Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: TP-12 - 2001-06-13 to 2001-06-15, STOCKHOLM

meeting id: TP-12 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
TP‑010080 Report (v0.0.3) of TSG-T #11 (Palm Springs, 14 - 16 March 2001) TSG-T secretary revised - see TP-010081
TP‑010081 Report of TSG-T #11 (Palm Springs, 14 - 16 March 2001) TSG-T approved
TP‑010082 Agenda (draft) for TSG-T #12 (Stockholm, 13 - 15 June, 2001) TSG-T Chairman revised - see report
TP‑010083 Report (v0.0.6) of TSG-SA #11 (Palm Springs, 19 - 22 March 2001) TSG-SA secretary noted
TP‑010084 Draft summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP PCG Meeting#6, Sophia Antipolis, 10 April 2001 PCG secretary noted
TP‑010085 Draft summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP Organizational Partners Meeting#5, Sophia Antipolis, 11 April 2001 OP secretary replaced by TP-010147
TP‑010086 LS from T3 to SA1 cc TSG-T "re: Service Provider Name" T3 (T3-010445) noted
TP‑010087 LS from T3 to SA3, TSG-T & others: "Rejection of 2G Authentication and Key Agreement by 3G ME with USIM in UTRAN" T3 (T3-010379) noted
TP‑010088 LS from T3 to T2 cc TSG-T "re:TS 23.227 v4.0.0 "Application and User interaction in the UE - Principles and specific requirements" T3 (T3-010442) noted
TP‑010089 LS from T2 to T3 cc TSG-T "re:TS 23.227 v4.0.0 "Application and User interaction in the UE - Principles and specific requirements" T2 (T2-010568) noted
TP‑010090 LS from T2 to SA1, SA2, T3 cc TSG-T "re:UE Functionality Split" T2 (T2-010426) noted
TP‑010091 LS from RAN2 to TSG-T, T1 "Corrections of RLC wording in T1 CRs for TSG-T #12" RAN2 (R2-011482) discussed
TP‑010092 LS from SA4 to TSG-T and others "Codec Type UMTS_AMR_2" SA4 (S4-010243) discussed - see TP‑010148
TP‑010093 LS from SA1 to SA2 cc TSG-T "re: Voice Bearer Interworking" SA1 (S1-010529) noted
TP‑010094 LS from SA1 to T3 cc TSG-T "Display of Service Provider Name" SA1 (S1-010381) noted
TP‑010095 LS from T1 to RAN2,4 cc TSG-T "Establishment of an AdHoc for RRM test" T1 (T1-010159) noted
TP‑010096 LS from TSG-GERAN "Terminology clarifications" GERAN (GP-011437) discussed
TP‑010097 Specification status list prior to TSGs#12 (for information) MCC -
TP‑010098 3GPP Work Program - summary presentation MCC -
TP‑010099 3GPP Work Program - full version (MS project & PDFs) MCC -
TP‑010100 T3 status report T3 chairman presented
TP‑010101 CRs to 02.19 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010102 CRs to 03.19 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010103 CRs to 02.48 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010104 CRs to 03.48 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010105 CR to 11.13 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010106 CRs to 11.14 and 31.111 for approval T3 revised - see T3-010151
TP‑010107 CRs to 31.102 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010108 CRs to 31.121 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010109 CR to 51.011 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010110 Draft Work item description for a C-language binding for (U)SIM API for approval T3 approved
TP‑010111 Draft Work Item description for test suites for the USAT Interpreter protocols for approval T3 approved
TP‑010112 Draft Work item description for the definition and specification of a UICC/USIM Transport Protocol for approval T3 approved
TP‑010113 TR 31.900 v2.0.0 "SIM/USIM interworking" for approval T3 approved
TP‑010114 not used - not used
TP‑010115 T1 status report T1 chairman presented
TP‑010116 Draft minutes from T1#11 T1 secretary noted
TP‑010117 Status report of MCC task 160 Task 160 leader approved
TP‑010118 CRs to TS 34.108 for approval T1 approved
TP‑010119 CRs to TS 34.121 for approval T1 approved
TP‑010120 CRs to TS 34.122 for approval T1 approved
TP‑010121 CRs to TS 34.123-1 for approval T1 approved
TP‑010122 CRs to TS 34.123-2 for approval T1 approved
TP‑010123 T1 work items for approval T1 revised - see TP-010150
TP‑010124 TS 34.123-3, v 103 for information T1 noted
TP‑010125 T2 progress report T2 chair presented
TP‑010126 MExE Change Requests for approval T2 approved
TP‑010127 Terminal Interfaces and Capabilities Change Requests for approval T2 approved
TP‑010128 Messaging Change Requests for approval T2 approved
TP‑010129 WID Terminal Local Model Rel-5 for approval T2 revised - see TP-010152
TP‑010130 WID MMS Rel-5 for approval T2 approved
TP‑010131 WID EMS Rel-5 for approval T2 revised - see TP-010153
TP‑010132 CR 23.040-028 Rel-5 “Extended Objects in EMS” T2 revised - see TP-010149
TP‑010133 not used - not used
TP‑010134 LS from SA3 to SA1, T2, T3 cc TSG-T "Security and UE functionality split" SA3 (S3-010289) noted
TP‑010135 ETSI collective letter "TTCN voluntary contributions for MCC Task 160 in the development of ATSs/PIXIT/for 3G UE R99" ETSI Secretariat (CL2083) noted
TP‑010136 CR to 21.101 R99: "Correction to list of specs" MCC -
TP‑010137 CR to 21.102 rel-4: "Correction to list of specs" MCC -
TP‑010138 TS 21.103: "3rd Generation mobile system Release 5 Specifications" MCC -
TP‑010139 CR to 01.01: "GSM Release 1999 specifications. MCC -
TP‑010140 CR to 41.102: "GSM Release 4 Specifications" MCC -
TP‑010141 TS 41.103: "GSM Release 5 Specifications" MCC -
TP‑010142 Spec numbers and s MCC -
TP‑010143 LS from SA4 to SA1, SA2, cc TSG-T "Voice Bearer Interworking" SA4 (S4-010386) noted
TP‑010144 LS from SA4 to TSG-T " re:Codec Type UMTS_AMR_2" SA4 (S4-010389) discussed - see TP‑010148
TP‑010145 Discussion document: Addition of Testing capabilities to the Building Block "Terminal Local Model" CETECOM and Materna discussed
TP‑010146 Report of IETF activities At&T Wireless presented
TP‑010147 Draft summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP Organizational Partners Meeting#5, Sophia Antipolis, 11 April 2001 OP secretary noted
TP‑010148 LS to SA4 cc TSG-SA "re: Codec Type UMTS_AMR_2" TSG-T (IH) -
TP‑010149 CR 23.040-028rev1 "Extended object in EMS" TSG-T#12 ad hoc approved
TP‑010150 T1 work items on UMTS 1800/1900 testing for approval TSG-T revised - see TP-010154
TP‑010151 CRs to 11.14 and 31.111 for approval T3 approved
TP‑010152 WID Terminal Local Model Rel-5 for approval T2 approved
TP‑010153 WID MMS Rel-5 for approval T2 approved
TP‑010154 T1 work items on UMTS 1800/1900 testing for approval TSG-T approved

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