Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Specification series

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spec numbertitlenotes
TS 23.002 Network architecture  
TS 23.003 Numbering, addressing and identification  
TS 23.007 Restoration procedures  
TS 23.008 Organization of subscriber data  
TS 23.009 Handover procedures  
TS 23.010 GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) Connection Types SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.011 Technical realization of Supplementary Services  
TS 23.012 Location management procedures  
TS 23.014 Support of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signalling  
TS 23.015 Technical realization of Operator Determined Barring (ODB)  
TS 23.016 Subscriber data management; Stage 2  
TS 23.018 Basic call handling; Technical realization  
TS 23.022 Functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode and group receive mode SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.031 3G Security; Fraud Information Gathering System (FIGS); Technical realization; Stage 2  
TS 23.032 Universal Geographical Area Description (GAD)  
TS 23.034 High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD); Stage 2  
TS 23.035 Immediate Service Termination (IST); Stage 2  
TS 23.038 Alphabets and language-specific information  
TR 23.039 Interface Protocols for the connection of Short Message Service Centers (SMSCs) to Short Message Entities (SMEs)  
TS 23.040 Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)  
TS 23.041 Technical realization of Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)  
TS 23.042 Compression algorithm for text messaging services  
TS 23.043 Support of Videotex SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.044 Support of Teletex SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.045 Technical Realization of Facsimile Group 3 Service - transparent SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.046 Technical realisation of facsimile Group 3 service - non-transparent SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.048 Security mechanisms for the (U)SIM application toolkit; Stage 2  
TS 23.053 Tandem Free Operation (TFO); Service description; Stage 2  
TS 23.054 Shared Interworking Functions (SIWF); Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.057 Mobile Execution Environment (MExE); Functional description; Stage 2  
TS 23.060 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2  
TS 23.066 Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP); Technical realization; Stage 2  
TS 23.067 enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service (eMLPP); Stage 2  
TS 23.069 Voice Broadcast service (VBS); Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.070 Routeing of calls to/from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.071 Location Services (LCS); Functional description; Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.072 Call Deflection (CD) supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.073 Support of Localised Service Area (SoLSA); Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.078 Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase 4; Stage 2  
TS 23.079 Support of Optimal Routeing (SOR); Technical realization  
TS 23.081 Line Identification supplementary services; Stage 2  
TS 23.082 Call Forwarding (CF) supplementary services; Stage 2  
TS 23.083 Call Waiting (CW) and Call Hold (HOLD) supplementary services; Stage 2  
TS 23.084 Multi Party (MPTY) supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.085 Closed User Group (CUG) supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.086 Advice of Charge (AoC) supplementary services; Stage 2  
TS 23.087 User-to-User Signalling (UUS) supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.088 Call Barring (CB) Supplementary Services; Stage 2  
TS 23.090 Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD); Stage 2  
TS 23.091 Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.093 Technical realization of Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS); Stage 2  
TS 23.094 Follow-Me (FM); Stage 2  
TS 23.096 Name identification supplementary services; Stage 2  
TS 23.097 Multiple Subscriber Profile (MSP) (Phase 2); Stage 2  
TS 23.101 General Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) architecture  
TS 23.107 Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture  
TS 23.108 Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification, core network protocols; Stage 2  
TS 23.10U UMTS Access Stratum; Services and Functions SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.110 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) access stratum; Services and functions  
TS 23.116 Super-Charger technical realization; Stage 2  
TS 23.119 Gateway Location Register (GLR); Stage 2  
TS 23.121 Architectural requirements for Release 1999  
TS 23.122 Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode  
TS 23.125 Overall high level functionality and architecture impacts of flow based charging; Stage 2  
TS 23.127 Virtual Home Environment (VHE) / Open Service Access (OSA)  
TS 23.135 Multicall supplementary service; Stage 2  
TS 23.139 3GPP system - fixed broadband access network interworking; Stage 2  
TS 23.140 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS); Functional description; Stage 2  
TS 23.141 Presence service; Architecture and functional description  
TS 23.142 Value-added Services for SMS (VAS4SMS); Interface and signalling flow  
TS 23.146 Technical realization of facsimile Group 3 non-transparent  
TS 23.153 Out of band transcoder control; Stage 2  
TS 23.161 Network-Based IP Flow Mobility (NBIFOM); Stage 2  
TS 23.167 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions  
TS 23.168 reerved for: Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System Specification (ETWS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.171 Location Services (LCS); Functional description; Stage 2 (UMTS)  
TS 23.172 Technical realization of Circuit Switched (CS) multimedia service UDI/RDI fallback and service modification; Stage 2  
TS 23.174 Push service; stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.178 customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) - IP Multimedia System (IMS) interworking; Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.179 Functional architecture and information flows to support mission critical communication services; Stage 2  
TS 23.180 Mission critical services support in the Isolated Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) mode of operation  
TS 23.182 reserved for: Architecture of IMS based Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.195 Provision of User Equipment Specific Behaviour Information (UESBI) to network entities  
TS 23.198 Open Service Access (OSA); Stage 2  
TS 23.202 Circuit switched data bearer services  
TS 23.203 Policy and charging control architecture  
TS 23.204 Support of Short Message Service (SMS) over generic 3GPP Internet Protocol (IP) access; Stage 2  
TS 23.205 Bearer-independent circuit-switched core network; Stage 2  
TS 23.206 Voice Call Continuity (VCC) between Circuit Switched (CS) and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2  
TS 23.207 End-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture  
TS 23.209 Policy control over Gq interface SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.20U Evolution of the GSM platform towards UMTS SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.214 Architecture enhancements for control and user plane separation of EPC nodes  
TS 23.216 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC); Stage 2  
TS 23.218 IP Multimedia (IM) session handling; IM call model; Stage 2  
TS 23.221 Architectural requirements  
TS 23.222 Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs  
TS 23.226 Global text telephony (GTT); Stage 2  
TS 23.227 Application and user interaction in the User Equipment (UE); Principles and specific requirements  
TS 23.228 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2  
TS 23.231 SIP-I based circuit-switched core network; Stage 2  
TS 23.232 IMS aspects of architecture for Home Node B (HNB) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.234 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; System description  
TS 23.236 Intra-domain connection of Radio Access Network (RAN) nodes to multiple Core Network (CN) nodes  
TS 23.237 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service Continuity; Stage 2  
TS 23.240 3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP); Architecture (Stage 2)  
TS 23.241 3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP); Stage 2; Data Description Method (DDM) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.246 Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS); Architecture and functional description  
TS 23.247 Architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services  
TS 23.251 Network sharing; Architecture and functional description  
TS 23.255 Application layer support for Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS); Functional architecture and information flows;  
TS 23.256 Support of Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) connectivity, identification and tracking; Stage 2  
TS 23.258 reserved for: All-IP network (AIPN); Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.259 Personal Network Management (PNM); Procedures and information flows; Stage 2  
TS 23.261 IP flow mobility and seamless Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) offload; Stage 2  
TS 23.271 Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS)  
TS 23.272 Circuit Switched (CS) fallback in Evolved Packet System (EPS); Stage 2  
TS 23.273 5G System (5GS) Location Services (LCS); Stage 2  
TS 23.278 Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase 4; Stage 2; IM CN Interworking  
TS 23.279 Combining Circuit Switched (CS) and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) services; Stage 2  
TS 23.280 Common functional architecture to support mission critical services; Stage 2  
TS 23.281 Functional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Video (MCVideo); Stage 2  
TS 23.282 Functional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Data (MCData); Stage 2  
TS 23.283 Mission Critical Communication Interworking with Land Mobile Radio Systems  
TS 23.284 Local Call Local Switch (LCLS); Stage 2  
TS 23.285 Architecture enhancements for V2X services  
TS 23.286 Application layer support for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services; Functional architecture and information flows  
TS 23.287 Architecture enhancements for 5G System (5GS) to support Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services  
TS 23.288 Architecture enhancements for 5G System (5GS) to support network data analytics services  
TS 23.289 Mission Critical services over 5G System; Stage 2  
TS 23.292 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) centralized services; Stage 2  
TS 23.303 Proximity-based services (ProSe); Stage 2  
TS 23.304 Proximity based Services (ProSe) in the 5G System (5GS)  
TS 23.316 Wireless and wireline convergence access support for the 5G System (5GS)  
TS 23.327 Mobility between 3GPP-Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking and 3GPP systems  
TS 23.333 Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) - Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp interface: Procedures descriptions  
TS 23.334 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Application Level Gateway (IMS-ALG) - IMS Access Gateway (IMS-AGW) interface: Procedures descriptions  
TS 23.335 User Data Convergence (UDC); Technical realization and information flows; Stage 2  
TS 23.340 (reserved for:" IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) messaging; Stage 2") SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.368 Service requirements for Machine-Type Communications (MTC); Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.379 Functional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT); Stage 2  
TS 23.380 IMS Restoration Procedures  
TS 23.392 Application enablement aspects for MMTel  
TS 23.401 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access  
TS 23.402 Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses  
TS 23.406 TISPAN; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2 description [3GPP TS 23.228 v7.2.0, modified]  
TS 23.40U UMTS Network Aspects; Relationship with UPT SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.417 TISPAN; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Functional architecture  
TS 23.433 Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals (SEAL); Data Delivery enabler for vertical applications  
TS 23.434 Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals (SEAL); Functional architecture and information flows  
TS 23.435 Procedures for Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement Service  
TS 23.436 Functional architecture and information flows for Application Data Analytics Enablement Service  
TS 23.437 Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals (SEAL); Spatial mapping and Spatial anchors management  
TS 23.468 Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE); Stage 2  
TS 23.479 Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; UE MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services;  
TS 23.482 Functional architecture and information flows for AIML Enablement Service  
TS 23.501 System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)  
TS 23.502 Procedures for the 5G System (5GS)  
TS 23.503 Policy and charging control framework for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2  
TS 23.506 TISPAN; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2 description [3GPP TS 23.228 Release 7, modified]  
TS 23.507 TISPAN; Voice Call Continuity (VCC); Stage 2 [3GPP TS 23.206 Release 7, modified]  
TS 23.508 TISPAN; Presence Service; Architecture and functional description [Endorsement of 3GPP TS 23.141 and OMA-AD-Presence_SIMPLE-V1_0]  
TS 23.509 TISPAN; NGN Architecture to support emergency communication from citizen to authority [Endorsed document 3GPP TS 23.167, Release 7]  
TS 23.50U UMTS Network Aspects; IN and B-ISDN concepts in a UMTS environment SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.511 TISPAN; XML Document Management; Architecture and functional description [OMA-AD-XDM-V1_0-20051006-C modified]  
TS 23.517 TISPAN; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Functional architecture  
TS 23.521 Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks (TISPAN); Support of Short Message Service (SMS) over NGN IMS subsystem; Stage 2; [Endorsement of 3GPP TS 23.204 Release 7]  
TS 23.527 5G System; Restoration procedures  
TS 23.540 5G System: Technical realization of Service Based Short Message Service; Stage 2  
TS 23.542 Application layer support for Personal IoT Network  
TS 23.545 Application layer support for Factories of the Future (FF)  
TS 23.548 5G System Enhancements for Edge Computing; Stage 2  
TS 23.554 Application architecture for MSGin5G Service; Stage 2  
TS 23.558 Architecture for enabling Edge Applications  
TS 23.586 Architectural Enhancements to support Ranging based services and Sidelink Positioning  
TS 23.60U UMTS Network Aspects; UMTS data organization SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.611 TISPAN; XML Document Management; Architecture and functional description [OMA-AD-XDM-V1_0-20051006-C modified]  
TS 23.632 User data interworking, coexistence and migration; Stage 2  
TS 23.682 Architecture enhancements to facilitate communications with packet data networks and applications  
TR 23.700-01 Study on application enablement for Satellite access enabled 5G Services  
TR 23.700-03 Study on system enhancement for Proximity based Services (ProSe) in the 5G System (5GS); Phase 3  
TR 23.700-05 Study on architecture enhancements for vehicle-mounted relays  
TR 23.700-06 Study on architecture enhancements for vehicle-mounted relays - Phase 2  
TR 23.700-07 Study on enhanced support of Non-Public Networks (NPN)  
TR 23.700-08 Study on enhanced support of Non-Public Networks; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-09 Study on MC services support on generic IOPS mode of operation  
TR 23.700-10 Study on enhanced IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to 5GC integration Phase 2; CT WG1 aspects  
TR 23.700-11 Study on enhanced IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to 5GC integration Phase 2; CT WG3 aspects  
TR 23.700-12 Study on enhanced IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to 5GC integration Phase 2; CT WG4 aspects  
TR 23.700-13 Study on Architecture support of Ambient power-enabled Internet of Things  
TR 23.700-16 Study on support for Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G System (5GS) (5WWC); Phase 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.700-17 Study on Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G System (5GS) (5WWC); Phase 2  
TR 23.700-18 Study on system enabler for service function chaining  
TR 23.700-20 Study on enhanced support of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in the 5G System (5GS)  
TR 23.700-21 Study on Application architecture for enabling mobile metaverse applications  
TR 23.700-22 Study on CAPIF Phase 3  
TR 23.700-23 Study on Application enabler for XR Services  
TR 23.700-24 Study on support of the 5G MSG (Message) Service  
TR 23.700-25 Study on timing resiliency and TSC and URLLC enhancements  
TR 23.700-27 Study on 5G System with Satellite Backhaul  
TR 23.700-28 Study on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-29 Study on integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture; Phase 3  
TR 23.700-31 Study on enhancement to the 5G Core (5GC) LoCation Services (LCS); Phase 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.700-32 Study on User Identities and Authentication Architecture  
TR 23.700-33 Study on System enhancement for Proximity based Services (ProSe) in the 5G System (5GS); Phase 2  
TR 23.700-34 Study on SEAL data delivery enabler for vertical applications  
TR 23.700-36 Study on Application Data Analytics Enablement Service  
TR 23.700-38 Study on sharing of administrative configuration between interconnected MC service systems  
TR 23.700-40 Study on enhancement of network slicing; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-41 Study on enhancement of network slicing; Phase 3  
TR 23.700-45 Study on System aspects of 5G NR Femto  
TR 23.700-46 Study on 5GS Deterministic Networking (DetNet) interworking  
TR 23.700-47 Study on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-48 5G System Enhancements for Edge Computing; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-49 Study on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network; Phase 3  
TR 23.700-53 Study on access traffic steering, switching and splitting support in the 5G system architecture; Phase 3  
TR 23.700-54 Study on Multi-Access (DualSteer and ATSSS_Ph4)  
TR 23.700-55 Study on enhanced Application Architecture for UAS applications  
TR 23.700-58 Study of further architecture enhancements for uncrewed aerial systems and urban air mobility  
TR 23.700-59 Study on architecture enhancements of UAS, UAV and UAM; Phase 3  
TR 23.700-60 Study on XR (Extended Reality) and media services  
TR 23.700-61 Study on Seamless UE context recovery  
TR 23.700-62 Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA  
TR 23.700-63 Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure and SBA; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-64 Study on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-66 Study on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving  
TR 23.700-68 Study on Support of reduced capability NR devices; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-70 Study on architecture enhancement for Extended Reality and Media service (XRM); Phase 2  
TR 23.700-71 Study on enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services (LCS); Phase 3  
TR 23.700-72 Study on enhanced application layer support for location services  
TR 23.700-74 Study on generic group management, exposure and communication enhancements  
TR 23.700-75 Study on Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) for IMS Messaging and SMS services  
TR 23.700-76 Study on ad hoc group communication support for mission critical services  
TR 23.700-77 Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-78 Study on Application layer support for Personal IoT Network  
TR 23.700-79 Study of gateway User Equipment (UE) function for Mission Critical (MC) communications  
TR 23.700-80 Study on 5G system support for AI/ML-based services  
TR 23.700-81 Study of Enablers for Network Automation for the 5G System (5GS); Phase 3  
TR 23.700-82 Study on application layer support for AI/ML services  
TR 23.700-84 Study on Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML)  
TR 23.700-85 Study on enhancement of 5G User Equipment (UE) policy  
TR 23.700-86 Study on Architecture Enhancement to support Ranging based services and sidelink positioning  
TR 23.700-87 Study on system architecture enhancement for next generation real time communication  
TR 23.700-88 Study on architecture enhancements for Personal IoT Network (PIN)  
TR 23.700-89 Study on 5G AM Policy  
TR 23.700-90 Study on interconnection and migration aspects for railways  
TR 23.700-91 Study on enablers for network automation for the 5G System (5GS); Phase 2  
TR 23.700-92 Study on service aspects for supporting the eMMTel Service  
TR 23.700-93 Study on access traffic steering, switch and splitting support in the 5G System (5GS) architecture; Phase 2  
TR 23.700-94 Study on the usage of user identifiers in the 5G System (5GS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.700-95 Study on application enablement aspects for subscriber-aware northbound API access  
TR 23.700-96 Study on 5G-enabled fused location service capability  
TR 23.700-97 Study on Application Capability Exposure for IoT Platforms  
TR 23.700-98 Study on enhanced Architecture for enabling Edge Applications  
TR 23.700-99 Study on Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement  
TR 23.701 Study on Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) access to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2  
TR 23.702 Study on 3GPP PS Data Off  
TR 23.703 Study on architecture enhancements to support Proximity-based Services (ProSe)  
TR 23.704 Study on Circuit Switched (CS) / Packet Switched (PS) coordination in shared network; Stage 2  
TR 23.705 Study on system enhancements for user plane congestion management  
TR 23.706 Study on enhancements to Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) access to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2  
TR 23.707 Architecture enhancements for dedicated core networks; Stage 2  
TR 23.708 Architecture enhancements for service capability exposure  
TR 23.709 Study on optimizations to support high latency communications; Stage 2  
TS 23.70U UMTS Network Aspects; UMTS operations and procedures SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.710 Study on improvement of awareness of user location change  
TR 23.711 Enhancements of dedicated core networks selection mechanism  
TR 23.712 Study on warning status reporting  
TR 23.713 Study on extended architecture support for proximity-based services  
TR 23.714 Study on Control Plane (CP) and User Plane (UP) separation of Evolved Packet Core (EPC) nodes  
TR 23.715 Study on system enhancements for provision of access to restricted local operator services by an unauthenticated User Equipment (UE)  
TR 23.716 Study on the wireless and wireline convergence for the 5G System (5GS) architecture  
TR 23.717 Enabling Transcoder Free Operation During SRVCC (PS to CS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.718 Architecture enhancement for flexible mobile service steering  
TR 23.719 Feasibility study on service domain centralization  
TR 23.720 Study on architecture enhancements for Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT)  
TR 23.721 Study on sponsored data connectivity improvements  
TR 23.722 Study on common Application Programming Interface (API) framework for 3GPP northbound APIs  
TR 23.723 Study of system level impacts due to introduction of light connection for LTE in EPS  
TR 23.724 Study on Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) support and evolution for the 5G System (5GS)  
TR 23.725 Study on enhancement of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) support in the 5G Core network (5GC)  
TR 23.726 Study on enhancing topology of the Service Management Function (SMF) and the User Plane Function (UPF) in 5G networks  
TR 23.727 Study on application awareness interworking between LTE and NR  
TR 23.728 Study on system architecture enhancement for next generation real time communication  
TR 23.729 Study on unlicensed spectrum offloading system enhancements  
TR 23.730 Study on extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT)  
TR 23.731 Study on enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services (LCS)  
TR 23.732 Study on user data interworking, coexistence and migration  
TR 23.733 Study on architecture enhancements to Proximity Services (ProSe) UE-to-Network relay  
TR 23.734 Study on enhancement of 5G System (5GS) for vertical and Local Area Network (LAN) services  
TR 23.735 Study on enhancements of Public Warning System  
TR 23.736 Study on enhancement of systems using Evolved Packet System (EPS) for Ultra Reliability and Availability using commodity equipment  
TR 23.737 Study on architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G  
TR 23.738 Study on supporting Flexible Local Area Data Network  
TR 23.739 Study on enhancement of EPC for low latency communication including device mobility  
TR 23.740 Study on enhancement of network slicing  
TR 23.741 Study on enhancements to Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) for LTE  
TR 23.742 Study on Enhancements to the Service-Based Architecture  
TR 23.743 Study on optimisations on UE radio capability signalling  
TR 23.744 Study on location enhancements for mission critical services  
TR 23.745 Study on application layer support for Factories of the Future in 5G network  
TR 23.746 Study on System Architecture Enhancements to eMBMS for Television Video Service  
TR 23.747 Study on system architecture enhancement to support Service-Based SMS  
TR 23.748 Study on enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network (5GC)  
TR 23.749 Study on S8 Home Routing Architecture for VoLTE  
TR 23.750 Study for robust call setup for VoLTE subscriber in LTE  
TR 23.751 Study on support of voice over WLAN  
TR 23.752 Study on system enhancement for Proximity based Services (ProSe) in the 5G System (5GS)  
TR 23.753 Study on User Plane Function (UPF) enhancement for control and 5G Service Based Architecture (SBA)  
TR 23.754 Study on supporting Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) connectivity, Identification and tracking  
TR 23.755 Study on application layer support for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)  
TR 23.756 Study for single radio voice continuity from 5G to 3G  
TR 23.757 Study on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services  
TR 23.758 Study on application architecture for enabling Edge Applications  
TR 23.759 Study for enhanced Voice Over LTE (VoLTE) Performance  
TR 23.760 Study on enhancement of 5G User Equipment (UE) policy  
TR 23.761 Study on system enablers for devices having multiple Universal Subscriber Identity Modules (USIM)  
TR 23.762 Study on enhanced 5G Local Area Network (LAN) type service  
TR 23.763 Study on system enhancement for Proximity based Services (ProSe) in 5G Systems (5GS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.764 Study on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services  
