Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: S2

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where S2 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Building Block: Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic Phase 3 CAMEL3 R99
Building Block: Location Services LCS R99
Building Block: End-to-end QoS for PS Domain including IMS E2EQoS99 R99
Work task: General Packet Radio Service GPRS R99
Building Block: Speech Transcoder: Location and Control at the UMTS Core Network Border TrFO-STLC Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Global Text Telephony GTT Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Enable bearer independent CS architecture CSSPLIT Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Transcoder-Free Operation TrFO Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Presence Capability PRESNC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service MBMS Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Interoperability and Commonality between IMS using different IP-connectivity Networks IMSCOOP Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Study on Bandwidth and resource savings in CS networks BARS Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Study on Interworking aspects and migration scenarios for IPv4 based IMS Implementations IPv4IMS Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) PoC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Subscriber certificates SEC1-SC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Rel-6 Charging Management CH Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Supporting Globally Routable User Agent URIs in IMS GRUU Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Terminating Session handling CSIterm Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Access Class Barring and Overload Protection ACBOP Rel-7
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 ACBOP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhancement of E2E QoS QoS7 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: System enhancements for Fixed Broadband access to IMS FBI Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Stage 2 (IMS services using CS bearers) IRTSD-IMSCS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Location Services enhancements LCS3 Rel-7
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 for GPRS-level solution EMC1 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Support of SMS over generic 3GPP IP access SMSIP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Evolution of Policy Control and Charging PCC Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 for CSICS CSICS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: WLAN-UMTS Interworking Phase 2 WLAN2 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Combinational Services CSICS Rel-7
Work task: Stage 2 for LCS architecture for I-WLAN LCS3-IWLAN Rel-7
Building Block: SA1,SA2 part of Maintenance of TISPAN release 1 common IMS IMS_Comm_Mtce7 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Maintenance of TISPAN release 1 common IMS MCIMSTR1 Rel-7
Building Block: SA2 aspects of MCIMSTR1 MCIMSTR1-S2 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on Architecture of IMS based Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) FS_CAT-St2 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP2 Input to Common IMS CIMS_3GPP2 Rel-8
Building Block: CS Fallback in EPS SAES-CSFB Rel-8
Building Block: System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakout SAES-IMS_LBO Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Evaluation of LCS Control Plane Solution for EPS FS_LCS_EPS Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Maintenance of TISPAN documentation MAINTISP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for CS Fallback in EPS SAES-CSFB Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for Interoperation between LTE and legacy cellular PS accesses SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System ETWS Rel-8
Building Block: IMS Inter-working aspects in Support of Cable Regulatory requirements PktCbl-Intw Rel-8
Work task: Architecture aspects of PktCbl-Interwork PktCbl-Intw Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted (covered by 380068): Functions and procedures for SAE to support LCS SAES-SA-FP_LCS Rel-8
Building Block: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (SRVCC) SAES-SRVCC Rel-8
Building Block: SAE impacts on IMS SAES-SA_IMS Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted (covered by 380064): SAE aspects of Emergency Calls SAES-SA-EmCall Rel-8
Work task: SAES-SA-FP_LTE with GTP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP Rel-8
Work task: SAES-SA-FP_LTE with PMIP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for Host-based Mobility aspects SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-HBMob Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for Network-based Mobility aspects SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-NBMob Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 for MESSIW MESSIW Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on Multimedia Session Continuity FS_MMSC Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on Stage 2 aspects of IMS Service Brokering FS_ISB_ST2 Rel-8
Building Block: System enhancements for interconnection interfaces between two IMSs IMS_NNI Rel-8
Work task: Deleted (never approved) - Stage 2 of FBI for TISPAN R2 - Rel 8 FBI2-TISP2-s2 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS utilizing multicast bearer services FS_MLTICAST-IMS Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 1 and 2 defined in earlier Releases MIW-IMS Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on Service Continuity for Emergency Voice Calls FS_VCCEm Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Study on CS Domain Services over EPS access FS_CSoPS Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - Functions and procedures for SAE to support LTE MBMS SAES_Ph2 Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Study on Extended Support of IMS Emergency Calls FS_IMS-eCall Rel-9
Building Block: LCS Control Plane Solution for EPS LCS_EPS-CPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: MBMS support in EPS MBMS_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2 for MBMS support in EPS MBMS_EPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: System aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE LTEimp-Vocoder Rel-9
Building Block: SA2 system aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE LTEimp-Vocoder Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - SA2 part of 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS A5/4-GEA4 Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases PEST Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases PEST Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: IMS Service Continuity – Inter Device Transfer enhancements IMS_SC_eIDT Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity enhancements FS_eSRVCC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS FS_vSRVCC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on S2b Mobility based on GTP FS_SMOG Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service ePRIOR-St2 Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Extended H(e)NB features EHNBF Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 for SIPTO for macro networks SIPTO Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for Local IP Access LIPA Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 for Local IP Access LIPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Relays for LTE LTE_Relay Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS Evolution FS_eIMS Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Policy solutions and enhancements FS_PP Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on IPv6 Migration FS_IP6M Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Non Voice Emergency Services NOVES Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Service Awareness and Privacy Policies SAPP Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming VCSG Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 on SA2 part for System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications SIMTC Rel-11
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for SIMTC SIMTC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 on SRVCC for eMPS eMPS_SRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Network-provided Location information for IMS NWK-PL2IMS Rel-11
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Network-provided Location information for IMS NWK-PL2IMS Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) aspect of enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service eMPS_SRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Data Identification in ANDSF DIDA Rel-11
Building Block: BB1: Stage 2 Reachability Aspects of SIMTC SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - BB2: Stage 2 Signalling Optimizations of SIMTC SIMTC-Sig Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - BB3: Stage 2 CN-based requirements and Power Considerations of SIMTC SIMTC-CN_Pow Rel-11
Work task: MTC Addressing SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - MTC Monitoring (TS 22.368, 7.2.8) SIMTC-CN_Pow Rel-11
Work task: Identifiers – especially removal of MSISDN dependencies in the architecture SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Work task: MSISDN-less / PS-Only SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Non Voice Emergency Services (Support of IMS Emergency Sessions with Other Media on UTRAN and E-UTRAN) NOVES-IMSESOM Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC SaMOG_WLAN Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC eSaMOG Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Optimized Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP-RAT Mobility WORM Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case NETLOC_TWAN Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC eSaMOG-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Optimized Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP-RAT Mobility WORM-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case NETLOC_TWAN-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB5: Policy and Charging Control for supporting Layer 2 traffic in fixed broadband access network (P4C-FL2) P4C-FL2 Rel-12
Work task: TR on Stage 2 BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements MTCe-SDDTE Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB6: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UEs connected to fixed broadband access networks via S2a reference point for EPC routed traffic in convergence (P4C-TC) P4C-TC Rel-12
Work task: TR on Stage 2 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F) P4C-F-SA2TR Rel-12
Work task: TR on Stage 2 for BB2: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UEs connected to BroadBand Forum access network as Trusted network in Interworking scenario (P4C-TI) P4C-TI-SA2TR Rel-12
Work task: TR on Stage 2 BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) MTCe-UEPCOP Rel-12
Work task: Stage 2 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements MTCe-SDDTE Rel-12
Work task: Stage 2 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F) P4C-F-SA2 Rel-12
Work task: Stage 2 for BB2: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UEs connected to BroadBand Forum access network as Trusted network in Interworking scenario (P4C-TI) P4C-TI-SA2 Rel-12
Work task: Stage 2 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) MTCe-UEPCOP Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB2: Monitoring Enhancements (MONTE) MTCe-MONTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Usage Monitoring Control PCC enhancement UMONC Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Usage Monitoring Control PCC enhancement UMONC Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection OPIIS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2) FS_IMS_P2P_CDS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Core Network Overload solutions FS_CNO Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Interworking between Mobile Operators using the Evolved Packet System and Data Application Providers MOSAP Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET Rel-12
Building Block: Study on Core Network Overload solutions (Phase 1) FS_CNO Rel-12
Building Block: SA2 part of Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2) FS_IMS_P2P_CDS Rel-12
Building Block: Study on Core Network Overload solutions (Phase 2) FS_CNO Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on System Enhancements for Energy Efficiency FS_SEEE Rel-12
Work task: Deleted - Stage 2 for stand-alone L-GW and associated Mobility for LIPA and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-LIPA-del1 Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-SA3 Rel-12
Building Block: SA2 Study on Architecture Enhancements at the EPS and IMS Level to Support MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety IOPS Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 of Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 1 SEW1 Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption eDRX Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted: SA2 aspects for MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Building Block: SA2 part of Study on Usage Monitoring Control PCC Enhancement FS_UMONC_sas Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Usage Monitoring Enhancements for Service, Application and Subscriber Group FS_UMONC_sas Rel-13
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for User Plane Congestion management UPCON-SA2TR Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for User Plane Congestion management UPCON-SA2Del Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: User Plane Congestion management UPCON Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Phase 1 of the Support of Emergency services over WLAN FS_SEW Rel-13
Building Block: TR for SRVCC Enhancements for Transcoding Avoidance SETA-SA2TR Rel-13
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - Extensions eProSe-Ext-SA2TR Rel-13
Building Block: TR for Dedicated Core Networks DECOR Rel-13
Building Block: TR for IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces NBIFOM-SA2TR Rel-13
Building Block: TR for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability Exposure AESE Rel-13
Building Block: TR for Monitoring Enhancements MONTE Rel-13
Building Block: TR for Group based Enhancements GROUPE Rel-13
Building Block: TR for Enhanced CS Fallback (CSFB) eCSFB Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Double Resource Reuse for Multiple Media Sessions DRuMS-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability eWebRTCi Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared Networks CSPS_Coord-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: BB1: RAN Downlink Traffic Differentiation, Congestion Detection and Reporting UPCON-DOTCON Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - BB2: Application and Content Prioritization UPCON-CONDEL Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - BB3: Uplink traffic and attended/unattended traffic UPCON-TRAFDEL Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Proximity-based Services eProSe Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - Extensions eProSe-Ext-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Specification for the Le interface LCS1-Le Rel-5
Building Block: Event Based and Periodic LCS LCS1-EBP Rel-5
Building Block: New security aspects of LCS LCS1-SEC Rel-5
Work task: System Architecture Enhancements for TV service AE_enTV Rel-14
Building Block: Stage 2 of Extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things CIoT_Ext Rel-14
Work task: Study on System Architecture Enhancements to eMBMS for TV Video Service FS_AE_enTV Rel-14
Building Block: Non-IP for Cellular IoT for EC-EGPRS NonIP_GPRS Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 2 SEW2 Rel-14
Building Block: Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks selection mechanism eDecor Rel-14
Building Block: Control and User Plane Separation of EPC nodes CUPS Rel-14
Building Block: Architecture enhancements for LTE support of V2X services V2XARC Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Group based enhancements in the network capability exposure functions GENCEF Rel-14
Building Block: Group based enhancements in the network capability exposure functions GENCEF Rel-14
Building Block: S8 Home Routing Architecture for VoLTE V8 Rel-14
Building Block: Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 2 SEW2 Rel-14
Building Block: Improvements of awareness of user location change AULC Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Service Domain Centralization SeDoC Rel-14
Building Block: Sponsored data connectivity improvements SDCI Rel-14
Building Block: Stage 2 of EWE EWE Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Service Domain Centralization FS_SeDoC Rel-14
Building Block: Study on sponsored data connectivity improvements FS_SDCI Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhancements to eMBMS for TV Video Service FS_AE_enTV Rel-14
Building Block: Study on group based enhancements in the network capability exposure functions FS_GENCEF Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Robust Call Setup for VoLTE subscriber in LTE FS_RobVoLTE Rel-14
Work task: Study on Stage 2 of LTE support for V2X services FS_V2XARC Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: SA2 aspects on Study on Architecture and Security for next Generation System FS_NextGen Rel-14
Building Block: Stage 2 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS EIEI Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLAN FS_SEW2 Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: T-ADS supporting WLAN Access TADS_WLAN Rel-14
Building Block: Stage 2 of Enhancement to Flexible Mobile Service Steering eFMSS Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 of PS Data off function FS_PS_DATA_OFF Rel-14
Building Block: Study on extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things FS_CIoT_Ext Rel-14
Building Block: Study on improvement of awareness of user location change FS_AULC Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks selection mechanism FS_eDecor Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Control and User Plane Separation of EPC nodes FS_CUPS Rel-14
Building Block: Study on S8 Home Routing Architecture FS_V8 Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Usage Monitoring Control PCC Extension eUMONC Rel-13
Building Block: Flexible Mobile Service Steering TR Phase FMSS-SA2TR Rel-13
Building Block: Flexible Mobile Service Steering - Stage 2 FMSS-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Study on Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption Optimization FS_eDRX Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Enhancements MBMS_enh Rel-13
Building Block: MBMS Enhancements TR Phase FS_MBMS_enh_TR Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted (not approved) - MBMS Enhancements - Stage 2 MBMS_enh_TS Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 of Usage Monitoring Control PCC Extension eUMONC-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for SRVCC Enhancements for Transcoding Avoidance SETA-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Study on Complementary Features for Voice services over WLAN FS_VoWLAN Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety FS_IOPS_LB Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Flexible Mobile Service Steering FMSS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: SRVCC Enhancements for Transcoding Avoidance SETA Rel-13
Building Block: Study on Optimizations to support High Latency communications FS_HLcom Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation voE_UTRAN_PPD-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Dedicated Core Networks DECOR Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces NBIFOM-SA2 Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability Exposure AESE Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Monitoring Enhancements MONTE Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Group based Enhancements GROUPE Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for Enhanced CS Fallback (CSFB) eCSFB Rel-13
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability eWebRTCi Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation voE_UTRAN_PPD Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Dedicated Core Networks DECOR Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces NBIFOM Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Architecture Enhancements for Service capability Exposure AESE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Monitoring Enhancements MONTE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Group based Enhancements GROUPE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced CS Fallback (CSFB) eCSFB Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Double Resource Reuse for Multiple Media Sessions DRuMS Rel-13
Building Block: Interactions OSA - e-commerce OSA1-ECOM Rel-5
Building Block: IMS Charging OAM-CH Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Handling of early Ues LATE_UE Rel-5
Building Block: Modification of core network protocols for GERAN Inter BSC NACC over Gb Interface GERNACC-Cnmod Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: End to End QoS for PS Domain including IMS E2EQoS Rel-5
Building Block: GERAN Header adaptation GERIMS-HEADAPT Rel-5
Building Block: Deleted - GERAN Radio access bearer design for IMS GERIMS-RABDES Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes IUFLEX Rel-5
Building Block: OSA APIs for Multimedia Call Control OSA1-CSCF Rel-5
Building Block: Retrieval of Terminal capabilities OSA2-TC Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Rel-5 Location Services enhancements LCS1 Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services IMS Rel-5
Building Block: Call control and roaming to support IMS in UMTS IMS-CCR Rel-5
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared Networks CSPS_Coord-SA2TR Rel-13
Work task: Stage 2 for RAN Downlink Traffic Differentiation, Congestion Detection and Reporting UPCON-DOTCON-SA2 Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability eWebRTCi Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared Networks CSPS_Coord Rel-13
Building Block: Robust Call Setup for VoLTE subscriber in LTE RobVoLTE Rel-14
Building Block: Service Domain Centralization SeDoC Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on architecture enhancements for Public Safety FS_IOPS_St2 Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for IMS Registration Control IMS_RegCon-del2 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Web Real Time Communication access to IMS IMS_WebRTC Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Proximity-based Services ProSe-SA2TR Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Proximity-based Services ProSe-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for Security aspects of Public Warning System PWS_Sec-del3 Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI-SA2TR Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Short Message Service (SMS) submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for MOSAP MOSAP-SA2TR Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for MOSAP MOSAP-SA2Del Rel-12
Building Block: BB1: SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-SIPTO Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB2: Stand-alone L-GW and associated Mobility for LIPA and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-LIPA Rel-12
Work task: Stage 2 for SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-SIPTO-SA2 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection OPIIS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC FS_SaMOG Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection OPIIS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Multi Access PDN connectivity and IP flow Mobility FS_MAPIM Rel-12
Building Block: SA2 part of Study on Multi Access PDN connectivity and IP flow Mobility FS_MAPIM Rel-12
Building Block: Optimizations to Support High Latency Communications HLcom Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Optimizations to Support High Latency Communications HLcom Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on architecture enhancements of cellular systems for ultra low complexity and low throughput Internet of Things FS_AE_CIoT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON LTE_HRPD_SON Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Web Real Time Communication access to IMS IMS_WebRTC Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Web Real Time Communication access to IMS IMS_WebRTC Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Dual Radio VCC enhancements eDRVCC Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Application Based Charging ABC-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 of PS Data Off PS_DATA_OFF Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Policy and Charging Control for supporting fixed broadband access networks P4C Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: IMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of Operation BusTI Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals WLAN_NS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - IMS Registration Control IMS_RegCon Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Architecture enhancements to support Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Application Based Charging ABC Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON LTE_HRPD_SON Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvement CNO_ULI Rel-12
Building Block: MBMS Enhancements MBMS_enh_St2 Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption eDRX Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 SEW1 Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvement CNO_ULI-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: BB2: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UEs connected to BroadBand Forum access network as Trusted network in Interworking scenario (P4C-TI) P4C-TI Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for IMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of Operation BusTI-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals WLAN_NS-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB3: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UEs connected to fixed broadband access network via S2b and S2c reference points for EPC routed traffic (P4C-S2bc) P4C-S2bc Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB4: Group based MTC feature (GROUP) MTCe-GROUP Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - BB4: Policy and Charging Control for EPC routed traffic over fixed broadband access networks of 3GPP UEs connected via H(e)NB in convergent scenarios (P4C-HeNB) P4C-HeNB Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Optimized Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP-RAT Mobility FS_WORM Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Application Based Charging FS_ABC Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces FS_NBIFOM Rel-12
Work task: Deleted - MTC Feature Control (described in TS 22.368, clause 7.1.1 and 23.888, clause 5.7) SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - Effectively maintain connectivity for a large number of MTC Devices (TS 22.368, 7.1.1) SIMTC-Sig Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - Charging Requirements (TS 22.368, 7.1.5) SIMTC-CN_Pow Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN (Stage 2/3) SIRIG Rel-11
Work task: On-line device trigger SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - Small Data Transmissions (TS 22.368, 7.2.5) SIMTC-Sig Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - Lower Power Consumption (TS 22.368, 7.1.1) SIMTC-CN_Pow Rel-11
Building Block: SA2 aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-SA2 Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN SIRIG Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Gateway Core Network Sharing for GERAN Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: IMS Overload Control IOC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for IMS Overload Control IOC Rel-11
Building Block: BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements (SDDTE) MTCe-SDDTE Rel-12
Building Block: BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO (Non Seamless WLAN Offload) traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F) P4C-F Rel-12
Building Block: TR on IMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of Operation BusTI-SATR Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals WLAN_NS-SATR Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 2 for S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC SaMOG_WLAN Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout RAVEL Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout RAVEL Rel-11
Work task: MTC related interfaces and functional entities to support above features (MTCsp, etc.) SIMTC-Reach Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - TR on Stage 2 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 - IMS Inter-UE Transfer enhancements IMS_SC_eIDT Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: IP-Short-Message-Gateway enhancements for CPM-SMS Interworking CPM-SMS Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for CPM-SMS CPM-SMS Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload LIPA_SIPTO Rel-10
Building Block: TR on Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload LIPA_SIPTO Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for SIPTO for macro networks SIPTO Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload IFOM Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload IFOM Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA Rel-10
Building Block: TR on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Optimal Media Routing OMR Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on the Support of Emergency services over WLAN FS_SEW Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 of CIoT CIoT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on System enhancements for the use of IMS services in Local BreakOut and Optimal Routing of Media FS_IMS_LBO_ORM Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes FS_IDC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service eMPS Rel-10
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for RED RED Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA FS_rSRVCC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Support for BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking BBAI Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services FS_IMS_P2P Rel-11
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for BBAI BBAI Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 BB I: BBF interworking with home routed traffic for WLAN and H(e)NB BBAI Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 BB II: BBF interworking with offload in access network for WLAN and for H(e)NB BBAI_BBII-CTofldS2 Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS vSRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Service Awareness and Privacy Policies SAPP Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming VCSG Rel-11
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 aspects of Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming OSCAR Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming OSCAR Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Advanced IP Interconnection of Services IPXS Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS vSRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: SA2 part of Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC-S2 Rel-12
Building Block: TR on SRVCC for eMPS eMPS_SRVCC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits QoS_SSL Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming OSCAR Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Advanced IP Interconnection of Services IPXS Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications SIMTC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Network-provided Location information for IMS (NETLOC) NWK-PL2IMS Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBX FS_VINE Rel-11
Building Block: TR on Stage 2 for Data Identification in ANDSF DIDA Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN LOBSTER Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Full_MOCN-GERAN Rel-11
Building Block: Architecture aspects of EHNB EHNB Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: IMS Services Centralization and Continuity IMS_SCC Rel-9
Work task: Stage 2 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy and Interactions IMS_SCC-SPI Rel-9
Work task: Stage 2 for IMS Centralized Services IMS_SCC-ICS Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) support for IMS Emergency Calls IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2 for Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces MUPSAP Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2 for Access Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancements eANDSF Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces MUPSAP Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2 for Relays for LTE LTE_Relay Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: S2b Mobility based on GTP SMOG Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN LOBSTER Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits QoS_SSL Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout FS_RAVEL Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Data Identification in Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) DIDA Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 for Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN MOCN-GERAN Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for S2b Mobility based on GTP SMOG Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN MOCN-GERAN Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Full_MOCN-GERAN Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2 CIMS_3GPP2 CIMS_3GPP2 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Service Continuity IMS-Cont Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 IMS Service Continuity IMS-Cont Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for 2G/3G SRVCC SAES-SRVCC Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Mobility between 3GPP-WLAN Interworking and 3GPP Systems FS_SM3GWLAN Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - SA aspects of System Architecture Evolution SAES-SA Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for High level functions SAES-SA-HLF Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for LTE access SAES-LTE Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB continuation of Rel-9 eEHNB Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Multi Access PDN Connectivity MAPCON Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for Multi Access PDN Connectivity MAPCON Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: IMS System enhancements for corporate network access IMS_Corp Rel-8
Building Block: SA2 aspects of IMS_Corp IMS_Corp Rel-8
Work task: Deleted (already covered) SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Optimized Handover with CDMA SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-OptCDMA Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for Optimized Dual-Radio Handover with WiMAX SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-OptWIMAX Rel-8
Building Block: Voice Call Continuity for CDMA2000 1X SAES-VCC_1X Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for IMS_NNI IMS_NNI Rel-8
Building Block: High level and common (for all accesses) functions EPS-ComF Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for SAES-SA-FP_LTE with GTP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP-St2 Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for SAES-SA-FP_LTE with PMIP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF-St2 Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for Interoperation between LTE and 2G/3G EPSto2_3G Rel-8
Work task: Stage 2 for Interoperation between LTE and CDMA2000 EPStoC2k Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Centralized Service control ICSRA Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Enhancements for support of Packet Cable access PktCbl Rel-8
Building Block: IMS Enhancements for Cable Client Types and Deployment Models PktCbl-Deploy Rel-8
Work task: Architecture aspects of PktCbl-Deploy PktCbl-Deploy Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on enhancements to IMS border functions for IMS Interconnection of services FS_eIMS_IBCF Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - GTP-based S8 chaining GTPchaining Rel-10
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 for GTPchaining GTPchaining Rel-10
Building Block: IMS aspects of Architecture for Home NodeB EHNB-IMS Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for Optimal Media Routing OMR Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 on eMPS for CSFB ePRIOR-St2 Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 on eMPS for EPS Bearer Service ePRIOR-St2 Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 on eMPS for IMS Aspects ePRIOR-St2 Rel-10
Work task: Stage 2 GPRS enhancements for LTE access SAES-GPRS_LTE Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Service-Level Interworking for Messaging Services MESSIW Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - was Rel-7 - LCS for 3GPP Interworking WLAN LCS4_IWLAN Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses SAES-non_3GPP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - never approved- FBI Phase 2 FBI2 Rel-8
Building Block: Study on centralized IMS services control FS_IMS_CSC Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 of architecture for the 3GPP System Architecture Evolution SAES-St2 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) SAES Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution FS_SAE Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 Interim conclusion for RAN Work to start FS_SAE Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 study on 3GPP architectural development FS_SAE Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - Study on Stage 2 for One Tunnel solution OPTUNEL-Study Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 specification for One Tunnel solution OPTUNEL-Stage2 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 1/2 for Towards AGNSS Concept AGNSS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on applicability of GALILEO for LCS Galileo Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - IMS Local services IMSLocal Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Advanced Global Navigation Satellite System (AGNSS) concept LCS3-AGNSS Rel-7
Building Block: LCS for 3GPP Interworking WLAN LCS3-IWLAN Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Selective Disabling of UE Capabilities SDoUE Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB EHNB Rel-9
Work task: Stage 2 for LCS Control Plane Solution for EPS LCS_EPS-CPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - TR on GRUU GRUU Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 1,2 of GRUU GRUU Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: One Tunnel solution for optimization of Packet Data Traffic OPTUNEL Rel-7
Building Block: TISPAN Rel 1 related aspects FBI-TIS1 Rel-7
Building Block: PacketCable Related aspects FBI-PCBL Rel-7
Building Block: Deleted - TR on support of QoS on WLAN WLANQOS Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 on support of QoS over 3GPP/WLAN interworking WLANQOS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: CSI Terminating Session handling CSItermS Rel-7
Building Block: One Tunnel Deployment Guideline OPTUNEL-Guide Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Harmonization of Gq'/Rx for Common IMS IMS_Comm_GqRx_Harm Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - SAES Enhancements (non RAN aspects) SAES_Ph2 Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - CS over EPS SAES_Ph2 Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - SAE for generic support for non-3GPP accesses SAES_Ph2 Rel-9
Work task: Deleted - Single Radio Aspects of SAE for Optimized Handover with WiMAX SAES_Ph2 Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Identification of Communication Services in IMS ServID Rel-7
Work task: Stage 2 GPRS for EPC (23.060, etc.) SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Mobility between 3GPP-WLAN Interworking and 3GPP Systems IWLAN_Mob Rel-8
Building Block: End-to-end UMTS Quality of Service management QoS R99
Feature or Study Item: Transcoder_location Transcoder_location R99
Building Block: Virtual Home Environment VHE R99
Building Block: General Packet Radio Service enahancements GPRSenhancements R99
Building Block: LCS support in the CS domain LCS4-CS Rel-4
Building Block: LCS support in the PS domain LCS4-PS Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: IMS Emergency Session Enhancements IESE Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2 for IMS Emergency Session Enhancements IESE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: UMTS QoS Architecture for PS Domain QoSPS Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Rel-4 Evolutions of the transport in the CN CNTRSP Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Rel-4 Location Services enhancements LCS4 Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: IP Interconnection of Services IPinterc Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Speech Recognition and Speech Enabled Services SRSES Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 WLAN Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Network Sharing NTShar Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Circuit Switched Video and Voice Service Improvements CS_VSS Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: QoS Improvements QoS1 Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: IMS Phase 2 IMS2 Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Location Services enhancements 2 LCS2 Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Study on centralized IMS service control FS_ICS Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 for ICS Requirement and Architecture ICSRA-St2 Rel-8
Building Block: Documentation of TISPAN NGN R1 and R2 in 3GPP SA2 IMS_Comm_Doc Rel-8
Building Block: Maintenance of TISPAN release 2 common IMS IMS_Comm_Mtce8 Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 for Mobility between 3GPP-WLAN Interworking and 3GPP Systems IWLAN_Mob Rel-8
Building Block: SA2 aspects of ETWS ETWS Rel-8
Building Block: Overall architectural aspects of IP flow based bearer level charging CH-FBC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Access Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancements eANDSF Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy and Interactions IMS_SCC-SPI Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for IMS Centralized Services IMS_SCC-ICS Rel-9
Work task: SRVCC support for IMS Emergency Calls IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: LCS for LTE and EPS LCS_LTE_EPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: PS domain and IMS impacts for supporting IMS Emergency calls (EMC1) EMC1 Rel-7
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 for IMS-level solution EMC1 Rel-7
Building Block: Deleted - TR on different possible architectures SDoUE-FS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) VCC Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to support QoS provisioning over 3GPP/WLAN Interworking WLANQOS Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 for LCS3 (including IMS emergency location aspects) LCS3 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 on Session Continuity: covered by SAE WLAN2 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - VoIMS bearer related enhancements VoIMS Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 Specification Phase - IMS-level EMC1 Rel-7
Building Block: Deleted - Stage 2 Specification Phase - GPRS-level EMC1 Rel-7
Building Block: TR on ServID ServID Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 1,2 of ServID ServID Rel-7
Work task: Deleted - Study of work on an LCS architecture for I-WLAN. LCS3-IWLAN-FSs2 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: WLAN Interworking – Private Network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access WLANPNA Rel-7
Building Block: WLAN-PNA - Stage 2 WLANPNA-st2 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on IMS enhancements and optimizations for real time communication. IMS-RT Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - PS domain and IMS support for IMS Emergency sessions IMS-EMER Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 2 of VoWLAN VoWLAN Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G System - Phase 1 5GS_Ph1 Rel-15
Building Block: Study on eV2XARC FS_eV2XARC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on the Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture FS_5WWC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on encrypted traffic detection FS_ENTRADE Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 for PARLOS FS_PARLOS_SA2 Rel-16
Building Block: Study of enablers for Network Automation for 5G FS_eNA Rel-16
Building Block: Study on 5G_CIoT FS_CIoT_5G Rel-16
Building Block: Study on ETSUN FS_ETSUN Rel-16
Building Block: Study on ATSSS FS_ATSSS Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Enhancement to the 5GC Location Services FS_eLCS Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration FS_eIMS5G Rel-16
Building Block: Stopped - Study on EPC support for Mobility with Low Latency Communication FS_LLC_Mob Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture FS_eSBA Rel-16
Building Block: Study on enhancement of URLLC supporting in 5GC FS_5G_URLLC Rel-16
Building Block: Stopped - Study on enht of systems using EPS for UR and Availability using commodity equipment FS_EPS_URACE Rel-16
Building Block: Study for single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G FS_5G-SRVCC Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Enhancement of Network Slicing FS_eNS Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on Application Awareness Interworking between LTE and NR FS_AAI_LTE_NR Rel-16
Building Block: Study on RACS FS_RACS Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on supporting Flexible Local Area Data Network FS_FLADN Rel-16
Building Block: Study on 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services FS_Vertical_LAN Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services FS_NG_RTC Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of xBDT xBDT Rel-16
Building Block: Study on UDICOM FS_UDICoM Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of ETSUN ETSUN Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5WWC 5WWC Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G_CIoT 5G_CIoT Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G_eLCS 5G_eLCS Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of Vertical_LAN Vertical_LAN Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of eV2XARC eV2XARC Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G_URLLC 5G_URLLC Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of eNA eNA Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of ATSSS ATSSS Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G_eSBA 5G_eSBA Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of eNS eNS Rel-16
Building Block: Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G 5G_SRVCC Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of PARLOS PARLOS Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services Vertical_LAN Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of RACS RACS Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of eIMS5G_SBA eIMS5G_SBA Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of UDICOM UDICOM Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: S6b Optional for ePDG connected to 5GS 5GS_S6b_Optional Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: User data interworking, Coexistence and Migration UDICOM Rel-16
Building Block: Architecture enhancements for the support of Integrated access and backhaul (IAB) IABARC Rel-16
Work task: Stage 2 of IABARC IABARC Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 FS_eNS_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Stopped - Study on MPS2, Stage 2 FS_MPS2_St2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced support of Industrial IoT FS_IIoT Rel-17
Building Block: Study on V2X services – Phase 2 FS_eV2XARC_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Study on ATSSS_Ph2 FS_ATSSS_Ph2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: 5G System Enhancement for Advanced Interactive Services 5G_AIS Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on the Usage of User Identifiers in the 5G System FS_UUI5 Rel-17
Building Block: Study on Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - phase 2 FS_eNA_Ph2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 2 FS_eLCS_ph2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced support of Non-Public Networks FS_eNPN Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on enhancement of support for 5G LAN-type service FS_5GLAN_enh Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_SPSFAS TEI17_SPSFAS Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_SE_RPS TEI17_SE_RPS Rel-17
Building Block: IMS Optimization for HSS Group ID in an SBA environment TEI17_IMSGID Rel-17
Building Block: N7/N40 Interfaces Enhancements to Support GERAN and UTRAN TEI17_NIESGU Rel-17
Building Block: Support of different slices over different Non 3GPP access TEI17_N3SLICE Rel-17
Building Block: Dynamic management of group-based event monitoring TEI17_GroupEventMont Rel-17
Building Block: IP address pool information from UDM TEI17_IPU Rel-17
Building Block: Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC TEI17_DCAMP Rel-17
Building Block: Support for Signed Attestation for Priority and Emergency Sessions TEI17_SAPES Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G_eLCS_ph2 5G_eLCS_ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of MPS2 MPS2 Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_IMSGID TEI17_IMSGID Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_SAPES TEI17_SAPES Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_DCAMP TEI17_DCAMP Rel-17
Building Block: IP address pool information from UDM TEI17_IPU Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_GEM TEI17_GEM Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_N3SLICE TEI17_N3SLICE Rel-17
Work task: Stage 2 for TEI17_NIESGU TEI17_NIESGU Rel-17
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture 5GSAT_ARCH Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Supporting Flexible Local Area Data Network FLADN Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of RDSSI RDSSI Rel-17
Building Block: Study on Architectural enhancements for 5MBS FS_5MBS Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on service-based support for SMS in 5GC FS_SB_SMS Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5GC FS_enh_EC Rel-17
Building Block: Study on System enhancement for Proximity based Services in 5GS FS_5G_ProSe Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on UPF enhancement for control and SBA FS_UPCAS Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on supporting Uncrewed Aerial Systems Connectivity, Identification, and Tracking FS_ID_UAS_SA2 Rel-17
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 (System Enablers) for MUSIM FS_MUSIM Rel-17
Building Block: Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices ARCH_NR_REDCAP Rel-17
Building Block: Architecture support for NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Rel-17
Building Block: IMS Optimization for HSS Group ID in an SBA environment (St. 2) TEI17_IMSGID Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of MINT MINT Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eV2XARC_Ph2 eV2XARC_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 for Proximity based Services in 5GS 5G_ProSe Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 for IIoT IIoT Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 for 5MBS 5MBS Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eNA_Ph2 eNA_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 for Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 eNS_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of ATSSS_Ph2 ATSSS_Ph2 Rel-17
Building Block: System enablers for Multi-USIM devices MUSIM Rel-17
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Support of Uncrewed Aerial Systems Connectivity, Identification, and Tracking ID_UAS Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 for eNPN eNPN Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eEDGE_5GC eEDGE_5GC Rel-17
Building Block: Study on architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G FS_5GSAT_ARCH Rel-17
Building Block: Study on Phase 2 of UAS, UAV and UAM FS_UAS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on System Enabler for Service Function Chaining FS_SFC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of MPS_WLAN MPS_WLAN Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Extensions to the TSC Framework to support Deterministic Networking (DetNet) FS_DetNet Rel-18
Building Block: Study on 5G Timing Resiliency and TSC&URLLC enhancements FS_5TRS_URLLC Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on RedCap Phase 2 FS_REDCAP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Architecture Enhancements for Vehicle Mounted Relays FS_VMR Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 3 FS_eLCS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 of Edge Computing phase 2 FS_EDGE_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Support of Satellite Backhauling in 5GS FS_5GSATB Rel-18
Building Block: Study on generic group management, exposure and communication enhancements FS_GMEC Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on the support for 5WWC, Phase 3 FS_5WWC_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 3 FS_eNS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on 5G AM Policy FS_AMP Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Personal IoT Networks FS_PIN Rel-18
Building Block: Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services FS_NG_RTC Rel-18
Building Block: Study on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 FS_5MBS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on architecture enhancement for XR and media services FS_XRM Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Ranging based services and sidelink positioning FS_Ranging_SL Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture; Phase 3 FS_ATSSS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on 5G System Support for AI/ML-based Services FS_AIMLsys Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement of 5G UE Policy FS_eUEPO_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - phase 3 FS_eNA_Ph3 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5GC enhancement for satellite access Phase 2 FS_5GSAT_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on enhanced support of Non-Public Networks phase 2 FS_eNPN_Ph2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA FS_UPEAS Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Stage 2 for Proximity based Services Phase 2 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Seamless UE context recovery FS_SUECR Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Proximity based Services Phase 2 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Edge Computing phase 2 FS_EDGE_Ph2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement of 5G UE Policy FS_eUEPO Rel-18
Building Block: Study on the support for 5WWC Phase 2 FS_5WWC_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) MBS support for V2X services TEI18_MBS4V2X Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of TEI18_SLAMUP TEI18_SLAMUP Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of TEI18_MLR TEI18_MLR Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of TEI18_ADEE TEI18_ADEE Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of TEI18_IPv6PD TEI18_IPv6PD Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Secondary DN Authentication and authorization in EPC IWK cases TEI18_SDNAEPC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of TEI18_DCAMP_Ph2 TEI18_DCAMP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5WWC_Ph2 5WWC_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Extensions to the TSC Framework to support DetNet DetNet Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G System Enabler for Service Function Chaining SFC Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) NR RedCap UE with long eDRX for RRC_INACTIVE State NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services NG_RTC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Non-Public Networks Phase 2 eNPN_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: (stage 2 of) Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5G AM Policy AMP Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5GSATB 5GSATB Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of UPEAS UPEAS Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Seamless UE context recovery SUECR Rel-18
Building Block: (stage 2 of) 5GC LoCation Services - Phase 3 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Network Slicing Phase 3 eNS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of ATSSS_Ph3 ATSSS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Timing Resiliency and URLLC enhancements TRS_URLLC Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Enhancement of 5G UE Policy eUEPO Rel-18
Building Block: (stage 2 of) Edge Computing Phase 2 EDGE_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of eNSAC eNSAC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of GMEC GMEC Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Personal IoT Networks PIN Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of UAS Ph2) Further Architecture Enhancement for UAV and UAM UAS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of 5MBS_Ph2) Architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 5MBS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of 5GSAT_Ph2) 5GC/EPC enhancement for satellite access Phase 2 5GSAT_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Ranging_SL Ranging_SL Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 for XRM) Architecture Enhancements for XR (Extended Reality) and media service XRM Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Network Slicing Phase 3 eNS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 for VMR) Architecture Enhancements for Vehicle Mounted Relays VMR Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 for AIML) System Support for AI/ML-based Services AIMLsys Rel-18
Building Block: (stage 2 of eNA_Ph3) Enablers for Network Automation for 5G phase 3 eNA_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving FS_EnergySys Rel-19
Building Block: Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services phase 2 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Study on MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services FS_MPS4msg Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 FS_XRM_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data TEI19_OBGAD Rel-19
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Indirect Network Sharing TEI19_NetShare Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Minimize the Number of Policy Associations TEI19_MINPA Rel-19
Building Block: Architecture support of roaming value-added services TEI19_RVAS Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Spending Limits for UE Policies in Roaming scenario TEI19_SLUPiR Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Enhancing Parameter Provisioning with static UE IP address and UP security policy TEI19_IP_SP_EXP Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of ProSe support in NPN TEI19_ProSe_NPN Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Multiple Location Procedure for Emergency LCS Routing TEI19_MLR4RTR Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Roaming traffic offloading via session breakout in HPLMN TEI19_HSBO Rel-19
Building Block: Deferred 5GC-MT-LR Procedure for Periodic Location Events based NRPPa Periodic Measurement Reports TEI19_DLPMR Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of QoS monitoring enhancement TEI19_QME Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Providing per-subscriber VLAN instructions from UDM and DN-AAA TEI19_VLANSUB Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of NF discovery and selection by target PLMN TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN Rel-19
Building Block: Study on User Identities and Authentication Architecture FS_UIA_ARC Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 FS_VMR_Ph2 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) FS_AIML_CN Rel-19
Building Block: Study on (Stage 2 of) Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM FS_UAS_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Multi-Access (DualSteer and ATSSS_Ph4) FS_MASSS Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Architecture support of Ambient power-enabled Internet of Things FS_AmbientIoT Rel-19
Building Block: Study on System aspects of 5G NR Femto FS_5G_Femto Rel-19
Building Block: Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 FS_UPEAS_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: (WA) Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving EnergySys Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Minimize the Number of Policy Associations TEI19_MINPA Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Enhancing Parameter Provisioning with static UE IP address and UP security policy TEI19_IP_SP_EXP Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Providing per-subscriber VLAN instructions from UDM and DN-AAA TEI19_VLANSUB Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG UIA_ARC Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 NG_RTC_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 5GSAT_Ph3-ARC Rel-19
Building Block: System aspects of 5G NR Femto 5G_Femto Rel-19
Building Block: (stage 2 of) MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services MPS4msg Rel-19
Building Block: Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 VMR_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 XRM_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) AIML_CN Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Multi-Access (ATSSS_Ph4) MASSS Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 UPEAS_Ph2 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) UAS, UAV and UAM Phase 3 UAS_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Multi-Access (ATSSS_Ph4) MASSS Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 NG_RTC_Ph2 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: NF discovery and selection by target PLMN TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data TEI19_OBGAD Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: ProSe support in NPN TEI19_ProSe_NPN Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: QoS monitoring enhancement TEI19_QME Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Spending Limits for UE Policies in Roaming scenario TEI19_SLUPiR Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG UIA_ARC Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 UPEAS_Ph2 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 VMR_Ph2 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service TEI19_MVOSNS Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: ATSSS Rule Provisioning via 3GPP access connected to EPC TEI19_ARP3E Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Network Controlled Network Slice Selection TEI19_SliceSel Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: PRU Usage Extension supported by Core Network TEI19_PRUE Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Deferred 5GC-MT-LR Procedure for Periodic Location Events based NRPPa Periodic Measurement Reports TEI19_DLPMR Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: 5G NR Femto 5G_Femto Rel-19
Building Block: Deleted - GERAN GERAN R99
Building Block: Open Service Access OSA R99
Building Block: Stage 2 of eVoLP eVoLP Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of INOBEAR INOBEAR Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of USOS USOS Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: EPC support for E-UTRAN Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication EPS_URLLC Rel-15
Work task: S2 aspects of FS_eVoLP FS_eVoLP Rel-15
Building Block: Study on architecture enhancements to ProSe UE-to-Network Relay FS_REAR Rel-15
Building Block: Study on unlicensed spectrum offloading system enhancements FS_USOS Rel-15
Building Block: Stopped - Study on Stage 2 of LTE_LIGHT_CON FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of PS Data Off Phase 2 PS_DATA_OFF2 Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of NAPS NAPS Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of ProSe_WLAN_DD ProSe_WLAN_DD_Stage2 Rel-15
Building Block: SA2 aspects of EDCE5 EDCE5 Rel-15

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14