Four Generations of Mobile Standards

HD voice and VoLTE

HD voice and VoLTE

Jun 03,2014

June 2, 2014:

The GSA has reported that the VoLTE interface for delivering voice and messaging services has been commercially launched in eight all-IP LTE networks, supported by a significant increase in the availability of VoLTE capable smartphones. The mobile HD voice: Global Update report also confirms that there are now over 60 operators in VoLTE technology studies, trials, and network deployments. 


GSA Press Release

The GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) today confirmed that HD voice service has been commercially launched by 109 mobile operators in 73 countries. According to the latest Mobile HD voice: Global Update report, 17 operators have introduced HD voice service so far in 2014. Bahrain and Estonia are the latest nations where mobile users are now able to experience HD voice calling. The number of mobile operators offering HD voice is over 36% higher than a year ago.

Alan Hadden, President of GSA, said: "7 mobile network operators commercially launched HD voice during the last month. The majority of them (4) used VoLTE."

HD voice service is now commercially available on 100 HSPA networks, 8 LTE networks (using VoLTE), and 9 GSM networks (some operators offer HD voice on more than one radio access technology platform).

Mobile HD voice uses Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (W-AMR) technology, enabling high-quality voice calls in supporting mobile networks and an improved user experience for calls between mobile phones supporting the feature. Most popular HSPA smartphones today support HD voice.

Availability of LTE smartphones supporting VoLTE has also significantly improved. The introduction of voice services for LTE users is a priority for many LTE operators as network coverage has improved (increasingly nationwide), the penetration and usage of LTE smartphones has increased, to ensure efficient handling of all network traffic types, and to deliver the best user experience of voice service.

The GSA report identified more than 60 operators globally who are currently investing in VoLTE technology through studies, trials, and various stages of network deployments. 8 LTE operators in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and the USA have commercially launched wideband HD voice service using VoLTE technology, and several additional commercial launches are imminent, including in Japan. GSA confirmed last month that 288 operators had commercially launched LTE networks in 104 countries. 

Further Reading:

Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP