Generations of Mobile Standards

Supporting MWC 2024

Feb 06, 2024

Monday, Feb 26, 20024

The Congress began with opening addresses and the bright lights switched on, illuminating thousands of stories around how the cellular ecosystem is broadening, to the extent that over half of the ~100K attendees this year describe themselves as from industries adjacent to the core mobile ecosystem (Source GSMA).

3GPP is a proud participant and Association partner once again this year.

AI is centre stage this week, with the industry presenting ideas and practical timelines for the technology to roll out for all aspects of product development and future network design.

Related challenges such as how to take 5G connectivity to the edges of the network, making networks secure and always on to deliver critical services and the rise of the App and new services – some which have yet to be imagined – are also the topic of discussion on the booths and during the GSMA’s congress sessions.  

MWC24 is as big as it ever was. All of the halls are full and vibrant – particularly the very noisy and youthful ‘Four years from now’ (4YFN) event. 4YFN proves the happy truth that the mobile generation is here and taking their place at the centre of our industry.



Barcelona, 26-29 Feb. 2024

Great meetings...

Luis Jorge Romero meets with Ricard Vilalta of CTTC at the Congress Square

5G New Calling Summit

Issam Toufik, shows the 3GPP timeline for 5G-Advanced and future 6G studies. 5G New Calling Summit, Hall 8, Theatre 4

ETSI party

190 guests attended the ETSI Social event on top of the Arenas in Pl. Espanya. Officials, Partners and old friends enjoy this informal networking event each year on the Tuesday of MWC.

Membership meetings

Issam Toufik spots our expert photographer from a far, during the meeting on the Orange stand, Hall 3. 

GSMA - Global 5G Alliances Summit

Luis Jorge Romero featured in this session's Panel discussion (Hall 8.1 CC8.17 & 8.16)