Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: N3-32 - 2004-05-10 to 2004-05-14, Zagreb

meeting id: N3-32 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
N3_32_Tdo - - -
N3‑040251 Title Source -
N3‑040252 Title Source -
N3‑040253 Title Source -
N3‑040254 Title Source -
N3‑040255 Title Source -
N3‑040256 Title Source -
N3‑040257 Title Source -
N3‑040258 - - -
N3‑040259 - - -
N3‑040260 - - -
N3‑040261 Reply LS on early media and IMS/CS interworking CN1 -
N3‑040262 LS on Assignment of the Diameter codes and identifiers CN4 -
N3‑040263 Gx reference point Nortel Networks -
N3‑040264 Introduction of the Gx Reference Point - -
N3‑040265 Gmb Commands and AVPs (II) - -
N3‑040266 Gmb Message Flows. Improvements - -
N3‑040267 Command to indicate Session Start/Stop - -
N3‑040268 A proposed WID on Rx Reference point specification for flow based charging Nortel Networks -
N3‑040269 - Nortel Networks -
N3‑040270 Codec Negotiation between BICC CS networks and the IM CN subsystem - -
N3‑040271 Codec negotiation incoming call interworking - -
N3‑040272 Codec negotiation Mid call interworking - -
N3‑040273 Codec parameter translation between BICC CS network and the IM CN subsystem - -
N3‑040274 MGCF IM-MGW interaction - -
N3‑040275 Gmb Introduction - -
N3‑040276 Gmb messages flows - -
N3‑040277 - - -
N3‑040278 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040279 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040280 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040281 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040282 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040283 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040284 - - -
N3‑040285 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040286 Notify IMS RTP Tel Event (same as ‘Report DTMF’) message sequence shows IEs that are not used with this procedure - -
N3‑040287 - Nokia -
N3‑040288 - Nokia -
N3‑040289 - Nokia -
N3‑040290 - Nokia -
N3‑040291 - Nokia -
N3‑040292 - - -
N3‑040293 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040294 SBLP Decisions - -
N3‑040295 - Nokia -
N3‑040296 Filtering related aspects Nokia -
N3‑040297 Media component and IP flow level granularity over the Gq interface Nokia -
N3‑040298 Interworking between PLMN with WLAN access and PDN - -
N3‑040299 A proposed WID on Gx interface specification for flow based charging Nokia -
N3‑040300 Draft TS: Charging rule provisioning over Gx interface Nokia -
N3‑040302 Multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP context - -
N3‑040303 Multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP context - -
N3‑040304 Multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP context - -
N3‑040305 QoS profile length - -
N3‑040306 QoS profile length - -
N3‑040307 QoS profile length - -
N3‑040308 Correction of sub-clause Backward call indicators - -
N3‑040309 PDP context modification without binding information - -
N3‑040310 Media component removal flow - -
N3‑040311 - Siemens -
N3‑040312 2.If needed, information from step 1 is used to access a proper set of UMTS QoS Parameters. See 3GPP TS 26.236 [6] for Conversational Codec Applications and 3GPP TS 26.234 [5] for Streaming Codec Applications. Siemens -
N3‑040313 - Siemens -
N3‑040314 - Siemens -
N3‑040315 Flow Description with IpFilterRule Siemens -
N3‑040316 - Siemens -
N3‑040317 - Siemens -
N3‑040318 - Siemens -
N3‑040319 - Siemens -
N3‑040320 - Siemens -
N3‑040321 Multiple authorization token generation in the PDF ORANGE -
N3‑040322 - Nokia -
N3‑040323 - - -
N3‑040324 - Siemens -
N3‑040325 - Siemens -
N3‑040326 - Siemens -
N3‑040327 - Siemens -
N3‑040328 - Siemens -
N3‑040329 - - -
N3‑040330 LS on Gx reference point SA2 -
N3‑040331 LS on Request for Comments on Wi-Fi Alliance Public Access MRD draft v1.0 SA2 -
N3‑040332 Reply LS to Request for Comments on Wi-Fi Alliance Public Access MRD draft v1.0 SA2 -
N3‑040333 - - -
N3‑040334 - - -
N3‑040335 Media component removal flow - -
N3‑040336 - Siemens -
N3‑040337 LS reply to RTP / RTCP split SA2 -
N3‑040338 - - -
N3‑040339 Reply LS on impacts of multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP Context SA2 -
N3‑040340 Proposed CN Working group meeting dates 2005 MCC (sourced from CN4 chair) -
N3‑040341 Gq actions at PDP context release - -
N3‑040342 Multiple authorization token generation in the PDF ORANGE -
N3‑040343 Old Work item code:?[H10] -
N3‑040344 Generic description for Qos Mapping - -
N3‑040345 Interaction of Camel with serivce change - -
N3‑040346 LS on Assignment of the Diameter codes and identifiers CN3 -
N3‑040347 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040348 Media component removal flow - -
N3‑040349 Codec Negotiation between BICC CS networks and the IM CN subsystem - -
N3‑040350 Codec negotiation incoming call interworking - -
N3‑040351 Codec negotiation Mid call interworking - -
N3‑040352 Codec parameter translation – IM CN subsystem to BICN - -
N3‑040353 MGCF IM-MGW interaction - -
N3‑040354 Reply LS on Assignment of the Diameter codes and identifiers for the Rel-6 Gq interface CN3 -
N3‑040355 - Siemens -
N3‑040356 - Nokia -
N3‑040357 - Siemens -
N3‑040358 - Nokia -
N3‑040359 - Siemens -
N3‑040360 - Siemens -
N3‑040361 - Siemens -
N3‑040362 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040363 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040364 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040365 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040366 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040367 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040368 Addition of network initiated in-call modification - -
N3‑040369 - Siemens -
N3‑040370 - Siemens -
N3‑040371 - Siemens -
N3‑040372 Old Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens -
N3‑040373 - Siemens -
N3‑040374 - Siemens -
N3‑040375 Reply LS on Assignment of the Diameter codes and identifiers for the Rel-6 Gq interface CN3 -
N3‑040376 2.If needed, information from step 1 is used to access a proper set of UMTS QoS Parameters. See 3GPP TS 26.236 [6] for Conversational Codec Applications and 3GPP TS 26.234 [5] for Streaming Codec Applications. Siemens -
N3‑040377 LS on Generation of multiple authorization tokens CN3 -
N3‑040378 - Siemens -
N3‑040379 - Nokia -
N3‑040382 - Nokia -
N3‑040383 - Nokia -
N3‑040384 Gmb Message Flows. Improvements - -
N3‑040385 Gmb Commands and AVPs (II) - -
N3‑040386 Command to indicate Session Start/Stop - -
N3‑040387 - Nokia -
N3‑040388 AVPs for Gx interface Nokia, Nortel Networks -
N3‑040389 A proposed WID on Gx interface specification for flow based charging Nokia -
N3‑040390 - - -
N3‑040391 Multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP context - -
N3‑040392 WI DIAMETER on the PDG Wi and the GGSN Gi interface T-Mobile -
N3‑040393 Gmb Introduction - -
N3‑040394 PDP context modification without binding information - -
N3‑040395 Media component removal flow - -
N3‑040396 Codec negotiation Mid call interworking - -
N3‑040397 MGCF IM-MGW interactions - -
N3‑040398 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040399 PDP context modification without binding information - -
N3‑040400 - Siemens -
N3‑040401 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040402 - Siemens -
N3‑040403 - Siemens -
N3‑040404 - Siemens -
N3‑040405 LS on Generation of multiple authorization tokens CN3 -
N3‑040406 - Nokia -
N3‑040407 Old Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens -
N3‑040408 - Siemens -
N3‑040409 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Reuse of RADIUS attributes within the 3gpp specific vendor id CN3 -
N3‑040410 Gmb Commands and AVPs (II) - -
N3‑040411 Gmb Message Flows. - -
N3‑040412 Multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP context - -
n3‑040413 2.If needed, information from step 1 is used to access a proper set of UMTS QoS Parameters. See 3GPP TS 26.236 [6] for Conversational Codec Applications and 3GPP TS 26.234 [5] for Streaming Codec Applications. Siemens -
N3‑040414 Revision of WLAN Interworking – stage 3 definition of WLAN – 3GPP interworking Lucent Technologies -
N3‑040415 DRQ Sub-code - -
N3‑040416 - Siemens -
N3‑040417 Revision of WLAN Interworking – stage 3 definition of WLAN – 3GPP interworking Lucent Technologies -
N3‑040418 AVPs for Gx interface Nokia, Nortel Networks -
N3‑040419 - Siemens -
N3‑040420 - Siemens -
N3‑040421 LS on Re-use of RADIUS attributes within the 3gpp specific vendor id CN3 -
N3‑040423 2.If needed, information from step 1 is used to access a proper set of UMTS QoS Parameters. See 3GPP TS 26.236 [6] for Conversational Codec Applications and 3GPP TS 26.234 [5] for Streaming Codec Applications. Siemens -
N3‑040424 - - -
N3‑040425 - - -
N3‑040426 - - -

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