Generations of Mobile Standards

Specifications arising from 3GPP Technical Specification Group (TSG) plenary meetings

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3GPP Specifications arising from TSG SP-48

Click on meeting name above for meeting details

Click here to go to directory holding complete set of specifications current following this meeting: 2010-06

Important: this table lists only those specifications presented to or resulting from this meeing. It does not show specs unchanged from previous meetings. The directory above contains all specs current as a result of this meeting, including unchanged ones.

Releases info

(click for Spec details)
Release Version Remarks Available on Working Group
(current; may differ from WG responsible at the time)
ETSI doc
(click to retrieve corresponding ETSI publication)
21.801 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 SP -
22.011 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 RTS/TSGS-0122011v940
22.011 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 -
22.022 Rel-8 8.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 RTS/TSGS-0322022v810
22.022 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 RTS/TSGS-0322022v910
22.101 Rel-10 10.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 -
22.173 Rel-11 11.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 -
22.220 Rel-10 10.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 -
22.368 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 -
22.871 Rel-11 1.0.0 SP-100405 2010‑06‑14 S1 -
22.906 Rel-11 2.0.0 SP-100406 2010‑06‑14 S1 -
22.906 Rel-11 11.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S1 DTR/TSGS-0122906vb00
23.002 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223002v930
23.060 Rel-8 8.9.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223060v890
23.060 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223060v950
23.060 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.107 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223107v910
23.167 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.203 Rel-8 8.10.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223203v8a0
23.203 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223203v950
23.203 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.204 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.216 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223216v940
23.221 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223221v940
23.228 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.237 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223237v951
23.237 Rel-9 9.5.1 editorial correction to history table 2010‑07‑09 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223237v951
23.237 Rel-10 10.2.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.246 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223246v950
23.261 Rel-10 2.0.0 SP-100353 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.261 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.271 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223271v940
23.271 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.272 Rel-8 8.8.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223272v880
23.272 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223272v940
23.272 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.292 Rel-8 8.8.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223292v880
23.292 Rel-9 9.6.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223292v960
23.292 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.401 Rel-8 8.10.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223401v8a0
23.401 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223401v950
23.401 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.402 Rel-8 8.9.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223402v890
23.402 Rel-9 9.5.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 RTS/TSGS-0223402v950
23.402 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.831 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100354 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.834 Rel-10 1.0.1 SP-100355 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.834 Rel-10 10.0.0 SP-48: TR will not be maintained. 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.860 Rel-10 2.0.0 SP-100356 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
23.860 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑14 S2 -
26.114 Rel-7 7.12.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426114v7c0
26.114 Rel-8 8.6.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426114v860
26.114 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426114v930
26.234 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426234v930
26.237 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426237v930
26.244 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426244v920
26.267 Rel-8 8.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426267v840
26.267 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426267v910
26.268 Rel-8 8.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426268v830
26.268 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426268v910
26.346 Rel-8 8.5.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426346v850
26.346 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S4 RTS/TSGS-0426346v930
32.111-6 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100284 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.111-6 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.121 Rel-8 8.0.1 correction of title on cover page 2010‑06‑24 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532121v801
32.150 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.153 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.172 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532172v920
32.175 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532175v920
32.176 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100270 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.176 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.181 Rel-9 2.0.0 SP-100372 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.181 Rel-9 9.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 DTS/TSGS-0532181v900
32.240 Rel-8 8.6.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532240v860
32.240 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532240v910
32.251 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.260 Rel-8 8.11.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532260v8b0
32.260 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532260v940
32.260 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.280 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.298 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532298v940
32.298 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.299 Rel-8 8.11.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532299v8b0
32.299 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532299v940
32.300 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532300v920
32.306 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100271 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.306 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.316 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100272 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.316 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 DTS/TSGS-0532316va00
32.365 Rel-8 8.0.1 removes revision marks 2010‑06‑22 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532365v801
32.406 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532406va00
32.409 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.412 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532412v910
32.422 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532422v910
32.422 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.425 Rel-8 8.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532425v830
32.425 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532425v930
32.425 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.450 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532450v910
32.500 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.502 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532502v920
32.502 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532502va10
32.503 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532503v910
32.505 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532505v920
32.507 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532507v910
32.523 Rel-9 1.0.0 SP-100285 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.523 Rel-9 9.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 DTS/TSGS-0532523v900
32.525 Rel-9 1.0.0 SP-100286 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.525 Rel-9 9.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 DTS/TSGS-0532525v900
32.581 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.591 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.592 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.593 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532593va00
32.594 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532594va00
32.600 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532600va00
32.606 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100273 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.606 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.615 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532615v910
32.626 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100269 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.626 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.632 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 RTS/TSGS-0532632v920
32.636 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100274 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.636 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.646 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100275 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.646 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.656 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100276 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.656 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.696 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100277 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.696 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.716 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100278 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.716 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.746 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100279 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.746 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.756 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100280 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.756 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.762 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.766 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100281 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.766 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.776 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100282 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.776 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.782 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.786 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100283 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.786 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S5 -
32.827 Rel-10 10.1.0 - 2010‑06‑22 S5 -
32.828 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100287 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
32.829 Rel-10 1.0.0 SP-100288 2010‑06‑14 S5 -
33.106 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333106va00
33.107 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333107v910
33.107 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 -
33.108 Rel-8 8.11.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333108v8b0
33.108 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333108v930
33.108 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 -
33.203 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333203v940
33.203 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 -
33.210 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333210v910
33.220 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333220v930
33.221 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333221v910
33.222 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333222v910
33.234 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑22 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333234v920
33.310 Rel-8 8.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333310v840
33.310 Rel-9 9.3.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333310v930
33.310 Rel-10 10.0.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 -
33.320 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333320v921
33.320 Rel-9 9.2.1 Addition of Note in of CR history table to address wrong CR number in SP-100427 2010‑06‑22 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333320v921
33.328 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333328v920
33.401 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333401v940
33.402 Rel-9 9.4.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTS/TSGS-0333402v940
33.812 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑22 S3 -
33.828 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 -
33.919 Rel-9 9.1.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTR/TSGS-0333919v910
33.924 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑22 S3 RTR/TSGS-0333924v920
33.937 Rel-9 9.2.0 - 2010‑06‑18 S3 RTR/TSGS-0333937v920

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14

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