Four Generations of Mobile Standards

How to manage the growth in mobile data

Apr 27,2011
“With more than 5 billion mobile connections today, and some predictions reaching as high as 50 billion by 2020, data applications are already constraining mobile networks and the limits are visible.” Chris Pearson, President of 4G Americas.

A new white paper from 4G Americas calls for more spectrum, but also identifies other potential solutions from network operators, application developers and regulators.

Launching the paper, a 4G Americas press release announced:

“The Optimizing the Mobile Application Ecosystem paper emphasizes that the key is to facilitate technological improvements to enable mobile networks to handle the evolving traffic characteristics more efficiently...

Although there are alternatives to utilize the existing spectrum efficiently in the near future, there is a long term need to secure additional licensed spectrum to support the increasing demand of mobile traffic.”

This concisely written - 19 page - paper from 4G Americas outlines a series of technical solutions that are being evolved by 3GPP and others, as well as putting 4G America's weight behind the call for additional spectrum for those systems:

Solutions addressed:

Optimization and expansion of existing networks

    • Upgrading mobile network infrastructures to their latest generation of standards

    • Expanding network infrastructure to eliminate network bottlenecks

    • Traffic offloading options (e.g. femtocells, Wi-Fi AP)

    • Deploying service layer optimization elements to improve utilization of network capacity

Optimizing applications to maximize utilization of spectrum and network capacity

    • Optimizing network parameter for signaling traffic usage

    • Scheduling large capacity, time-insensitive applications to run in non-peak usage hours

    • Motivating application developers to maximize network capacity utilization

Planning for newer technology deployment and access to additional spectrum

    • Defining the most appropriate frequency range for new spectrum coupled with technology

Optimizing the Mobile Application Ecosystem was written collaboratively by members of 4G Americas and is available for free download at:

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About 4G Americas

4G Americas is an industry trade organization composed of leading telecommunications service providers and manufacturers. The organization's mission is to promote, facilitate and advocate for the deployment and adoption of the 3GPP family of technologies throughout the Americas. 4G Americas contributes to the successful commercial rollout of 3GPP mobile broadband technologies across the Americas and their place as the No. 1 technology family in the region. The organization aims to develop the expansive wireless ecosystem of networks, devices, and applications enabled by GSM and its evolution to LTE. 4G Americas is headquartered in Bellevue, Wash., with an office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Dallas. More information is available at

Vicki Livingston
4G Americas