Four Generations of Mobile Standards

MCC Task Forces


MCC Task Forces (TFs) are teams of highly skilled experts, brought together to perform specific technical work under the direction of the Partnership.

Similar to STFs, ETSI hosts TFs on behalf of the Partners. At present there is one active 3GPP MCC Task Force - MCC TF160.

MCC TF160 - 3GPP TTCN Test Suites for UE conformance testing


Terms of Reference

The TF160 ToR for calendar year 2024 were approved in RP-232715 at 3GPP TSG RAN#102 Plenary, in Edinburgh, Scotland on 11th – 15th December 2023.


The MCC TF160 was setup in June 2000 and is under the responsibility of 3GPP TSG RAN WG 5 (RAN5) for the development, maintenance and deliveries of TTCN Test Suites. MCC TF160 is the 3GPP TTCN expertise pool for TSG RAN, as well as for TSG CT and TSG SA for some features (e.g. NAS, IMS, MCX). The task force (TF) consists of skilled protocol / TTCN experts coming from various companies of the 3GPP partners.

To date, the following conformance test cases have been developed in TTCN and are being maintained:

  5G: 1370 FR1 & FR2 tests (NR/5GC, EN-DC & NE-DC),
  LTE: 2220 LTE FDD & TDD tests (E-UTRA/EPC, NB-IoT),
  UMTS: 1700 UTRA FDD & LCR TDD tests (Radio Access & NAS),
  Positioning: 225 tests,
  IMS: 325 tests,
  Mission Critical (MCX): 150 tests.

The majority of those tests have been verified/approved and made available to the industry for User Equipment (UE) conformance testing and certification purposes.

See also

Newsletter article: Ensuring device compliance to standards, By Olivier Genoud, Task Force 160 (TF160) Leader (March 2021).

TF160 Experts

NameSupporting Company
Olivier Genoud  - TF160 LeaderETSI
Virginie BardauxAnritsu
Marija BuisAdare
Parikshit BhiseRohde&Schwarz
Olaf BergengruenAdare
Xiaozhong ChenTDIA (CATT)
Yufei WangTDIA
Ting GaoTDIA (StarPoint)
Carlos Arroyo NarvaezAdare
Mohammed Abdul RasheedMotorola Mobility
Lidia SalmeronQualcomm
Hellen SaundersKeysight
Wolfgang SekaAnritsu
Sheila VazquezRohde&Schwarz
Thomas WackerAdare
Erich WeberRohde&Schwarz
Yang LiuTDIA (HiSilicon)
Francisca RodriguezAdare
Zhaobing YangTDIA (HiSilicon)
Juan Garcia MartinRohde&Schwarz