Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: C5-37 - 2006-10-23 to 2006-10-26, Sophia Antipolis

meeting id: C5-37 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
C5_37_Doc - - -
C5‑060300 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060300r2 - - Noted
C5‑060301 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060302 Document Allocation CT5 Chairman, Damian O'NEILL [] imported from 3GU
C5‑060302r2 - - Noted
C5‑060303 Report_Monday CT5 Chairman, Damian O'NEILL [] imported from 3GU
C5‑060304 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060305 Report_Wednesday CT5 Chairman, Damian O'NEILL [] imported from 3GU
C5‑060306 report_Thursday TB Chairman -
C5‑060307 report_Friday TB Chairman -
C5‑060308 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060309 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060310 Report v.3.0.0 CT5 imported from 3GU
C5‑060311 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060312 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060313 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060314 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060314r1 - - Noted. New CR template v9.2 shall be used from now on.
C5‑060315 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060316 Pre-Reserved Number ETSI Secretariat -
C5‑060317 Pre-Reserved Number ETSI Secretariat -
C5‑060318 Pre-Reserved Number ETSI Secretariat -
C5‑060319 Pre-Reserved Number ETSI Secretariat -
C5‑060320 Next Modified Section Cingular, Lucent Technologies imported from 3GU
C5‑060321 Cat Cingular, Lucent Technologies imported from 3GU
C5‑060321r1 - - Updated to C5-060369
C5‑060322 By invoking this operation the application requires to receive the notification of the status of the multimedia message delivery, but also to receive a delivery notification, via the NotifyStatelessMessageDeliveryReceipt interface for the messages th Cingular, Lucent Technologies imported from 3GU
C5‑060322r1 - - Withdrawn
C5‑060323 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060323r1 - - Updated to C5-060351
C5‑060324 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060324r1 - - Updated to C5-060352
C5‑060325 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060325r1 - - Approved
C5‑060326 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060327 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-15 v102 Stage 3 OSA PXWS; Part 15: Message Broadcast ETRI(JeongHwan Kim) imported from 3GU
C5‑060328 Mapping of Parlay X Message Broadcast Web Service to SMPP protocol ETRI(JeongHwan Kim) imported from 3GU
C5‑060329 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-17 v0011 Part 17: Application-driven QoS BT imported from 3GU
C5‑060330 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060331 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor imported from 3GU
C5‑060331r1 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor Approved
C5‑060332 Add Extended Call Control for Parlay X - imported from 3GU
C5‑060332r1 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor Approved
C5‑060333 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060333r1 - - Approved
C5‑060334 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor imported from 3GU
C5‑060334r1 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor Updated to C5-060367
C5‑060335 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060336 Specification alignment with Service ID Initiatives Ericsson imported from 3GU
C5‑060337 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060338 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-16 v110 Stage 3 OSA PXWS; Part 16: Geocoding ETRI(HyunKyung Yoo, HyunJoo Bae), Parlay Group(Julian Richards) imported from 3GU
C5‑060339 Mapping of Parlay X Geocoding Web Service to MLP and OpenLS protocol ETRI(HyunKyung Yoo) imported from 3GU
C5‑060340 Parlay X Evolution FranceTelecom imported from 3GU
C5‑060341 Old Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC imported from 3GU
C5‑060341r1 Old Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC Approved
C5‑060342 Change Method Names in Service Broker TS 29.198-16 Rel-7 CT5 (OSA) imported from 3GU
C5‑060343 Draft Parlay X 3 Multimedia Multicast Control Web Service ETRI (ChangSup Keum, Yoo-mi Park, Young-il Choi), KT (Yujin Huh) imported from 3GU
C5‑060344 Parlay X Enhanced Call Control Nortel (John Storrie []) imported from 3GU
C5‑060345 Add support for Multimedia Multicast Control web service - imported from 3GU
C5‑060345r1 Cat ETRI Approved
C5‑060346 LS on alignment of OSA Web Services between TISPAN and 3GPP 3GPP TSG CT WG5 (CT5) imported from 3GU
C5‑060347 OSA Presentation to TISPAN System Group Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC imported from 3GU
C5‑060348 Draft TISPAN System Group Report Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC imported from 3GU
C5‑060349 Next Modified Section Cingular, Lucent imported from 3GU
C5‑060350 Add Device management for Parlay X Rel 7 Telenor imported from 3GU
C5‑060351 - - imported from 3GU
C5‑060352 Remove references to offline functions - Update of C5-060324. Approved
C5‑060353 - - Update of CP-060030. Updated to C5-060368
C5‑060354 - - Update of C5-060337. Noted. Contributions expected at future meetings.
C5‑060355 Add policy exception - retention time interval expired - Approved
C5‑060356 Draft 3GPP TS 29.198-16 V2.0.0 Rel-7 OSA Service Broker SCF Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC Updated of C5-060342. Email approved 7 Nov
C5‑060357 - - Update of C5-060326. Approved.
C5‑060358 Cat BT Approved
C5‑060359 Add Multimedia Streaming Control to Parlay X Rel 7 Telenor Approved for CT Information
C5‑060360 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-15 v102 Stage 3 OSA PXWS; Part 15: Message Broadcast ETRI(JeongHwan Kim) Update of C5-060327. Approved for CT Approval
C5‑060361 Next Modified Section Cingular, AePONA, France Telecom, Lucent Technologies -
C5‑060361r1 Next Modified Section Cingular, AePONA, France Telecom, Lucent Technologies Update of C5-060349. Approved
C5‑060362 LS on Web Services IF for Device Management CT5 Approved
C5‑060363 - - Revision of CT5#36 Dalian CT5-060282r1. Updated to C5-060370
C5‑060364 xsd:string Telenor (jsr) Revision of CT5#36 Dalian CT5-060284. Updated to C5-060371
C5‑060365 Cat Telenor -
C5‑060365r1 Cat Telenor Approved
C5‑060366 Cat Telenor -
C5‑060366r1 Cat Telenor Approved
C5‑060367 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor -
C5‑060367r1 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. AePONA, FranceTelecom, Appium, Telenor Update of C5-060334r1. Approved
C5‑060368 Updated Rel-7 WID OSA Stage 2-3 CT5 (Ericsson, Appium, BT, ETRI, Telenor) Update of C5-060353. Updated to C5-060373.
C5‑060369 Cat Cingular, Orange, Lucent Technologies Update of C5-060321r1. Noted
C5‑060370 Add support for Scheduled SMS - Update of C5-060363. Approved
C5‑060371 xsd:string Telenor Update of C5-060364. Approved
C5‑060372 Rel-7 Draft v100 TS 29.198-04-5 OSA API; Part 4: Call control; Subpart 5: Conference Call Control SCF - for CT Information Ultan Mulligan, ETSI PTCC Identical with the latest ETSI TISPAN version. Email approved 7 Nov
C5‑060373 Updated Rel-7 WID OSA Stage 2-3 CT5 (Ericsson, Appium, BT, ETRI, Telenor) Update of C5-060368. Approved
C5‑060374 Remove unintended limitation on the support of regular expressions within TpAddressRange - Created 27 Oct: R7 Mirror of CT5 DaLian approved 2919803_CR0135_(Rel-6)_C5-060275

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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