Four Generations of Mobile Standards

LTE completes a full 360 in 2014

Jan 12,2015

January 7, 2015

The latest update of the Evolution to LTE report from the GSA announces that 360 operators have now commercially launched LTE networks and services - with 107 of them deploying or trialling LTE-Advanced technologies.

As usual the report is packed with statistical data that uncovers some of the major trends in the LTE market;

  • FDD mode is dominant - with 312 of the operators deploying FDD mode only (31 TDD only, 17 deployed both)
  • Most used spectrum is 1800 MHz with 158 LTE1800 networks in 76 countries
  • Next comes 2.6 GHz - in over 25% of networks.
  • 80 operators are investing in VoLTE deployments, studies or trials
  • LTE roaming is a market reality and increasingly commonplace 

Alan Hadden, President of GSA, comments: “LTE-Advanced carrier aggregation deployment was the major trend in 2014. 49 operators have commercially launched LTE-Advanced in 31 countries. Taking account of additional deployments in progress, trials and studies, GSA calculates almost 30% of LTE operators are currently investing in LTE-Advanced technology.”

The Evolution to LTE report from the GSA is available on-line and is expected to be a major contributor to presentations and news articles as the 2015 conference season begins.

About the GSA

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) represents GSM/EDGE, WCDMA-HSPA and LTE suppliers, providing reports, facts, analysis and information explaining market developments and trends.

More than 222,000 reports, information papers and other materials were downloaded from the GSA website in 2014.




Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP