Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Rate of LTE deployment increasing

Rate of LTE deployment increasing

Jul 18,2013
GSA Press Release, July 18, 2013

The Global mobile Suppliers Association, a Partner in 3GPP, has issued a forecast predicting that there will be 260 commercially launched LTE networks in 93 countries by the end of the year.

The Evolution to LTE report (July 16, 2013) states that:

"the majority of operators have deployed the FDD mode of the LTE standard. The most widely used band continues to be 1800 MHz (band 3) which is used in over 43% of commercially launched LTE networks. The next most popular contiguous bands are 2.6 GHz (band 7) used in 34% of networks, followed by 800 MHz band 20 (11%), and AWS band 4 (almost 9%)."

LTE TDD only networks number 18 out of 194 commercially launched systems. However, half of that total are combined LTE FDD and TDD networks, which is a growing trend, according to the GSA.

The report is an update of a regular set of figures from the GSA, providing a reliable assessment of the state of the market for LTE and LTE-Advanced equipment.

Read the Full GSA Press release; "Live LTE networks approach 200 confirms GSA in latest Evolution to LTE report", on-line at


GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) represents GSM/EDGE, WCDMA-HSPA and LTE suppliers, providing reports, facts, analysis and information explaining market developments and trends. GSA-organized seminars facilitate enhanced dialog between operators, members and developer communities. Through its website GSA supports a global community which includes over 58,000 registered users.
