Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S1-10 - 2000-11-13 to 2000-11-17, ORLANDO

meeting id: S1-10 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S1‑000654 Report of SA meeting #9 MCC (M.Clayton) -
S1‑000659 Reply to LS on Security issues with ME user input and DTMF tones S3 (contact: -
S1‑000660 Clarification of UMTS-AKA for GSM R’99 Mobiles TSG SA WG3 -
S1‑000661 - - -
S1‑000662 Answer to Proposal of exchange of the terms “in GSM“ and “in UMTS“ TSG-CN WG1 -
S1‑000663 Terminal Capability Negotiation TSG-T2 SWG3 MMS AdHoc -
S1‑000664 - - -
S1‑000665 Response to LS (N1-000997) on Answer to Proposal of exchange of the terms "in GSM" and "in UMTS" TSG-RAN WG2 -
S1‑000666 Meeting Agenda Chairman -
S1‑000667 Provision of Velocity for Location Services Pacific Bell Wireless -
S1‑000668 Correction to LCS Service Description Stage 1 Document (R’99) QUALCOMM Europe -
S1‑000669 Correction to LCS Service Description Stage 1 Document (R’00) QUALCOMM Europe -
S1‑000670 External LCS client identity NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000671 Privacy Control for LCS NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000672 PS Session Support for LCS NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000673 Clarifications to LCS on privacy and Service response NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000674 CR to TS 22.071 on Geographical Location Nokia -
S1‑000675 LCS for Rel 2000 Nokia -
S1‑000676 LCS for Rel 2000 Nokia -
S1‑000677 LCS, Identification of a Target UE using IP addresses Title:LCS for Rel 2000 -
S1‑000678 LCS for Rel 2000 Nokia -
S1‑000679 Liaison Statement to RAN2 regarding Open Interfaces within the UTRAN for LCS Support 3GPP SA1 (NOT YET APPROVED) -
S1‑000680 Liaison Statement to TSG-GERAN regarding Open Interfaces within the GERAN for LCS Support 3GPP SA1 (NOT YET APPROVED) -
S1‑000681 LS on Priority of ME resources for WAP and SIM toolkit applications T3 -
S1‑000682 - - -
S1‑000683 Encrypted USIM-ME interface T3 -
S1‑000684 - - -
S1‑000685 LS on Support of Bookmarks / VHE User Profiles T3 -
S1‑000686 T3 work item for use of local link as a bearer for USAT T3 -
S1‑000687 - - -
S1‑000688 re: SAT/USAT Control of IP Multimedia Services (ref S1-000630) TSG-T3 -
S1‑000689 Global Text Telephony; Stage 1 description. Ericsson1 -
S1‑000690 - - -
S1‑000691 - - -
S1‑000692 Liaison Statement Answer to Proposal of exchange of the terms “in GSM“ and “in UMTS“ 3GPP TSG GERAN (WG2) -
S1‑000693 Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources - -
S1‑000694 - - -
S1‑000695 - - -
S1‑000696 - - -
S1‑000697 Comments to the different documents concerning “Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources” France Telecom -
S1‑000698 Numbering Principles Nokia / R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000699 IM Number portability. SA1 R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000700 General corrections and clarifications to 22.101 for Release 4. S1 R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000701 Introduction of IM CN Subsystem. S1 R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000702 - - -
S1‑000703 - - -
S1‑000704 Subscription R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000705 Roaming R00 ad hoc -
S1‑000706 - - -
S1‑000707 Liaison Statement to S1 on Connectivity Management TSG CN WG5 -
S1‑000708 Liaison Statement to S1 on the concept of Enterprise Operator TSG CN WG5 -
S1‑000709 Reply to LS on Support of VHE User Profiles N21 -
S1‑000710 Title Source -
S1‑000711 - - -
S1‑000712 Answer to LS on 32 kbit/s UDI/RDI multimedia TSG GERAN Convenor (approved by TSG GERAN WG2) -
S1‑000713 List of S1 specifications with Rapporteur names MCC -
S1‑000714 All IP Network End-to-End Delay QoS Feasibility Study S1 -
S1‑000715 - - -
S1‑000716 - - -
S1‑000717 - - -
S1‑000718 Work Items for SA1 MCC (M.Clayton) -
S1‑000719 Response to LS (R4-000763) on Time measurement accuracy TSG-RAN WG2 -
S1‑000720 LS on positive authentication reporting TSG CN WG41 -
S1‑000721 Answer to Proposal of exchange of the terms “in GSM“ and “in UMTS“ TSG-SA WG2 -
S1‑000722 Reply LS on Support of VHE User Profiles TSG SA WG2 (VHE/OSA), -
S1‑000723 Proposed LS on work split between 3GPP TSG SA WG 1, 3GPP TSG SA WG 2 and 3GPP TSG SA WG 2 -
S1‑000724 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" 3GPP TSG SA WG2 -
S1‑000725 LS on SA1’s CR for Bearer Modification without Pre-notification TSG_CN WG3 -
S1‑000726 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" TSG_CN WG3 -
S1‑000727 LS requesting clarification on Synchronous Bearer Services in UMTS TSG CN3 -
