Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Converged Network Operations

Converged Network Operations

Jun 09,2013

A step towards the integrated management of the wireless and wire line networks will be made with the "Converged Network Operations Improving Customer Experience" showcase at the TM Forum World event in Nice, France, from 13th-16th May.

Visitors will see the first live implementation of a common 3GPP and TM Forum information model based on the NGMN Alliance's NGCOR requirements - as specified in TS 28.620.



NGMN Alliance Announces Converged Operations Showcase
Frankfurt, Germany – 8th May, 2013

ngmn logo-48bd1The NGMN Alliance project NGCOR (Next Generation Converged Operations Requirements) will demonstrate a network operations showcase called "Catalyst" at the upcoming TM Forum World in Nice from 13th-16th May. The showcase with the title "Converged Network Operations Improving Customer Experience" represents the first implementation of a common 3GPP and TM Forum information model based on NGCOR requirements aiming to enhance the integrated management of wireline and wireless networks.

One of today's main Operator challenges is the management of a variety of network and service production infrastructures, from mobile and fixed network environments up to converged networks and services across regions. The NGMN Alliance project NGCOR aims to reduce complexity and cost, and seeks to obtain more flexibility in the area of network management by achieving standardised interfaces between the Telco infrastructure and the OSS (Operations Support Systems). The integrated management of wireless and wireline networks is thereby supported by an Umbrella Information Model (3GPP TS 28.620) which is jointly elaborated and approved by 3GPP and TM Forum, and is based on the requirements defined by project NGCOR.

The Catalyst "Converged Network Operations Improving Customer Experience" at the TM Forum World in Nice demonstrates the first successful implementation of the Umbrella Information Model and shows how this approach leads to more efficient and enhanced converged network operations and improved customer experience. The showcase has been developed by NGMN Partners and leading industry players like Comarch, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom/Orange, HP, Juniper, Orchestral Networks, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, ZTE, supported by specifications from 3GPP and the TM Forum.

"Efficient converged operations are key for future networks in order to flexibly introduce services and to improve customer experience," said Rachid el Hattachi, SVP, Deutsche Telekom AG. "We are happy to see the successful proof of concept of the related NGMN requirements and encourage all industry stakeholders to support the further development and deployment of these requirements."

Further information on the Catalyst "Converged Network Operations Improving Customer Experience" can be found at

About NGMN Alliance

The NGMN Alliance was founded by leading international network operators in 2006. Its objective is to ensure that the functionality and performance of next generation mobile network infrastructure, service platforms and devices will meet the requirements of operators and, ultimately, will satisfy end user demand and expectations. The NGMN Alliance will drive and guide the development of all future mobile broadband technology enhancements focusing on LTE & EPC and its evolution. The targets of these activities are supported by the strong and well-established partnership of worldwide leading operators, vendors, universities, and successful co-operations with other industry organisations.

Media Relations Contact NGMN:
Natacha Schubert
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 58
60325 Frankfurt am Main
