Four Generations of Mobile Standards

I4.0 - Brownfield Evolution Framework

Jun 05,2023

A new Whitepaper from the GSMA - “Industry 4.0 - Brownfield Evolution Framework” demonstrates a way of assessing and planning for the adoption of Industry 4.0 use cases.

The paper is written by the GSMA Digital Industries grouping, consisting of operators and manufacturers with a brief to help the adoption of mobile technologies in the industrial and manufacturing sectors.

The paper recognises that it is early days for Industry 4.0, so its main objective is to assist with decision-making and planning.

gsma i40 calloutThe paper establishes that manufacturers “want their investments to be extensible and futureproof to allow for the addition of more complex and concurrent use cases. Advanced network capabilities like ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) and time sensitive networking (TSN) could afford industrial customers the latitude to grow and modernise their operations by enabling the convergence of IT and operational technology on an advanced 5G network fabric that can yield full end-to end view and control of the entire operation.”

This GSMA paper successfully introduces a way forward for the transition from ‘brownfield deployments’ to Industry 4.0 operation.

It provides clear example use cases that will help the reader to plan their I4.0 journey.

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