Four Generations of Mobile Standards


Jun 05, 2019

July 1, 2019

A Press Release, from ETSI, emphasizes the role of NFV in addressing the variety of applications expected to run on top of the 5G system. It looks also at how ETSI’s NFV ISG work to support network slicing, including ‘Management over multi-administrative domains’ (GS NFV-IFA 030) and ‘Multi-site network connectivity’ (GS NFV-IFA 032), is helping the 3GPP management system to interact with the NFV MANO system - for resource management of the virtualized 5G network.

One of the highlights of ETSI NFV Release 3 is set to be the work on defining an external touchpoint between the NFV’s Network Service and network slicing (GR NFV-IFA 024) - in which the Network Service becomes a composite element of the 3GPP SA5 working group’s network slice subnet construct (TS 28.530) – intended to allow implementations to easily combine the 3GPP Network Resource Model (NRM) with the ETSI NFV Information Model.

nfv cogFurther Reading:

For the full ETSI story – See the ETSI web site “ETSI NFV announces new features to its architecture to support 5G


ISG = Industry Specification Group.
MANO = Management and Orchestration

ETSI ISG NFV web page
3GPP SA5 web page

Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP