Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Worlds first femtocell standard published by 3GPP

Apr 07,2009
Three-way cooperation between 3GPP, Femto Forum and Broadband Forum creates new standard in record time enabling operators to deploy standards-based femtocells

The Femto Forum, 3GPP and the Broadband Forum today announced that the world’s first femtocell standard has been officially published by 3GPP, paving the way for standardised femtocells to be produced in large volumes and enabling interoperability between different vendors’ access points and femto gateways. The new standard, which forms part of 3GPP’s Release 8, and interdependent with Broadband Forum extensions to its Technical Report-069 (TR-069), has been completed in just 12 months following close cooperation between 3GPP, the Femto Forum and the Broadband Forum.

...See the full press release

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The 3GPP Specifications:The 3GPP Specifications:
For Release 8 Versions - Go to

  Number Title  
  22.220 Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and Home eNode B (HeNB)  
  23.830 Architecture aspects of Home Node B (HNB) / Home enhanced Node B (HeNB)  
  23.832 IMS aspects of architecture for Home Node B (HNB)  
  25.367 Mobility procedures for Home Node B (HNB); Overall description; Stage 2  
  25.467 UTRAN architecture for 3G Home Node B (HNB); Stage 2  
  25.469 UTRAN Iuh interface Home Node B (HNB) Application Part (HNBAP) signalling  
  25.820 3G Home Node B (HNB) study item Technical Report  
  25.967 FDD Home Node B (HNB) RF Requirements  
  32.581 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Concepts and requirements for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)  
  32.582 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Information model for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)  
  32.583 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Procedure flows for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)  
  32.821 Telecommunication management; Study of Self-Organizing Networks (SON) related OAM Interfaces for Home Node B (HNB)  
  33.820 Security of Home Node B (HNB) / Home evolved Node B (HeNB)  

Iuh specific specifications

  Number Title  
  25.468 UTRAN Iuh Interface RANAP User Adaption (RUA) signalling  
  25.469 UTRAN Iuh interface Home Node B (HNB) Application Part (HNBAP) signalling