The 5G Standard

Specifications not yet available

The Specs listed below are not yet available following the most recent round of TSG meetings:

Spec Title Event Vers WG
38.133 NR; Requirements for support of radio resource management RAN#104 16.20.0 RAN4
38.133 NR; Requirements for support of radio resource management RAN#104 17.14.0 RAN4
33.929-1 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for IMS based services SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-2 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for IMS based STIR/SHAKEN SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-3 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for messaging services SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-4 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for data in 5G core SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-5 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for ID association caching SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-6 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for IMS based RCS SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-7 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI location acquisition capabilities SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-8 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for MMS SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3
33.929-9 Lawful Interception (LI) implementation guidance; LI for PTC SA3#94-LI 0.0.1 SA3

Number of Specs not yet available: 11