Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP NFV Study

Oct 05, 2015

October 5, 2015

Management of mobile networks that include virtualized network functions (MANO)

3gpp NFV story3GPP SA Plenary (#69) has approved the SA5 Technical Report (TR) 32.842 “Study on network management of virtualized networks” in Release 13.

The study focused on the NFV management functions and solutions for mobile core networks based on the architectural framework defined by the ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group – looking at the potential impacts of NFV-MANO (Management and Orchestration) on the 3GPP management system.

SA5 is now committed to start work on E2E management solutions in Release 14 with the following work tasks:

sa5 nfv timeline2Thomas Tovinger, the Chairman of SA5, said: “The completion of the TR Study and the start of normative specification work for NFV management once again demonstrate the strong network management expertise in SA5 and the ability of 3GPP to quickly respond to market requirements.”

A liaison statement will be sent to ETSI ISG NFV by December 2015, detailing Use cases and 3GPP requirements for mobile network management in the virtualized network environment.

Notes to editors

  • 3GPP TR 32.842 can be downloaded from .
  • 3GPP SA5 specifies the requirements, architecture and solutions for provisioning and management of the network (RAN, CN, IMS) and its services. The WG defines charging solutions in alignment with the related charging requirements developed by other relevant WGs, and specifies the architecture and protocols for charging of the network and its services.
  • ETSI ISG NFV - In November 2012 seven of the world's leading telecoms network operators selected ETSI to be the home of the Industry Specification Group for NFV. The 2014 NFV Activity Report and the full list of NFV members and participants are available on the ETSI NFV Portal.


  • 3GPP SA is the Service and System Aspects Technical Specifications Group (TSG-SA) of the project.
  • E2E: End-to-end.
  • NFV: Network Functions Virtualization.

Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP