Four Generations of Mobile Standards

5G-ACIA, Non-Public Networks for Industrial Scenarios

Sep 03,2019

September 3, 2019

5G-ACIA have published a short paper to describe the industrial (IIoT) deployment scenarios for 3GPP-defined 5G private networks, looking at how organisations can apply 5G technologies on their own premises, either as an independent 5G network or in conjunction with a public network.

5GACIAThe paper identifies some of the priorities for private networks for manufacturing & industrial processes: High quality-of-service, Security & Privacy, the need for Isolation from other networks and the requirement for tight responsibility for O&M to protect mission critical data.

The paper urges industries to analyse the use cases identified, to better understand the amount of work needed to implement a Non-public network.

5G-ACIA is a Market Representation Partner in 3GPP.

Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP

About the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA)

The paramount objective of 5G-ACIA is to ensure the best possible applicability of 5G technology and 5G networks for connected industries, particularly the manufacturing and the process industry. 5G-ACIA’s mission is to ensure that the interests and needs of the industrial domain are adequately considered in 5G standardisation and regulation. 5G-ACIA will further ensure that ongoing 5G developments are understood by and effectively transferred to the industrial domain.

Get a copy of the 5G Non-Public Networks for Industrial Scenarios (White Paper)

Referenced 3GPP Specs:

3GPP TS 23.251 v15.1.0 Network sharing; Architecture and functional description.
3GPP TS 22.104 v16.0.0, Service requirements for cyber-physical control applications in vertical domains, Stage 1
3GPP TS 23.501 v15.4.0. System architecture for the 5G System, Stage 2.