The 5G Standard

Election News – RAN5

Aug 22, 2023

The 3GPP group responsible for mobile terminal conformance testing (RAN5) has held its leadership elections this week at RAN5#100 in Toulouse. On Monday, Jacob John of Motorola Mobility was re-appointed by acclamation, continuing his tenure into a fifth term.

Within the 3GPP Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network (TSG RAN), WG5 develops UE Radio Interface conformance test specifications. The requirements for these specifications primarily come from 3GPP groups such as RAN4 for the radio test cases and RAN2 and CT1 for protocol test cases. RAN5 conformance test cases get applied in regulatory and commercial certification of mobile device around the world. Thus, ensurimg timely deployment of 3GPP technologies and also interoperability of conformant devices with any Carrier network. RAN5 is organised in two subgroups, RF subgroup and Signalling (SIG) subgroup.

The group has always known impressive stability as the place where experts in test standards development gather. Jacob John has been in RAN5 for over 24 years, serving three two-year terms as vice Chair and he now enters his fifth as RAN5 Chair.

During RAN5#100 Xiaozhong Chen, CATT was also re-elected as vice Chair by acclamation.

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All of this weeks Working Group election results are available on the elections page: