Four Generations of Mobile Standards

33x data growth predicted over 10yrs - UMTS Forum

May 19,2011
The UMTS Forum has predicted that voice and data traffic on mobile networks will grow more than 30-fold during the decade ahead.

In a publicly available extract from their “Mobile traffic forecasts 2010-2020”, the 3G/4G industry body indicates that total annual traffic on mobile networks globally will reach 127 EB (Exabytes) in 2020.

The study (Full version available to UMTS Members only) also predicts that growth will be stronger still in Europe, with traffic increasing by 67x during the same period. Key trends identified over the decade ahead include media-rich social networking, increased video consumption and widespread uptake of tablets, dongles, smartphones, M2M and other connected devices.

See the UMTS Press Release at; for contact details and quotes from the UMTS Forum Chairman.