Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 380035 (MRFC_TS)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
23.218 0111 rev 1 interface description
23.218 0118 MRB
23.218 0118 rev 1 MRB
23.218 0120 interface addition to architecture diagram
23.218 0121 Media example fixes
24.147 0067 Media control for conferencing
24.147 0068 Note on conference examples
24.229 2366 Mediactrl and netann specifications
24.229 2366 rev 1 Mediactrl and netann specifications
24.229 2411 rev 1 addition to section 4
24.229 2412 rev 2 Netann, mediactrl text improvements
24.229 2413 Media control for charging
24.229 2413 rev 1 Media control for charging, delegation
24.229 2413 rev 2 Media control for charging, delegation
24.229 2458 Media control related profile table updates
24.229 2458 rev 1 Media control related profile table updates
24.229 2459 Mediactrl reference updates
24.229 2459 rev 1 Mediactrl reference updates
24.229 3062 Reference update of draft-ietf-mediactrl-vxml
24.229 3063 Reference update of draft-ietf-mediactrl-vxml
24.229 3684 IETF reference update
24.229 3685 IETF reference update
24.229 3686 IETF reference update
24.229 3687 IETF reference update
24.229 4046 IETF reference update (mixer-control)
24.229 4047 IETF reference update (mixer-control)
24.229 4048 IETF reference update (mixer-control)
24.229 4049 IETF reference update (mixer-control)
24.247 0035 Media control for messaging
24.605 0004 Note on conference examples
24.628 0005 TISPAN in-band media for announcements

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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