Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: T1-14 - 2002-02-21 to 2002-02-22, Sophia Antipolis

meeting id: T1-14 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
T1‑020001 - - -
T1‑020002 - - -
T1‑020003 - - -
T1‑020004 - - -
T1‑020005 - - -
T1‑020006 - - -
T1‑020007 - - -
T1‑020008 - - -
T1‑020009 - - -
T1‑020013 - - -
T1‑020024 - - -
T1‑020025 - - -
T1‑020026 - - -
T1‑020028 - - -
T1‑020029 - - -
T1‑020030 - - -
T1‑020031 - - -
T1‑020032 - - -
T1‑020033 - - -
T1‑020034 - - -
T1‑020035 - - -
T1‑020036 - - -
T1‑020037 Correction to Annex A - -
T1‑020038 Update of Idle mode tests - -
T1‑020039 Update to GMM test cases - -
T1‑020040 Corrections to RRC test cases, 8.2.2 onwards - -
T1‑020041 Corrections to Annex A - -
T1‑020042 Clause 7.3, PDCP testing: Update - -
T1‑020043 Corrections to clause 8.1 - -
T1‑020044 Correction to RRC test cases - -
T1‑020045 Corrections to Measurement test cases - -
T1‑020046 Additional test case for packet - -
T1‑020047 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020048 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020049 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020050 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020051 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020052 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020053 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020054 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020055 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020056 Changes to MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020057 Changes to RLC conformance test - -
T1‑020058 Changes to RLC conformance test - -
T1‑020059 Modifications on Session Management test case - -
T1‑020060 Modifications on Session Management test case 11.1.2 - -
T1‑020061 Section 8.1 Connection Management Procedure (TDD both modes) - -
T1‑020062 Modification on Session Management test case - -
T1‑020063 Modifications of MM test cases - -
T1‑020064 Update of RB test cases - -
T1‑020065 Section 8.2 Radio Bearer Control Procedure (TDD both modes) - -
T1‑020067 Corrections to R’4 RRC test cases applicability - -
T1‑020068 Update of Applicability table for RRC test cases - -
T1‑020069 Applicability for 8.4.1 Measurement Control and Report test cases - -
T1‑020070 Applicability for Cell reselection : Equivalent PLMN - -
T1‑020071 Applicability for Inter system handover from UTRAN/To GSM/ success / call under establishment - -
T1‑020072 Applicability for 8.3 HCS cell reselection - -
T1‑020073 Corrections to applicability table for Measurement Control and Report Test Cases - -
T1‑020074 Applicability statements for additional Measurement Control and Report test cases - -
T1‑020075 Correction to applicability statements of MAC test cases - -
T1‑020076 Applicability of new test cases - -
T1‑020077 Applicability of 8.1 RRC Connection Management Procedure (TDD both modes) - -
T1‑020078 Applicability of 8.2 RRC Radio Bearer Control Procedure (TDD both modes) - -
T1‑020079 Clarification of applicable releases (TDD) of test cases in TS 34.123-2 - -
T1‑020080 Correction of the applicability table for test case QoS offered by the network is a lower QoS / QoS accepted by UE - -
T1‑020089 Correction of MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020090 Correction of MAC conformance test - -
T1‑020091 Replacement of Block STTD by Space Code Transmit Diversity (SCTD) - -
T1‑020092 Replacement of Block STTD by Space Code Transmit Diversity (SCTD) - -
T1‑020093 - - -
T1‑020094 - - -
T1‑020095 - - -
T1‑020096 - - -
T1‑020097 Update of reference radio conditions - -
T1‑020098 Update of reference radio conditions - -
T1‑020099 Update of system reference configurations and default messages - -
T1‑020100 Update of system reference configurations and default messages - -
T1‑020101 Corrections to 34108-360 - -
T1‑020102 Corrections to 34108-410 - -
T1‑020103 - - -
T1‑020104 - - -
T1‑020105 Clarification of bit rate of Interactive/Background PS RAB function - -
T1‑020106 Update of SIBs for TDD mode in TS34.108 (Rel99) - -
T1‑020107 Update of SIBs for TDD (both modes) in TS34.108 (Rel4) - -
T1‑020111 Additional Measurement Control and Report test cases - -