TR 23.768 Study on architecture enhancements to support Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE)  
TR 23.769 Group based enhancements  
TR 23.770 Study on system impacts of extended Discontinuous Reception (DRX) cycle for power consumption optimization  
TR 23.771 Study on system impacts of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions over Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)  
TR 23.772 Enhanced Circuit Switched (CS) fallback  
TR 23.773 Study on group based enhancements in the network capability exposure functions  
TR 23.774 Study on mission critical services over 5G multicast broadcast system  
TR 23.775 Feasibility study on Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) phase 2, Stage 2  
TR 23.776 Study on architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services; Phase 2  
TR 23.778 Study on Mission Critical services access aspects  
TR 23.779 Study on application architecture to support Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTT) services  
TR 23.780 Study on Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) usage for mission critical communication services  
TR 23.781 Study on migration and interconnection for mission critical services  
TR 23.782 Study on mission critical communication interworking between LTE and non-LTE systems  
TR 23.783 Study on Mission Critical services support over 5G System  
TR 23.784 Study on discreet listening and logging for mission critical services  
TR 23.785 Study on architecture enhancements for LTE support of V2X services  
TR 23.786 Study on architecture enhancements for the Evolved Packet System (EPS) and the 5G System (5GS) to support advanced V2X services  
TR 23.787 Study on encrypted traffic detection and verification  
TR 23.788 Feasibility Study on Security Aspects of Machine-Type Communications Enhancements to facilitate communications with Packet Data Networks and Applications SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.789 Monitoring Enhancements  
TR 23.790 Study on application architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS); Stage 2  
TR 23.791 Study of enablers for Network Automation for 5G  
TR 23.792 Study on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services  
TR 23.793 Study on access traffic steering, switch and splitting support in the 5G System (5GS) architecture  
TR 23.794 Study on enhanced IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to 5GC integration  
TR 23.795 Study on application layer support for V2X services  
TR 23.796 Study on application architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) Phase 2  
TR 23.797 Study on architecture enhancements to support isolated Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) operation for public safety  
TR 23.798 Study on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety; Enhancements  
TR 23.799 Study on Architecture for Next Generation System  
TR 23.800 Study on Application Based Charging (ABC); Stage 2  
TR 23.801 Potential mechanisms for Circuit Switched (CS) domain video and voice service improvements SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.802 Architectural enhancements for end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS)  
TR 23.803 Evolution of policy control and charging SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.804 Support of SMS and MMS over generic 3GPP IP access  
TR 23.805 Selective disabling of User Equipment (UE) capabilities; Report on technical options and conclusions SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.806 Voice call continuity between Circuit Switched (CS) and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Study  
TR 23.807 Feasibility study for enhancement of radio performance for Voice over IP Multimedia Subsystem (VoIMS); Report on technical options and conclusions SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.808 Supporting Globally Routable User Agent URI in IMS; Report and conclusions SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.809 One Tunnel solution for Optimisation of Packet Data Traffic SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TS 23.80U UMTS Network Aspects; Signalling requirements for UMTS SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.810 Study on architecture impacts of Service Brokering  
TR 23.811 Service level interworking for messaging services; Stage 2  
TR 23.812 Feasibility study on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) evolution  
TR 23.813 Study on policy solutions and enhancements  
TR 23.814 Separating RR and MM specific parts of the MS Classmark  
TR 23.815 Charging implications of IMS architecture  
TR 23.816 Identification of communication services in IMS  
TR 23.817 Feasibility study on enhancement of radio performances for Voice over IMS (VoIMS); Report on Technical options and conclusions SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.818 Optimisations and Enhancements for Realtime IMS Communication SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.819 Terminating session handling SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.820 Study of IMS restoration procedures  
TR 23.821 Architecture Principles for Reelase 2000 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.822 Framework for Gq' / Rx harmonization SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.823 Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.824 IP-Short-Message-Gateway (IP-SM-GW) enhancements for interworking with Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Converged IP Messaging (CPM)  