S1‑000728 - - -
S1‑000729 - - -
S1‑000730 - - -
S1‑000731 ASCI abbreviation STF139 / SAGEM -
S1‑000732 Call pre-emption STF139 / SAGEM -
S1‑000733 LS on WID-Support of IP multimedia services 3GPP TSG CN WG 1 SIP Ad Hoc -
S1‑000734 - - -
S1‑000735 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. BT -
S1‑000736 Inclusion of GSM 01.04 v 7.0.0 acronyms and abbreviations in the vocabulary - -
S1‑000737 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. One 2 One Personal Communications Limited -
S1‑000738 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. One 2 One Personal Communications Limited -
S1‑000739 * Screening of Messages Comverse Network Systems, Siemens -
S1‑000740 Support of UMTS AKA for GSM only mobiles France Telecom -
S1‑000742 Minutes of the VHE adhoc#3 meeting held in Windsor VHE ADHOC GROUP -
S1‑000743 Scope of VHE in Release 2000 VHE adhoc group -
S1‑000744 Summary of email discussion Editor -
S1‑000745 There are several forms of charging which shall be available to the home environment. It shall be possible for the home environment to charge in the following instances: Editor -
S1‑000747 - - -
S1‑000748 - - -
S1‑000749 : Meeting Report of SA1 CAMEL Ad Hoc 30th/31st October 2000 Source: 22.078 Rapporteur -
S1‑000750 Removal of Volume charging for GPRS Session Ericsson -
S1‑000751 Alignment with stage 2 & 3, and editorial clarification - -
S1‑000752 Introduction of Call Party Handling Vodafone / Mannesmann Mobilfunk -
S1‑000753 Introduction of IP multimedia sessions control in CAMEL Phase 4 British Telecom, Nokia -
S1‑000754 Criteria for the Mid-Call event detection point Vodafone and Ericsson -
S1‑000755 CAMEL control of IP Multimedia Sessions - Revision of TS 22.078 CRs 051, 052, 053, 055 and 057 SA1 CAMEL ad-hoc (30-31 October, Paris, France) -
S1‑000756 - - -
S1‑000757 - - -
S1‑000758 Liaison Statement on connectivity management and virtual operator concept, answer to N5-000182 and N5-000183 S1 OSA adhoc -
S1‑000759 - - -
S1‑000760 - - -
S1‑000761 - - -
S1‑000762 Scope of the Open Service Access 3GPP TSG-SA WG1 OSA ad-hoc -
S1‑000763 - - -
S1‑000764 Liaison Statement on OSA function desired for Release 4 S1 -
S1‑000765 - - -
S1‑000766 - - -
S1‑000767 - - -
S1‑000768 - - -
S1‑000769 ·Periodic location reporting within specified period and reporting triggered by a specific event NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000770 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000771 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000772 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000773 Clarification of Privacy Exception List NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000774 - - -
S1‑000775 - - -
S1‑000776 Localised services Nokia -
S1‑000777 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Nokia -
S1‑000778 Changing VHE stage 1 TS 22.121 version 4 into a TR Nokia -
S1‑000779 When FDN is disabled, an ME supporting FDN shall; Nokia -
S1‑000780 Correction to list of access dependent features. Nokia -
S1‑000781 Specification sets for Release 99 and Release 4. Lucent Technologies -
S1‑000782 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Lucent Technologies -
S1‑000783 Enhancement to the Mid Call event to include out band information Lucent Technologies, NTT DoCoMo -
S1‑000784 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Orange (rapporteur), Nokia -
S1‑000785 Meeting Agenda Chairman -
S1‑000786 3GPP SA1 LCS Adhoc Meeting Report Chairman -
S1‑000787 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. SA1 -
S1‑000788 ·Periodic location reporting within specified period and reporting triggered by a specific event SA1 -
S1‑000789 Provision of Open Interfaces within the GERAN & UMTS for LCS Support 3GPP SA1 -
S1‑000790 Proposed LS on Clarification of Privacy Exception List S1 LCS Ad Hoc -
S1‑000791 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. SA1 -
S1‑000792 List of S1 specifications with Rapporteur names MCC -
S1‑000794 Examples of IP multimedia application scenarios Ericsson -
S1‑000795 - - -
S1‑000797 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000798 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000799 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000800 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. To:3GPP TSG SA2 -
S1‑000801 - - -
S1‑000802 SA5 concept of Subscription Management SA5 Chairman -
S1‑000803 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Nokia -
S1‑000804 - - -
S1‑000806 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. France Telecom -
S1‑000807 Support of CAMEL phase 1 and/or CAMEL phase 2 TSG-CN2 (Vodafone) -
S1‑000808 [H7] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000809 [H7] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000810 [H7] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone -
S1‑000811 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Orange (rapporteur), Nokia -
S1‑000812 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. BT, FT, Nokia -
S1‑000813 Response to LS (R2-002138) on Time Measurement Accuracy TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000814 Camel Phase 1 Support in Phase 2 further assumptions TSG SA 1 (Mannesmann Mobilfunk) -
S1‑000815 - - -
S1‑000816 Design objectives of the IMS Rel5, A comparison of views Workshop on Service Vision and Scenarios -
S1‑000817 re: SAT/USAT Control of IP Multimedia Services (ref T3-000483) TSG-S1 -
S1‑000818 - - -
S1‑000819 - - -
S1‑000820 - - -
S1‑000821 - - -
S1‑000822 - - -
S1‑000823 3GPP SA1 LCS Adhoc Meeting Report Chairman -
S1‑000824 Liaison Statement on Bearer Modification without pre-notification 3GPP TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000825 Removal of TS61 and TS62 in NT mode from GSM in Rel-4 and later releases TSG CN WG3 -
S1‑000826 LS requesting clarification on Circuit Switched Bearer Services in UMTS TSG CN WG3 -
S1‑000827 Scope of the Open Service Access 3GPP TSG-SA WG1 -
S1‑000828 - - -
S1‑000829 Reply on T2’s Request for OSA Interface Information TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000830 Proposal for way forward with TS 22.121 Fujitsu Europe, BT, One-2-One, MATERNA GmBH, Vodafone, France Telecom, Orange, Alcatel, Nortel, Lucent and Motorola. -
S1‑000831 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. NTT DoCoMo, Lucent Technologies -
S1‑000832 LS on Definition of Push Services TSG_SA WG1 -
S1‑000833 Design objectives of the IMS Rel5, A comparison of views BT -
S1‑000834 Introduction of GGSN number in CAMEL Phase 3 GPRS Operations TSG CN WG 2 -
S1‑000835 DRAFT LS on Operator Determined Barring of Packet Oriented Services TSG CN WG4 -
S1‑000837 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. TSG-SA-WG1 -
S1‑000839 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. One 2 One Personal Communications Limited -
S1‑000840 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. One 2 One Personal Communications Limited -
S1‑000841 WID for Service Provider Name One 2 One Personal Communications Limited -
S1‑000842 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. NTT DoCoMo, Lucent Technologies -
S1‑000843 LS on Definition of Push Services TSG_SA WG1 -
S1‑000844 Response to LS (R2-002138) on Time Measurement Accuracy TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000845 * Screening of Messages Comverse Network Systems -
S1‑000846 Call pre-emption STF139 / SAGEM -
S1‑000847 LS to encourage use of 21.905 for 3G and GSM S1 -
S1‑000848 LS about USIM support in GSM only terminals S3 -
S1‑000849 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Orange (rapporteur), Nokia -
S1‑000850 Correction to list of access dependent features. Nokia -
S1‑000851 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Telia -
S1‑000852 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Vodafone/Lucent/NEC -
S1‑000853 Version 3.y.z Vodafone/Lucent/NEC -
S1‑000854 Reply to LS on Operator Determined Barring of Packet Oriented Services (N4-001080) TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000855 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. T-Mobil -
S1‑000856 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. T-Mobil -
S1‑000857 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. T-Mobil -
S1‑000858 - - -
S1‑000859 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. France Telecom -
S1‑000860 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. France Telecom -
S1‑000861 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Orange -
S1‑000862 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Orange -
S1‑000863 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Orange (rapporteur), Nokia -
S1‑000864 This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Orange (rapporteur), Nokia -
S1‑000865 Liaison Statement on Bearer Modification without pre-notification 3GPP TSG SA WG1 -
S1‑000866 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. TSG-SA-WG1 -
S1‑000867 Response to LS on “Clarification of UMTS-AKA for GSM R’99 Mobiles” & support of UMTS AKA for GSM only R4 Mes S1 -
S1‑000868 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. Comverse Network Systems -

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