Four Generations of Mobile Standards

Bob Love celebrated by RAN1 and 3GPP leaders

Aug 02, 2022

A 3GPP Working Group RAN1 veteran with over 20 years in the group has been presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, during the RAN1#110 meeting this week.

Robert Love has made significant contributions to RAN1 standardization notably as the editor of the LTE technical specification TS36.213 - Physical layer procedures, ensuring the production of high-quality versions from 3GPP Release 8 onwards.

The maintenance of TS36.213 requires a deep understanding of all the related RAN1 agreements, while necessitating considerable re-writes to them. This workload has became increasingly demanding as the standardization has evolved, particularly in terms of the number of new projects contained within - each with its own scope.

Bob’s work has exemplified what an outstanding 3GPP delegate should be. In 2013 he received the 3GPP Excellence Award – given to only four experts in the year, over the whole project.

This week, during the TSG RAN Working Group 1 (#110) meeting in Toulouse, he received his lifetime Achievement Award from the Current WG1 Chair - Younsun Kim.

All three recent past RAN1 Chairs: Younsun Kim, Wanshi Chen (Now TSG RAN Chair) and Satoshi Nagata, nominated Bob for the award, which was granted at the last 3GPP Project Coordination Group meeting – where the heads of the seven 3GPP partners and the elected leadership meet on a six monthly basis.

“Bob Love’s contributions to 3GPP standardization, particularly in RAN1 for more than 20 years have spanned 3G, 4G and 5G. He is outstanding both as a delegate and an editor for the RAN1 specification TS36.213.” said Wanshi Chen, TSG RAN Chair.

“Bob has always been technically oriented, polite, friendly and patient. As an editor for 36.213, probably the most involved technical specification in LTE in 3GPP, he delivered solid and quality work in a timely manner for every single LTE release.” said Younsun Kim, TSG RAN WG1 Chair.

Bob recently retired from active participation in RAN1, so this award serves as a timely mark of 3GPP’s gratitude to an exceptional 3GPP delegate and contributor to 3GPP’s success.

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