Four Generations of Mobile Standards

5GAA joins 3GPP

Apr 26,2017

West Palm Beach, FL, April 26, 2017

“5G will be much more than mobile broadband connectivity, it will cover a variety of use-cases and industries” Dino Flore, DG 5GAA.

The 5G Automotive Association has today become a Market Representation Partner (MRP) in 3GPP, bringing in the influence and expertise of vehicle manufacturers and a variety of important companies from the automotive sector, to the 3GPP environment.

2017 04 5GAA 500px1Dino Flore, Director General of 5GAA, was present at the 3GPP Organizational Partner’s meeting in West Palm Beach today, to complete the signing of the Partnership Agreement.

The 5GAA application for 3GPP MRP status stated: “It is important to connect the telecom industry and vehicle manufacturers, to develop end-to-end solutions for future mobility and transportation services." Dino Flore told the 3GPP OP meeting: "The access part is vitally important and we will work on that with 3GPP. In addition to that, we will look at the other pieces required – including the work on upper layers (SDOs including ETSI-ITS, ISO, SAE and IEEE) and security aspects - to develop the system as a whole.”

A lot of the work is already happening in 3GPP, with an initial version of the V2X access specifications in Release 14 and active discussions to define next generation V2X capabilities on-going.

Susan Miller (3GPP OP Chair, ATIS President and CEO) welcomed 5GAA as a partner and noted the positive effect that Dino Flore’s vast experience in the 3GPP leadership, most recently as the RAN Chairman, will have for the successful integration of the 5GAA in to the 3GPP family. Ms. Miller said “5GAA is bringing in the needs of a key vertical at an important time for the project.”

About 5GAA

Mission: Develop, test and promote communications solutions, initiate their standardization and accelerate their commercial availability and global market penetration to address society’s connected mobility and road safety needs with applications such as autonomous driving, ubiquitous access to services and integration into smart city and intelligent transportation.