3GPP active work programme
Click on UID to show list of all TSs and TRs associated with this work item.
Click on WI code to see a list of TSs and TRs specifically resulting from this work item.
Click on the percentage completion to see a list of approved Change Requests associated with this work item.
The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.
Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.
UID | code | title | release | lead body | completion | % done | WID TDoc | WID history | created date | last updated | remarks | abandoned |
7027 | FS_M2M | Study on Facilitating Machine to Machine Communication in GSM and UMTS (M2M) | Rel-8 | S1 | 08/03/2007 | SP-050527 | history | 2005/11/04 | 24/03/2008 | SP#35 completed. Spin-off SA3 Study on Security Aspects of Remote Provisioning and Change of Subscription for M2M (UID_370053). SP#40 Spin-off new Feature UID_410030 (NIMTC) |