Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Summit at CEATEC JAPAN 2018

Oct 30, 2018

November 1, 2018

By Masa Sumita, Director of Standardization, The Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC)

3GPP and its Japanese Organizational Partners: The Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) and Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) have hosted a “3GPP Summit” Conference Session at CEATEC JAPAN 2018, one of Japan’s largest ICT Conference and Exhibitions (, on 17th October, 2018 in Makuhari area, Chiba-Pref., Japan.

This event was co-located with the “5G International Workshop” hosted by Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and 5G Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF), in the same room that afternoon. 

The “3GPP Summit” featured all three Technical Specification Group (TSG) Chairman (CT, RAN, SA) alongside their Japanese Vice Chairman, all joined by the Chairman of the 3GPP Security group (SA3) and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) – a Partner in 3GPP – who were also presenting. The 3GPP technical leadership event attracted an audience of around 700 people, which was in excess of the full seating capacity of the largest conference room in the Makuhari Messe expo center ( – So it was standing room only!

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The session kicked-off with Opening Remarks by Shuichi Inada, Secretary General of TTC, the serving 3GPP Project Coordination Group (PCG) Vice-Chair. His remarks included the assertion that 3GPP standardization is the leading focal point in the emergence of 5G.

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Shuichi Inada, Secretary General of TTC  Presentation (PDF) 

The ETSI CTO and the Head of 3GPP Mobile Competence Centre (MCC), Adrian Scrase presented on the 3GPP concept for the standardization, global collaboration and overall technical trends from 3G, via 4G through 5G.

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Adrian Scrase, ETSI CTO  Presentation (PDF) 

The session then heard presentations from each of the TSGs, with each group being represented by the Chairman and one of the Vice Chairman from a Japanese Member company – each presentation being partially conducted in English and then in Japanese, with translation available for each.

Balazs Bertenyi and Satoshi Nagata of TSG-RAN showed the 5G concept for “5G-NR” with an explanation of the so-called “Non-Standalone” option for coordination with 4G based systems and the “Standalone” NR - with whole 5G components. They then introduced the current work items towards 3GPP Release 16 and their standardization schedule.

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Balazs Bertenyi and Satoshi Nagata, TSG-RAN   Presentation (PDF)

Erik Guttman and Yusuke Nakano of TSG-SA elaborated the 5G system architecture and configurations derived from well-deliberated examples of use cases around 5G’s three major requirements, for “eMBB”, “mMTC” and “URLCC”.

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Erik Guttman and Yusuke Nakano, TSG-SA   Presentation (PDF)

Georg Mayer and Atsushi Minokuchi of TSG-CT focused on the major technical transformation of Core Networks, namely “softwarization” and “Service based architecture”, explaining the main enablers for them.

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Georg Mayer and Atsushi Minokuchi, TSG-CT   Presentation (PDF)

Following the 5G overall technical specifications and services, the focus moves on to security aspects. Anand R. Prasad, the Security WG, SA3 Chairman presented 3GPP progress on security for the new requirements and architecture demands of 5G.

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 Anand R. Prasad, WG, SA3 Chairman  Presentation (PDF)

For the last presentation of the session, Maxime Flament, CTO of the 5GAA, one of the “spotlighted” Market Representative Partners (MRP) of 3GPP, introduced the real-world application of 3GPP’s V2X technologies and near future directions of collaboration between ICT and automotive industries.

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Maxime Flament, CTO 5GAA   Presentation (PDF)

Yasuo Tawara, Director General of the Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) made closing remarks mentioning Japan’s successful contributions and feedback to the global standardization based on the Government-Industry-Academia collaboration activities such as 5G trials and the demands for emerging 5G services at the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

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Yasuo Tawara, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 

Further Reading


Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies: 

October 16 – 19, 2018
Makuhari Messe, 2-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba, Japan

Harnessing CPS/IoT to create business opportunities based on co-creation involving a wide range of industries and fields, this event brings the technologies together in one venue that is ideal for the exchange of information. This facilitates the realization of Society 5.0, a super-smart society designed to further economic development and the solution of social problems.



Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP