The 5G Standard

Celebrating 100 Plenaries

Jun 11, 2023

The 100th Plenaries of the three Technical Specification Groups in 3GPP are taking place this week in Taipei.

This landmark meeting is cause for celebration, marking the 100, but also because this week will see progress made on the content of the next Release from 3GPP - With TSG SA and TSG RAN workshops on Release 19 during the week.

The workshops will handle over 500 presentations from member companies and partners during four days of discussion. By the end of the week, the 3GPP leadership should be able to give early indications of the Rel-19 priorities for 3GPP work in 2024.

TSG SA holds its workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, with over 100 presentations planned (see the list of presentations in excel

 The TSG SA workshop will result in the following by the end of the week:

  • High level summary report from the Workshop.
  • The Core and Miscellaneous Rel-19 items and direction identified.
  • Guidance given to the WGs.

TSG CT will not hold a workshop. The priority for the group is the Stage 3 work for Release 18. CT WGs will bring in new and revised work for discussion and approval, with the last round of revisions due in by Tuesday afternoon.

TSG RAN will [also] dedicate a full two days to their Rel-19 discussions, starting their workshop on Thursday, after the completion of RAN#100.

Over 480+ presentations are in, found on the 3GPP server at:

There is a full listing of the TSG RAN workshop presentations online, 

Wednesday evening this week will feature a social event, organised by meeting hosts TAICS and MediaTek Inc., celebrating the 100th TSG Plenaries with a 'Formosa Night - 100 touches of Taiwan'.