Four Generations of Mobile Standards

ATIS LTE Webinar attracts over 500 participants

Apr 30,2009
The ATIS/3GPP webinar “LTE - Enabling Societal and Personal Communications for a Changing World”, held on May 12, 2009, has been a great success. With numbers still growing, as people view the archived presentations and register to see the webcast on the ATIS site.

The Webinar took a close look at the LTE standardization effort, presented by Adrian Scrase, Head of 3GPP’s Mobile Competence Center, with a particular focus on its relevance to the Public Safety community.

Chris Ebert, Nokia Siemens Networks’ Head of 4G Strategic Marketing Programs, North America, presented along side Mr. Scrase, giving the NSN perspective on three areas that differentiate LTE from other high-speed wireless solutions:

    • A Market of One – what is a personal communications experience, and how might this differ for consumers and enterprise users?

    • New Business Paradigms for a World without Walls – how to best service end-users in an open-access ecosystem

    • LTE Enabling an Intimate Relationship between the Subscriber and the Carrier - how LTE will enable a more personal communications experience, and the corresponding service provider opportunity

  More Information:  
  Webinar Recorded: Tuesday, May 12, 2009  

See the recent ATIS Announcement about the webinar.