TR 23.825 Overall architecture aspects of IP flow based bearer level charging; Stage 2 SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.826 Feasibility study on Voice Call Continuity (VCC) support for emergency calls  
TR 23.827 Feasibility study of mobility between 3GPP-WLAN interworking and 3GPP systems SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.828 Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS); Requirements and solutions; Solution placeholder  
TR 23.829 Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic Offload (LIPA-SIPTO)  
TR 23.830 Architecture aspects of Home Node B (HNB) / Home enhanced Node B (HeNB)  
TR 23.831 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity; Inter-UE transfer enhancements; Stage 2  
TR 23.832 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) aspects of architecture for Home Node B (HNB); Stage 2  
TR 23.833 Feasibility study of SR-VCC for UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA service continuity SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.834 Study on General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunelling Protocol (GTP) based S2b; Stage 2  
TR 23.835 Study into applicability of Galileo in Location Services (LCS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.836 Quality of Service (QoS) and policy aspects of 3GPP - Wirless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.837 Location Services (LCS) architecture for 3GPP system - Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.838 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity enhancements; Service, policy and interaction; Stage 2  
TR 23.839 Study on support of Broadband Forum (BBF) access Interworking  
TR 23.840 Study into routeing of MT-SMs via the HPLMN  
TR 23.841 Presence service architecture  
TR 23.842 Study on network provided location information to the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)  
TR 23.843 Study on Core Network Overload (CNO) solutions  
TR 23.844 Feasibility study on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) based peer-to-peer content distribution services; Stage 2  
TR 23.845 Study on User Data Convergence (UDC) evolution  
TR 23.846 Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS); Stage 2  
TR 23.847 Enhancements to IMS service functionalities facilitating multicast bearer services  
TR 23.848 Study on enhancements to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) border functions for interconnection of IMS based services SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.849 Study on Stage 2 aspects of Optimised Service Charging and Allocation of Resources (OSCAR) in the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) whilst roaming  
TR 23.850 Study on roaming architecture for voice over IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) with local breakout  
TR 23.851 Network sharing; Architecture and functional description  
TR 23.852 Study on S2a Mobility based on GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) access to the Enhanced Packet Core (EPC) network (SaMOG); Stage 2  
TR 23.853 Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection (OPIIS)  
TR 23.854 Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS)  
TR 23.855 Data Identification in Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) (DIDA)  
TR 23.856 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) enhancements; Stage 2  
TR 23.857 Study of Evolved Packet Core (EPC) nodes restoration  
TR 23.858 Usage Monitoring Control PCC Enhancement  
TR 23.859 Local IP access (LIPA) mobility and Selected IP Traffic Offload (SIPTO) at the local network  
TR 23.860 Enabling coder selection and rate adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for load adaptive applications; Stage 2  
TR 23.861 Network based IP flow mobility  
TR 23.862 Evolved Packet Core (EPC) enhancements to support interworking with data application providers; Stage 2  
TR 23.863 Support of Short Message Service (SMS) in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) without Mobile Station International ISDN Number (MSISDN); Stage 2  
TR 23.864 Commonality and interoperability between IP Multimedia System (IMS) core networks SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.865 Study on Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) network selection for 3GPP terminals; Stage 2  
TR 23.866 Study on system improvements for energy efficiency  
TR 23.867 Internet Protocol (IP) based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions  
TR 23.868 Feasibility study on extension of support for IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency calls  
TR 23.869 Support for Internet Protocol (IP) based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Emergency calls over General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Evolved Packet Service (EPS)  
TR 23.870 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SR-VCC) support for IMS Emergency Calls  
TR 23.871 Enhanced support for user privacy in Location Services (LCS)  
TR 23.872 Study on architecture of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) based Customized Alerting Tone (CAT)  
TR 23.873 Feasibility study for transport and control separation in the PS CN domain  
TR 23.874 Feasibility study of architecture for network requested PDP context activation with User-ID SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.875 Support of Push service  
TR 23.876 Push architecture SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.877 Architectural aspects of speech-enabled services  
TR 23.878 Impacts of speech-enabled services on IMS, PS and CS domains SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.879 Study on Circuit Switched (CS) domain services over evolved Packet Switched (PS) access  
TR 23.880 Stage 2 for Registration in Densely-populated area (RED); Solution Placeholder SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.881 Interworking aspects and migration scenarios for IPv4-based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) implementations SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.882 3GPP system architecture evolution (SAE): Report on technical options and conclusions  
TR 23.883 Study on enhancements to IMS Centralized Services (ICS)  
TR 23.884 Local Call Local Switching, Feasibility Study SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.885 Feasibility Study of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA; Stage 2  
TR 23.886 Feasibility Study of Single Radio Video Call Continuity (vSRVCC); Stage 2  
TR 23.887 Study on Machine-Type Communications (MTC) and other mobile data applications communications enhancements  
TR 23.888 System improvements for Machine-Type Communications (MTC)  
TR 23.889 Local Call Local Switch (LCLS) system impacts; Feasibility study  
TR 23.890 Optimized offloading to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in 3GPP Radio Access Technology (RAT) mobility  
TR 23.891 Evaluation of LCS Control Plane Solutions for EPS  
TR 23.892 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) centralized services  
TR 23.893 Feasibility study on multimedia session continuity; Stage 2  
TR 23.894 System enhancements for the use of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) services in local breakout and optimal routeing of media  
TR 23.895 Provision of UE specific behaviour information to network entities  
TR 23.896 Technical Report on Support for fixed broadband access networks convergence  
TR 23.897 Feasibility study on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) business trunking for Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange (IP-PBX) in Static Mode of Operation  
TR 23.898 Access Class Barring and Overload Protection (ACBOP)  
TR 23.899 Combining Circuit Switched (CS) bearers with IP Multimeida Subsystem (IMS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.903 Redial solution for voice-video switching  
TR 23.904 Support of SMS and MMS over generic 3GPP IP access SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.907 Quality of Service (QoS) concept SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.908 Technical report on Pre-Paging  
TR 23.909 Technical report on the Gateway Location Register  
TS 23.90U UMTS Network Aspects; Network performance requirements SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.910 Circuit switched data bearer services  
TR 23.911 Technical report on Out-of-band transcoder control  
TR 23.912 Technical report on Super-Charger  
TR 23.915 Charging implications of IMS architecture SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.917 Dynamic policy control enhancements for end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.919 Direct tunnel deployment guideline  
TS 23.920 Evolution of the GSM platform towards UMTS SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.922 Architecture for an All IP network SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.923 Combined GSM and Mobile IP mobility handling in UMTS IP CN  
TR 23.924 Feasibility study on Non-Access Stratum (NAS) node selection function above Base Station Controller (BSC) / Radio Network Controller (RNC)  
TR 23.925 UMTS Core network based ATM transport SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.927 VHE, Open Service Architecture (OSA) SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.930 Iu principles  
TR 23.934 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; Functional and architectural definition SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.937 Feasbility study of mobility between 3GPP-WLAN interworking and 3GPP systems SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.941 3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP); Stage 2; Data Description Method (DDM)  
TR 23.946 Guidelines for CAPIF Usage  
TR 23.948 Deployment guidelines for typical edge computing use cases in 5G Core network (5GC)  
TR 23.955 Virtual Home Environment (VHE) concepts SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.958 Edge Application Standards in 3GPP and alignment with External Organizations  
TS 23.95U UMTS Network Aspects; Network functions relevant to satellites SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.960 Framework of network functions to support multimedia services SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.964 Commonality and interoperability between IP Multimedia System (IMS) core networks SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.972 Circuit switched multimedia telephony  
TR 23.973 User data interworking, coexistence and migration  
TR 23.974 Support of push service SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
TR 23.975 IPv6 migration guidelines  
TR 23.976 Push architecture  
TR 23.977 Bandwidth And Resource Savings (BARS) and speech enhancements for Circuit Switched (CS) networks  
TR 23.979 3GPP enablers for Open Mobile Alliance (OMA); Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC) services; Stage 2  
TR 23.981 Interworking aspects and migration scenarios for IPv4-based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) implementations  
TR 23.982 IP Multimedia System (IMS) centralized services SPECIFICATION WITHDRAWN
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