Four Generations of Mobile Standards

SA Election completes line-up

Mar 22, 2023

The 3GPP Technical Specification Group: Service and System Aspects (TSG SA) has elected Puneet Jain, the current WG SA2 Chair, to be the Chair of the Plenary for the next two years.

With the elections in all three TSGs now complete, 3GPP’s top technical leadership is in place for Release 18 completion and the planning phase of Release 19 work, which will be the focus of the groups from early 2024.

As he ended his term chairing TSG SA, Georg Mayer addressed TSG SA#99 - in Rotterdam this week - thanking the community for the honour of being TSG SA Chair, with the trust that has been put in him. He told SA delegates that “Whatever was good for me in this last four years as SA Chair was thanks to you.”

Puneet Jain presented a gift to Georg Mayer from the community. Georg Mayer then handed over the Chair’s bell (photo), for the start of the new tenure from TSG SA#100, in Taipei, June 2023.   

About the election

Puneet Jain (Intel - ATIS) was elected new Chair, Satoshi Nagata (NTT DOCOMO INC. - ARIB), Mark Younge  (T-Mobile USA Inc. - ATIS), and Mona Mustapha  (Apple France - ETSI) were re-elected Vice Chair (2nd term) of SA.

Details of the candidates and the result are available on the Elections and Technical votes page. Look for 'SA#99 Elections'.

Following the elections at the TSG#99 Plenary meetings this week, all TSG Chair and Vice Chairs will now have their appointment approved by the next 3GPP Project Coordination Group (PCG) meeting on April 24.