The 5G Standard

Highlights Issue 7 (November)

Oct 29, 2023

Both Rel-18 and Rel-19 battle for centre stage as the first 5G-Advanced specs are published

In this issue of HIGHLIGHTS - The 3GPP Newsletter - we herald the availability of the first Release 18 specs and get the latest news from our experts on the stream of work that will now be unleashed as the release heads towards its functional freeze date - scheduled in March 2024 (ASN.1 freeze in June’24).

In June 2023 we had the first workshops on the content of Release 19. In this issue we have two articles from the Chairs that touch on the headway made there and on the subsequent progress, as TSG RAN and TSG SA look to have a stable pack of Rel-19 projects by the December Plenaries (TSGs#102).

We have articles from nine of the 3GPP technical groups, and two from the MRPs. On the MRP side, we have our first article from the MFA, the Alliance for private networks and a regular contribution from the TCCA, this time on Quality of Service, Priority and Pre-emption (QPP).

One of the pioneers from the early years is Antti Toskala, who has represented Nokia at almost all of the Plenaries, reaching his 100th TSG during TSGs#101. In this issue we have a chat with Antti about his quarter of a century in RAN and markedly in RAN1. 

We hope that you enjoy this new issue of ‘Highlights’. You can subscribe to the next issue at