Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Indian Operators in Partnership with 3GPP

Apr 23,2010
The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) became a Partner in 3GPP during the 3GPP Partners meeting on the 22nd April.

T.R. Dua, Deputy Director General, addressed the meeting and accepted Market Representation Partner status in 3GPP on behalf of the COAI. He said:

"We have closely followed the work done by 3GPP in evolving the GSM technology towards LTE…the work is of key importance to Indian Operators, all of which place high importance on the need for India’s market requirements to be taken in to account during the standardization process”.

Walter Weigel, ETSI Director General and the 3GPP Organizational Partners meeting Chairman, welcomed this development. He said:

"As the footprint of 3GPP technologies grows, it is a good sign that Indian operators are joining the Partnership. GSM has been a great success in the sub-Continent, and as they consider their migration path to LTE, there is no better time for the COAI to become a Market Partner in 3GPP".

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A list of the 3GPP Partners is at

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About the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI)

TR Dua, COAI COAI VISION: To facilitate the establishment of a world class cellular infrastructure and deliver the benefits of affordable mobile telephony services to the people of India.

14, Bhai Veer Singh Marg,
New Delhi 110 001

Tel: + 91 11 2334 9275
Fax: + 91 11 2334 9276/77