T1‑020112 Clause 8.4.1 Measurement Control and Report - -
T1‑020113 Additional test cases for inter-RAT measurements and UE internal measurements - -
T1‑020114 Addition of test case for Inter-RAT measurement, event 3C, in CELL_DCH state using sparse compressed mode pattern - -
T1‑020115 Clause Cell reselection : Equivalent PLMN - -
T1‑020116 Additional test cases for shared networks - -
T1‑020117 Deletion of Equivalent PLMN list in UE - -
T1‑020118 ePLMN list storage at power off - -
T1‑020119 Interaction of ePLMNs and forbidden PLMNs - -
T1‑020120 PLMN interaction with Manual Mode - -
T1‑020121 Clause 8.3 HCS cell reselection - -
T1‑020122 Clause Inter system handover from UTRAN/To GSM/ success / call under establishment - -
T1‑020123 Additional test cases for Physical Channel Reconfiguration from CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH or URA_PCH - -
T1‑020124 Additional test cases for Transport channel Reconfiguration from CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH or URA_PCH - -
T1‑020125 Additional test case for RRC connection establishment on another frequency - -
T1‑020126 Additional test case for UE response to changes of System Information data and structure - -
T1‑020127 - - -
T1‑020128 - - -
T1‑020130 Liaison Statement on deletion of power control algorithm 2 from R99 TSG T WG1/RF -
T1‑020131 - - -
T1‑020132 - - -
T1‑020133 Correction of power terms and definitions - -
T1‑020134 Creation of common default messages for RRM test cases in Annex I - -
T1‑020135 Transmit ON/OFF time mask, Change of TFC and Power setting in uplink compressed mode - -
T1‑020136 Maintenance of Annex B - -
T1‑020137 Correction of minimum test times under fading - -
T1‑020138 Addition of test case description for SFN-CFN observed time difference - -
T1‑020139 Addition of test case description for SFN-SFN observed time difference type 1 - -
T1‑020140 Corrections for TS 34.121 subclause 8.7.6 - -
T1‑020141 Correction changes in clause 8.7 - -
T1‑020142 Update of RRM Cell reselection delay tests in idle mode - -
T1‑020143 Implementation of test tolerances to test cases in subclause 7 - -
T1‑020144 RRM AnnexF - -
T1‑020145 Connection Diagrams for RRM tests cell re-selection in idle mode - -
T1‑020146 Statistical testing of RRM delay performance - -
T1‑020147 RRM Hard handover test cases - -
T1‑020148 System Simulator and Test System definition - -
T1‑020149 - - -
T1‑020150 Corrections to various reference to tables in the document. - -
T1‑020151 Maintenance of Annex B - -
T1‑020152 Power Control in the Downlink - -
T1‑020153 Uplink Power Control Performance Test - -
T1‑020154 Replacement of Block STTD by Space Code Transmit Diversity (SCTD) - -
T1‑020155 New RRM Section Headings - -
T1‑020156 Cell Re-selection in idle mode test cases - -
T1‑020157 Statistical testing of RRM delay performance - -
T1‑020158 Corrections to various reference to tables in the document. - -
T1‑020159 Maintenance of Annex B - -
T1‑020160 Replacement of Block STTD by Space Code Transmit Diversity (SCTD) - -
T1‑020161 New RRM Section Headings (Cat.A) - -
T1‑020162 Cell Re-selection in idle mode test cases - -
T1‑020163 Power Control in the Downlink - -
T1‑020164 Uplink Power Control Performance Test - -
T1‑020165 Statistical testing of RRM delay performance - -
T1‑020166 Liaison Statement on Test parameters of Measurement Performance test cases TSG T WG1/RF -
T1‑020167 - - -
T1‑020168 - - -
T1‑020169 - - -
T1‑020170 WCDMA 1800 and 1900 additions - -
T1‑020171 Correction of power spectral density - -
T1‑020172 - - -
T1‑020173 - - -
T1‑020174 Liaison Statement on Network initiated PDP context activation request for an already activated PDP context (on the mobile station side) T1 -
T1‑020175 - - -
T1‑020176 - - -
T1‑020177 - - -
T1‑020178 - - -
T1‑020179 - - -
T1‑020180 - - -
T1‑020181 - - -
T1‑020182 - - -
T1‑020183 - - -
T1‑020184 Clarification of bit rate of Interactive/Background PS RAB function - -
T1‑020185 LS to RAN1 and RAN2 in response to T1-020025, LS on 34.108 Updates T1 -
T1‑020186 - - -
T1‑020187 Liaison to 3GPP/T on Unlocking of current Prose/TTCN from rel’99, version June’01 TSGT WG1 -

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