Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Marine e-Navigation over LTE

Oct 02,2017

 October 4, 2017 (update)

22 819LTE and 5G systems will feature in a workshop dedicated to marine communication, with SA1’s Hyounhee Koo delivering an update on the status of TR 22.819 - the 3GPP study on Maritime Communication Services - due for publication in June 2018 and Erik Guttman, the SA Plenary Chairman presenting our broader vision on  future broadband communication via 3GPP systems.

The ETSI workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis (November 7-8, 2017), will specifically look at how capacity and data rates in maritime radio communication may be improved – to allow for ‘e-navigation’ solutions from 2019. There will also be discussion on how the Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS), which uses satellite and terrestrial radio communications equipment to keep vessels in contact, could impact the ETSI and 3GPP standards work.

The two day event is free to attend. 

About our speaker

Hyounhee Koo, SyncTechno Inc., is involved in the e-Navigation project on maritime safety. She will explain how, in particular, the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is promoting the exchange of critical navigation information, in real time over 700 MHz LTE radio technology, using dedicated spectrum.

Further reading:


Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer.