConditionalyAgreed
C3‑050657 BM-SC initiated MBMS Multicast Service Deactivation procedure Huawei, Nortel Agreed
C3‑050658 LS on charging rule name scope per PDP session CT3 Approved
C3‑050659 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Revisedin663
C3‑050660 Experimental Result Codes Ericsson, Nortel Agreed
C3‑050661 Procedure corrections Huawei Agreed
C3‑050662 Usage of Specific Actions AVP in RAR Siemens Agreed
C3‑050663 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Revisedin664
C3‑050664 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Revisedin666
C3‑050665 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Withdrawn
C3‑050666 Removal of DCC sub-sessions - Agreed

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