Four Generations of Mobile Standards

LTE Compatible Commercial Mobile Alert System

Oct 18,2010
October 15, 2010, Washington DC

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) has announced the recent completion of its standard for the broadcast of a Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) over LTE networks.

The ATIS Press release affirms that “LTE is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in the communications ecosystem, particularly in the area of emergency communications...this recently developed standard – when fully implemented – will allow LTE-enabled devices to receive CMAS alerts during emergencies or natural disasters.”

The ATIS specification allows for the wider proliferation of CMAS’ 90 character text message emergency alerts and warnings and coexists with other ATIS CMAS standards, and those jointly developed between ATIS and TIA.

See the ATIS Web site for the full text of the Press Release

The Commercial Mobile Alert System via Evolved Packet System Public Warning System, (ATIS-0700010), standard was developed by ATIS’ Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee (WTSC).
“This Commercial Mobile Alert System work builds upon ATIS’ previously developed standards, and will eventually provide a vital service to hundreds of millions of wireless users,” said Susan Miller, ATIS’ President and CEO. “It ensures that as next-generation networks – such as LTE – are deployed, wireless users will continue to receive critical public-safety communications.”
This standard is available for purchase at the ATIS Document Center:

About The Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee

The Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee (WTSC) develops and recommends standards related to wireless and/or mobile services and systems, including service descriptions and wireless technologies. WTSC develops and recommends positions on related subjects under consideration in other North American, regional and international standards bodies....more

About the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS)

In the USA, the FCC has established the CMAS to allow wireless service providers choosing to participate to send emergency alerts as text messages to their subscribers. During 2007 and 2008 the FCC proposed and then adopted the network structure, technical requirements, and operating procedures for the CMAS. ...more