Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S5-09 - 2000-01-17 to 2000-01-21, Sophia Antipolis

meeting id: S5-09 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
 0001 Draft report from SA5 #8 (Tampere, 7 - 10 December, 1999) SA5 #8 secretary -
 0001 Draft report from SA5 #8 (Tampere, 7 - 10 December, 1999) SA5 #8 secretary -
S5‑000003 Input for 32.104: Encoding Rule Identifier in Measurement Report File ATEA -
S5‑000003 Input for 32.104: Encoding Rule Identifier in Measurement Report File ATEA -
S5‑000004 Input for 32.104: Measurement Report File Format ATEA -
S5‑000004 Input for 32.104: Measurement Report File Format ATEA -
S5‑000005 3G TS 32.101 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000005 3G TS 32.101 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000006 3G TS 32.102 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000006 3G TS 32.102 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000007 3G TS 32.104 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000007 3G TS 32.104 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000008 3G TS 32.105 v0.0.1 3GPP support -
S5‑000008 3G TS 32.105 v0.0.1 3GPP support -
S5‑000009 3G TS 32.106 v1.1.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000009 3G TS 32.106 v1.1.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000010 3G TS 32.111 v1.1.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000010 3G TS 32.111 v1.1.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000011 3G TS 32.005 v3.0.0 3GPP support withdrawn (see S5-000017)
S5‑000011 3G TS 32.005 v3.0.0 3GPP support withdrawn (see S5-000017)
S5‑000012 3G TS 32.015 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000012 3G TS 32.015 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000013 Example of XML based PM file encoding Ericsson -
S5‑000013 Example of XML based PM file encoding Ericsson -
S5‑000014 CR 12.15 R98: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect Motorola -
S5‑000014 CR 12.15 R98: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect Motorola -
S5‑000015 3G TS 32.105 v0.0.1 32.105 rapporteur -
S5‑000015 3G TS 32.105 v0.0.1 32.105 rapporteur -
S5‑000016 GSM 12.15 v7.4.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000016 GSM 12.15 v7.4.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000017 3G TS 32.005 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000017 3G TS 32.005 v3.0.0 3GPP support -
S5‑000018 Draft report from SA5 #8, Bonn, Germany, 7 - 10 December, 1999 SA5 #8 secretary Revision of Tdoc S5-000001
S5‑000018 Draft report from SA5 #8, Bonn, Germany, 7 - 10 December, 1999 SA5 #8 secretary Revision of Tdoc S5-000001
S5‑000019 Subscriber and Equipment Trace (S2) Nokia -
S5‑000019 Subscriber and Equipment Trace (S2) Nokia -
S5‑000020 I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description v 0.2.2 3GPP RAN3 -
S5‑000020 I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description v 0.2.2 3GPP RAN3 -
S5‑000021 3G TS 25.433 version 3.0.0 Release 1999 3GPP RAN3 -
S5‑000021 3G TS 25.433 version 3.0.0 Release 1999 3GPP RAN3 -
S5‑000022 GSM 12.71 version 0.0.5 Release 1998 T1M1 -
S5‑000022 GSM 12.71 version 0.0.5 Release 1998 T1M1 -
S5‑000023 On "Establishment of Cooperative Relation" T1M1 Chair Reply to Tdoc S5-99323
S5‑000023 On "Establishment of Cooperative Relation" T1M1 Chair Reply to Tdoc S5-99323
S5‑000024 On "Unification of North American 3G Wireless network management Standards" T1M1 Chair Sent by T1M1 chair to 3GPP2 TSG-S chairman
S5‑000024 On "Unification of North American 3G Wireless network management Standards" T1M1 Chair Sent by T1M1 chair to 3GPP2 TSG-S chairman
S5‑000025 Draft LS on RAN WG3 document I3.05 LS drafting group revised - see s5-000046
S5‑000025 Draft LS on RAN WG3 document I3.05 LS drafting group revised - see s5-000046
S5‑000026 Comments on "Alarm IRP" Siemens -
S5‑000026 Comments on "Alarm IRP" Siemens -
S5‑000027 CR to GSM 1215: GTP' header length fix Nokia -
S5‑000027 CR to GSM 1215: GTP' header length fix Nokia -
S5‑000028 CR to 3G TS 32015: GTP' header length fix Nokia -
S5‑000028 CR to 3G TS 32015: GTP' header length fix Nokia -
S5‑000029 Questions on GSM LCS Charging SA5 Charging revised - see S5-000044
S5‑000029 Questions on GSM LCS Charging SA5 Charging revised - see S5-000044
S5‑000030 LS to BARG, 3G Charging Co-Operatrion SA5 Charging -
S5‑000030 LS to BARG, 3G Charging Co-Operatrion SA5 Charging -
S5‑000031 LS to TADIG, 3G Charging Co-Operatrion SA5 Charging -
S5‑000031 LS to TADIG, 3G Charging Co-Operatrion SA5 Charging -
S5‑000032 LS Reply on CDR Suppression SA5 Charging Reply to SA1, SA2 SA-99319
S5‑000032 LS Reply on CDR Suppression SA5 Charging Reply to SA1, SA2 SA-99319
S5‑000033 CR 12.15 R98: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect SA5 Charging -
S5‑000033 CR 12.15 R98: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect SA5 Charging -
S5‑000034 CR 32.015 R99: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect SA5 Charging -
S5‑000034 CR 32.015 R99: The QoS, Mean Throughput- Best Effort Value in section 8.1 ASN.1 is incorrect SA5 Charging -
S5‑000035 PM Rapporteur Session report PM rapporteur -
S5‑000035 PM Rapporteur Session report PM rapporteur -
S5‑000036 PM object model requirements PM rapporteur group -
S5‑000036 PM object model requirements PM rapporteur group -
S5‑000037 CR to TS 32.104: PM file format definition PM rapporteur group -
S5‑000037 CR to TS 32.104: PM file format definition PM rapporteur group -
S5‑000038 SA5 Meeting #9, Charging Group Report SA5 Charging -
S5‑000038 SA5 Meeting #9, Charging Group Report SA5 Charging -
S5‑000039 Joint PR and AR rapporteur report SA5 AR/PR -
S5‑000039 Joint PR and AR rapporteur report SA5 AR/PR -
S5‑000040 Modification proposal to Tdoc 000032 T-Mobil -
S5‑000040 Modification proposal to Tdoc 000032 T-Mobil -
S5‑000041 FM Rapporteur Session report FM rapporteur -
S5‑000041 FM Rapporteur Session report FM rapporteur -
S5‑000042 Draft report from SA5 #8, Bonn, Germany, 7 - 10 December, 1999 Vodafone Airtouch Revision of Tdoc S5-000018
S5‑000042 Draft report from SA5 #8, Bonn, Germany, 7 - 10 December, 1999 Vodafone Airtouch Revision of Tdoc S5-000018
S5‑000043 CM Rapporteur Session report CM rapporteur -
S5‑000043 CM Rapporteur Session report CM rapporteur -
S5‑000044 LS to T1P1 and T1P1.5: Questions on GSM LCS Charging SA5 approved
S5‑000044 LS to T1P1 and T1P1.5: Questions on GSM LCS Charging SA5 approved
S5‑000045 3G TS 32.106 v1.2.0 CM rapporteur -
S5‑000045 3G TS 32.106 v1.2.0 CM rapporteur -
S5‑000046 LS to RAN3 on I3.05 SA5 imported from 3GU
S5‑000046 LS to RAN3 on I3.05 SA5 imported from 3GU
s5‑990001 Draft report from SA5 #8, 7 - 10 December, 1999 SA5 #8 secretary -
s5‑990001 Draft report from SA5 #8, 7 - 10 December, 1999 SA5 #8 secretary -
s5‑990002 Draft agenda for SA5 #9, Sophia, 17 - 21 January, 2000 Chairman -
s5‑990002 Draft agenda for SA5 #9, Sophia, 17 - 21 January, 2000 Chairman -

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