The 5G Standard

TSG SA WG5#150 Elections - 21 to 25 August 2023


<<NEW 2023-08-18>> SA5#150 voting list

Elections for the position of a Chair and 2 Vice Chairs of TSG SA WG5 will be held during SA5#150 in Goteborg (SE), from 21 to 25 August 2023 via the new 3GPP voting application tool 

 Please find below the list of candidatures received: 

Name Company / Partner
Mr. Anatoly Andrianov Nokia Germany / ETSI
Ms. Lan Zou HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd / CCSA

Vice Chairmanship

Name Company / Partner
Mr. Gerald GÖRMER MATRIXX Software / ETSI 
Mr. Thomas Tovinger Ericsson LM / ETSI
Mr. Anatoly Andrianov Nokia Germany / ETSI

Click here for Election results. 

NOTE: The inclusion of the name of the Organizational Partner to which the Individual Member belongs does not necessarily imply that the OP endorses the candidature.