Four Generations of Mobile Standards

New LTE Spectrum is key to success

Apr 08,2011
New mobile spectrum, including 700, 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz, is now being considered for LTE usage around the world, according to the GSA’s March “Evolution to LTE” Report. The Global mobile Suppliers Association also identifies, in the report, an important new opportunity that has arisen by considering the timely re-use of the GSM band at 1800 MHz, making it the obvious candidate to become the LTE core band.

The report states that “...with improved coverage being a key driver – twice the coverage area can be achieved using 1800 MHz compared to 2.6 GHz. Shorter time to market is another key benefit. Recent announcements by leading operators committing to LTE1800 deployments will help to establish 1800 MHz as a core band for LTE.”

196 LTE Operators

The Evolution to LTE report also confirms and tracks the progress of almost 200 operators that are now investing in LTE...more

About GSA

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) represents GSM/EDGE/WCDMA-HSPA/LTE suppliers, providing reports, facts, analysis and information explaining market developments and trends. GSA-organized seminars facilitate enhanced dialog between operators, members and developer communities.

Some further reading on the 1800 MHz topic: