Four Generations of Mobile Standards

TSG SA – Service and System Aspects


3GPP TSG Service and System Aspects (SA) is responsible for the overall architecture and service capabilities of systems based on 3GPP specifications. Consequently, 3GPP TSG SA is responsible for the cross 3GPP TSG co-ordination.

SA is responsible for the technical co-ordination of the specification work done in the following Working Groups:

  • SA WG1 – Services
  • SA WG2 – System Architecture and Services
  • SA WG3 – Security and Privacy
  • SA WG4 – Multimedia Codecs, Systems and Services
  • SA WG5 – Management, Orchestration and Charging
  • SA WG6 – Application Enablement & Critical Communication Applications.

SA is currently responsible for the following areas of work:

      • Overall development, coordination and evolution of 5G and LTE technologies;
      • Overall coordination between 3GPP TSGs and 3GPP SA WGs;
      • Service and feature requirements (stage 1 development);
      • Architecture of the 3GPP Core Network and the overall 3GPP system;
      • Security and privacy of the 3GPP system;
      • Codecs and their transport;
      • Multicast/broadcast streaming and real-time communication;
      • Management and orchestration of 3GPP system components;
      • Charging;
      • Enablers for vertical applications and general 3GPP services.

The above list is not exhaustive. For more information readers should look into the respective SA Working Groups Terms of Reference.

Terms of reference

The latest terms of reference were approved at OP_47 doument 3GPP/OP#47(22)11.

TSG SA Groups

Services and System Aspects